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KasimInfo Site Blog
Blog 151 (09/18/07 - 10/02/07)
Please note that, as time goes by, some of these external links may no longer work - sorry!
If you don't know what a Blog is click here
Tuesday 2nd October 2007
New interview online
14.00 - has a recent interview with Kasim Sulton online here. It's quite a detailed interview as he discusses all aspects of his career but especially about playing with Meat Loaf.
The interview is titled "Interview: Kasim Sulton Talks About Hitting the Road" and is by Tina Mrazik.
One nice quote from the interview is "I guess every artist wants the same things most people want... to be loved, respected, admired, understood ... I'd like for people to get a certain amount of joy when listening to my music. To have it evoke some memory ... to have it touch an emotion. To relate to what I'm saying and think; "I've felt that too, I know what he's talking about."".
Many thanks to the kind person who forwarded this link.
Kasim Sulton on the radio tomorrow!!!
13.30 - Kasim Sulton will be interviewed live on Deaconlight at tomorrow (Wednesday 3rd October) at 2.00pm EST (11.00am PST)! is free Internet radio. More info is at available at and the chat room is available at Deaconlight’s playlists are at
Kasim is one of several guests on Deaconlight’s eight-day Todd-A-Thon which ends on Friday. The goal of the Todd-A-Thon is to raise awareness of Bill Bricker’s campaign to get a full page ad in the final 40th anniversary edition of Rolling Stone to celebrate forty years of Todd Rundgren’s musical career. Everyone who contributes at least $5 gets their name in the ad. The fastest way is to go to PayPal and send contributions to The deadline to contribute is this coming Friday (5th October). More info on Bill Bricker’s campaign (including gifts for additional contribution levels) is at
Kasim will be chatting about all aspects of his career including his solo career as well as about working with Todd Rundgren, The New Cars, Utopia and Meat Loaf, plus several of his solo songs will be played.

Kasim Sulton in Las Vegas, NV
01.15 - The set list and some comments by fans have been added to the Las Vegas, NV page of the Todd Rundgren 2007 Tour section of or click here for the direct link.
Monday 1st October 2007
Todd Rundgren 2007 Total Tour Map
15.45 - From Friday 7th September Saturday 22nd September Kasim Sulton played 11 concerts on the Todd Rundgren 2007 Tour. The tour consisted of 6 concerts in California, 2 in Nevada, 2 in Oregon and one in Washington (although not in that order).
Venue to venue the tour will have covered a minimum of 4,506 miles (estimated) plus Kasim Sulton will have traveled to and from the East Coast.
Below is a map which shows the route that the tour took from first venue to last:

A Tour Analysis will be added to soon.
Photos of Kasim with The New Cars
01.15 - The Moondance Jam website has about 120 photos of The New Cars set on Friday 13th July in Walker, MN. Click here to view the photos.
Direct links to the best photos of Kasim Sulton are:
Full-length shot
Kasim with Todd
Kasim looking serious
Kasim with a smile
Kasim's black KSulton Bass
Backstage - signing guitars
Another serious shot
Kasim at the center microphone.

Kasim Sulton October 2007 Calendar
Click here to download a copy to print
(Larger than calendar above)
Saturday 29th September 2007
Kasim's solo gigs
10.45 - Kasim Sulton has postponed the solo gigs that he planned to play in December to late January / February 2008 so that he can put on a totally new performance for us all!
Tickets for the canceled 3rd August gig at The Tin Angel in Philadelphia, PA will still be valid for the new date.
Wednesday 26th September 2007
Kasim video on
01.15 - Kasim Sulton has added a new video to here. It starts in Lake Tahoe and continues into Los Angeles on his recent Todd Rundgren 2007 Tour.
Many thanks to Karen Jones for forwarding this link.
Saturday 22nd September 2007
Tonight Kasim Sulton plays the 11th and final gig of The Todd Rundgren 2007 Tour! The concert tonight is at The House Of Blues in West Hollywood, (Los Angeles), CA.
Kasim Sulton at The House Of Blues, Los Angeles
10.45 - Tonight Kasim Sulton plays the 11th and final concert of the Todd Rundgren 2007 Tour. The concert is at the House Of Blues in West Hollywood, CA. This was the venue where The New Cars held their important press conference (and a mini set) on the morning of Tuesday 14th March 2006. Kasim also played at this venue with Todd Rundgren on the Power Trio Tour in 2000.
The address of the venue is 8430 Sunset Blvd., West Hollywood, CA 90069 and the concert starts at 8.00pm. Click here for Day Of Show tickets at $30. This venue is on 3 levels and has a 30' x 20' foot stage, plus the new art sound system is the same set-up that The Rolling Stones used on their last tour!

Todd Rundgren 2007 Tour Map
07.00 - Tonight Kasim Sulton plays the 11th and final concert of the Todd Rundgren 2007 Tour. The concert is at the House Of Blues in West Hollywood, CA.
Crystal Bay, NV to West Hollywood, CA is 458 miles almost due south which will take over 7 hours by road. Alternatively a direct flight will cost about $130 (coach) and would take 90 minutes.
Todd Rundgren 2007 Tour Mileage by road to date venue to venue (estimated) - 4,506 miles.
A Total Tour Map will be added to tomorrow.

