The Yahoo KasimSulton Mailing List is a moderated list, purely for news about Kasim (television appearances, concerts, etc) with weekly news of his activities when he's touring - the oldest running active Kasim Sulton mailing list!
KasimInfo Site Blog
Blog 82 (06/27/05 - 07/03/05)
Please note that, as time goes by, some of these external links may no longer work - sorry!

Poster by Greg (The Surf Talks)
Saturday 2nd July 2005 - Kasim plays a Meat Loaf concert tonight in Killarney, Ireland
Kasim's solo gig
14.45 - At Kasim's solo gig on Monday, David Thorpe is now being replaced by Brother Bastion. Kasim's set now starts at 11.00pm (it was 10.30pm) and is the final artist on stage (so has no finishing time listed!).
Another Meat Loaf opening act?
14.00 - According to Mark Gillespie's website the tour managers are considering inviting Mark to open the English (and possibly American too) Meat Loaf concerts after his amazing performance in Mainz last Saturday. Many thanks to Eva Siebert for this link.
Meat Loaf opening acts
11.00 - Status Quo are again opening the Meat Loaf concert tonight in Kilarney, Ireland. Apparently the English rock band Hurricane Pary will be opening the following gigs in England for Meat Loaf:
Sunday 3rd July - Harewood House, Harewood, England
Friday 8th July - Leeds Castle, Maidstone, England
Sunday 10th July - Chatsworth House, Chatsworth, England
Friday 15th July - Blickling Castle, Norfolk, England
Saturday 16th July - Warwick House, Warwick, England
Monday 18th July - Big Top, Liverpool, England
| is updated
10.00 - has been updated about the gig that Kasim played last Saturday in Mainz, Germany and with some great photos.
Photos of Kasim in Rastatt
07.00 - Some photos by Tamara Angeletti the Meat Loaf concert in Rastatt, Germany on 24th June have been added to the Meat Loaf German Fan Club website. There is one photo of Kasim Sulton on the page plus he can be seen in the background of one other.

Kasim Sulton July 2005 Calendar
Click here to download a copy to print
(Larger than calendar above)
Thursday 30th June 2005 - 4 days until Kasim's solo gig
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18.30 - This Blog section of the site has been updated so that this page should load faster. Earlier items can be accessed via the links at the bottom of this page.
Kasim in jet drama at airport
06.30 - It doesn't mention Kasim by name but this article has the news story and a photo of the airplane which skidded off the runway yesterday afternoon.
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04.15 - The set list, some comments and photos of the concert that Kasim Sulton played on Tuesday in Hamburg, Germany has been added to the Meat Loaf Hair Of The Dog Tour section of the site or click here for the direct link. Also on that page is a great 16 second clip of Meat Loaf introducing Kasim and him playing his bass.
Kasim's journal updated
04.00 - Kasim Sulton has updated his Kasim's Journal.
 Kasim in Hamburg on Tuesday night (Photo by Susi Hauner)
Tuesday 28th June 2005 - 6 days until Kasim's solo gig
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11.30 - has been updated with an interestiing narrative by Kasim Sulton about how his bass performed at the Munich and Rastatt gigs. According to the Our Response section prototype #4 of the bass should be with Kasim in time of the gig in Hamburg tonight.
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02.00 - The set list, a review and photos of the concert that Kasim Sulton played on Friday in Rastatt, Germany has been added to the Meat Loaf Hair Of The Dog Tour section of the site or click here for the direct link.
The front and back of a postcard about the Kasim Sulton Signature Bass
Blog 81 (05/29/05 - 06/26/05)
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