The Yahoo KasimSulton Mailing List is a moderated list, purely for news about Kasim (television appearances, concerts, etc) with weekly news of his activities when he's touring - the oldest running active Kasim Sulton mailing list!
KasimInfo Site Blog
Blog 90 (10/23/05 - 11/07/05)
Please note that, as time goes by, some of these external links may no longer work - sorry!
If you don't know what a Blog is click here
Monday 7th November 2005
Kasim Sulton in Print
12.15 - Kasim Sulton receives a mention on page 719 of The All Music Guide To Rock book in a review of the 1995 Meat Loaf release Welcome To The Neighborhood. The section says:
"Meat Loaf, as usual, sang as though his life depended on it, while a band that was less distinctive than it should have been given such notable participants as Kenny Aronoff and Kasim Sulton churned out sub-metal riffs. The resulting sales fall-off was not as great as it had been before, but it remained true that Meat without Steinman was only half a loaf."
This book can be purchased from here for $19.77 (plus shipping). ( makes no profit from this link.)
Kasim Sulton and The Cars???
02.30 - From the "this may or may not have something to do with Kasim Sulton department", this thread on quotes Doug Clifford of Creedence Clearwater Revisited saying that Elliot Easton has left Creedence Clearwater Revisited and "is trying to put The Cars back together with their original keyboard player and Todd Rundgren."
Kasim in NYC
02.15 - The Gigs section of the website has been updated with some comments made about the Meat Loaf Hair Of The Dog concert which Kasim played at The Beacon Theatre in New York City on 5th August (or click here for the direct link). There are also links on that page to other websites with photos of that concert.
Sunday 6th November 2005
16.45 - This Blog page has been culled (again!) to help it load faster. The link to earlier items is at the bottom of this page.
Kasim on E-Bay
12.30 - The E-Bay auction for a vinyl copy of Kasim came to a close on Monday with no bids being placed. This item has been relisted here - the opening price is still $6.57, there are no bids so far and the auction ends tomorrow.
Also on E-Bay there is a copy of Lights On for $9.99. This auction has no bids so far and ends in 4 hours.
In an auction also finishing today there is an old style Kasim guitar pic (with Meat Loaf's name on the reverse). The opening price for this was about $5 but, after 4 bids, the current winning bid is a staggering $16.63!
| updated
10.30 - The News section of the site has been brought up to date (including some not-seen-before photos!).

Kasim Sulton's October 2005
Here is an analysis of Kasim Sulton's October 2005 (compared to October 2004 and 2003):
2003 |
2004 |
Appearance |
2005 |
1 (Opening set) |
- |
Kasim - solo |
1 (GuitarFest) |
- |
5 |
Todd Rundgren |
- |
5 |
- |
Meat Loaf |
- |
- |
6 |
Movin' Out |
4 |
6 |
11 |
Totals |
5 |
Kasim started October 2005 in Kansas City, MO after playing the final concert of the Meat Loaf Hair Of The Dog Tour the night before. He then flew to New Berlin, WI for his appearance at GuitarFest. As well as 4 appearances in Movin' Out, Kasim also spent a couple of weeks in Los Angeles working on his "secret project".
In 2004 Kasim was mainly at home (making appearances in Movin' Out) as well as playing 4 concerts plus a fan party in Japan with Todd Rundgren on The Liars Tour.
In 2003 Kasim flew to Australia with Meat Loaf to play at the National Rugby Finals, flew home, then flew to UK for a weeks worth of rehearsals (with Meat Loaf) and then flew to Germany for the start of the Meat Loaf Couldn't Have Said It Better Tour. |
Saturday 5th November 2005
Unfinished Business
19.00 - According to Kasim's contribution to Unfinished Business by Ronnie Spector is listed as "Chimes and Tabla"! Desmond Child (see below) is listed as writing one of the songs on the album and is listed as a performer on the website.
Recording of Bat Out Of Hell 3
11.00 - Paul Crook (Meat Loaf's lead guitarist) wrote on his official website yesterday that he flies out to Los Angeles on Thursday 17th November to start recording Bat Out Of Hell III. He says that he'll only be playing on 5 tracks (it's not currently known how many tracks will be on the album) and that Desmond Child is now producing the album (previously Meat Loaf said that Michael Beinhorn would be producing it). Desmond Child has co-writen hits for Kiss, Bon Jovi, Aerosmith, Joan Jett, Ricky Martin, Michael Bolton and Cher and describes his mission as to "continue making music that helps others to get in touch with their feelings".
Kasim Sulton is known to be playing bass and singing background vocals on the album.

