The Yahoo KasimSulton Mailing List is a moderated list, purely for news about Kasim (television appearances, concerts, etc) with weekly news of his activities when he's touring - the oldest running active Kasim Sulton mailing list!
KasimInfo Site Blog
Blog 85 (08/11/05 - 08/17/05)
Please note that, as time goes by, some of these external links may no longer work - sorry!
If you don't know what a Blog is click here
Wednesday 17th August 2005 - Kasim plays a Meat Loaf concert tonight at the Bank Of America Pavilion in Boston, MA
Photos of Kasim
15.30 - The Photos section of the website has been updated with 22 photos of Kasim at The Borgata in Atlantic City or click here for the direct link.
Kasim on new album
02.30 - The album that Kasim Sulton produced for Rick Reynolds last year will be available on 1st September. The CD is by Sounding Rick and is called Unstoppable. It was not only produced by Kasim but also features his bass playing throughout and his signature voice on almost every song! Click to listen to two minute samples of each the 14 songs. The album is described as "a quirky upbeat funk/rock CD with 14 great songs featuring tight guitar, horns as well as Rick's and Kasim's unique voices".
There will also be a website that should be open around 1st September.
Kasim in Boston
02.00 - Tonight Kasim Sulton plays another concert on the Meat Loaf Hair Of The Dog Tour. This concert is at the Bank Of America Pavilion in Boston, MA. This venue seats 5,000 people (so is half the size of Sunday's cncert) and tickets in the second block of the center section (Row GG - the 33rd row) are still available at $70.45 plus taxes. Jonny Lives! will be the opening act at this concert.
Tuesday 16th August 2005
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17.15 - The set list and some photos of the concert that Kasim Sulton played last Saturday at The Borgata in Atlantic City have been added to the Meat Loaf Hair Of The Dog Tour section of the site or click here for the direct link. Many thanks to Vicki Pearson for these photos. Another batch of photos from this concert will be added tomorrow.
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06.30 - The Gigs section of the site has been updated with links to photos and comments posted on messageboards and mailing lists, plus comments by Kasim about the Meat Loaf concert that Kasim Sulton played in Holland on 11th June (or click here for the direct link).
| updated
06.15 - The News section of the site has been updated.
Kasim's journal updated
03.30 - Kasim Sulton has updated his online journal about the Uncasville concert. He has also added photos of himself here, here and here.
Tour mileage
03.15 - Uncasville, CT to Boston, MA - 111 miles
Tour total - 1,583 miles

Kasim Sulton at The Borgata on Sunday night
(He did use his signature bass during the concert too)
Monday 15th August 2005 - Kasim plays a Meat Loaf concert tonight at the Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, CT
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16.30 - The set list and 17 great photos of the concert that Kasim Sulton played last Tuesday at the Beacon Theatre in New York have been added to the Meat Loaf Hair Of The Dog Tour section of the site or click here for the direct link.
Kasim on E-Bay
01.30 - The auction for a copy of Lights On (complete with press kit) on came to a close on Saturday with no bids being made. Currently here on E-Bay there is a copy of Kasim available. The opening bid is $7.77, there are no bids so far and the auction ends on Friday.
Kasim in Uncasville, CT
01.15 - Tonight Kasim Sulton plays another concert on the Meat Loaf Hair Of The Dog Tour. This concert is at the Mohegan Sun Arena in the Mohegan Sun Casino, Uncasville, CT. This is one of the largest venues of the US leg of the tour as it holds 10,000 people. Seats in the rear quarter of the arena are still available. This is also one of the cheapest gigs of the tour as prices only go up to $35 (plus charges) - some concerts are over $90! Jonny Lives! will be the opening act at this concert.
Tour mileage
01.00 - Atlantic City, NJ to Uncasville, CT - 256 miles
Tour total - 1,472 miles

