The Yahoo KasimSulton Mailing List is a moderated list, purely for news about Kasim (television appearances, concerts, etc) with weekly news of his activities when he's touring - the oldest running active Kasim Sulton mailing list!
KasimInfo Site Blog
Blog 87 (09/05/05 - 09/19/05)
Please note that, as time goes by, some of these external links may no longer work - sorry!
If you don't know what a Blog is click here
Monday 19th September 2005 - Kasim plays a Meat Loaf concert tonight at the Ruth Eckerd Hall in Clearwater, FL
| updated
08.45 - The Gigs section of the site has been updated with the set list, some photos and a review of both Kasim's opening set and the Meat Loaf concert that Kasim Sulton played in Savannah, Georgia on Saturday (or click here for the direct link).
Kasim in Clearwater, FL
08.30 - Tonight Kasim Sulton plays another concert on the Meat Loaf Hair Of The Dog Tour. This concert is at the Ruth Eckerd Hall in Clearwater, Florida where Kasim played and opened last Monday.
This venue seats 2,180 for concerts and starts at 8.00pm. No opening act is listed it is possible that Kasim may open again!
As this concert was added later there are lots of seats still available.
Sunday 18th September 2005
Tour mileage
08.45 - Pooler, GA to Clearwater, FL - 354 miles
US Tour total - 8,191 miles
Kasim's opening set in Savannah, GA
08.30 - Kasim Sulton's opening set last night in Savannah, GA was:
Somebody Loves You
Sometimes Love Is A Dangerous Thing
There Goes My Inspiration
Before She Was Gone
The One Sure Thing
Kasim gave a faultless performance which was well received by the 3,000 size audience.
$100,000 (including a $25,000 donation from one sportsperson) was raised at this benefit concert for the victims of Hurricane Katrina. Both a prototype of Kasim's Signature Bass and an acoustic guitar that was signed by Meat Loaf were raffled towards the total.

Kasim Sulton with Meat Loaf (in playful mood) last night
Saturday 17th September 2005 - Kasim plays a Meat Loaf Hurricane Benefit concert tonight at the Oglethorpe Speedway Park in Pooler (Savannah), GA
| updated
13.15 - The Gigs section of the site has been updated with the set list, some photos, comments and a review of the concert that Kasim Sulton played in Hollywood, Florida on Wednesday (or click here for the direct link).
| updated
10.00 - The Gigs section of the site has been updated with the set list, some photos and a review of the concert and Kasim's solo set at the Meat Loaf concert that Kasim Sulton played in Clearwater, Florida on Monday (or click here for the direct link).
Kasim mention in Savannah newspaper
08.30 - Kasim receives a mention in this weeks edition of The Spirit Newspapers in the Savannah area in an article about the benefit concert. The mention is (with their spelling!):
"Kazim Sultan, his regular opener and band member, will precede Meatloaf onstage."
Kasim in Savannah, GA
08.15 - In case anyone has been living under a rock for the past couple of weeks(!), the concert that Kasim Sulton was to have played with Meat Loaf tonight in Kansas City, MO has been postponed to Friday 30th September. Instead tonight Kasim will be opening and playing in a Meat Loaf concert at the Oglethorpe Speedway Park in Pooler (just outside Savannah), Georgia. This venue holds 10,000 people and virtually all the money raised will be going to help the victims of Hurricane Katrina (members of the crew on the tour have said that the band will be donating their wages for today to the fund too). There will also be a truck at the venue for people to bring goods that will be taken immediately after the concert to the affected area.
Friday 16th September 2005
22.45 - has opened and Kasim receives a few mentions on the Bio page - Kasim is descibed as a "renowned bassist"!
Kasim on benefit concert flyer
20.30 - When checking into my hotel tonight in Pooler, GA there was a stack of flyers for the Meat Loaf Benefit concert tomorrow night and on them it says "With Special Guest Kasim Sulton"!
Tour mileage
20.15 - Hollywood, FL to Savannah, GA - 467 miles
US Tour total - 7,837 miles
| updated
08.15 - The Gigs section of the site has been updated with the set list, some photos and 2 reviews of the Meat Loaf concert that Kasim Sulton played in Tunica, Mississippi on Saturday (or click here for the direct link).