Many thanks to Vicki Pearson for this photo
Friday 4th November 2005
Kasim and The All Star Band???
12.00 - There were a couple of posts today on the BeyondAwizard (Todd Rundgren) mailing list about whether Kasim's rehearsals in Los Angeles recently has anything to do with a post on which says that Todd Rundgren and The Rock and Roll All Star Band will be playing at the Pineapple Festival in Jensen Beach, Florida tonight!
Thankfully one fan rang the festival booking agent and he confirmed that Todd Rundgren will NOT be there and that the newspaper had it all wrong!
Photos of Meat Loaf Tour
02.30 - There's a great selection of photos from various concerts of Kasim Sulton on the recent Meat Loaf Hair Of The Dog Tour on the Republic Of Loafdom website.
Thursday 3rd November 2005
17.30 - The earlier items from this Blog section of the site have been moved to a new page which should make this page load faster. The link is at the bottom of this page.

Kasim's solo gig in Manchester, England
02.00 - This thread on the messageboard attached to has a recording of Kasim Sulton's first ever international gig in July this year available. He's offering 4 copies to seed (copy for other people) and one to someone with no CD burner.
Kasim's set list that night was:
Somebody Loves You
Sometimes Love Is A Dangerous Thing
Before She Was Gone
There Goes My Inspiration
This Must Be Love
New (untitled )song
Don't Hold Me Back
(Part of) Bully
One World
This gig was at The Night and Day Cafe in Manchester, England and a review of the gig plus comments by fans can be found here.
Wednesday 2nd November 2005
Video Of The Week
18.30 - The Video Of The Week section of (on the front page of the site) has been updated. The video this week is Kasim singing Jason Falkner's Afraid Himself To Be at The York Street Cafe in Cincinnati, Ohio in June 2001.
Kasim on E-Bay
01.45 - There's an usual item currently available on - it's Kasim Sulton's (autographed) acoustic Washburn guitar, one of his vests, a signed magazine advertisement and a letter from him verifying these items. (The guitar and vest were used on the Meat Loaf Bat Out Of Hell 2 Tour in 1994.) The opening price is *only* $999.99 and currently there are no bids on it. The auction ends on 11th November.
Apparently the history of this item is that originally all of these were donated as a prize in a competition in a guitar magazine.
Many thanks to Diane for forwarding this link.
Tuesday 1st November 2005
Kasim in Movin' Out
12.15 - Unfortunately Kasim is not booked to play in any performances of Movin' Out this week.
Kasim comment on website
02.15 - There's a quote from Kasim Sulton on about the MIT cable (it's near the bottom of the page).
E-mail problems
02.00 - I've been having problems with my e-mail so if you sent anything since 7.00am yesterday, it's possible that I didn't receive it so please resend.

Kasim Sulton November 2005 Calendar
Click here to download a copy to print
(Larger than calendar above)
Monday 31st October 2005
Kasim in Zurich, Switzerland
01.30 - The Gigs section of the site has been updated with a comment from Kasim Sulton, some comments from messageboards and mailing lists plus links to other websites with photos of Kasim at the Meat Loaf concert that Kasim Sulton played in Zurich, Switzerland on 20th July (or click here for the direct link).
It wouldn't be Halloween without this photo by Janet Spahr of Kasim's trick of removing his hand and below is also a Halloween photo of Patti Russo showing off her vampire tendencies!

Saturday 29th October 2005
Kasim on E-Bay
07.30 - A vinyl copy of Kasim is currently available on The opening price on the album is $6.77, there are currently no bids and the auction ends on Monday.
Friday 28th October 2005 - Kasim plays a performance of Movin' Out this evening on Broadway
Kasim in Liverpool, England
02.30 - The Gigs section of the site has been updated with comments from messageboards and mailing lists plus links to other websites with photos of Kasim at the Meat Loaf concert that Kasim Sulton played in Liverpool, England on 18th July (or click here for the direct link).
Thursday 27th October 2005
Kasim in Movin' Out
05.30 - Kasim will be playing in the following performances this week of Movin' Out at The Richard Rogers Theatre in New York City:
Friday 28th - evening 8.00pm (Guitar)
Sunday 30th - matinee 3.00pm (Guitar)
Tickets are currently available in Row of B of the Front Mezzanine (the best part of the theater to see Kasim) for Friday nights performance and in Row F of the Front Mezzanine for Sunday's matinee. Tickets are $100 plus taxes. This musical is chorographed by Twyla Tharp and is based on songs by Billy Joel. The Richard Rogers Theatre is located at 226 W. 46TH ST., New York City. The musical closes in December so this is one of the last chances to see Kasim performing in it.
01.30 - As usual at this time of year, the bumper stickers on the front page of (at the bottom of the page) are all on a Halloween theme.
Wednesday 26th October 2005
Video Of The Month
02.30 - As I've said before, with Kasim Sulton it's always feast or famine! Sometimes there are too many items to add to the website (when he's touring) and at other times things are quiet. This gives me a chance to add things to the website which I haven't had the time to before or update items that have been neglected. One feature of which falls into the latter category is The Video Of The Month section (the link is on the front page of the website). To compensate for it not having been updated regularly, from now until the end of the year it is being changed to The Video Of The Week with the video being changed each Wednesday.
The video for this week is a clip of Kasim singing Eternal Love. (At all the Kasim solo gigs that I've attended I think this is the song that is requested most!)
(If you have a video of Kasim which you would like to offer for the section, then please e-mail it to Credit is always given for all items on this website.)
Tuesday 25th October 2005
Kasim at Warwick Castle, England
18.45 - The Gigs section of the site has been updated with comments from messageboards and mailing lists plus links to other websites with photos of Kasim at the Meat Loaf concert that Kasim Sulton played at Warwick Hall, England on 16th July (or click here for the direct link).
Kasim Items on E-Bay
10.15 - The auction for a copy of Kasim Sulton's first solo album Kasim on E-Bay came to a close on Friday with one bid of $4.99. Surprisingly someone also bid in the auction for the Kasim Sulton guitar pic for $5 on Saturday!
Photos of Kasim
04.45 - Some great photos of Kasim Sulton by Gary "Goat" Goveia have been added to the Photos section of the website (or click here for the direct link). These photos were taken at The Borgata in Atlantic City on 23rd September.
Monday 24th October 2005
Photos of Kasim in Vienna, VA
12.45 - There are no close-ups of Kasim but this link has some photos which show the lighting at the recent Meat Loaf concerts to great effect. Many thanks to Stephanie Regan for this link.
Liars DVD
02.00 - The release date for Todd Rundgren And The Liars - Live DVD in Europe has been set as Monday 30th January 2006. Many thanks to Kay for this info.
| updated
01.45 - The News section of the website has been brought up to date.

