The Yahoo KasimSulton Mailing List is a moderated list, purely for news about Kasim (television appearances, concerts, etc) with weekly news of his activities when he's touring - the oldest running active Kasim Sulton mailing list!
KasimInfo Site Blog
Blog 89 (10/03/05 - 10/23/05)
Please note that, as time goes by, some of these external links may no longer work - sorry!
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Sunday 23rd October 2005 - Kasim plays a performance of Movin' Out this afternoon on Broadway
Kasim on
13.00 - Kasim receives a few mentions in an article about the WK Audio ID Controller which was used during the mixing of Rick Reynolds' (Sounding Rick) album Unstoppable on (the article is about halfway down the page). There are some interesting points about how the equipment helped the mixing but the main Kasim mentions are:
"For our first project, Sounding Rick's Unstoppable, produced by Kasim Sulton — who in the past has played bass with Todd Rundgren and Meat Loaf — we mixed 13 songs in a remarkably short period of time. Because Kasim was on his way to Europe to act as Meat Loaf's Musical Director, we only had three-and-a-half days to mix an entire album."
"Kasim was very pleased with the ability to use the mix controller to dial in Nuendo EQ and plug-in settings."
The article also says that the album was recorded over a period of 10 months and that some of the songs had 53 tracks — including 16 tracks of guitar!
Kasim in Movin' Out
10.00 - Kasim will be playing in the performance this afternoon (3.00pm) of Movin' Out at The Richard Rogers Theatre in New York City. Tickets are available in Row of A of the Rear Mezzanine (the best part of the theater to see Kasim and the band is the Front Mezzanine but there are no seats available there). Kasim also played in last nights performance of this Twyla Tharp musical which is based on songs by Billy Joel.
Scary Story
05.45 - Leading up to Halloween, on Doug Kennedy's website he is writing a scary story which features lots of fans of Kasim (thankfully none of them have been killed off yet!) and now the story features someone called Kasim Sulton too - as a Rakshasa Hunter! (A Rakshasa is a "demon who can posses a man’s mind and delights in the consumption of human flesh"!)
On This Day
05.30 - For those who haven't looked at the front page of the website today, there is a staggering nine "On This Day"'s for today for Kasim Sulton over the years! The years covered are 1976, 1977, 1982, 1985, 1996, 1999, 2000, 2003 and 2004.
Thursday 20th October 2005
Kasim and Project X
08.15 - And so the debate / comments / guesses / wishful thinking continues .....! There's been loads of posts on various mailing lists and messageboards in the past couple of days about Kasim's post on Monday about his current project in Los Angeles. Here is just a selection:
"Well, who can that be? Meat Loaf, maybe..."
"I must admit the clues aren't helping me too much, I haven't a clue on who helped Kasim with his first solo project. I'm guessing that the person he has worked with for 10 years is Todd? Exciting stuff whatever it all means"
"Could'nt it be the "live revue" TR and Donald Fagen seem to have been discussing about a few month ago. Kasim could perfectly fit into that kind of project."
"Gotta agree with The Cars - this just does not sound like a terribly shrewd business move. I personally don't think the public is going to buy into it, regardless of the fact that musically it will be very good. It just doesn't seem valid minus the participation of the original bandleader/songwriter/frontman. I only hope for the sake of our heroes that it is successful enough to support their lives and future regular activities, and not leave them scrambling for alternate means of income."
"I emailed Michele today and her response was she is going to California today and will see Todd there.. kinda a coincidence Kasim in Cali. Todd in Cali....huuuumm whats going on..."
"Kas seems pretty excited about this all which leads me to believe it is something to do with Todd, they do seem close, like brothers!"
"Well, I do know that Roger Powell played synth\keys on Kazzy's first CD. And how long was that line-up of Utopia in actual working order anyway?"
"Maybe it's a joint Utopia/The Cars thang? "
"this reads like The Cars to me... although i must say, after watching The Cars Live at Musicladen '79 over and over and over the past few weeks, i am disillusioned."
