Friday 15th April 2005
09.30 - Kasim Sulton will be playing guitar and singing background vocals in the evening (8.00pm) performance today of the Billy Joel / Twyla Tharp musical Movin' Out at The Richard Rogers Theatre. All of the front mezzanine is full for this performance but seats are available in Row B of the rear mezzanine. Tickets are $70 plus charges.
Thursday 14th April 2005
02.00 - Kasim Sulton is listed on the festival website for the only Meat Loaf gig in Switzerland this tour here (Unfortunately his name is spelt incorrectly). Many thanks to the kind person who forwarded this link.
Wednesday 13th April 2005
19.00 - Kasim Sulton will be playing guitar and singing background vocals in the evening (8.00pm) performance on this coming Friday of Movin' Out at The Richard Rogers Theatre on Broadway this week.
Tuesday 12th April 2005
15.30 - The auction on E-Bay for the Japanese version of the album Kasim on vinyl (complete with obi strip) came to a close yesterday with a winning bid of $12.99 after one bid. Currently on E-Bay there is a promo copy of the Price / Sulton 12 inch single Shotgun Shy. The auction ends on Saturday, the opening price is $0.99 and there are no bids so far.
05.30 - Apparently Meat Loaf made a post on his official website which included the line:
"First set of rehearsals for the tour start next week to start learning some new songs."
Previously Meat Loaf has said that they plan to show case some of the songs that will be on Bat Out Of Hell III on this forthcoming tour.
Monday 11th April 2005
18.00 - Apparently Quid Pro Quo is now available to download on iTunes for $9.99.
09.00 - There's a "new letter" from Kasim on In case it disappears at some point, it says:
"Rich, first of all – thanks so much for all the support and recognition I've gotten through Kweevak. It was a feather in my cap to be number one on your site.
Best to you and yours...
Kasim Sulton"
08.00 - It appears that Kasim's official website was updated on 26th March (the day after Kasim sent a message to his mailing list). The website note is identical to the mailing list message other than one paragraph is missing:
"I’m thinking of doing at least one solo show in the UK while there with Meat Loaf. There are more than a few days off here and there and assuming I can find a venue willing to host a show, I’ll will do one for the UK fans. Right now the most important thing is finishing new material."
Hopefully this is just an omission and not a change of plan!
05.30 - Over the weekend Kasim Sulton received a couple of mentions in this post from the Audities list:
"The current word is that they only plan to do a short tour - perhaps 2 weeks at best. It's more of a chance to promote what will likely be some new reissues in accordance with the recent deal that Todd has made with Sanctuary. (Kasim has also signed with Sanctuary as a solo artist and
still works with Meat Loaf, and Roger Powell is reportedly going to have a new synthesizer album in the near future aside from his software day gig. Willie Wilcox is well-ensconced at NBC/Universal doing music for USA/Sci-Fi and now MSNBC/CNBC shows.)
I expect it will be "the hits" although one can hope that they will consider doing a broad overview of their career. (I think the "POV" & "Oblivion" material should be exposed some more - underrated tunes.) Reportedly Kasim is likely to be "musical director," as he has been the one to really push for doing it at all. It would be cool if something NEW came out of all the activity, but sometimes it's best to not wonder "what if." I just hope I get to see it in person and not only from a DVD several months later."
05.00 - For the month of March 2005 Kasim Sulton played a total of 15 gigs on 12 of the 31 days of the month.

