Sunday 6th March 2005
18.15 - Another appearance in Movin' Out has been added to Kasim's schedule for next week. It's the Saturday night performance - curtain up is 8.00pm.
07.15 - Kasim will be playing guitar and singing background vocals in the following performances of Movin' Out next week:
Wednesday 9th March - matinee (3.00pm)
Friday 11th March - evening ( )
Saturday 12th March - matinee (2.00pm)
07.00 - It is still possible to purchase 2 tickets to see Kasim Sulton in this afternoons matinee performance of Movin' Out in Row F of the Orchestra section. All tickets in the mezzine (the best place to see Kasim) sold out a while back. Tickets are $100 plus charges.
Friday 4th March 2005
01.00 - It appears that word is spreading that the mezzine section of the Richard Rogers Theatre is the best place to see Kasim Sulton in Movin' Out has all seats for both tonights and Sunday matinees performance are already sold out! However tickets in Row H of the Orchestra section are still available for the performance tonight and for Row C in the Orchestra section on Sunday (both at a cost of $100 plus charges).
Thursday 3rd March 2005
01.00 - One of the two copies of Lights On by Price / Sulton that is currently available on has reached the staggering price of $33.12 after 7 bids! The auction for this copy ends on Sunday and is the Japanese version of the album on CD. It had a starting price of $0.99.
00.45 - Kasim Sulton will be playing guitar and singing background vocals in the following performances of Movin' Out at The Richard Rogers Theatre this week:
Friday 4th - evening
Sunday 6th - matinee
Tickets are still available for both these performances.
00.30 - Details of three more gigs on The Meat Loaf Summer 2005 Tour have been confirmed by Meat Loaf's management company. They are:
4th June - Skive Beach Party, Skive, Denmark
24th June - Karlsruhe Outdoor Festival, Karlsruhe, Germany
20th July - Live at Sunset Festival, Zurich, Switzerland
They also state "US Dates for August/September to be announced soon!" Many thanks to Caryl Burton for posting this.
Tuesday 1st March 2005
20.15 - Kasim Sulton (and this website) receives a mention on today about the photo of Kasim and Doug on the front page of the site that was taken 2 years ago tonight at The Tin Angel. (For those who don't usually visit the front page of this site, the photos change each day.)
10.00 - And according to a post on this thread on "the Utopia Tour will be in 2006 and will only last a week, playing a few major cities.".
07.45 - According to a post on the the ToddRundgren-GroknRollUtopia mailing list the day before yesterday Eric Gardner "spoke of a few Utopia dates in 2006 in honor of their 30th anniversay....probably dates in San Francisco and Los Angeles ....short tour".
06.00 - The March 2005 Kasim Sulton Calendar is now available to download and print.

Kasim Sulton March 2005 Calendar
Click here to download a copy to print
(Larger than calendar above)
Monday 28th February 2005
01.15 - There are currently two copies of Lights On by Price / Sulton available on
This copy is an unplayed (still sealed) copy for about $5.74. The auction ends on Sunday and currently there are no bids.
This copy also ends on Sunday and is the Japanese version of the album. It has a starting price of $0.99 with one bid to date.
01.00 - has the Korean version of the Utopia Redux 1992 DVD for sale. This was an official release of the DVD in Korea (and has one of my photos of Kasim Sulton on the cover!). It costs $9.99 plus shipping.

Kasim Sulton in Cleveland
Photo by Kevin Conley of
Sunday 27th February 2005
05.15 - Kasim Sulton will be playing guitar and singing background vocals in the matinee performance today of Movin' Out. Some tickets are still available for this performance. For example it is still possible to buy two seats together in row P of the mezzine (the area where Kasim can most clearly be seen). Tickets are $100 each (plus charges) and originally went on sale on 12th October.
Saturday 26th February 2005
02.30 - The venue for the Meat Loaf gig in Belfast, Northern Ireland has been confirmed as the Ravenhill Rugby Ground. The Meat Loaf Summer 2005 Tour section of the website has been updated with a link to more info and tickets go on sale this coming Friday. Status Quo are again the support act for this gig. Many thanks to ChrisNI for this info.
02.15 - Kasim Sulton will be playing bass in the matinee performance today of Movin' Out. Some tickets are still available for this performance. For example it is still possible to buy two seats together in row W of the Orchestra. Tickets are $100 each (plus charges) and originally went on sale on 12th October. VIP tickets are also available for $200 plus $40 service charges.
Friday 25th February 2005
01.15 - This thread on discusses the possible 30th Anniversary Utopia Tour.
00.45 - Just some advance notice that will be down for about an hour sometime after 5.00am this coming Sunday for server maintenance.
Thursday 24th February 2005
19.30 - As well as playing 4 performances of Movin' Out, this week Kasim is involved in rehearsals (he's the Musical Director) with a new artist on Atlantic Records for a show case on Wednesday 2nd March! More details about this will be posted on soon.
19.15 -There was an article on today about Todd Rundgren where he talks about his 3 year special agreement with The Sanctuary Group. Included in the article are the nibbles that he intends to license 13 previous solo album and sets by Utopia and there is mention of a 30th Anniversary Utopia Tour next year!
01.30 - Kasim will be playing bass in tonights performance of Movin' Out. Some tickets are still available for this performance. For example it is still possible to buy two seats together in row H of the Orchestra. Tickets are $100 each (plus charges) and originally went on sale on 12th October.
01.15 - To correct my omission of two weeks ago, apparently the opening act for the Patty Smyth and Scandal gig in Westbury, NY on Friday 11th February were The New Professionals. According to their website, later that same evening they played a gig in New York City too! Many thanks to Katie for this link.
00.30 - Some more photos by Kevin Conley of the Patty Smyth and Scandal gig in Cleveland last Friday (including one distant shot of Kasim Sulton) are on

