The Yahoo KasimSulton Mailing List is a moderated list, purely for news about Kasim (television appearances, concerts, etc) with weekly news of his activities when he's touring - the oldest running active Kasim Sulton mailing list!
If you'd like to be notified by e-mail of all updates to, then join the Yahoo KasimInfo Mailing List. E-mails are sent to that list whenever the site is updated.
In case the bandwidth of is used up again the important pages will be replicated on as follows:
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The New Cars Road Rage Tour page -
Kasim Sulton's 2006 page -
Obviously not all the links will work but it means that the website will still be able to function.
KasimInfo Site Blog
Blog 107 (04/15/06 - 04/27/06)
Please note that, as time goes by, some of these external links may no longer work - sorry!
If you don't know what a Blog is click here
Thursday 27th April 2006
Kasim on RockLine radio
17.45 - Other than when Kasim Sulton actually talks(!), the most interesting part of the interview is when Elliot Easton (I believe) says that Kasim will be singing "some songs" (not just Drive) at the concerts!
Kasim mainly just says hello in the first clip but in the 3rd clip he is allowed to talk a while about singing Drive. He also says that he likes to sing ballads.
RockLine Radio
14.15 - Apologies that links to two of the clips didn't work earlier - they've both been fixed now.
RockLine Radio
02.30 - To listen to The New Cars interview and performance on RockLine Radio last night, click here.
Massive thanks to Vicki Pearson of for the recordings.
Kasim Sulton is even allowed to speak in the first section!!
Wednesday 26th April 2006
Another new New Cars concert!
17.30 - The official website of The New Cars are listing another new concert! This will be the 31st concert and will hopefully quieten the negative comments about lack of ticket sales on the tour.
This concert is on 15th July at MoonDance Jam in Walker, Minnesota (Kasim played at this festival in 2002 with Meat Loaf). However after looking at the festival website, there does not appear to be any free spots on that day for the band to play! Other bands are listed for the 11.00pm, 9.00pm, 7.00pm, 4.30pm and 3.00pm spots and none of the other 3 days list a band playing any earlier than 3.00pm (although the ground opens at 11.00am). The only space currently available on the festival schedule is at 11.00pm on Friday 14th.
Unfortunately this festival has changed their policy from 2002 so that tickets for one single day can no longer be purchased.
The The New Cars Road Rage Tour schedule has been updated with this concert. Many thanks to EJ for the heads-up regarding this concert.
The New Cars - a foot-tapping band!:

17.15 - Apologies for the late start to updates today but I'm having to update this with parts from 3 computers!
As I posted earlier today to the Yahoo KasimSulton Mailing List, it appears now that Kasim Sulton will be appearing as part of The New Cars tonight on This program is featured on lots of radio stations around the country plus it streams on the Internet.
Tuesday 25th April 2006
08.45 - Not content with having broke my own laptop last week, the one I've borrowed is now also giving up the will to live so I may be unable to update much for the next few days until a spare part arrives!
RockLine Radio
08.30 - As (disappointingly) Kasim Sulton won't be involved in the Rock Line radio broadcast tomorrow, it's been removed from the Gigs section of the website.
Photo of Kasim
06.15 - John Masino has a photo of him with Kasim Sulton on his website.
Monday 24th April 2006 - This week Kasim Sulton will be working with the New Cars again
The New Cars new concert
08.45 - Several weeks after the last new concert of the tour was announced, another concert in Ohio has been added to the The New Cars Road Rage Tour schedule! It's at Fraze Pavilion in Dayton, Ohio and is on Tuesday 27th June. Click here to view the venue website. Tickets go on sale on Saturday 6th May.
Many thanks to David of the Frozen Fire Mailing List for the info.
Aggresive Kasim???
06.15 - There's a new interview with Todd Rundgren, Elliot Easton and Greg Hawkes of The New Cars (who are supposed to be in Toronto, Canada today for interviews) on
The Kasim mention is "The rest of The New Cars' lineup is Utopia bassist/vocalist Kasim Sulton and former Tubes drummer Prairie Prince.
"I think that we have, collectively, probably a more aggressive approach than was previously associated with The Cars," said Rundgren, who came on board last August. "Part of that comes from having a completely new rhythm section in Kasim and Prairie. They've been in my band so they're used to playing a kind of music that is more aggressive, let's say. The new band reflects that new level of aggression.""
