Tuesday 5th October 2004
17.45 - The News section of the site has been updated.
13.45 - The Todd Rundgren's Liars Tour section of the site has been updated with set lists, some more comments and links to photos for the El Cajon, Las Vegas and Petaluma gigs.
01.00 - Kasim Sulton now has his own page on Netflix.com! Until his solo DVD is released, it only lists two Utopia DVDs but there can't be too many "mere bass players" (as he was once described) with their own page on the website.
00.30 - The Meat Loaf / Melbourne Symphony Orchestra DVD was released yesterday on Sanctuary Records. As well as songs from the February concerts the second CD contains a "featurette"" which includes Kasim Sulton - one fan has already described it as "Kasim is absolutely hysterical"! The DVD can be purchased here online (amongst other places) as well as in stores. The track listing on Disc 1 is:
Life Is a Lemon
Mercury Blues
Dead Ringer for Love
All Revved Up
You Took the Words Right Out of My Mouth
Couldn't Have Said it Better
Two Out of Three Ain't Bad
Out of the Frying Pan (And Into the Fire)
For Crying Out Loud
Paradisde by the Dashboard Light
I'd Do Anything for Love (But I Won't Do That)
Bat Out of Hell
Disc 2 contains a Q and A with Meat Loaf and the featurette. The DVD is supposed to last almost 3 hours!
Monday 4th October 2004
11.00 - In the very early hours of this morning Kasim Sulton sent a message to his mailing list saying that he has performed (playing rythym guitar and singing) in two performances of the Billy Joel / Twyla Tharp musical Movin' Out. He also says that he will be recording with Joan Jett this week.
01.15 - There are currently two Kasim albums and two singles available on E-Bay:
Japanese version of Lights On (with obi strip) - opening bid is $9.99 with no bids currently and it ends on Wednesday
Kasim - opening bid is $7.50 with no bids currently and it ends on Saturday
No TV, No Phone single - opening bid is $4.00 with no bids currently and it ends next Monday
No TV, No Phone single (DJ copy with 31 other records) - opening bid is $7 with no bids currently and the auction ends on 25th October
01.00 - Some more photos by Lani Hanson have been added to TRConnection.com. They are of the Campbell, CA gig and the ones that include Kasim Sulton are:
Kasim in the background
Still in the background
The band line-up
A full head of hair!
Kasim's dodgy arm!
After the gig
Have Cigarette, Will Travel
Saturday 2nd October 2004
07.30 - For any fans from UK reading this, the movie The Mask Of Zorro is being aired on BBC1 at 5.30pm tonight. Kasim Sulton plays bass in the soundtrack of part of this movie.
Friday 1st October 2004
00.45 - The Kasim Sulton Magazine #18 is available to download. It was originally produced on Thursday 18th March 2004 and contains the following articles:
Something's Gonna Happen (news round-up)
The Story behind Kasim's interview with KasimInfo.com
Meat Loaf Couldn’t Have Said It Better World Tour round-up
A scathing review of Kasim's first solo album
Kasim Sulton's Solo Career part III
Thursday 30th September 2004
18.45 - RollingStone.com has clips of the new Meat Loaf / Melbourne Symphony Orchestra CD available to download. Kasim Sulton's voice can clearly be heard in the All Revved Up and Two Outta Three Ain't Bad clips and his bass playing when accompanied by a full orchestra in Bat Out Of Hell is just brilliant! (There are also other websites with different clips available.)
17.30 - The KasimInfo.co.uk section of this website may be down for part of this coming weekend as some server maintenance is being carried out.
10.15 - There seems to be some confusion on how well the Japanese Todd Rundgren concerts are selling. I was told that as of Saturday 18th September only 218 out of a possible 1,000 tickets have been sold for the Nagoya gig and the two Tokyo gigs have only sold 195 and 359 tickets out of a capacity of 1,697 but the Todd Rundgren Fan Club Japanese Page website lists for 31st August "Osaka, 2 Tokyo gigs have some seats on upstairs,but already sold out.". Certainly since that date more standing tickets have been bought for all the Japanese gigs. (That website also has a great poster for the Japanese tour.)

Kasim Sulton October 2004 Calendar
Click here to download a copy to print
(Larger than calendar above)
Wednesday 29th September 2004
19.15 - Earlier items from this Blog have been moved to a new page. the link is at the bottom of this page.