Kasim's journal updated
08.00 - Kasim Sulton has updated his online journal about the concert he played in Hollywood, Florida on Wednesday evening. There are photos posted of Kasim himself here, here, here and here
Biloxi, MS concert
07.30 - In case anyone has been living under a rock for the past couple of weeks(!), the concert that Kasim Sulton was to have played with Meat Loaf tonight in Biloxi, MS is cancelled due to Hurricane Katrina. A benefit concert for the victims will be played instead tomorrow night in Savannah, Georgia.
Wednesday 14th September 2005 - Kasim plays a Meat Loaf concert tonight at the Hard Rock Seminole in Hollywood, FL
Kasim in Hollywood, Florida
08.00 - Tonight Kasim Sulton plays another concert on the Meat Loaf Hair Of The Dog Tour. This concert is at the Hard Rock Seminole in Hollywood, Florida. This will be Kasim's first concert at this venue as it was only opened earlier this year.
The Hard Rock Live Technical Specifications are:
Capacity 5,500 Seated
Stage Dimensions 60’ x 40’
Stage is 4’ high, adjustable to 6’
There are 5 dressing rooms available, each with full bathroom facilities
There is one green room (Approx 20x40) with two bathroom facilities
There is one Production office available for Touring Production with 3 phones, 1 fax and 3 data lines.
Tuesday 13th September 2005
| updated
20.15 - The Gigs section of the site has been updated with comments by Kasim about the Meat Loaf concert that Kasim Sulton played in Rastatt, Germany on 24th June (or click here for the direct link).
Kasim's opening set in Clearwater, FL
14.00 - Last night in Clearwater, Florida, Kasim Sulton played his second opening set of the Meat Loaf Hair Of The Dog Tour. His set list was:
Somebody Loves You
Sometimes Love Is A Dangerous Thing
Before She Was Gone
The One Sure Thing
Tour mileage
13.45 - Clearwater, FL to Hollywood, FL - 261 miles
US Tour total - 7,370 miles

Kasim Sulton in Clearwater last night
Monday 12th September 2005 - Kasim plays a Meat Loaf concert tonight at the Ruth Eckerd Hall in Clearwater, FL
Meat Loaf benefit concert
13.00 - At the Meat Loaf concert in Cleveland on Saturday he asked everyone in the audience to purchase tickets for the benefit concert on 17th September (even if they are unable to attend the concert themselves) to help raise more money for the victims of Hurricane Katrina. Tickets are $25 (no booking fee) and can be purchased at (912) 964-8200.
Kasim's journal updated
12.45 - Kasim Sulton has updated his online journal about the benefit concert.
Kasim in Clearwater, FL
12.30 - Tonight Kasim Sulton plays another concert on the Meat Loaf Hair Of The Dog Tour. This concert is at the Ruth Eckerd Hall in Clearwater, Florida.
The Ruth Eckerd Hall was nominated one of the top five concert halls in the United States by a nation-wide industry poll of technicians, artists and their management. It comfortably seats 2,180 for concerts, recitals, plays and special events. In addition to the 200 events presented annually by the center, community groups and nationally recognized arts organizations, including The Florida Orchestra, lease the venue. The venue has an acoustically perfect chamber. The concert starts at 8.00pm and no opening act is listed so once again it is possible that Kasim may open!
There are no double tickets available but some singles are available.
Sunday 11th September 2005
Photos of Kasim
02.00 - Some photos of the Meat Loaf concert that Kasim Sulton played on last month in Holmdel, NJ has been added to the Gigs section of the site or click here for the direct link.
Tour mileage
01.45 - Robinsonville, MS to Clearwater, FL - 873 miles
Tour total - 7,109 miles

Kasim Sulton at the Horseshoe Casino in Tunica, MS last night
Saturday 10th September 2005 - Kasim plays a Meat Loaf concert tonight at the Horseshoe Casino in Robinsonville, MS
Kasim's opening set
18.45 - The set list for Kasim Sulton's opening set in Cleveland, Ohio on Thursday night was:
Somebody Loves You
Before She Was Gone
Ticket To Ride
Many thanks to Kasim for this info.
