Saturday 7th August 2004
11.00 - Kasim Sulton now receives mentions on Liberty, (The Low Down section) and due to his involvement with The Hit Squad.
05.30 - Kasim Sulton has joined a new band called The Hit Squad. It consists of Ricky Byrd (Joan Jett and The Blackhearts, Roger Daltrey, Ian Hunter) and longtime Billy Joel drummer Liberty DeVitto and a revolving band of musicians (depending on availablity). The first two gigs have been booked but Hugh McDonald from Bon Jovi will be playing bass at both of those as Kasim will still be in Florida producing an album. The band (in order) consists of:
Liberty DeVitto - drums (Billy Joel)
Ricky Byrd - guitar & vocals (Joan Jett and The Blackhearts, Roger Daltrey, Ian Hunter)
Richie Cannata - horns (Billy Joel, The Beach Boys)
Andy Burton - keyboards (Ian Hunter)
Andy York - guitar (John Mellencamp, Ian Hunter)
Joe Lynn Turner - vocals (Deep Purple, Rainbow)
Simon Kirke - drums (Bad Company, Free)
Kasim Sulton - bass & vocals (Joan Jett, Utopia, Meat Loaf)
Hugh McDonald - bass & vocals (Bon Jovi)
Charly Drayton - bass (X-pensive Winos, Michelle Branch)
Fernando Saunders - bass & vocals (Lou Reed, Jeff Beck)
Christine Ohlman - vocals (Saturday Night Live Band)
Arno Hecht - horns (Stones)
Friday 6th August 2004
11.00 - Three new dates have been possibly added to the Todd Rundgren's Liars Tour schedule. They are:
9/12 - Las Vegas (this may replace the 9/11 gig)
9/15 - San Francisco, CA
9/24 - Campbell, CA
The Gigs section of the site has been updated with the venue and ticketing links.
01.30 - Amazingly had over 5,500 hits yesterday! The website was only updated once too!
Thursday 5th August 2004
04.00 - Kasim Sulton receives a brief mention on the Mystic Theatre website (about halfway down the page). As it will disappear after the gig it says:
"The Liars features the same musicians who performed on Rundgren's 1997 bosa nova album "With A Twist"; former Utopia bass guitarist Kasim Sulton (keyboards, bass), Jesse Gress (guitar, keyboards), John Ferenzik (keyboards) and The Tubes' Prairie Prince (drums, percussion)."
Wednesday 4th August 2004
15.45 - For anyone who comes directly to this section of the site and doesn't enter via the front page, you're missing some cracking good photos of Kasim that change each day!
14.00 - The News section of the site has been updated (with new photos too!).
12.00 - The Portland, OR gig that was to have been played on 26th September has been reinstated to Wednesday 22nd September and TicketMaster are selling the tickets again now.
01.15 - gives Kasim Sulton a brief mention in their list of artists that played at The Hullabaloo in Rensselaer. The list of artists that played there include The Police "The Talking Heads, Joe Jackson, The Boomtown Rats, Pere Ubu, The Dictators, The Dead Boys, King Crimson, Dire Straights, The Roches, Kasim Sultan and a ton of other great acts from the late 70s and early 80s."
01.00 - The 6th September Tucson, AZ Todd Rundgren gig has also been cancelled. (Tickets were listed at TicketMaster but not yet on sale for this gig.).
Tuesday 3rd August 2004
11.45 - The set list, photos, video clips and some comments about the gig that Kasim Sulton played in Manchester, England a couple of weeks ago have been added to the Todd Rundgren's Liars Tour section of the site or click here for the direct link.
09.45 - There are rumors that the cancelled Beaver Creek, CO and Boulder, CO gigs will be replaced with Todd Rundgren solo gigs.
08.30 - The Kasim Sulton Magazine #13 is now available to download. Originally it was published on Thursday 1st January 2004 and was a Kasim Sulton's 2003 Special. It contained the following articles:
Something's Gonna Happen (news round-up)
Kasim Sulton's 2003
Kasim Sulton's 2003 in pictures
Kasim Sulton January 2004 Calendar
The Kasim Sulton Essay - Will Kasim Sulton look back on 2003 and describe the year as his annus horribilus?
What does 2004 hold for Kasim?
Monday 2nd August 2004
17.30 - There are now 57 fans of Kasim Sulton registered on Their locations are:
United States - 34 (60%)
United Kingdom - 10 (18%)
Germany - 6 (11%)
Australia - 1 (2%)
Austria - 1 (2%)
Canada - 1 (2%)
Falkland Islands - 1 (2%)
Ireland - 1 (2%)
New Zealand - 1 (2%)
Sweden - 1 (2%)
15.30 - Another copy of Kasim Sulton's first album Kasim on vinyl is available on The starting bid is $9.99 and there are no bids on it with the auction ending on Thursday. There is also an auction for a card with Kasim's autograph on it that is currently priced at $158.05 after 2 bids! (There are also cards of some other musicians too in the lot!)
14.00 - The E-Bay auction for a copy of Kasim Sulton's first album Kasim on vinyl came to a close on Saturday with a winning bid of £15 (approximately $27.33) after one bid. The $7,000+ auction for the "Kasim" car number plate ended with no bids being placed.