01.00 - Apparently a jokey post by Todd Rundgren on Patronet.com includes the phrase "Authorities have issued shitstorm warnings for several Japanese cities as
the free-soloing confabulation approaches the island chain. Though the quintet is considerably less deadly than the recent Phish squalls (LOL), residents of the affected areas are preparing for possible bass solos..." so it sounds as though bass solos are expected at the Japanese gigs!
00.45 - Apparently there is now some doubt about whether the RA Tour set has been sold yet or not. One post last night was that the opening bid will be $5,000 (plus transport).
00.30 - There's a two page topic on the messageboard attached to TRConnection.com called "KASIM IS A GENIUS"! As well as discussing Kasim's voice, bass playing and smoking, the comments include:
... "footage of KASIM playing not only exceptional basslines whilst harmonising or singing lead, but guitar histrionics I never knew he was capable of."
"KASIM was and continues to be a phenomenal talent once again highlighting the gorge between worth and profit. Integrity is the key."
"Kasim is and always will be one of music's most talented."
"Not to mention the fact that he is one of the sweetest guys around. Always makes time for his fans.
And a voice like an angel."
"He has a great range, (considering he's still a 'secret smoker') and his upper-middle register is very clear."
"I never heap praise without good foundation. Kasim is top of my list for bass guitarists - no-one surpasses him in my music collection. He also has a beautiful voice which enhances Todd's vocals like no other artist has ever done.
Also he's a lovely man - kind and respectful and oozes compassion."
"Saw The Liars tour last week and watching Kasim again after so long was a thrill. I bought Quid Pro Quo in the lobby and it's been in the CD player since. He is such a terrific musician and writer."
"Quid Pro Quo is a great CD! Can't wait to hear his next one - and a tour would be good, too!"
"On top of ALL that he is a genuine and humble guy..... "
Tuesday 28th September 2004
19.00 - Somebody made the comment on the ToddRundgren-GroknRollUtopia Yahoo mailing list about the Tempe gig "Kasim was really great after the show. He was personable with everyone who sought him out, posing for pictures and signing autographs up until the very last request.". This then lead to a number of posts about Kasim's reaction with fans including the following comments:
"I read how Kasim was accommodating, but after my show in D.C. he wasn't and we figured out why, knowing Letterman was the next day and a show the next night. Realistically speaking: how many fans who wait after a show are up on scheduling and performer circumstances enough to be
"Over the years I have found Kasim to be a little hot and cold. If you catch him on a good day, he would seemingly talk for hours. Other times he might
not even acknowledge your presence. I suspect this is due to circumstances as described below. BTW it looked like after the DC show that he was driven
off by a relative in a small car. I got the distinct impression they were heading for NYC right then.
My first encounter with Kaz was Back To The Bars Tour with Todd at the Atlanta Agora. He was walking around the club between sets and I had this cool drawing of Todd I had done which I was trying to get backstage with. Kaz looked at it as if it might have been a tissue someone had just used. Utterly dismissing the possibility that it wasn't as good a drawing as I thought, it occurred to me then that he might not be that nterested in pictures of Todd. I made a note to myself that I wouldn't show anything to him again that did not include a rendering of the whole band.
Over all I have great admiration for Kasim. The mystery of his lack of recognition for playing and singing talent is eclipsed only by that of Mr. Rundgren himself."
"Kasim has easilly been the friendliest and most approachable of any performer I've EVER paid to see!
He's charming, accomodating, on top of being talented, Kas does seem to have this magical aura around him. Even my wife, who was an admitted Utopia virgin , understands this intangible quality, so it was natural for me towant a dose of that in D.C. and was dissappointed, but completely understand time constraints and all that stuff and am simply grateful for the generosity I've been afforded in the past."
"Reading these posts made me remember a funny experience---during the Acapella Tour I went to see Todd at the Walnut Street Theatre. My brother was waiting out front for me and he said that as Kasim was walking past to go inside - some guy tried to scalp him a ticket !!! Kasim said Thanks, but I'm in the band."
10.45 - According to someone who was at one of the viewings of the Meat Loaf DVD with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, Kasim has "a fair amount of screen time" including him leading the audience into singing their part of You Took The Words Right Outta My Mouth. Many thanks to the kind person who sent me this info.
10.30 - According to a post on the ToddRundgren-GroknRollUtopia Yahoo mailing list the RA Tour set which Todd rundgren was selling has already been sold.
