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KasimInfo Site Blog
Blog 105 (03/24/06 - 04/03/06)
Please note that, as time goes by, some of these external links may no longer work - sorry!
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Monday 3rd April 2006
Kasim on Unstoppable
17.00 - A radio station in Japan are going to begin featuring the Rick Reynolds album Unstoppable (which Kasim produced as well as playing bass and singing background vocals on most of the tracks) on their show Yellow Beat this coming Friday. The show will then begin featuring the entire record each Friday for several weeks begining soon (April through May).
The song they will be playing this week is Left Your Mark which does feature Kasim on both bass and background vocals. This will be a sneak preview appearing at approximately 8:53pm (Japan Standard Time). Click here to listen to it.
The New Cars: It's Alive
02.15 - are listing The New Cars: It's Alive album as available to purchase from 9th May at $12.98.
So far at the link above there are two threads there of comments about the album, this thread is called "Todd Rundgren and Kasim Sulton?" and contains the following nice mentions of Kasim:
"Two of my most favorite musicians fronting one of my favorite bands!"
"I can't even begin to describe how I felt when I found out that (1) The Cars were reforming, (2) Todd was fronting, and (3) Kasim was singing "Drive"!"
"But truly, how could it get better than Todd and Kasim??!"
The New Cars and Doug Powell
02.00 - Just to correct the post here on Monday 27th March at 16.15, Doug Powell wrote the five songs originally for The New Cars. As far as he knows his songs are not being used by the band but they will be available on his own CD in May.
The song that plays when you first open his website certainly sounds very "Car-ish"!
Sunday 2nd April 2006
Kasim at the Frankfurt Music Messe Convention
04.15 - On Friday I saw Kasim Sulton demonstrating his KSulton Bass at the Frankfurt Music Messe Convention in Germany.
It was a very long day for me as I had to get up at a quarter past midnight(!) and drive 912 miles (plus catch two ferries) but it was a fascinating convention with more musical instruments than I've seen in all my life! Just the bass guitars alone filled one massive exhibtion hall.
As I didn't know what time Kasim was playing (and the person I asked on the stand couldn't help me), I was stuck in that hall for 4 hours, going back every 15 minutes to check the stand. Consequently I heard a massive number of demonstrations of various basses that day (probably 70 or 80). Unfortunately when Kasim played his bass wasn't as loud as on some of the other stands but I can honestly say that his bass has one of the best tones that I heard all day.
At the demonstration I attended (Kasim had said that he'd be doing two on each of the two days he was there) he played his bass to accompany 3 tracks - two were instrumentals and one was Meat Loaf's track Love You Out Loud.

As technically it was a trade show and not a "fan thing" I decided not to take photos (incidentially it's the only venue I've been to where they check your bags as you leave and not when you enter!).
04.00 - Yesterday had it's 1.5 millionth page hit!

Saturday 1st April 2006
Kasim and The New Cars Ticket Auction for charity
14.15 - The online auctions to help buy instruments for musicians affected by Hurricane Katrina last year starts today. 4 tickets are available for 3 of The New Cars' concerts plus each winning bid will receive an autographed Epiphone guitar (the guitar may not be autographed by all the band). The bid price is per ticket and all 4 tickets at each concert are one lot. The auctions are:
Gibson Amphitheater, Universal City, CA - The seats are in the front row of the orchestra section (which is just behind the pit area) and are on Kasim Sulton's side of the stage. The minimum bid is $90 and the auction ends on Tuesday 11th April. Click here to view the auction.
Coors Amphitheater, Englewood, CO - The seats are in the front row but not on Kasim Sulton's side of the stage. The minimum bid is $90 and the auction ends on Tuesday 11th April. Click here to view the auction.
Blosson Music Center, Cuyahoga Falls, OH - The seats are in the center section but in the fifth row. The minimum bid is $90 and the auction ends on Tuesday 11th April. Click here to view the auction.
Kasim and The Nude Cars
02.15 - In November 2005 4 of The New Cars (Kasim Sulton, Todd Rundgren, Elliot Easton and Greg Hawkes) had a photo session in Los Angeles. About 10 of these photos were easily accessible for fans to download for several weeks from their management company's website and then the photo to the left here was chosen as the official photo of The New Cars once Prairie Prince had been pasted in.
However there was one more photo which was taken but not added to their servers - this was a photo of the 4 of them mooning (showing their bare bums). Apparently originally the idea was that they would use this picture as the back cover of their forthcoming album but (sensibly!) soon shelved that idea.
Many thanks to Kasim Sulton for providing this photo for the exclusive use of (hence the copyright mark). Click here to view it. (Kasim's bum is the one on the far right of the photo!)