" Will Kasim's TOP SECRET project help, hinder, or enhance his solo efforts? Or maybe it's so wonderful that I just won't care."
"If it's indeed The Cars, I'm not looking forward to it."
"The Cars - I hope this doesn't happen. I'd rather see energy put to use in other areas."
"Kas said: "The music we will eventually be performing is not just familiar, anyone watching primetime TV might have been subjected to one or two of the songs that are currently being used in commercials." This seems an obvious and BLATANT hint that it is most likely THE CARS material being refered to."
"The Cars do need a bassist and lead singer. Utopia wasn't suppose to be until Fall."
"Our guess is it is a new Utopia record and then a tour to follow! :) "
"If it is The Cars thing or an All Star Review thing and it is gonna keep Kas busy for most of 2006 it can't all be the Utopia thing so is there still room for the 6-10 Utopia Reunion dates, and there would need to be plenty of Utopia rehearsal time?"
"Maybe we are looking at a recombinate version of BOTH bands??? a kind of Cars-topia? or better yet, Car-Stopia??? lol
"I am gonna go out on a limb here, I think this project Kas speaks of will be the "All Star Review", with Fagan and a host of other surprise guest stars along the way, he mentioned acrobats and other type performers too. All of which would be anchored by Todd, Kas, Donald Fagen, and maybe Roger or possibly one of the guys from Meat's band [Kas has played with them for 10+ years right?]."
Photos of Kasim at Dock Street
06.45 - Click here for a batch of photos by Gina Martin of Kasim Sulton's solo gig at Dock Street on Staten Island on 7th February 2004. This is a link to my favorite of the bunch.
 From The Utopia Times - Winter 1982
Wednesday 19th October 2005
Kasim Sulton Magazine
01.30 - Kasim Sulton Magazine #23 has been issued to all those members of the Yahoo KasimSulton Mailing List who have signed up to receive it (over 300 fans worldwide!). The magazine this quarter is larger than usual (1.2MB) and consists of 23 pages. The articles in this issue are:
Something's Gonna Happen (news round-up)
Kasim's Solo Gig in Manchester, England
Meat Loaf's Hair Of The Dog Tour (14 pages)
Kasim's Signature Bass
This magazine will go online on 18th April 2006.
Tuesday 18th October 2005
Kasim and Project X
18.45 - Kasim's post yesterday about his current project in Los Angeles has caused some discussion and guesswork in this thread on The general consensus seems to be that he's working with Todd Rundgren and The Cars which Doug Kennedy seems to concur with according to a comment on his website
"My pal and musical guru Kasim Sulton has made a very cryptic post to his blog site. In it, Kasim offers some clues as to what top-secret project he is currently involved with in Los Angeles. With rumors flying fast and furious about Kasim's former bandmate Todd Rundgren joining The Cars for a reunion tour (mentioned on The Howard Stern Show and in The New York Times a few weeks ago), could it be that Kasim is on board as well? Kasim knows that I love The Cars, and he mentions in his post that I (aka Phyllis) may have a couple of guesses. That silly, secretive little man. Maybe I'm wrong and he's joining Uriah Heep....."
Kasim at Blickling Hall, England
01.30 - The Gigs section of the site has been updated with comments by Kasim about the Meat Loaf concert that Kasim Sulton played at Blickling Hall, England on 15th July plus links to other websites with photos of Kasim (or click here for the direct link).
Monday 17th October 2005
Kasim's Journal updated
15.00 - Kasim Sulton has updated his online journal with some clues about the project he's currently working on in Los Angeles. The best news is the comment "this project will see me out on the road pretty much all of 2006"!
Kasim also says that he will start recording Bat Out Of Hell III with Meat Loaf back in Los Angeles on 9th November.
Kasim on E-Bay
03.30 - There is currently a copy of Kasim Sulton's first solo album Kasim on E-Bay here. The opening bid on the album is $4.99, there are no bids so far and the auction ends on Friday. For just one cent more a Kasim Sulton guitar pic is available here! Not surprisingly there are no bids to date and the auction ends on Saturday. (It is listed as a Meat Loaf Kasim Sulton Farewell Tour guitar pic (but whether it is Meat Loaf or Kasim whose farewell tour it was is unclear!)