07.15 - The CD of Bat Out Of Hell Live by Meat Loaf and the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra is released today. The accompanying DVD is due for release on 4th October and both the CD and DVD (with different track listings) will be released in UK on 18th October. The track listing for the CD released today is:
01: Bat Out Of Hell
02: You Took The Words Right Outta My Mouth
03: Heaven Can Wait
04: All Revved Up With No Place to Go
05: Two Out Of Three Ain't Bad
06: Paradise By The Dashboard Light
07: For Crying Out Loud
These tracks were recorded at the two concerts in Melbourne, Australia on 20th and 22nd February 2004 plus a rehearsal. Kasim plays bass and sings background vocals on this CD.
06.30 - Overnight Kasim Sulton sent a message to his mailing list. Amongst other things, he said "Some exciting things are going on for me over the next few weeks."! Anyone not on his mailing list can click here to read the message.
Monday 27th September 2004
01.00 - There were a couple of Kasim mentions in the reviews of the Portland gig on Wednesday on TRConnection.com:
"This very important message was underscored with tight guitar leads by Jesse Gress and the unbelievable bass playing of Utopia's Kasim Sulton, who looks as if he hasn't aged a day since 1980!"
"To my dismay, Jesse got a little carried away with the distortion, but Kasim took us to another level with a perfect blend of melodic finesse, and thump slapping force. A bass solo indeed!"
To date only one photo of Kasim in Portland has been posted. It's by Karen Van Leuven and can be found here.
00.45 - Apparently Todd Rundgren will be selling off the RA tour set on E-Bay.com sometime soon.
00.30 - Tonight 29 movie theaters in 21 states will be holding a special viewing of the forthcoming Meat Loaf DVD release with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra which also features Kasim Sulton on bass and background vocals! (The viewing also includes a performance by Yes.) Click here for the list of venues.
 The third of Gary "Goat" Goveia's "found" photos of Kasim at the PNC Arts Center in NJ in 2003
Saturday 25th September 2004
07.00 - In case you haven't seen the message on the front page of the site, in the next couple of days KasimInfo.com is moving to a new server. This will result in the site being unable to view for up to 48 hours. During this period of downtime a temporary version of the website will be able to be accessed at KasimInfo.co.uk
Friday 24th September 2004
01.00 - TRConnection.com have added some photos of the Tempe gig by Scott Harvey and Karen Fox. The ones that feature Kasim Sulton are:
In priest outfit
The Liars Band
In red
Almost hidden by the microphone!
Hotting up!
Signing autographs
Making a funny face!
My favorite of the set
Wednesday 22nd September 2004
18.30 - Some photos by Jeff Twito of the Cerritos gig last Saturday have been added to TRConnection.com. Direct links to the ones that feature Kasim Sulton are:
With Jesse Gress
Kasim getting hot!
There are also photos by Jeff Twito of the Tempe gig on Monday on TRConnection.com. Direct links to the ones that feature Kasim Sulton are:
Laughing with Prairie Prince
Waking Todd
The band bow
Photos of Kasim haven't been posted from every gig but, from the photos that have been posted, it looks as though the Tempe gig may have been only the second time that Kasim's "mustard" suit was worn on stage!
18.00 - Two more photos by Marilyn that were taken at the Agoura Hills gig have been added to the Todd Rundgren's Liars Tour section of the site or click here for the direct link.

Kasim doing his "Sister Judy" impersonation in Agoura Hills
(Photo by Marilyn)
Tuesday 21st September 2004
19.45 - The set list, some comments and some great photos by Marilyn of the Agoura Hills gig last Friday have been added to the Todd Rundgren's Liars Tour section of the site or click here for the direct link.
18.30 - According to this review on TRConnection.com it appears that Kasim had some "technical" difficulties at the gig last night in Tempe - "As I said, the band was really tight. Prairie, Jesse and John played their hearts out, but Kasim "Bass Strap" Sulton had a moment of his own when he became unstrapped from his guitar. Mirth, fun and frivolity ensued as the roadie tried to hook him back up!". Unless I read the review wrong it also sounds as though the set list had Real Man included in it!
18.15 - Kasim receives a nice mention in this review of the Agoura Hills gig on TRConnection.com:
"I loved Kasim's solo where he threw in parts of "Last Of The New Wave Riders", "Hammer In My Heart" and the "Seven Rays", a real mindblower, thank you Kasim. "
06.00 - Unfortunately the messageboard attached to KasimInfo.com has had to be closed again due to some trolls causing mischief on it. The messageboard will open again soon.