There's also an article on the same website here (it doesn't mention Kasim by name) with the slant about Blondie opening for The New Cars.
Kasim Sulton's March 2006
02.00 - Here is an analysis of Kasim Sulton's March 2006 (compared to March 2005 and 2004):
2004 |
2005 |
Appearance |
2006 |
- |
- |
Press conference |
1 |
- |
- |
TV appearances |
2 |
- |
- |
BOOH Recording (Days) approx. |
10 |
- |
- |
The New Cars Rehearsals / promo (Days) approx. |
7 |
- |
- |
MusikMesse Frankfurt (Days) |
2 |
8 |
- |
Meat Loaf |
- |
7 (opening sets) |
- |
Kasim - solo |
- |
2 |
- |
Online chats |
- |
- |
2 |
Show case Rehearsals or Performances (Days) |
- |
- |
14 |
Movin' Out |
- |
17 |
16 |
Totals |
22 |
It's doubtful that Kasim Sulton saw much of his family in March 2006 as he spent most of it in Los Angeles and, according to his post in his journal, he was only home for one day before he went to Germany for the last few days of the month to demonstrate his signature bass at MusikMesse in Frankfurt.
Kasim's time in Los Angeles was a mixture of work with The New Cars and recording both bass and background vocals for the forthcoming Bat Out Of Hell III album with Meat Loaf. There was about a week of promo work for The New Cars which started with the big press conference on 14th March at The House Of Blues (complete with a live performance). They also recorded two TV shows as a band.
In contrast March 2005 saw Kasim at home the whole time as he appeared in the musical Movin' Out (on Broadway) in 14 performances, plus he was the Musical Director for an important show-case of a new artist in New York at the beginning of the month.
In contrast again(!) March 2004 saw Kasim Sulton on the other side of the world as he played 8 concerts with Meat Loaf in Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand (Kasim played opening sets at 7 of these!!) and he held two online chats.
Sunday 23rd April 2006
KSulton Bass
17.00 - There's an article about Kasim Sulton's signature bass and his appearance at MusikMesse Frankfurt last month on
The article is dated 3rd April and it says "The K Sulton Signature Bass is expected for retail availability in the United States this week". It also says that "The K Sulton Signature Bass will be offered directly to consumers through fine music retailers like Cascio Interstate Music in Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Ed Roman Guitars in Las Vegas, Nevada; House of Guitars in Rochester, New York; select Sam Ash stores, other dealers throughout the United States and Europe, and online worldwide at".

The New Cars Tour promo
12.30 - There's a small article about The New Cars concert at the Bell Centre in Montreal on 23rd June on but this time the article is in French!
However, even I can understand what "Kasim Sulton (bassiste et chanteur du groupe Utopia)" means!
Saturday 22nd April 2006
The New Cars Tour Set List
18.45 - There are some hints about the set list on The New Cars Road Rage Tour (with Blondie) in a recent interview with Elliot Easton on
A couple of quotes from the second page of the interview are:
"I always think it's disappointing when I go to a show and a band introduces a bunch of new material and doesn't play the stuff you really want to hear. Most people initially will want to hear us play the favorites; they come to hear those guitar solos, and everything else. People want to hear those songs performed the way they grew up with them, and it's my pleasure to play them. I'm not one for changing things so that they're unrecognizable from the records."
"We'll do "Open My Eyes" by the Nazz and also "I Saw the Light," one of Todd's [solo] songs. We may do more of his material. When you have a guy as talented as Todd Rundgren in the band, it would be foolish to have him sing just the one set of songs. He's such a strong writer and creative person that it allows us to go forward with new stuff. That's what we hope to do. If everything goes well, we'll record a studio album of all-new material.
But you can't spread it out too thin. People are coming to see a New Cars concert. Then again, there's no attempt to confuse people to make them think that Ric [Ocasek] and David [Robinson] are there. That's why we call it The New Cars, and it reflects the differences in personnel."
Many thanks to Milo for posting this link.
The New Cars at The China Club
04.30 - The New Cars official website has one pair tickets available to win at this link. You only have to join the (free) fan club to win. (Unfortunately the joining link on that page doesn't work but it can be accessed here.)
Friday 21st April 2006 - Tonight Kasim Sulton will be on television when his appearance as part of The New Cars on The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson is repeated
The New Cars concert on 16th May
17.15 - Earlier this week a friend went to look at the Pala Casino in Pala, California where Kasim Sulton will be playing as part of The New Cars on Tuesday 16th May and it looks like a lovely venue!
