Kasim Sulton NewsSunday 15th January
This message is specifically for any Southern California residents... If you fall into that catagory, please email me at kasimmusic@aol.com for a special, one time only offer. If you'd like to be a part of something special, don't hesitate! Best, Kasim" Lots of fans (from both within California and outside) responded to Kasim's message and the first 30 or so received the following e-mail in reply:
The 'event' I'm inviting you to will take place on Friday, January 20th @ 8:00PM at the following address: [address removed] Ask for the showcase performance on the Sound Stage and mention you were invited by me. It's a private show for a select few people. You'll know the music, you'll recognize the musicians (one of them will be your's truly). I'm not sure if there will be a guest list with names on it. If thats the case, I will contact you for a full name to be included on any 'list' there may be. Hope to see you there. Kasim" Most fans assume that this show case will be for The New Cars including a recording for either a video or the DVD, plus performing some of their new music.
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