05.30 - According to this post on MLUKFC.com the forthcoming Meat Loaf / Melbourne Symphony Orchestra CD and DVD release on which Kasim plays bass and sings background vocals, will have a different track listing on the US and UK releases.
05.00 - There is a nice post on the messageboard attached to TRConnection.com about the Tempe gig last night. The Kasim Sulton mention was "Great show! Jesse, Kasim and John were all accessible to fans after the show! Much thanks! Especially to Kasim! I've never seen anyone more patient and kind to fans.".
04.30 - According to posts on the Meat Loaf Live mailing list, the latest rumors are that Meat Loaf is expected to tour parts of the US in early 2005 (February was mentioned) to promote his forthcoming DVD and that recording of Bat Out Of Hell III is currently scheduled to happen next Summer.
Monday 20th September 2004
19.30 - TRConnection.com has some photos of the Las Vegas gig by Scott Harvey of TRBazaar.com. The ones that include Kasim are:
The intro into Truth
More of Truth
Kasim on bass
Kasim in silhouette
In the shadows
In the dark
Saving on electricity!
A green backdrop
His "pimp" suit
Kasim in Sweet
According to this review of the San Francisco gig Kasim played part of 7 Rays during his bass solo and the reviewer commented "Kasim was solid (he looked healthy and happy---good for him)". This review of the Cerritos gig on Saturday made the comment "Prairie Prince and Kasim locked in to put Liars into overdrive."!
18.30 - Sorry for KasimInfo.com being down earlier (there was a "Forbidden" message displayed on the site). This was due to the host company doing some maintenance incorrectly!
01.15 - Apparently tickets for the Todd Rundgren gigs in Japan are not selling too well. As of Saturday only 218 out of a possible 1,000 tickets have been sold for the Nagoya gig and the two Tokyo gigs have only sold 195 and 359 tickets out of a capacity of 1,697.
01.00 - The Kasim Sulton Magazine #17 is now available to download. It was originally issued on Thursday 4th March 2004 and contains the following articles:
Something's Gonna Happen (news round-up)
The Story Of A Photo
The Australasian Leg of the Meat Loaf Couldn’t Have Said It Better World Tour
The Ikon Article - The Kasim Sulton Band
The Kasim Sulton Essay - Will 17th March be Kasim’s last ever concert with Meat Loaf?
Sunday 19th September 2004
09.45 - There were some posts yesterday on the Loafdom mailing list about how long Kasim has played with Meat Loaf.
07.30 - Some photos by Darnelle Van Osten-Corbett of the Agoura Hills gig on Friday have been posted to this thread on TRConnection.com. Direct links to the photos that include Kasim Sulton are:
Kasim on the keyboards in Truth
A priest or the devil?!
Green Onions
Kasim and Jesse Gress in Green Onions
Behind Todd Rundgren
07.15 - Unfortunately KasimInfo.com was down for a while earlier this morning. Partly due to this happening too frequently and partly because I want a hosting company with some backbone, KasimInfo.com will be moving to a new server towards the end of this month. In prepartion for this some files are being moved to the KasimInfo.co.uk server so some of your bookmarks may change. It is also possible that when the move is taking place, KasimInfo.com will be down for 24 hours. If that happens then the front page of KasimInfo.co.uk will be used as the front page of the site during the downtime.
 The second of Gary "Goat" Goveia's "found" photos of Kasim at the PNC Arts Center in NJ in 2003
Saturday 18th September 2004
20.30 - TRConnection.com has a review of the Agoura Hills gig last night which mentions Kasim:
"Most of the problem last night was again the sound mix - I hear Todd does not employ an actual mixer anymore, but has the road manager do it. What a cheapass MF Todd has become. The band played their asses off - its just too bad you couldn't hear them. Imagine "Just One Victory" without hearing Kasim's stellar voice singing the background part - well thatís what we got last night. There was also no low end in the mix, no punch and that makes for a pretty flat sound sounding show. Most everyone around me seemed to agree."
Apparently Kasim played a two or three minute bass solo at the gig.