 Vienna, VA - 22nd August
Photo by Jo Milos
Sunday 16th October 2005
Confirmed change of release date
11.15 - CDUniverse have changed the release date for Todd Rundgren And The Liars - Live DVD from 15th to 29th November in line with all the other online stores.
The release dates are now:
The Best Of Todd Rundgren Live CD - 15th November
Todd Rundgren And The Liars - Live DVD - 29th November
The Best Of Todd Rundgren Live CD - 21st November
Todd Rundgren And The Liars - Live DVD - Early 2006
The Best Of Todd Rundgren Live CD will be released in US by Sanctuary Records and in Europe by Castle Music via Sanctuary. Todd Rundgren And The Liars - Live DVD will be released by Sanctuary Records.
Photos of Kasim in Pooler
05.00 - HighVibes has some great photos of Kasim Sulton's opening set (and the Meat Loaf concert) in Pooler, GA on 17th September.
Sanctuary Records
04.45 - This thread on the messageboard doesn't make for very happy reading about Sanctuary Records' financial position. (Many thanks to the kind person who sent me this link.)
Saturday 15th October 2005
Kasim press release
06.00 - This is the Kasim part of a pre-event press release about his appearance at GuitarFest'05 two weeks ago today:
"Kasim Sulton - 4:00 pm - (Electric Bass, Acoustic Guitar) - The stylish journeyman whose brilliant bass playing and flexible vocals have graced the grooves of over 50 million albums. One of the most sought-after sidemen in history, Sulton has played with everyone; Todd Rundgren, Mick Jagger, Joan Jett, Hall and Oates, and hundreds more. He's presently touring with Meat Loaf and developing his own signature bass guitar ( with Archer Guitars USA."
Many thanks to Eva Siebert for this.
Friday 14th October 2005
Kasim on yet another new album!
10.30 - Castle Music will be releasing an album called Best Of Todd Rundgren Live on 15th November in the US and on 21st November in Europe. This album contains 13 tracks from a selection tours from 1979 to 2004. The album also includes two tracks (Soul Brother and George Harrison's While My Guitar Gently Weeps) which will be on the new DVD Todd Rundgren and The Liars - Live. Kasim Sulton plays bass on 3 of the tracks and sings background vocals on 5 of them. There is an interesting song by song comment by Todd here (although he gets it wrong that Kasim broke his ankle during Love In Action!).
New release date for Liars DVD
08.15 - According to Peter Noble PR (Todd's UK PR company) the DVD Todd Rundgren and The Liars - Live will now be released on 29th November in the US and in early 2006 in Europe.
Kasim in Liverpool
01.30 - The Gigs section of the site has been updated with comments by Kasim about the first Meat Loaf concert that Kasim Sulton played in Liverpool, England on 12th July plus links to other websites with photos of Kasim (or click here for the direct link).
 The flyer which was at several hotels in Pooler, GA about Kasim's opening set at the Meat Loaf benefit concert for the victims of Hurricane Katrina
Thursday 13th October 2005
Liars DVD
17.00 - The release date for the Liars Tour DVD has been announced as Tuesday 15th November. The concert on 9th June 2004 at The Empire Center at The Egg in Albany, NY was filmed for this DVD. To view the DVD cover click here and to pre-order the DVD for the sale price of $13.99 click here. (Kasim played bass and sang background vocals on this 63 gig long tour which visited US, Holland, England, Scotland and Japan.)
Photos of Kasim in Atlantic City
11.45 - RoknRollJesus (Jo Milos) has 105 photos of the Meat Loaf concert that Kasim Sulton played in Atlantic City, NJ on 13th August. Click here to view them all. The best ones that feature Kasim are:
From the side
With Meat Loaf
Leaning backwards
You can even see the stitching on his shirt in this one (and a little trickle of sweat)!