Kasim Sulton August 2004 Calendar
Click here to download a copy to print
(Larger than calendar above)
Saturday 31st July 2004
19.45 - And now the Portland, OR gig that was to have been played on 26th September has been postponed too. TicketMaster say on their website "This event has been postponed to a date still to be determined. Refunds are available at place of purchase or you can hold on to your tickets and they will be honored for the new show."
19.30 - The Beaver Creek, CO and Boulder, CO gigs have also been cancelled. The reason given is that they would not be financially viable. More West Coast gigs are hoped (but not guaranteed) to be added instead.
10.00 - Apparently an album that Kasim played and sang on was the 4th biggest selling album at independent stores in Australia last week. It appears that Meat Loaf's album Bat Out Of Hell made the return to the charts in part due to some excess stock being sold off cheaply. Bat Out Of Hell is still one of the 10th biggest selling albums of all-time in Australia - sadly Kasim only received a session work fee for his bass playing and background vocals.
09.45 - Mary Lou Arnold has posted that the Oshkosh, WI gig that was to have been played on 26th August has been cancelled. No reason has been given. Waterfest has been running for several years now (Kasim Sulton played there in 2000 with Todd Rundgren) and the festival this year started on 27th May. Currently Todd is still listed on the website.

From the free flyer at Summerfest
Thursday 29th July 2004
08.00 - The Tempe, AZ gig has been changed from Sunday 5th to Monday 20th September. All tickets are valid for the new date.
04.30 - Another date has been added to the Todd Rundgren's Liars Tour schedule. It is Sunday 26th September in Portland, Oregon. The Gigs section of the site has been updated with the venue and ticketing links.
Saturday 24th July 2004
10.00 - Another gig has been added to the Todd Rundgren's Liars Tour schedule. It is Friday 17th September in Agoura Hills, CA. The Gigs section of the site has been updated with the venue and ticketing links.
06.15 - There's a copy of Kasim Sulton's first album Kasim available on vinyl currently on E-Bay. The opening price is £15 (about $27) and there are no bids on it. The auction ends on Saturday. Also on E-Bay there is supposed to be a Kasim car number plate (but you have to stretch your imagination a bit!). The opening bid for that is a mere $7,000!
Thursday 22nd July 2004
01.15 - The set list and some comments about the gig that Kasim Sulton played on Saturday night in Glasgow, Scotland have been added to the Todd Rundgren's Liars Tour section of the site or click here for the direct link.
Wednesday 21st July 2004
01.15 - have a "Summer Sale" of their items of Kasim Sulton merchandise between now and 2nd August. The sale is that a saving of $5 on all orders over $45.
01.00 - are listing a new date on the Todd Rundgren's Liars Tour schedule. It is Friday 10th September in San Diego. The Gigs section of the site has been updated with the venue link but the gig is not yet confirmed.
Monday 19th July 2004
11.30 - A photo of Kasim Sulton appeared in a British newspaper last week in the pre-publicity for the Manchester concert. Click here to see a scan of it on - there's a funny comment in the bottom right of the photo!
10.00 - There's a new message on the front page and some new photos in the photo gallery on