Kathy from Columbus, Ohio described Kasim's set as:
"Kasim opened; I was happy to learn he was going to, because I'd never seen him play solo before. I enjoyed his set, and his smooth, nice voice - then he announced he had had a request from "the Boss" - Meat had said "Play a Beatles song or something" so Kasim launched into Ticket To Ride - I enjoyed that.
During his set Kasim was relaxed and funny, interacting with the audience - at one point he lost his gum and someone sitting near me (naming no names ) wanted it, yelling "over here! over here!" - Kasim said "Oh sure, I'm going to give you my chewed gum ... you'd probably get sick and sue me!" Then later in the show, his gum escaped him yet again It happened so quickly I didn't realize what it was at first, but several pairs of eyes watched it bounce from left to right across the stage .. I think the guy to the right of me may have finally retrieved it (hope he doesn't sue Kasim)!"
Kasim to raffle bass for the Hurrican Relief fund
10.00 - According to this post on one of the prototypes of Kasim's signature basses will be raffled to raise money for the hurrican victims. The post says:
Archer Guitars USA and Kasim Sulton will team up September 17th, 2005
at Oglethorpe Speedway Park in Savannah, GA to raise funds for victims
of Hurricane Katrina.
Kasim will perform solo and with multi-platinum act Meat Loaf and will
raffle off a prototype of the Archer K Sulton Signature Bass he has
been playing this summer on Meat Loaf's "Hair of the Dog" world tour!
This one-of-a-kind instrument will be autographed by Kasim and by Meat
Loaf and the current members of his band. Kasim has been Road Testing
the K Sulton Signature Bass in anticipation of it's public debut later
this fall.
The K Sulton Signature Bass will be on display at the merchandise area
for this event and raffle tickets are available for just $2 each!
Concert goers may purchase as many tickets as they like with all
proceeds going to the American Red Cross and their efforts to aid the
victims of Hurricane Katrina.
Kasim has been playing four different versions of the K Sulton
Signature Bass over the past few months as it is developed for it's
initial production stages. "To be honest," he says, "It's not easy to
part with it. But this is a great opportunity to help out and I think
raffling off one of these prototypes is a good idea." Highly
collectable as a prototype, this is a great opportunity for one lucky
fan to walk away with this amazing instrument, played around the globe
and signed by Kasim, Meat Loaf and the band, while helping the American
Red Cross in their vital relief efforts.
Many thanks to Eva Siebert for this info. The website for the bass is
Kasim opening set in Cleveland, OH
09.30 - Apparently Kasim Sulton did play an opening set in Cleveland, Ohio on Thursday night! This was his first opening set of the tour. Mnay thanks to Kathy for this info.
Kasim in Robinsonville, MS
09.15 - Tonight Kasim Sulton plays another concert on the Meat Loaf Hair Of The Dog Tour. This concert is at the Horseshoe Casino in Robinsonville, MS.
The Horseshoe Casino is located in a 70-acre complex on the Mississippi River and is spread out over three properties which include a 500 room hotel in a 14 story tower.
The concert starts at 9.00pm and no opening act is listed so once again it is possible that Kasim may open!
There are no double tickets available but some singles are free in the very back section of the venue. This venue seats 1,136 fans.
Friday 9th September 2005
Kasim Sulton press release
20.00 - has a press release about Kasim's forthcoming opening act at the Hurricane Katrina Benefit Concert on 17th September. It says:
Kasim Sulton to Open Meat Loaf Hurricane Benefit Concert
Singer / songwriter Kasim Sulton to open Meat Loaf Hurricane Benefit concert for the victims of Hurricane Katrina.
(PRWEB)September 8, 2005 -- Singer / songwriter Kasim Sulton will be playing a short acoustic set to open the Meat Loaf Benefit Concert for the victims and survivors of Hurricane Katrina on Saturday 17 September in Savannah, Georgia at the Oglethorpe Speedway Park.
Meat Loaf was due to play a concert at the Beau Rivage Casino in Biloxi, MS on Friday 16 Sept. but obviously this date will not be able to take place so instead he has arranged a "Hurricane Relief" concert. Kasim plays bass and is the Musical Director for Meat Loaf as well as having a successful solo career so he jumped at the chance to open this concert to help the victims. "I was stunned to see the TV pictures with all the devastation that occurred. We were scheduled to play in Biloxi but amazingly, there is hardly anything left there. It's so sad. I hopethis concert will raise a lot of money to help the people who have losteverything. Keep everyone who lost loved ones, homes, possessions andthe lost ones themselves in your prayers."