Thursday 30th March 2006 - Today Kasim Sulton will be demonstrating his signature bass at the Frankfurt Music Messe Convention in Germany
Kasim and The New Cars
18.45 - 1015The Point's website (a radio station in the Tampa Bay, Florida area) have a photo of The New Cars with some competition winners after the press conference on 14th March.
Many thanks to Sherrie Williams for this link.
Kasim Gig at The Tin Angel, Philadelphia
13.15 - The Set List, a Review, loads of Photos and some comments from fans about Kasim Sulton's gig at The Tin Angel in Philadelphia, PA have been added to the Gigs section of the site or click here for the direct link.
Many thanks to Gary "Goat" Goveia for all the photos on the page. More photos will be added in a few days.

Kasim Sulton April 2006 Calendar
Click here to download a copy to print
(Larger than calendar above)
Wednesday 29th March 2006
Kasim and The New Cars
16.45 - As well as mentioning Kasim Sulton by name, has an interesting article on (where The New Cars played their first gigs in January). Apparently "more than 20 hours of high-definition video footage, utilizing 10 cameras and 48 microphones captured the behind-the-scenes view into the dynamic chemistry of The New Cars".
The graphic on the right is taken from which interestingly has Blondie listed above The New Cars on its "tickets". (Previously fans reported that Blondie aren't even listed on some tickets for the concerts that they're playing with The New Cars.)
Photos of Kasim and The New Cars
02.00 - have added 19 photos of The New Cars at the performance at the press conference on 14th March. Or rather make that photos of some of The New Cars as there's lots of photos of Todd Rundgren and Elliot Easton but no close-ups of Kasim Sulton!
Kasim can be viewed in shots here, here and here.
Many thanks to Sane Wretch for the link.
Tuesday 28th March 2006
Review of The New Cars: It's Alive
17.00 - Kasim receives a nice mention in the first online review that I've seen of The New Cars forthcoming album The New Cars: It's Alive on One part says "Greg Hawkes synth is still firmly in the mix and the band's distinctive harmonies are lent further weight by Sulton."
Elsewhere on the same website there's an interview with Greg Hawkes here. As well as a few photos of Kasim (with The New Cars) on the page, one nice quote from Greg is "Kasim and Prairie bring a more aggressive feel to the rhythm section and they're very tight musically with each other."
Many thanks to EEEEJ for this link.
Kasim and The New Cars on The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson
2.15 - Kasim Sulton's appearance as part of The New Cars on The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson has been added to The New Cars TV Appearances page of the website.
They only showed Not Tonight but according to Kasim the band were told that Just What I Needed would be shown at a later date.
Many thanks to Vicki Pearson for recording this.
Monday 27th March 2006 - Tonight Kasim (as part of The New Cars) is on The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson
Kasim and The New Cars
16.15 - A few items in one post:
As previously reported here, advertisements for The New Cars and Blondie's Road Rage Tour 2006 are being heard on various local radio stations (especially in the New York area). Now fans are reporting that there are also advertisements for the tour in cinemas too.
Apparently tickets for some of the concerts are only mentioning The New Cars on them and not Blondie.
According to a report on today, tickets for one of The New Cars concerts will be auctioned to help Music Rising (a charity which replaces instruments lost by musicians in Hurricane Katrina last year).
This article on is called "The New Cars Did Research To Avoid Legal Battles" which is quite self-explainatory.
According to he's written five songs for The New Cars.
Photos of Kasim in Utopia
10.00 - Some great photos of Kasim Sulton (and a couple of other people you may recognise!) have been added to the Photos section of the website or click here for the direct link.
Many thanks to Stacey Katsis for the photos (and to MicheleMac for the contact.).
Bat Out Of Hell III
03.45 - From the photos that Kasim Sulton posted yesterday it appears that at least the latest session of the recording of Bat Out Of Hell III is being done at Village Studios in West Los Angeles. Click here to view their website and for the technical specifications of the studios.
The latest (unconfirmed) reports are that the album is expected to be released in the Fall.
Sunday 26th March 2006
Kasim mention on the radio
16.45 - Apparently on Sounding Rick's spot on WUWF radio last night (which also streamed on the Internet), he spoke about Kasim working with him on his album Unstoppable as well as the upcoming recordings with Kasim. Click here to view Rick Reynolds' Blog where he also talks about the program.
(Apparently Rick also gave a mention on the radio!)
Kasim's Journal updated
 09.30 - Kasim Sulton has updated his online journal (you may need to hit refresh to view his latest entry). Kasim talks about recording more backing vocals for the Meat Loaf album Bat Out Of Hell III. The best part is that he's added loads of photos of himself! (A direct link to my personal favorite is here.) Unlike Bat Out Of Hell and Bat Out Of Hell II this album will not only have Jim Steinman songs on it.