Kasim Sulton outside The Beacon Theatre, NYC
Many thanks to Eva Siebert for this photo
Blog 89 (10/03/05 - 10/23/05)
Previous Blogs -
[3rd to 23rd Oct]
[20th Sept to 2nd Oct]
[5th to 19th Sept]
[17th August to 4th Sept]
[11th to 17th August]
[17th July to 10th August]
[4th to 16th July]
[27th June to 3rd July]
[29th May to 26th June]
[16th April to 28th May]
[4th to 15th April]
[7th Mar to 3rd April]
[12th Feb to 6th Mar]
[24th Jan to 11th Feb]
[30th Dec 2004 to 23rd Jan 2005]
2004 - [18th Nov to 29th Dec]
[28th Oct to 17th Nov]
[6th to 27th Oct]
[11th Sep to 5th Oct]
[8th Aug to 10th Sep]
[4th July to 7th August]
[24th May to 3rd July]
[4th to 24th May]
[19th Apr to 3rd May]
[7th to 18th Apr]
[15th Mar to 6th Apr]
[20th Feb to 14th Mar]
[4th to 19th Feb]
[18th Jan to 3rd Feb]
[8th to 17th Jan]
2003 - [22nd Dec 2003 to 7th Jan 2004]
[4th to 21st Dec]
[13th Nov to 3rd Dec]
[19th Oct to 12th Nov]
[29th Sep to 18th Oct]
[4th to 28th Sep]
[7th Aug to 3rd Sep]
[16th Jul to 6th Aug]
[23rd Jun to 15th Jul]
[30th May to 22nd Jun]
[5th to 29th May]
[18th Apr to 4th May]
[4th to 17th Apr]
[25th Mar to 3rd Apr]
[25th Feb to 24th Mar]
[17th to 24th Feb]
[3rd to 16th Feb]
[13th Jan to 2nd Feb]
[1st to 12th Jan]
2002 - [7th to 31st Dec]
[27th Nov to 6th Dec]
[8th to 26th Nov]
[22nd Oct to 7th Nov]
[7th to 21st Oct] [24th Sept to 6th Oct] [10th to 23rd Sept] [22nd Aug to 9th Sept] [3rd to 21st Aug] [19th July to 2nd Aug]
[4th to 18th July]
[20th June to 3rd July]
[1st to 19th June]
[10th to 31st May]
[21st Apr to 9th May]
[4th to 20th April]
[15th Mar to 3rd Apr]
[2nd to 14th Mar]
[21st Feb to 1st Mar]
[13th to 20th Feb]
[5th to 12th Feb]
[26th Dec to 4th Feb]
2001 - [8th to 25th Dec]
[21st Nov to 7th Dec]
[5th to 20th Nov]
[30th Sept to 4th Nov]
[13th to 29th Sept]
[28th Aug to 12th Sept]
[4th to 27th Aug]
[27th July to 3rd Aug]
[13th to 26th July]
[27th June to 12th July]
[30th May to 26th June]
[3rd to 29th May]
[13th April to 2nd May]
[1st to 12th April]
[12th to 31st March]
[18th Feb to 11th March]
[2nd to 17th Feb]
[1st Jan to 1st Feb]