06.00 - Over halfway through this leg of the Todd Rundgren's Liars Tour and still very few reviews or photos have been posted about the gigs (even less that mention or show Kasim Sulton). According to one review on TRConnection.com there were some technical problems at the San Francisco gig:
"Problems early in the set are compounded by Jesse's intermittent hum issues: bad cord? stompbox gone south? Karma catching up with him for wearing that atrocious hat? And low-end house feedback keeps rearing its substantial head whenever Kasim goes to his bottom fifth string (which is often). During While My Guitar Gently Weeps, Jesse's guitar seems to cut out completely. Rundgren is alternately laughing and shaking his head while trying to hold the tune together. Most of the band (especially Kaz) are fiddling with their in-ear monitors and semaphoring the monitor dude stage right constantly. The feel at the beginning of the set suffers correspondingly."
Friday 17th September 2004
01.15 - Kasim Sulton is the Featured Artist on CandleBright.net (a Stevie Nicks website).
Thursday 16th September 2004
04.45 - There's one photo of Kasim at the Petaluma gig on Tuesday by Thomas Houston posted on TRConnection.com.
04.00 - Glen Burtnik.com lists four songs that he has co-written with Kasim Sulton:
Heaven Help The Child - released by Kasim Sulton on Quid Pro Quo
Johnny Comes Home - released by Glen Burtnik on Palookaville
Love Is More Than A Four Letter Word - released by Glen Burtnik on Retrospectacle
Matter Of Heart - unreleased.
Wednesday 15th September 2004
19.00 - The front page of KasimSulton.com has been updated with a message dated 9/12 (the same message was sent to the mailing list attached to the site).
18.00 - Another comment about Kasim at the Las Vegas gig was:
"The Meet And Greet:
The meet and greet was cancelled. Kasim and Todd came out after the show and spent a few minutes with fans. Why wouldn't they do the meet and greet, since they were so kind with fans after the show anyway? Did the venue need for fans to leave the venue? There were only about ten of us. I don't know. But thanks to Todd and Kasim for the visit after the show. "
12.00 - The first photos from this leg of the tour have been posted at TRConnection.com. They are all by Lani Hanson and are from the El Cajon gig on Friday. The ones that feature Kasim Sulton are:
Green Onions
Kasim "waking" Todd
The line-up
Band bow
Kasim looking happy
Kasim waving
11.00 - Kasim receives a brief mention currently on the Aladdin Theater website about the Todd Rundgren and The Liars concert there next Wednesday. As it will disappear after the gig it says:
"By 1976, he streamlined the band [Utopia] and recruited Kasim Sulton (bass), Willie Wilcox (drums) and Roger Powell (keyboards), a tighter, edgier Utopia - with a penchant for undeniable full-on power rock songs and killer pop hooks. This particular 4-piece line-up of Utopia went on to record a grand total of eleven albums. "
08.45 - The E-Bay auction for a copy of the Kasim album came to a close on Monday with a winning bid of $5 after 4 bids. There are now auctions for:
Don't Break My Heart single (DJ copy) - $5 / ends Tuesday / no current bids
Don't Break My Heart single (DJ copy) - $5 / ends Tuesday / no current bids
No TV, No Phone single (DJ copy) - $4 / continous auction
No TV, No Phone single (DJ copy with 31 other records) - $7 / continous auction
07.30 - A couple of days ago Doug Kennedy mentioned Kasim Sulton a couple of times on his website about the VH-1 show Bands Reuited. He wrote:
"Interesting tidbit: My friend Kasim Sulton just flew out to LA to tape an episode of the show featuring the band Scandal. You may remember Scandal's lead singer was Patty Smyth. Kasim wasn't actually in the original band, but apparently their original bass player has passed away, so Kas was called in to do the show. Kas has toured with Patty Smyth and played on her solo records in the past, and his old pal Thommy Price (Joan Jett, Billy Idol) is the original Scandal drummer. Looking foward to catching that episode!"
 Gary "Goat" Goveia found 3 more photos of Kasim in his camera recently - this is the first and was taken at the PNC Arts Center in NJ in 2003
Tuesday 14th September 2004
20.00 - There's a nice post here (the 10th post in the thread posted on 9/14/04 at 04:40 pm) about Kasim wishing someone a Happy Birthday at the Las Vegas gig.
19.00 - On Monday 27th September 29 movie theaters across the country will be holding a special viewing of the forthcoming Meat Loaf DVD release with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra which also features Kasim on stage! (The viewing also includes a performance by Yes.) Click here for the full story and list of venues. Many thanks to Christopher Morrow for this info.
11.15 - Sadly Kasim Sulton didn't play his bass solo during Green Onions in Las Vegas on Sunday night.