Kasim Sulton in Cleveland last Friday
Photo by Kevin Conley
Wednesday 23rd February 2005
01.15 - Ticketing links to the Bonn, Mainz and Liverpool gigs have been added to the Meat Loaf Summer 2005 Tour section of the website. (VIP tickets for the Liverpool gig cost £176 = about $250!)
Tuesday 22nd February 2005
18.30 - The auction for a copy of Lights On by Price / Sulton (plus promo pack) came to a close yesterday with no bids being made despite an opening bid of only $4.99.
13.00 - Kasim will be making several appearances in the Billy Joel / Twyla Tharp musical Movin' Out this week as follows:
Wednesday 23rd February (evening) - Guitar
Thursday 24th February (evening) - Bass
Saturday 26th February (matinee) - Bass
Sunday 27th February (matinee) - Guitar
Previously Kasim only played guitar in the musical but now he is playing bass too!
01.00 - There are some distant photos of Kasim Sulton at the Patty Smyth and Scandal gig on Saturday night in Cincinnati here.
Sunday 20th February 2005
10.15 - The set list and some comments of the Patty Smyth and Scandal gig last night in Cincinnati, Ohio have been added to the Gigs section of the site or click here for the direct link. About another 100 photos of this tour will be added in a few days.
Price / Sulton:

Saturday 19th February 2005
18.00 - The set list and some comments of the Patty Smyth and Scandal gig last night in Cleveland, Ohio have been added to the Gigs section of the site or click here for the direct link.
13.45 - The venue for the Mainz, Germany gig is Zitadelle and the gig to be played on 24th June will be in Rastatt, Germany but the venue has not been announced yet. Many thanks to the kind person who sent me this info.
08.30 - Another gig has gone on sale for the Meat Loaf Summer 2005 Tour which Kasim Sulton will be playing from June. It's on Saturday 25th June in Mainz, Germany. The Gigs section of the site has been updated with the ticketing link.
Friday 18th February 2005
00.15 - The set list, some photos and two reviews of the Patty Smyth and Scandal gig on Saturday night in Atlantic City, NJ have been added to the Gigs section of the site or click here for the direct link.

Kasim Sulton in Westbury last Friday
Photo by Gary "Goat" Goveia
Thursday 17th February 2005
16.00 - A copy of Lights On by Price / Sulton (plus promo pack) is available on E-Bay at a starting bid of $4.99. There are currently no bids and the auction ends on Monday. Also on E-Bay are two Kasim Sulton guitar picks - one for $3 and one for $5!
15.15 - A really heartfelt story / review of the Boston gig has been added to the Gigs section of the site or click here for the direct link.
Wednesday 16th February 2005
01.15 - Several new Meat Loaf gigs have been added for Europe during June and July. Details have been added to both the the Gigs section of the site and the Meat Loaf 2005 Tour page.
01.00 - Apparently Kasim Sulton played the evening performance of the Billy Joel / Twyla Tharp musical Movin' Out last night!
00.45 - The two page Kasim Info section of the Meat Loaf UK Fan Club Magazine is available to view in the Press section of the website.
Tuesday 15th February 2005
01.15 - The set list, some photos and a review of the Patty Smyth and Scandal gig on Friday night in Westbury, NY have been added to the Gigs section of the site or click here for the direct link.
01.00 - There's one photo of Kasim Sulton in this professional set of 14 photos from the Atlantic City gig on Saturday. Many thanks to the kind person who forwarded this link.
Saturday 12th February 2005

Kasim Sulton in Westbury last night
Blog 76 (01/24/05 - 02/11/05)
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