Friday 21st September 2007
Tonight Kasim Sulton plays the 10th gig of The Todd Rundgren 2007 Tour! The concert tonight is at the Crystal Bay Casino in Crystal Bay (Lake Tahoe), NV.
Kasim Sulton in Crystal Bay, NV
17.30 - Tonight Kasim Sulton plays the 10th concert of the 11 date Todd Rundgren 2007 Tour. The concert is at the Crystal Bay Casino in Crystal Bay (Lake Tahoe), NV.
Click here to view the venue website (not recommended at work due to the sound!). The address is 14 State Highway 28, Crystal Bay, NV 89402. Tickets for this concert are $25 or $30 on the door. The concert starts tonight at 9.00pm.
Todd Rundgren 2007 Tour Map
16.30 - Tonight Kasim Sulton plays the 10th concert of the 11 date Todd Rundgren 2007 Tour. The concert is at the Crystal Bay Casino in Crystal Bay (Lake Tahoe), NV.
Portland, OR to Crystal Bay, NV is 614 miles back down south which will take over 9 hours by road. Alternatively a direct flight will cost about $150 (coach) and would take 90 minutes.
Todd Rundgren 2007 Tour Mileage by road to date venue to venue (estimated) - 3,948 miles.

Wednesday 19th September 2007
Tonight Kasim Sulton plays the 9th gig of The Todd Rundgren 2007 Tour! The concert tonight is at the Aladdin Theater in Portland, OR.
Kasim Sulton in Portland, OR
16.00 - Tonight Kasim Sulton plays the 9th concert of the 11 date Todd Rundgren 2007 Tour. The concert is at the Aladdin Theater in Portland, OR. The concert is General Admission - click here for tickets at $35 (plus charges). The concert starts at 8.00pm.
The Aladdin Theater was originally called Geller's Theatre and opened in the 1920's. It holds 620 people. The address of the venue is 3017 SE Milwaukie Avenue, Portland, OR, 97202. Click here to view the venue website and here to view a page aout tonight's concert which includes the mention of Kasim Sulton below:

Blog about the recent Meat Loaf Tour
01.15 - Dave Luther (Meat Loaf's saxophonist) has kept a fascinating and quite detailed online Blog during the recent Meat Loaf 3 Bats Tour. He speaks of their travels and the hotels they stayed in (and has some photos), plus he writes about the things he did on their days off (e.g. hiring a car so he could go hiking in Franconia Notch State Park).
Click here to view it.
Many thanks to the kind person who brought it to my attention.
Todd Rundgren 2007 Tour Map
01.00 - Tonight Kasim Sulton plays the 9th concert of the 11 date Todd Rundgren 2007 Tour. The concert is at the Aladdin Theater in Portland, OR.
Eugene, OR to Portland, OR is a short 110 mile hop north which will take less than 2 hours by road.
Todd Rundgren 2007 Tour Mileage by road to date venue to venue (estimated) - 3,334 miles.

Tuesday 18th September 2007
Tonight Kasim Sulton plays the 8th gig of The Todd Rundgren 2007 Tour! The concert tonight is at The WOW Hall in Eugene, OR.
Kasim in San Diego, CA
16.30 - A review by Janet Spahr (Pebbles) has been added to the San Diego page of the Todd Rundgren 2007 Tour section of or click here for the direct link.
There's also a great paragraph about Kasim Sulton not being recognized by a bouncer before this concert in this review by Scott Ashdown on!
Kasim Sulton in Eugene, OR
01.15 - After two (much needed!) days off, tonight Kasim Sulton plays the 8th concert of the 11 date Todd Rundgren 2007 Tour. The concert is at the WOW Hall in Eugene, OR. WOW Hall stands for Woodmen Of The World Hall and apparently this is Todd Rundgren's first gig in the city (certainly Kasim hasn't played in Eugene in recent years).
The address of the venue is 291 West 8th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97401 and apparently the corner of 8th and Lincoln has been a community gathering place since the days of the city founder Eugene Skinner! The first building on this site was a church and in 1906 the Woodmen bought the church and renamed it Woodmen Of The World Hall. The present building was constructed in 1932 at a cost of $8,000. Over the years the Woodmen chapter became older and inactive, so promoters used the Hall for various productions. Now the venue uses the slogan "Fighting to save rock & roll since 1975".
The concert starts tonight at 8.00pm (doors open at 7.00pm). Tickets are available from this link and cost $32.50 in advance or $34 at the door.
Click here to view the venue website. The website has a quite detailed bio about Todd Rundgren and includes the following TWO mentions of Kasim Sulton:

Kasim Sulton in San Francisco, CA
01.15 - The set list and some comments about the Todd Rundgren concert that Kasim Sulton played last Thursday night in San Frncisco, California have been added to the Todd Rundgren 2007 Tour section of or click here for the direct link.
 Photo by Kathy Borror
Blog 150 (09/09/07 - 09/17/07)
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