This will Kasim's first time playing at this venue and from the photos it appears that normally the area where the concert will be held is a large open space and they add chairs for the concerts. There will also be a great backdrop to the concert - the Palomar Mountains!
Unfortunately for some reason The New Cars and Blondie concert is no longer listed on the Pala Casino website (concerts both before and after 16th May are listed though).
Looking at today two seats together could still be purchased for this concert in the 19th row of this 57 row venue.

Thursday 20th April 2006
Kasim items on
17.15 - Currently on here there is a vinyl copy of Lights On by Price / Sulton available for the opening bid of $0.99. There are no bids on it so far and the auction ends on Tuesday (25th). The interesting thing is that the seller describes the album as "Glam rock!
Also on here there is another copy of Lights On but this time on cassette. The opening bid is $0.99, there are no bids so far and the auction ends on Wednesday.
Kasim and the New Cars promo appearances
16.30 - The New Cars are listed as the guests on for next Wednesday (26th). It's unclear from the website exactly what this program will consist of but it is broadcast on several radio stations around the country and some of these stream on the Internet.
According to here The New Cars are expected to make appearances on Late Night with Conan O’Brien, The Late Show with David Letterman and The Ellen DeGeneres Show! (This was posted on that website on 13th March.) The website also promises that Kasim Sulton will be road-testing his signature bass on The New Cars Road Rage Tour!
02.15 - After two years users of both Netscape and FireFox browsers are finally able to see the gamma version of!
Previously all they could view was a postage size version of the site (which was too small to be able to read any of the index) with a big black box below. Unfortunately the site is now not centered on the screen for users of Internet Explorer and the Photo gallery has stopped working!
Also, the gamma version (which has been online since February 2004) does not have a link to purchase Kasim's solo CD Quid Pro Quo nor the facility to sign-up for his mailing list. (The link to Kasim's mailing list is on the page here but stopped working in January and has not yet been fixed.)
As stated above the gamma version of the site went live in early February 2004 but the links to the Video Vault, My Studio and Set Me Free Club are still "Coming Soon".
As the message from Kasim from February 2004 says on the front page of the website "There are a lot of features that will be unveiled as the days progress so, no rush. Easy does it." !!!
Wednesday 19th April 2006
The New Cars on The Late Late Show
17.30 - The New Cars are listed as appearing on The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson this coming Friday (21st).
The official website of the show does not specify exactly what they'll be playing but some other TV listings websites say that it is a repeat of their performance which was aired on 27th / 28th March (singing Not Tonight) but on 21st March they also recorded Just What I Needed so it's possible that they may show that song (although Kasim Sulton appeared to doubt that it would ever be aired!).
If you're too impatient to wait until Friday see the show then The New Cars performance can be viewed here!
The New Cars: It's Alive
01.15 - The release of The New Cars album The New Cars: It's Alive has been delayed in US from 9th May to Tuesday 6th June. The European release is still Monday 12th June.
No official reason has been given but it may have been delayed to reduce the time between the two releases to cut down on the number of import purchases.
01.00 - Due to the appearance of smoke from the back of my laptop on Monday(!), this website is being updated on a borrowed computer which means that not all the files can be accessed. Areas like the section of the website can not currently be updated. I'm also not able to send messages to the Yahoo KasimInfo Mailing List at the moment.
Sunday 16th April 2006
Kasim and The New Cars concert tickets
18.45 - Following the post here today at 7.00am about a "premuim" ticket website, by way of a comparison, here are the prices of the concerts which I'll be attending.
I'm going to the first 10 concerts on The New Cars Road Rage Tour (plus two on the East Coast). For each concert I only bought a basic ticket (i.e. no packages except for the Konocti concert when I had to buy a barbeque ticket to get a reserved seat) and in each case I managed to get a seat relatively near the front.
These are the actual amounts charged to my credit card:
5/12 Tunica, MS - $70.80
5/13 Grand Prairie, TX - $95.47
5/16 Pala, CA - $100.25
5/17 Phoenix, AZ - $157.75
5/19 Las Vegas, NV - $93.85
5/20 Universal City, CA - $95.35
5/23 San Diego, CA - $75.50
5/25 Saratoga, CA - $148.95
5/26 Reno, NV - $102.75
5/27 Konocti, CA - $109.50
5/24 Atlantic City, NJ - $53.80
5/25 Uncasville, CT - $44.30
It appears that the tickets on the East Coast are cheaper than on the West Coast! Phoenix, AZ is the most expensive out of these 12.