Sunday 14th August 2005
Photos of Kasim
15.45 - Eva Siebert has added 3 photos of Kasim that were taken outside the Beacon Theatre in this thread on Direct links to the photos are here, here and here.
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12.00 - This Blog page has been culled to help it open faster. A link to previous Blog items are at the bottom of this page.
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10.15 - The News section of the site has been brought up to date.
Kasim's journal updated
09.15 - Kasim Sulton has updated his online journal about The Borgata concert. He has also added photos of himself with one of his daughters here and with Dave Fletcher (who is the webmaster of here.
Videoclip of Kasim
08.00 - Right click here to download a really great 11 second videoclip of Kasim Sulton (and Paul Crook) that was taken by Eva Siebert at the Beacon Theatre concert last Sunday.
Saturday 13th August 2005 - Kasim plays a Meat Loaf concert tonight at The Borgata, Atlantic City, NJ
Kasim's journal updated
05.45 - Kasim has updated his online journal about the Beacon Theatre concerts and Casino Rama. There are also photos of him here and here.
Kasim at The Borgata, Atlantic City
05.30 - Tonight Kasim Sulton plays another concert on the Meat Loaf Hair Of The Dog Tour. This concert is at The Borgata in Atlantic City, NJ. This venue holds 3,700 people and is sold out.
Tour mileage
05.00 - Rama, ON to Atlantic City, NJ - 636 miles
Tour total - 1,216 miles
Thursday 11th August 2005 - Kasim plays a Meat Loaf concert tonight at Casino Rama, Rama, Ontario, Canada
On stage with Kasim!
19.00 - At Tuesday's concert 2 people sang background vocals during Mercury Blues after winning a radio contest. This link has details about the contest and their evening (including a rehearsal with Kasim) and this link has photos of the concert. The ones that best feature Kasim are:
Outside the theater
Blue teeth!
| updated
05.30 - The set list and a detailed review of the concert that Kasim Sulton played on Sunday night at the Beacon Theatre in New York have been added to the Meat Loaf Hair Of The Dog Tour section of the site or click here for the direct link. There are also reviews and some photos in this thread on |
Kasim in Ontario, Canada
05.15 - Tonight Kasim Sulton plays another concert on the Meat Loaf Hair Of The Dog Tour. This concert is at Casino Rama in Rama, Ontario and is the only concert on the tour in Canada (the 9th country of the tour). This venue holds 5,000 people and is sold out. No opening act is listed so far for this concert.

Kasim Sulton at the Beacon Theatre in New York on Tuesday night
Blog 84 (07/17/05 - 08/10/05)
Previous Blogs -
[17th July to 10th August]
[4th to 16th July]
[27th June to 3rd July]
[29th May to 26th June]
[16th April to 28th May]
[4th to 15th April]
[7th Mar to 3rd April]
[12th Feb to 6th Mar]
[24th Jan to 11th Feb]
[30th Dec 2004 to 23rd Jan 2005]
2004 - [18th Nov to 29th Dec]
[28th Oct to 17th Nov]
[6th to 27th Oct]
[11th Sep to 5th Oct]
[8th Aug to 10th Sep]
[4th July to 7th August]
[24th May to 3rd July]
[4th to 24th May]
[19th Apr to 3rd May]
[7th to 18th Apr]
[15th Mar to 6th Apr]
[20th Feb to 14th Mar]
[4th to 19th Feb]
[18th Jan to 3rd Feb]
[8th to 17th Jan]
2003 - [22nd Dec 2003 to 7th Jan 2004]
[4th to 21st Dec]
[13th Nov to 3rd Dec]
[19th Oct to 12th Nov]
[29th Sep to 18th Oct]
[4th to 28th Sep]
[7th Aug to 3rd Sep]
[16th Jul to 6th Aug]
[23rd Jun to 15th Jul]
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[25th Mar to 3rd Apr]
[25th Feb to 24th Mar]
[17th to 24th Feb]
[3rd to 16th Feb]
[13th Jan to 2nd Feb]
[1st to 12th Jan]
2002 - [7th to 31st Dec]
[27th Nov to 6th Dec]
[8th to 26th Nov]
[22nd Oct to 7th Nov]
[7th to 21st Oct] [24th Sept to 6th Oct] [10th to 23rd Sept] [22nd Aug to 9th Sept] [3rd to 21st Aug] [19th July to 2nd Aug]
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[15th Mar to 3rd Apr]
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[5th to 12th Feb]
[26th Dec to 4th Feb]
2001 - [8th to 25th Dec]
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[30th Sept to 4th Nov]
[13th to 29th Sept]
[28th Aug to 12th Sept]
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[2nd to 17th Feb]
[1st Jan to 1st Feb]