Monday 13th September 2004
19.00 - There have still been very few reviews (or even comments) about the first two Todd Rundgren gigs posted on any mailing list or messageboard. An additional comment about the El Cajon gig was:
"Prairie, Kasim, Jesse and John ARE having fun, and it shows.
Hello to the other Fans we met at the Singing Hills resort, we stayed up late and talked Todd with some people we met there. Since the show was in a smoky casino, in the hills outside of El Cajon, with no BAR...and the resort was closed up and silent at 11pm, all we could do was sit with the few folks who ventured out, looking for SOMEONE, ANYONE to share a few thoughts and a beer with. We heard Todd was staying there, and I'm pretty sure I saw Kasim sitting at a computer in his room. There wasn't much else to do."
One comment posted so far about the Las Vegas gig last night was:
"Nice to see Kasim playing some keyboard along with his usual fantastic bass playing."
Also someone posted that Kasim made the time to meet some fans at a dinner before the gig.
18.30 - The two E-Bay auctions for copies of Kasim's Don't Break My Heart single came to a close yesterday with no bids in either auction.
01.30 - The MP3 section of the site has been updated with Kasim Sulton's opening set from the 11/17/03 Meat Loaf concert at Wembley, London.
Sunday 12th September 2004
18.00 - A question about Love Reunion has been posted to the Todd Rundgren News Group.
06.45 - I had always understood that apart from not featuring Love Reunion and the photos looking more "natural", the only other difference between the Limited Edition and the Second Edition of Quid Pro Quo was that the copyright details were changed. However on close inspection of the two album covers, it seems that there are some other changes too as most of the track timings have changed (although I can not distinguish any difference in the tracks themselves):
Limited Edition - 3:39
Second Edition - 3:38
Before She Was Gone:
Limited Edition - 5:19
Second Edition - 5:21
The One Sure Thing:
Limited Edition - 4:54
Second Edition - 4:49
We The People:
Limited Edition - 6:10
Second Edition - 6:12
Shannon A. Rubicam has been removed as a writer of this song on the Second Edition and Boy Meets Girl Music has also been removed.
Where Is My Soul:
Limited Edition - 3:49
Second Edition - 4:11
A massive 22 second difference!
Heaven Help The Child:
Limited Edition - 3:35
Second Edition - 3:33
Over For Now:
Limited Edition - 5:32
Second Edition - 5:34
Don't Hold Me Back:
No difference
Limited Edition - 3:55
Second Edition - 3:48
Plus Golden Syrup Music has been removed from the listing of the Second Edition
Limited Edition - 3:53
Second Edition - 3:52
The total timing of the tracks (according to my CD player) has also changed:
Limited Edition - 48:35
Second Edition - 44:14
(Love Reunion and the silence before it is on the Limited Edition version.) Also, on the actual CDs it says "Limited Edition" and "Second Edition".
05.30 - The E-Bay auction for a copy of Kasim Sulton's single Don't Break My Heart ended yesterday with no bids (this was the commercially available copy with Rock and Roll on the flip side).
05.15 - Even though the first concert of the West Coast leg of the Todd Rundgren's Liars Tour was the night before last, very few reports of the gig have made their way onto the Internet yet. However, the set list and a couple of comments have been added to the Todd Rundgren's Liars Tour page or click here for the direct link.
Saturday 11th September 2004
07.00 - There are currently a few Kasim Sulton records available on E-Bay.com:
Don't Break My Heart single - $8 / ends today / no current bids
Don't Break My Heart single (DJ copy) - $5 / ends tomorrow / no current bids
Don't Break My Heart single (DJ copy) - $5 / ends tomorrow / no current bids
Kasim album - $5 / ends Monday / 2 bids to date
No TV, No Phone single (DJ copy) - $4 / continous auction
No TV, No Phone single (DJ copy with 31 other records) - $7 / continous auction
05.00 - So far only one review of the first concert of the West Coast leg of the Todd Rundgren's Liars Tour last night in San Diego has been posted on the Internet and he described it as "One of the best shows I have ever seen. Todd's voice was the best I have ever heard. His guitar was shredding. The band was tight and having fun. Highlight of the night???? Every damn song."

One of Mary Fien's photos of Kasim at The Norva in May
(Click here the rest of the photos in this set)
Blog 70 (08/08/04 - 09/10/04)
Previous Blogs -
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