Tickets for the $25 General Admission event go on sale on sale at Oglethorpe Speedway Park on Thursday (8th) at 9:00am. Tickets may also be purchased by telephone using Visa or MasterCard at 912-964-8200.
As well as raising money at the concert, attendees are asked to bring items requested by the Red Cross for the hurricane relief efforts. Yellow Freight Lines will have a truck and trailer at the speedway track which will go directly to the Red Cross effort in Biloxi,Mississippi.
Kasim Sulton is entering his 29th year in the music business. He started playing (and still tours) with Todd Rundgren back in 1976 and he first toured with Meat Loaf in 1993. Both Kasim and Todd performed on Meat Loaf's highly successful albums Bat Out Of Hell (1977) and Bat Out Of Hell II (1993). Kasim's latest album Quid Pro Quo was released in 2002. More info about Kasim and the benefit concert can be found on his official website
Photos of Kasim
00.15 - Some photos of Kasim Sulton at the concert on Friday in Scranton, PA has been added to the Gigs section of the site or click here for the direct link.
Tour mileage
00.01 - Cleveland, OH to Robinsonville, MS - 759 miles
Tour total - 6,236 miles
Thursday 8th September 2005 - Kasim plays a Meat Loaf concert tonight at the Tower City Amphitheater in Cleveland, Ohio
| updated
01.15 - A review of the Meat Loaf concert that Kasim Sulton played on Sunday in Durham, NH has been added to the Gigs section of the site or click here for the direct link.
Kasim in Cleveland, Ohio
01.00 - Tonight Kasim Sulton plays another concert on the Meat Loaf Hair Of The Dog Tour. This concert is at the Tower City Amphitheater in Cleveland, OH. It is expected that lots of people will be at this concert specifically to see Kasim as Ohio was one of the states where Utopia had one of their largest fanbases.
There is no opening act listed for this concert so it is quite possible that Kasim will open. Currently there are seats available in Row U of Section 4 (the second block back on Kasim's side of the stage) - 47 rows back from the stage. The concert starts at 7.30pm and the gates open at 6.30pm. This is an all ages / all weather event. Reserved Seating is $52.50 and $42.50 and General Admission / Standing is $20. The venue has this great slogan "Music Sounds Better Outdoors!"
The venue has the following restrictions:
No animals (except those that assist an individual with a disability)
No cans or bottles (except one (1) factory sealed bottle of water per person)
No fireworks
No illegal substances
No laser pens
No lawn chairs
No weapons of any kind - including spiked jewelry and mace
No items deemed inappropriate by venue security or management
On the positive side the venue has a massive selection of food and drinks available at the general concession areas:
Soft Pretzel
Deluxe Nachos
Koegel's Hot Dogs
Chicken Sandwich
Donatos Pizza
Woo City Ice Cream
Domestic Beer
Non-Alcoholic Domestic Beer
Bottled Water
Hot Chocolate
White, Red, Blush Wine
Frozen Drinks
The weather forecast for tonight is expected to be partly cloudy with a low of 59 degrees.

Kasim Sulton in Scranton (09/02/05)
Wednesday 7th September 2005
| updated
20.15 - This Blog page has been reduced with the older items being moved to a new page which should help this page load faster. The link to previous items is at the bottom of this page.
| updated
15.00 - The Gigs section of the site has been updated with comments by Kasim about the Meat Loaf concert that Kasim Sulton played in Munich, Germany on 22nd June (or click here for the direct link).
Photos of Kasim in Liverpool
07.15 - The Gigs section of the site has been updated with some photos of Kasim Sulton in Liverpool, England on 18th July or click here for the direct link.