Kasim last night in Manchester
Saturday 17th July 2004
03.15 - There are some reviews featuring opinions across the spectrum about the concert on Thursday in London on Kasim Sulton isn't singled out for criticism or praise too much but the main Kasim mentions are:
"The band are just a backing band. Where the frick did "Liars Tour Starring Kasim Sultan" come from?"
"Not much communication with the band. Even though Kasim and Prairie have LONG standing relationships with Todd, it seemed from where I was sitting as though he treated them like side men he'd hired just before the show."
"The potential was there in spades. Todd still has the magic, Prairie is an awesome drummer, Kasim is a fantastic bass player and singer."
"Kasim's backing vocals complement Todd's vocal so well."
"The extended Born To Synthesize was a scream, Kas played the 7 Rays riff during his bass solo."
"Kasim blew me away throughout both shows I saw - he is an exceptional bass player - and at London he even left his pod and crammed into Jesse Gress' pod to sing harmonies on one song!"
"Born To Synthesize for example was great entertainment, Kasim's bass solo picking out Hammer In My Heart and 7 Rays did make me laugh, at least a couple of the other reviewers got the joke too."

A drawing by Andy King about the concert in Manchester tomorrow.
Friday 16th July 2004
09.15 - Some good news as a new Kasim website will soon be opening!

Kasim with Todd last night in London
Thursday 15th July 2004
22.15 - The set list, some comments, photos and video clips of the gig that Kasim played earlier tonight in London, England have been added to the Todd Rundgren's Liars Tour section of the site or click here for the direct link.
Wednesday 14th July 2004
21.30 - The set list, some comments and some photos of the gig that Kasim played earlier tonight in Birmingham, England have been added to the Todd Rundgren's Liars Tour section of the site or click here for the direct link.
09.15 - Kasim Sulton receives a mention on the website of the Symphony Hall in Birmingham, England (where he plays tonight). Although it's only brief mention, Kasim is so rarely mentioned on British websites so I'll repeat it below:
"The Liars live band will include former Utopia bass guitarist Kasim Sulton with Jesse Gress (guitar), John Ferenzik (keyboards) and The Tubes' Prairie Prince (drums). "
08.00 - Apparently a "new" DVD will be released by Sanctuary Records on 10th August called Utopia Live in Boston 1982. There is a less than flattering review of it on Kasim receives a few mentions in the review but the main part is about his recent interview on the DVD:
"And then there is Kasim. Looking impeccably groomed and very guarded, he tends to walk on pins and needles throughout the entire segment. He is quick to point out how distant his relationship with Rundgren was, only to back pedal toward the end and say how much he admires the man. Bringing very little that's new information-wise, Sulton's sentiments seems to hint at why, aside from a brief Asian tour in 1992, Utopia has not, nor do they even remotely appear to be, braced for a comeback. Like the photos in the bonus still gallery showing the 1982 version of the band in full Beatlemania mode, they were a band of their time, an era which has long since passed."
Many thanks to Jeff Gauss for forwarding this link.
07.00 - Two more gigs have been added to the Todd Rundgren's Liars Tour schedule. They are:
Monday 6th September - Tucson, AZ
Sunday 11th September - Las Vegas
The Gigs section of the site has been updated with the venue and ticketing links.
06.00 - There's a great set of photos from the Bristol gig by Tony on The ones that feature Kasim Sulton are:
A psychedelic photo
An eerie shot
Kasim in silhouette
Waking up Todd
Whispering to Todd
I think this is when Kasim spotted me!
It looks like Todd is about to punch Kasim!
05.45 - The the messageboard attached to is open again now.

