Saturday 3rd July 2004
18.30 - Kasim Sulton Magazine #12 is now available to download. It was originally issued on Monday 8th December 2003 and is a Kasim Sulton Birthday Special. It includes the following articles:
Something's Gonna Happen (news round-up)
Birthdays on 8th December
Miscellaneous Events on 8th December
Music Events on 8th December
Kasim's Birthday Over The Years
Kasim Sulton in the U.K.
08.00 - passed the 900,000 hits mark yesterday! (The counter was installed in late January 2001.)
07.45 - Thankfully the e-mail problems on this server have been resolved and e-mails to the account are now being received again.

Kasim Sulton hosting a clinic at Summerfest on Monday
Friday 2nd July 2004
02.00 - Unfortunately there is still a problem with e-mail on this new server which means that only e-mails to the account are actually received into my inbox. Hopefully this will be resolved soon.
Thursday 1st July 2004
20.00 - Unfortunately I am (again!) having problems with tonight. Apparently my host company moved the site to a new server but the log-in was not working. They then took it upon themselves to add a new default page to the server so for a while it showed an old version of the site. Unfortunately Kasim has not booked a new Borders appearance and Meat Loaf is not playing 7 new gigs! I can now update the website but e-mail is not 100% yet!
01.15 - SandiDaae has posted some photos of Kasim's gig at Summerfest here.
01.00 - Kasim Sulton sent a brief message about his gig at Summerfest to his mailing list.
Tuesday 29th June 2004
08.15 - Here's a clip of Kasim describing the earthquake that hit Milwaukee (the epi-center was in Illonois) on Sunday night.
01.00 - Click here for a thread (and a photo) of Kasim Sulton's solo gig at Summerfest last night.

Kasim Sulton at Summerfest last night
Monday 28th June 2004
17.00 - Click here for a thread (and some photos) of Kasim Sulton's clinic at Summerfest earlier today.
11.30 - Kasim Sulton's gig receives a mention on Doug Kennedy's website today in Doug's amusing style of writing! As it will disappear after the event, it says:
"Kasim Sulton: Live TODAY!
My friend and sometime boss Kasim Sulton is in Milwaukee, Wisconsin today to give a musical seminar and perform a solo show at the famous SummerFest celebration....... Kasim describes this event as "A clinic for parents and children.. The clinic will be on how best to introduce interested children in playing a musical instrument. Of course I will weight my discussion on bass playing but I plan to touch on other instruments as well." Kasim's clinic will be at 12:30 pm today and his solo show will be at 7:30pm tonight. Both events will take place @ Piggly Wiggly MusicMarket with Leinenkugel's Stage. If you're in the area, go check out Kasim and tell him I said to "find a dog"."
10.45 - This thread mentions a young fan that Kasim has befriended for a few years.
06.00 - For today only the front page (bottom right) of mentions Kasim's appearances today at Summerfest.
05.30 - Today Kasim Sulton plays at Summerfest in Milwaukee, WI. Both gigs are outside and unfortunately the weather is expected to be cloudy with an 8mph wind and a 20% chance of precipitation. Thankfully he didn't play last night as it rained for most of the evening!
Sunday 27th June 2004
19.15 - At the top right of the MirrorOfTheSoul website there is a clock ticking down to 30 minutes before Kasim Sulton's solo gig tomorrow at Summerfest.
18.30 - are listing a new Todd Rundgren concert on 14th September in California. The Gigs section of the site has been updated with the details but it has not yet been confirmed whether or not Kasim Sulton will be playing this gig or whether it will be a Todd solo gig.
Wednesday 16th June 2004
08.30 - The front page of the Summerfest website contains the phrase "this summer Piggly Wiggly MusicMarket and Interstate Music will host the Star Clinic where talented musicians will be on hand for two hours daily. They'll offer instruction and answer questions so stop by to listen and learn." so it sounds as though Kasim will be on stage for longer than originally anticipated!
08.00 - Yesterday Kasim Sulton made a post on the messageboard attached to As Kasim's official website is now on its fourth messageboard with posts on the earlier boards being lost (other than being saved here!) Kasim's message said:
"To say I'm dissapointed at these goings on would be a serious understatement. I was hoping things would sort themselves out by now but I can see it's draging on ad-infinitum.
This messageboards main purpose is to bring people together. For friends and fans of my music to have a place to exchange thoughts comments and ideas. It IS NOT a forum for personal attacts and vitriol.
I specifically do not edit this board because I trust everyone here will be respectful to one another, under ANY circumstances. Words are a very powerful commodity, especially when used to hurt someone. Messageboards are in many ways small societies. Not everyone will agree with what someone says but it is that persons right to say it. UNLESS it crosses the line of propriety and is meant to hurt, harm or otherwise degrade an individual for what they have said or how it could be interpreted. is owned by a person who has championed my career in countless ways. I do not have anything to do with how that site is run. I know beyond a doubt that the basic parameters mentioned above apply there too. If someone has a problem with a post on the messageboard attached there, consider the source first, you have the option not to be involved. Responding to negativity only perpetuates exactly that.
I sign all my posts, front page messages, journal entries and mass mails with the same word ... love ... for a reason. There is enough hate in the world already, we don't need anymore and I certainly will not have it here.
Monday 14th June 2004
16.00 - Meat Loaf's official website opened a few days ago. Apparently it is a fan club / pay to view site that costs $30 to join but it does contain a few photos of Kasim that were taken at the photo shoot before the concert in Plymouth, England last July. Many thanks to Andy King for this info.
09.00 - Kasim Sulton is now listed on the page on the Summerfest website about the Star Clinics. Kasim's description is the longest!