Tour mileage
07.00 - Mt. Pleasant, MI to Cleveland, OH - 298 miles
Tour total - 5,477 miles
Tuesday 6th September 2005 - Kasim plays a Meat Loaf concert tonight at the Soaring Eagle Casino in Mt. Pleasant, MI
New Meat Loaf concert
19.00 - Just over 2 weeks before the event another concert has been added to the Meat Loaf Hair Of The Dog Tour schedule. It's on Saturday 24th September at 8.00pm at The Borgata in Atlantic City, NJ and tickets go on sale this Saturday. The Gigs section of the site has been updated with ticketing and venue links. Many thanks to Vicki Pearson for this info.
| updated
16.00 - This Blog page has been reduced with the older items being moved to a new page which should help this page load faster. The link to previous items is at the bottom of this page.
Message from Kasim
15.30 - Kasim sent a message today to his mailing list about the Meat Loaf Hurricane Relief Concert on 17th September. The first few paragraphs are taken directly from the Oglethorpe Speedway Park press release which was posted a couple of days ago. The final paragraph contains mentions of Kasim's opening set. I've been unable to discover where this was originally posted (it has a lot of grammatical errors plus Todd Rundgren's name is spelt incorrectly!) but I've copied it in below (unedited):
"Kasim Sulton will open the show doing a short acoustic set, he has been the Musical Director for Meat Loaf for many years . he started his career at 17 playing with and continues today with Todd Rudgreen. His web site is Kasim for additional information."
(At least it's good that Kasim's opening set is being mentioned in publicity for the benefit concert.)
Kasim in Mt. Pleasant, MI
14.30 - Tonight Kasim Sulton plays another concert on the Meat Loaf Hair Of The Dog Tour. This concert is at the Soaring Eagle Casino in Mt. Pleasant, MI. Unfortunately it's been difficult to find out too much about this venue, mainly because the website is often down and can only be viewed on certain browsers. However there are a few rules that I've managed to find about the venue:
"No food, coolers, blankets, umbrellas, outside alcohol, illegal substances, glass containers, audio or video recording equipment, strollers, backpacks, weapons, pets or tailgating prior to the show.
Photography restrictions will vary from show to show. Patrons without shoes or shirts are not permitted to enter. We ask that all cell phones and pagers be switched off before entering the arena as a courtesy to others.
Parking lots to open at 5:00 pm before the show. Shows will take place rain or shine. All bags and purses will be searched prior to entry into the arena; prohibited items must be returned to one’s vehicle or be confiscated in order for admittance. Bags or purses can measure no larger than 12”x 8”x 6”."
Tickets can be purchased by telephone on (888) 726-9633. There is no opening act listed so it is possible that Kasim may open this gig!
Monday 5th September 2005
Kasim on Unstoppable
02.00 - I received my copy of Unstoppable by Sounding Rick this morning. (This is the album that Kasim Sulton produced and sang background vocals and played bass on most tracks.) First of all I must thoroughly recommend CDBaby's customer service. I haven't played the album yet but just the CD liner is worth the purchase price for most fans of Kasim! There are 3 (small) new great photos of Kasim plus he writes a nice two paragraph introduction to the album. One part describes the album as "Wonderfully quirky stories within songs that I'm proud to have my name attached to".
There are 14 tracks on the album:
1) Turn You On
2) Left Your Mark
3) Oh No!
4) Danger For The Handicapped
5) I Don't Wanna Be In Trouble
6) Only Son
7 I'm Hip
8) Less Hate (More Love)
9) Otis Redding
10) With You
11) Snake Eyes
12) Lucy (the dog)
13) Anxiety
14) Blinded By The 9's & 10's
Kasim plays bass on all the tracks except With You and he sings background vocals on all the tracks except I'm Hip and With You.
Sounding Rick (Rick Reynolds) wrote or co-wrote all the tracks on the album. (Oh No is not the same song as the track on Lights On by Price / Sulton).
On the actual CD itself it says that it was produced by Kasim Sulton. There is also a nice comment by Rick in the liner notes: "Special thanks to Kasim Sulton for taking time to help me complete this project, while lending his signature bass playing and unique vocals as well as his unparalleled mastery of editing and mixing".
Unstoppable is available for $10 (plus shipping) on CDBaby. 10% of each CD sold will go to the Red Cross disaster fund.
Tour mileage
01.45 - Durham, NH to Mt. Pleasant, MI - 883 miles (an estimated 14.5 hours by road)
Tour total - 5,179 miles

Kasim with Lino Terlati of Italy
Blog 86 (08/17/05 - 09/04/05)
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