Kasim also talks about his forthcoming trip to Germany this week.
Saturday 25th March 2006
Kasim and The New Cars Ticket Auction
18.15 - As reported here on Monday, the The Blossom Music Center arranged a "New Cars & Blondie Premium Seat Auction" with seats in the first 5 Rows and a Backstage Barbeque (the link to the auction is here). This auction had bids starting at $85 per ticket.
The auction ended on Thursday with seats in the third row going for $90 and seats in the fourth and fifth row for the minimum bid of $85.
Kasim Sulton and Sounding Rick
10.15 - Sounding Rick (Rick Reynolds) will be on will be performing on National Public Radio station WUWF in Pensacola, Florida tonight from 10.00 pm until midnight. This station streams on the Internet. Rick will be playing two 30 minute sets of music from my his new album Evidence (which was released yesterday) and Unstoppable (which is the album that Kasim produced last year). Rick will also be talking about working with Kasim on the show.
Apparently Kasim and Rick will start working on Rick's next album in August (it was originally penciled in for April but was changed as Kasim will be too busy working on stuff for The New Cars).
Click here to read Sounding Rick's Blog - hopefully he'll add some items about the recording in August too!
The New Cars new album
04.30 - On Tuesday 9th May Kasim Sulton (as part of The New Cars) releases his 115th album!
This album is called The New Cars: It’s Alive and will be released on Eleven Seven Music in association with ADA (a Warner Music Group company). The album was recorded live at Center Staging Studios in Burbank, California during January 2006 over four nights. The new release includes classic Cars songs recorded live plus three never-before-released studio tracks written by Elliot Easton, Greg Hawkes and Todd Rundgren. Kasim Sulton sings lead on Drive and plays bass and sings background vocals on all the other tracks.
The track listing is:
1. Just What I Needed (4:12)
2. Let's Go (3:49)
3. Candy-O (2:50)
4. You Might Think (3:13)
5. Best Friend's Girl (4:12)
6. I Saw The Light (3:02)
7. You're All I've Got Tonight (5:23)
8. Not Tonight (3:33)
9. Drive (4:05)
10. Moving In Stereo (5:15)
11. Shake It Up (3:46)
12. Dangerous Type (4:25)
13. Bye Bye Love (5:02)
14. Open My Eyes (3:02)
15. Good Times Roll (4:53)
16. Not Tonight (Studio version, previously unreleased) 3:25)
17. Warm (new studio recording, previously unreleased) (4:04)
18. More (new studio recording, previously unreleased) (3:41)
All the live recordings were produced by The New Cars, recorded by Mark Linett and mixed by Todd Rundgren. The album was engineered by Mark Linett and Phillip Broussard. The drums on Not Tonight and More were performed by Kenny Aronoff (which could indicate that those two tracks were recorded around the time of the photo session / video interview which did not include Prairie Prince as he was touring with The Tubes at the time).
The track More is probably the most Utopia-ish track released in the past 20 years, mainly due to the blend of Kasim and Todd's vocals!
The New Cars: It’s Alive will be released later in May in the UK and the rest of Europe. Click here to view Kasim's Discography.
Friday 24th March 2006
New concert on The Road Rage Tour ???
18.00 - Earlier today are advertising tickets for a concert on The New Cars and Blondie Road Rage Tour 2006 on Friday 14th April at The House Of Blues in New Orleans.
However The House Of Blues website has Dwight Yoakam listed for that date. (Although this artist is on tour at this time, his official website does not list that concert.)
None of the official New Cars or Blondie websites nor TicketMaster.comlist this date, although playing it on Sunday 14th May would make geographical sense (The House Of Blues has no gigs listed for that date).
Many thanks to Anna and Wendy Carson of the messageboard attached to for this info.
New photos of The New Cars
14.45 - NoblePR (who are handling the PR for The New Cars in Europe) have added some new photos to their website (link above).
Photo of Kasim
02.15 - Out of interest (and because I like the photo) I investigated purchasing the photo of Kasim Sulton to the right here which was taken by a professional photographer at The New Cars' press conference on 14th March with the idea that if it was $10 or so I might buy it without the watermark.
I was shocked to discover that to use the photo on for 5 years on a secondary page (i.e. not the front page of the website) it would cost about $1,800!!!
(I hope Kasim has his face insured!)
 Photo of The New Cars from the press release about Kasim Sulton appearing at the Frankfurt Music Messe Convention
Blog 104 (03/19/06 - 03/23/06)
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