Kasim Sulton CD Release Party mention in Chicago Newspaper
(October 2002)
Saturday 9th April 2005
11.00 - Kasim Sulton will be playing guitar and singing background vocals in both the matinee (2.00pm) and evening (8.00pm) performances today of the Billy Joel / Twyla Tharp musical Movin' Out at The Richard Rogers Theatre. For the matinee performance all tickets in the mezzanine section (the best place in the theater to see Kasim) are sold out and the best seats available are Row F in the Orchestra. For the evening performance all of the front mezzanine is full but seats are available in Row D of the rear mezzanine. Tickets are $100 plus charges.
Friday 8th April 2005
16.45 - The Hamburg date has now been confirmed by Meat Loaf's management.
14.00 - A new Meat Loaf gig in Hamburg, Germany on 28th June has been found on the Internet! It's not been confirmed by Meat Loaf's management yet but tickets are already on sale. The Gigs section of the site have been updated with ticketing links. Many thanks to the kind person who forwarded the links.
10.30 - There's a very long and detailed review of the Munich, Germany concert that Kasim played with Meat Loaf in April 1994 here.
10.15 - After the mention here yesterday of the relative lack of interest from fans about Kasim Sulton's possible solo gig in the UK this summer, 6 fans made a staggering 72 posts (mainly within a 90 minute period) in threads here and here. (The latter thread has some great ideas for set lists at the gig.)
08.30 - The E-Bay auction for a copy of Kasim came to a close yesterday with no bids being made. This album has been listed for a third time here but this time the price has been reduced by one dollar to $8.77. The auction ends next Thursday and there are no bids so far.
Thursday 7th April 2005
19.00 - This thread on has some great suggestions for songs for the Utopia 30th Anniversary Tour. There are also so nice quotes (and suggestions) about Kasim including:
"Egos aside, given Kasim's recent experience with Loaf, Broadway, Scandal, etc...I think that Todd should let Kasim run the show. Give Kasim a month to work with all the players, do the song selection, rehearsals, etc...and then Todd can come in for the final tweaking. I think that would guarantee a great show.
Otherwise, I fear that personalities, lack of time for rehearsals, limited budgets, all could rain on what has the potential to be an amazing event."
"Kasim as band director is a superb idea as he's sure proved that he can handle that with Meat"
"The Kasim Sulton Orchestra."
10.45 - This German website quotes part of Before She Was Gone from Quid Pro Quo as one of its "Quotations from some of the best songs". The part this website owner quotes is:
"It's not what you've said,
Baby it's what you're could have done instead
You should have told her, that she was the one
Should have told her, before she was gone"
09.15 - There are now two photos of Kasim on Meat Loaf's official website There is one on the front page of the site (that all can view) plus there is there is that old newspaper article from South Africa in the Members Only section where he is described as Meat Loaf's manager. Unfortunately the E-card produced by the website to promote the tour does not show Kasim at all.
09.00 - Despite it being 10 days now since Kasim posted to his mailing list the possibility of him playing a solo gig in UK this Summer, there have been few postings about it. A couple of people discussed it on the TRConnection messageboard here but there were no responses on the main Meat Loaf messageboard here. In fact that thread was given a rating of 1.5 out of 5 (despite it initially having a five star rating which means that 7 people must have given it one star - the description given for that rating on the board is "terrible").
07.45 - It was four years ago tonight that Kasim Sulton restarted his solo career by a gig at Arlene Grocery in New York City. Since then he has played 50 solo gigs - 17 in 2001, 31 in 2002, 0 in 2003 and 2 in 2004 plus he has made several radio appearances, played sets at various Borders stores and opened at lots of Meat Loaf concerts (in front of at least half a million people!).
Wednesday 6th April 2005
20.30 - The sixth post in this thread is by Lou who met Kasim recently and contains the line "Every once in a while Kasim will do a solo show here and there...."!
10.30 - The E-Bay auction for a LP flat of the Kasim album (with two Todd Rundgren flats) came to a close on Monday with a winning bid of $8.49 after two bids. There is now an auction on E-Bay for the Japanese version of the album Kasim on vinyl (complete with obi strip). The auction ends on Monday, the opening price is $12.99 and currently there are no bids.
09.00 - The News section of the site has been updated.
07.00 - Kasim Sulton will be playing guitar and singing background vocals in both performances on Saturday of Movin' Out at The Richard Rogers Theatre on Broadway this week. These will be Kasim's 52nd and 53rd appearances in the musical.
06.45 - There was a post on the BeyondAwizard mailing list (a list for fans of Todd Rundgren) to say that someone had received a flyer from Cascio Interstate Music in the mail with a large photo of Kasim Sulton playing a guitar on the cover. There are currently two photos of Kasim on the Cascio Interstate Music website (reproduced below).

Monday 4th April 2005
08.45 - There are currently two opportunities to appear on stage alongside Kasim Sulton at the US Meat Loaf concerts. The first one is detailed here and involves the chance to "count in" the band. The second one is detailed in the sixth paragraph here and involves joining Meat Loaf on stage to sing Paradise By The Dashboard Light (however there is a possibility that this idea may not happen as planned as apparently Meat Loaf appeared "less than enthusastic" when asked about it on television recently and the hype about it has been removed from the front page of his official website
08.15 - The E-Bay auction for a copy of Kasim came to a close on Thursday with no bids being posted. The opening bid was $9.77. This auction has been relisted here at the same opening price (it ends on Thursday) and there are no bids so far. There is also a LP flat of the Kasim album available here (with some Todd Rundgren flats). The opening bid was $7.99 but it's now up to $8.49. That auction ends later today.

Blog 78 (03/07/05 - 04/03/05)
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