Kasim with Paul Crook
(There are no photos of Kasim on page 3 but there is a photo of the guy who sang background vocals during Mercury Blues wearing Kasim's shirt here - this is the second concert that one of Kasim's shirts was worn by one of these competition winners who didn't wear suitable clothes to the venue!)
08.30 - Sorry for the lack of updates over the past week but my laptop was in for a repair so I was struggling with a (very!) old computer that only connected at 24K and crashed at least 20 times on Sunday which was one of the few days that I did manage to get online! The next edition of The Kasim Sulton Magazine will be issued in the next week and watch this site over the next few days for loads of updates! (Despite the site not being updated it still had well over 1,000 page views each day which is a great testament to how popular amongst his fans Kasim Sulton really is!)
Monday 10th October 2005
Kasim's total for September 2005
01.15 - During September 2005 Kasim Sulton played 15 Meat Loaf gigs as follows:
Pennsylvania - 1
New Hampshire - 1
Michigan - 2
Ohio - 1
Mississippi - 1
Florida - 4
Georgia - 1
New Jersey - 2
Missouri - 2
Kasim played an opening set at 4 of these concerts.
Sunday 9th October 2005
Kasim at Chatsworth House
15.45 - The Gigs section of the site has been updated with comments by Kasim about the Meat Loaf concert that Kasim Sulton played at Chatsworth House, England on 10th July plus links to other websites with photos of Kasim (or click here for the direct link).
Kasim at GuitarFest '05
05.15 Click here to read the press release about GuitarFest'05 last Saturday. I especially like the part that says "bassist Kasim Sulton has a cult following of his own and they were there in force" and "eliciting actual squeals and screams from his fans"!
Thursday 6th October 2005
Photos of Kasim at GuitarFest
06.30 - The Photos section of the site has been updated with some photos by James Fritz of Kasim Sulton at GuitarFest '05 last Saturday (or click here for the direct link).

Kasim with KC from InterstateMusic
Wednesday 5th October 2005
Kasim at Leeds Castle
12.30 - The Gigs section of the site has been updated with comments by Kasim about the Meat Loaf concert that Kasim Sulton played at Leeds Castle, England on 8th July plus links to other websites with photos of Kasim (or click here for the direct link).
The Kasim Sulton Magazine
01.45 - The Kasim Sulton Magazine #21 is now avaialable to download. It was originally issued on Thursday 31st March 2005 and contains the following articles:
Something's Gonna Happen (news round-up)
Kasim's tour as part of Patty Smyth and Scandal
Are Kasim's fans being ripped off?
Tuesday 4th October 2005
Kasim at Harewood House
20.30 - The Gigs section of the site has been updated with some links to other websites about the Meat Loaf concert that Kasim Sulton played at Harewood House, England on 3rd July (or click here for the direct link).
Photos of Kasim
02.30 - Ma4Utopia has started a thread of photos of Kasim Sulton on the messageboard attached to here. Some of these photos are old ones which have been on other websites but this photo and this one were taken at a rehearsal for the Nazztopia gig a couple of years ago. There are also a couple of photos from the Liars Tour in the thread.
Monday 3rd October 2005
Ageing rockers article
19.45 - It doesn't mention Kasim by name (although it does mention some artists he's worked with) but this is an interesting article about "ageing rockers" and tours in general.
Photos of Kasim in New York City
10.30 - RoknRollJesus (Jo Milos) has 49 photos of the Meat Loaf concert that Kasim Sulton played in New York City on 7th August. Click here to view them all. The best ones that feature Kasim are:
Concentrating on his bass playing
Kasim with Meat Loaf
Kasim and Patti Russo
Kasim at GuitarFest '05
01.30 - The Gigs section of the site has been updated with a review and photos of Kasim's set at GuitarFest'05 on Saturday afternoon (or click here for the direct link). The best news is that Kasim said there that he is going to tour solo "next year for sure"!

Kasim with Rita Kopca and Janet Spahr at GuitarFest'05 on Saturday afternoon
Blog 88 (09/20/05 - 10/02/05)
Previous Blogs -
[20th Sept to 2nd Oct]
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