Monday 12th July 2004
22.00 - The set list, some comments and some photos of the gig that Kasim played earlier tonight in Bristol, England have been added to the Todd Rundgren's Liars Tour section of the site or click here for the direct link.
01.30 - Kasim Sulton receives a mention on the website of the Bristol Academy (where he plays tonight). Although it's only brief mention, Kasim is so rarely mentioned on British websites so I'll repeat it below:
"Todd Rundgren and The Liars features the same musicians who performed on Rundgren's 1997 bosa nova album With A Twist; former Utopia bass guitarist Kasim Sulton (keyboards, bass), Jesse Gress (guitar, keyboards), John Ferenzik (keyboards) and The Tubes' Prairie Prince (drums, percussion)."

Kasim with Dave T at Summerfest
Sunday 11th July 2004
15.30 - 4 photos by Dave T of Kasim at his clinic at Summerfest have been added here. Also apparently only 2 of the video clips were displaying so now all 11 play.
15.00 - The set list and a review of the gig last night at BOSpop has been added to the Todd Rundgren's Liars Tour section of the site or click here for the direct link.
13.45 - There's a couple of photos of Kasim at BOSpop yesterday on TRConnection. They are:
Playing keyboards in Truth
Playing bass in Truth
Todd's table (read my review!) is blocking the view of Kasim
Further back
That darned table!
Comments about Kasim that are also posted there are:
"Kasim was solid and played a very low and thumping bass."
"Think of the song 'Mammon', with Kasim's bass taking your breath away."
13.15 - The BOSpop website have some close-up photos of Kasim from yesterday:
Looking out at the crowd
Looking at his strings
It looks like he's just spotted me!
13.00 - Kasim is pictured on the Star Clinic page on This is the organization that arranged the clinics.
12.15 - have an "All Star Sale" of some of the items of Kasim Sulton merchandise between now and 19th July. The sale items are:
Jr. Raglan - now $22.99 (from non sale-price of $25.99)
Baseball Jersey - now $18.99 (from non-sale price of $21.99)
Baseball Cap - now $14.99 (from previous sale price of $15.99)
Trucker Hat - now $12.99 (from previous sale price of $13.99)
11.30 - Earlier items from this Blog have been moved to another page - the link is on the bottom of this page.
11.15 - A new gig has been added to the Todd Rundgren's Liars Tour schedule. It is on Sunday 4th September in Tempe, AZ and the Gigs section of the site has been updated with the links. Many thanks to Shelle for this info.
10.30 - Some discussion about the BOSpop festival which Kasim Sulton played last night with Todd Rundgren can be found here and here.
Friday 9th July 2004
15.30 - There's a detailed (technical) article about Todd Rundgren's Liars Tour on Among the Kasim related comments are:
"The touring Liars are comprised of drummer Prairie Prince, Kasim Sulton on bass, Jesse Gress on guitar, and John Ferenzik on keyboards. With five superlative players/vocalists, the sound is simultaneously orchestral and choral, and fans are treated to a performance every bit as rich as those 'big band' tours of the early 1990s."
"Bearing that in mind, there's only been a few occasions where the band had to perform sans cathedral. "We can't lose any arch truss sections; it's programmed to work together, so if we lose any pieces, it's the guitar and bass risers for Kasim and Jesse. We keep the keyboard and drum risers up, so we won't lose the effect. But we have gotten into situations with low trim height, and have had to go with house conventional lighting and no set! "
"Todd Rundgren and The Liars do day show travel, meaning that following the gig, they spend the night in a local hotel before hitting the road at 9am for the next location - a theory that makes for rested, happy band and crew, but an early afternoon load-in."
"Todd sings through a beyerdynamic SEM-881 while Kasim, Jesse and John use SDM-860M models."
The page also contains some photos of Kasim.
14.30 - Many thanks to Hiroshi for sending the ticketing info about the Todd Rundgren gigs that Kasim Sulton will be playing in Japan. The links have been added to the Gigs section of the site and the on sale dates are:
Nagoya - 31st July
Tokyo - 1st August
Osaka - 29th August
Thursday 8th July 2004
11.30 - Click here for a message by some fans about the gig on Monday in Bristol, England.
07.30 - A brief review, some photos and some video clips of Kasim Sulton's Star Clinic at Summerfest last week have been added to the Gigs section of the site or click here for the direct link.
07.00 - Apparently the messageboard attached to is down at the moment for maintenance.
Wednesday 7th July 2004
15.00 - Earlier items from this Blog have been moved to another page - the link is on the bottom of this page.
14.45 - Venue websites for a couple of the Japan gigs have been added to the Gigs section of the site.
10.45 - The first 4 Todd Rundgren gigs that Kasim Sulton will be playing have been discovered on the Internet. (Many thanks to TRConnection for this info.) They are:
Saturday 23rd October - Club Diamond Hall, Nagoya
Sunday 24th October - Namba Hatch, Osaka
Tuesday 26th October - Shibuya AX, Toyko
Wednesday 27th October - Shibuya AX, Tokyo
These have been added to the Gigs section of the site - venue and ticketing info will be added as soon as I find it!
01.30 - Sphere Sound Records have confirmed that anybody who has already bought a copy of the second version of Quid Pro Quo by Kasim Sulton has automatically been entered into the draw for the poster.
Tuesday 6th July 2004
10.30 - There's a contest (with an interesting question!) to win tickets for 4 of the Todd Rundgren gigs that Kasim will be playing in UK next week. Click here for details.
06.00 - At Summerfest last week, Kasim delighted everyone after the gig by telling us that he has already been asked to play back there again next year! Just some advance notice then that Summerfest 2005 is scheduled for Thursday 30th June until Sunday, 10th July 2005! (Obviously this depends on his Meat Loaf commitments as he is now rumored to be touring next year.) Kasim also said on stage that he hopes to play a series of weekend gigs (he mentioned maybe 8 weekends) with his own band in the Fall!
04.30 - Sphere Sound Records have a promotion that is going on from now through 30th October. Anyone who buys a copy of QPQ2 is automatically entered to win the huge window billboard (pictured below). They will draw the winner of the contest on
Halloween. Kasim Sulton signed the poster in April. Click here for more details.

