The Yahoo KasimSulton Mailing List is a moderated list, purely for news about Kasim (television appearances, concerts, etc) with weekly news of his activities when he's touring - the oldest running active Kasim Sulton mailing list!
KasimInfo Site Blog
Blog 95 (01/04/06 - 01/14/06)
Please note that, as time goes by, some of these external links may no longer work - sorry!
If you don't know what a Blog is click here
Friday 13th January 2006
Kasim in Clearwater, Florida
01.15 - The 2005 Gigs section of the website has been updated with the set list, a review and some comments by fans about the Meat Loaf Hair Of The Dog concert which Kasim Sulton played at the Ruth Eckerd Hall in Clearwater, Florida on 12th September (or click here for the direct link). There are also some photos of the concert and Kasim's opening set on that page.
Thursday 12th January 2006
13.45 - Earlier Blog items have been moved to a new page which will help this page to load faster. The link is at the bottom of this page.
Kasim and Bat Out Of Hell 3
10.00 - There's a link to Kasim's entry in his online journal about the recording of Bat Out Of Hell 3 on Various and (the "Multimedia Ramblings of Augie De Blieck Jr.").
Kasim Sulton in Tunica, Mississippi
04.30 - The 2005 Gigs section of the website has been updated with the set list, a couple of reviews and some comments by fans about the Meat Loaf Hair Of The Dog concert which Kasim Sulton played at the Horseshoe Casino in Tunica, Mississippi on 10th September (or click here for the direct link). There are also some photos of the concert on that page.

From The Utopia Times (Winter 1982 edition)
Tuesday 10th January 2006
Kasim and The New Cars
01.15 - It appears that Kasim Sulton will again be the baby of the band as Todd Rundgren is 57, Elliot Easton was 52 last month, Gregg Hawkes is 53, Prairie Prince is 55 and, of course, Kasim is only 50.
(This means that the total age of the band is 167!)
Monday 9th January 2006
Kasim Sulton in Cleveland, Ohio
12.30 - The 2005 Gigs section of the website has been updated with the set list, some comments by fans and some links to other websites with photos of the Meat Loaf Hair Of The Dog concert which Kasim Sulton played in Cleveland, Ohio on 8th September (or click here for the direct link).
Review of Kasim
01.00 - There's a review of Kasim Sulton's 1982 solo album Kasim (released on EMI in 1982) on It's not the most flattering review of the album but it does include the phrase "The impressive thing is that Kasim writes or co-writes (with Mark Onofrio) all the material and branches out beyond the bass guitar".
The website says that the album reached #197 in the US album charts.
Sunday 8th January 2006
Kasim Sulton in Mt. Pleasant, MI
16.15 - The 2005 Gigs section of the website has been updated with the set list and some comments by fans about the Meat Loaf Hair Of The Dog concert which Kasim Sulton played in Mt. Pleasant, MI on 6th September (or click here for the direct link).
Kasim's solo gig in February
11.00 - Kasim Sulton's gig at The Tin Angel on Friday 3rd February has now moved to the "sooner" page on the Tin Angel website! (Previously it was on the "later" page.)


Click here for more details
Saturday 7th January 2006
Kasim mentioned in The Navarre Press
09.30 - Kasim Sulton was mentioned a few times in an interview with Rick Reynolds in Thursday's edition of The Navarre Press about his new album Unstoppable (which Kasim produced as well as playing bass and singing background vocals on it). Click here to view the whole article (plus there is a review of the album to the right of the image - it is described as a "keep-in-your-car-CD"!).
Rick Reynolds says in the article that he and Kasim are currently working on Rick's next album and that Rick plans to tour the US and Europe this summer.
Friday 6th January 2006
Kasim in Print
01.00 - Apparently Kasim Sulton is writing the foreword of Billy James' forthcoming second volume of his Todd Rundgren biography according to Billy's website here. The book, A Dream Goes On Forever - The Continuing Story Of Todd Rundgren, is expected to be printed within the next few months. This volume covers the years 1976 until 1988 (from when Kasim joined Utopia). The first volume of the series is available here.
There is also a thread about the book on the messageboard attached to
Thursday 5th January 2006
Kasim in concert
17.45 - Rob Farrish has a very detailed website here with virtually every gig which Kasim has played with Todd Rundgren (both as part of Utopia and on other tours).
Official Kasim Sulton Merchandise
10.45 - The "Post Holidays Blow Out Sale" of Kasim Sulton merchandise at (the only place that stocks official Kasim merchandise) has been extended until Monday 9th January.
For $5 off sweatshirts and hoodies quote the code "BIG5" and for $2 off ornaments quote "BIG2".
Kasim featured in 2006 Calendar
01.00 - I don't read German but there appears to be a 2006 calendar available for sale of Meat Loaf and The Neverland Express (the name of Meat Loaf's touring band in which Kasim plays) on the messageboard attached to the German Meat Loaf Fan Club website. (There's a good photo of Kasim shown for the month of May!)
Wednesday 4th January 2006
Kasim and Babicz Guitars
17.15 - Kasim is listed as "a friend of Jeff Babicz Guitars" on their website. There's a nice photo of him here.
(Part of the description is "He tours as 'Kasim Sulton', performing and recording his original acoustic guitar and vocal compositions"!)
The Kasim Sulton Magazine
12.30 - As Kasim's public career has been more quiet than normal over the past three months, the next issue of The Kasim Sulton Magazine will not be issued for a while.
(Normally there are 4 issues of the magazine a year so once Kasim plays more gigs then an extra edition will be issued.)
Kasim and Bat Out Of Hell
08.30 - Kasim Sulton's bass playing on the Meat Loaf album Bat Out Of Hell receives a mention on the Bass Guitar Google Group.