The New Cars to play NYC on 28th April
11.00 - The New Cars will be playing a small gig at The China Club in New York City on Friday 28th April! Click here about how to win tickets (the concert is only for competition winners). The competition is being held in conjunction with the radio station WPLJ. The competition closes on 26th April at noon.
Many thanks to Joe Evans for the heads-up.
The New Cars - a foot-tapping band!:

Tickets to see The New Cars
07.00 - In no way is this meant as an endorsement of this company but for those fans who have been unable to buy good seats for The New Cars Road Rage Tour (with Blondie) then are offering a chance to buy tickets near the front of most of the venues.
However these do come at a high price! For example they are selling seats for the Grand Prairie concert on 13th May in the sixth row for $240 each. (In this example you have to buy two tickets and when shipping and taxes are added it totals $532.59 for the two seats.) When tickets first went on sale I bought a seat in the second row of the same block for $95.47 including all charges.
They are also offering 2nd row seats for the Las Vegas concert on 19th May at $865 each (plus charges). My seat in the 4th row at that venue was $93.85 including all charges.
On Thursday the Admin person on the messageboard attached to The New Cars official website posted in response to fans' concerns about how ticket sales for the concerts are gong, "ticket sales have spiked in the last couple of weeks - so no need for concern".
Saturday 15th April 2006
Kasim to sing more songs on The New Cars Tour????
19.15 - According to this article on (scroll down to read it), Kasim Sulton may be singing lead on more than one song on The New Cars Road Rage Tour! The actual quote is "Rundgren says he also wants to get bassist Kasim Sulton, his bandmate from Utopia, to sing more songs; currently Sulton is only singing Drive."
The whole article reads:
"Rundgren and Company Assembling Final Pieces For The New Cars
The New Cars have assembled again to rehearse for their upcoming tour, which begins on May 12th in Robinsonville, Miss. The group has done a few live performances already, of course -- one of which is captured on the forthcoming album "It's Alive!," which has just been bumped from May 9th to June 6th. Todd Rundgren, who's replacing Ric Ocasek in The New Cars lineup, tells us that the quintet has handled the "must do" songs and is now looking to expand the repertoire for the tour.
"We have more rehearsals ahead of us," Rundgren says. "We'll be working out more Cars songs and a few more of those Buddy Holly type of things they did" -- meaning "Best Friend's Girl" and similar numbers. Rundgren says he also wants to get bassist Kasim Sulton, his bandmate from Utopia, to sing more songs; currently Sulton is only singing "Drive."
The New Cars repertoire also includes some of Rundgren's material, including "I Saw the Light" and the Nazz's "Open My Eyes." "We haven't determined all of the other songs," Rundgren says, "all the songs that are not Cars songs that we're going to play yet. We'll be doing that in the next couple of weeks."
The New Cars also have three new songs to play that appear on "It's Alive!," including the single "Not Tonight."
The New Cars -- which also features Cars co-founders Elliott Easton and Greg Hawkes and Tubes drummer Prairie Prince -- perform on June 30th at the DTE Energy Music Theatre, with Blondie opening."
Many thanks to Dweick for this link.
Competition to win tickets to see The New Cars
14.00 - The official website of The New Cars are currently running a competition to win tickets to see The New Cars in concert plus meet Todd Rundgren, Elliot Easten and Greg Hawkes before the gig.
Entry to the competition is free (other than you need to be a member of their online website which is also free) and you have to simply e-mail to say why you believe that you (or a friend) deserves to win the competition. The link above has full details.
Many thanks to TRiFanOK for this link.
The New Cars ticket sales
12.30 - Somebody posted recently on one mailing list about poor tickets sales for the Englewood, CO concert on the The New Cars and Blondie's Road Rage Tour. According to last night it appears that two seats together were still available in the fifth row (behind a very small pit) for just the basic price of $76 (plus charges). However clicking on the lowest price package the best seats available there were in the 17th row for $139 each. Interestingly there were no seats available in the most expensive package (including the non-Kasim Meet and Greet) at $395.
(Other fans have reported seeing "2 for the price of 1" offers for at least one concert.)

Photo by Karl Larsen
Blog 106 (04/04/06 - 04/14/06)
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