Poster of Quid Pro Quo that is in the window of Sphere Sound Records head office that someone will win!
Sunday 4th July 2004
04.30 - In honor of Independence Day today, the Video Of The Week section of the site has been updated with 4 clips of Kasim Sulton singing The Star Spangled Banner.
04.00 - There is a "4th of July Sale" of Kasim Sulton merchandise at ("the only store that features approved merchandise by Kasim Sulton"). The sale items are:
Jr. Spaghetti Tank - now $16.99
Flying Disc - now $7.49
Baseball Cap - now $15.99
Trucker Hat - now $13.99
The site does not specify how long the sale lasts.

Kasim Sulton July 2004 Calendar
(or click here to download and print it)
Blog 68 (05/24/03 - 07/03/04)
Previous Blogs -
[24th May to 3rd July]
[4th to 24th May]
[19th Apr to 3rd May]
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[15th Mar to 6th Apr]
[20th Feb to 14th Mar]
[4th to 19th Feb]
[18th Jan to 3rd Feb]
[8th to 17th Jan]
2003 - [22nd Dec 2003 to 7th Jan 2004]
[4th to 21st Dec]
[13th Nov to 3rd Dec]
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[29th Sep to 18th Oct]
[4th to 28th Sep]
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[17th to 24th Feb]
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2002 - [7th to 31st Dec]
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[22nd Oct to 7th Nov]
[7th to 21st Oct] [24th Sept to 6th Oct] [10th to 23rd Sept] [22nd Aug to 9th Sept] [3rd to 21st Aug] [19th July to 2nd Aug]
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[26th Dec to 4th Feb]
2001 - [8th to 25th Dec]
[21st Nov to 7th Dec]
[5th to 20th Nov]
[30th Sept to 4th Nov]
[13th to 29th Sept]
[28th Aug to 12th Sept]
[4th to 27th Aug]
[27th July to 3rd Aug]
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[1st Jan to 1st Feb]