Blog 94 (12/11/05 - 01/03/06)
Previous Blogs -
[11th Dec 2005 to 3rd Jan 2006]
[4th to 10th Dec]
[20th Nov to 3rd Dec]
[8th to 19th Nov]
[23rd Oct to 7th Nov]
[3rd to 23rd Oct]
[20th Sept to 2nd Oct]
[5th to 19th Sept]
[17th August to 4th Sept]
[11th to 17th August]
[17th July to 10th August]
[4th to 16th July]
[27th June to 3rd July]
[29th May to 26th June]
[16th April to 28th May]
[4th to 15th April]
[7th Mar to 3rd April]
[12th Feb to 6th Mar]
[24th Jan to 11th Feb]
[30th Dec 2004 to 23rd Jan 2005]
2004 - [18th Nov to 29th Dec]
[28th Oct to 17th Nov]
[6th to 27th Oct]
[11th Sep to 5th Oct]
[8th Aug to 10th Sep]
[4th July to 7th August]
[24th May to 3rd July]
[4th to 24th May]
[19th Apr to 3rd May]
[7th to 18th Apr]
[15th Mar to 6th Apr]
[20th Feb to 14th Mar]
[4th to 19th Feb]
[18th Jan to 3rd Feb]
[8th to 17th Jan]
2003 - [22nd Dec 2003 to 7th Jan 2004]
[4th to 21st Dec]
[13th Nov to 3rd Dec]
[19th Oct to 12th Nov]
[29th Sep to 18th Oct]
[4th to 28th Sep]
[7th Aug to 3rd Sep]
[16th Jul to 6th Aug]
[23rd Jun to 15th Jul]
[30th May to 22nd Jun]
[5th to 29th May]
[18th Apr to 4th May]
[4th to 17th Apr]
[25th Mar to 3rd Apr]
[25th Feb to 24th Mar]
[17th to 24th Feb]
[3rd to 16th Feb]
[13th Jan to 2nd Feb]
[1st to 12th Jan]
2002 - [7th to 31st Dec]
[27th Nov to 6th Dec]
[8th to 26th Nov]
[22nd Oct to 7th Nov]
[7th to 21st Oct] [24th Sept to 6th Oct] [10th to 23rd Sept] [22nd Aug to 9th Sept] [3rd to 21st Aug] [19th July to 2nd Aug]
[4th to 18th July]
[20th June to 3rd July]
[1st to 19th June]
[10th to 31st May]
[21st Apr to 9th May]
[4th to 20th April]
[15th Mar to 3rd Apr]
[2nd to 14th Mar]
[21st Feb to 1st Mar]
[13th to 20th Feb]
[5th to 12th Feb]
[26th Dec to 4th Feb]
2001 - [8th to 25th Dec]
[21st Nov to 7th Dec]
[5th to 20th Nov]
[30th Sept to 4th Nov]
[13th to 29th Sept]
[28th Aug to 12th Sept]
[4th to 27th Aug]
[27th July to 3rd Aug]
[13th to 26th July]
[27th June to 12th July]
[30th May to 26th June]
[3rd to 29th May]
[13th April to 2nd May]
[1st to 12th April]
[12th to 31st March]
[18th Feb to 11th March]
[2nd to 17th Feb]
[1st Jan to 1st Feb]