Kasim Sulton in Royal Oak looking at one of Bill Bricker's Toddata bookmarks for the Rolling Stone magazine advert. For more info about this project click here.
(Photo by Kid Noise)
Friday 11th June 2004
01.15 - There are a couple of nice off-stage photos of Kasim Sulton that were taken in Kansas City here and here.
00.45 - The E-Bay auction for a copy of Kasim came to a close yesterday with no bids placed despite the opening bid being only $5.
00.30 - Later this year will be moving to a new server. In preparation for this, a large percentage of the files on this website will be moved over to the server during the next few weeks. For that reason
pages and photos that you may have bookmarked will change.
Thursday 10th June 2004
20.00 - This review (by someone who obviously doesn't know the song titles!) of the Albany gig last night mentions Kasim a couple of times.
11.00 - Considerably later than it should have been, the set list, reviews, messageboard comments and photos about Kasim Sulton's solo gig at Dock Street on 7th February have been added to the Gigs section of the site or click here for the direct link.
09.15 - Below are a few comments that were posted at various online locations about the Buffalo gig on Tuesday:
"Good to see Kas. He looks a little bored. I wish there was more of him in the show."
"Kas has technical problems at the start of I Hate My Frickin' ISP. Todd starts the song (Kas says "go on without me to
him"), but Todd stops it a few bars in and says "it's no good without bass". Todd keeps playing the opening riff while the techs work out the problem. Kas sneaks up behind Todd and grabs him by the waist and starts feeling up his chest. Todd squirms and makes a funny
face. It's obvious the two have a rapport that comes from playing together for so long."
"Our hero, Kasim, was phenomal! What a great sound he gets. As a fellow bass-man, I was definitely blown away. The band was tight as expected."
"One technical difficulty Kasim was having early on. Todd - "I'm not doing this whole song without bass!" Don't know the song, but the rest kept doing this one chord progression relentlessly until Kasim could jump back in. Pretty cool, everyone was in good humour about it. Todd (sarcastically) -"This has been our best gig yet!""
"Kasim once again was struck by the stage ghost with little things along the way, at one point the guitar tec did not have the input and out put cords plugged right which also included his effects pedal so he had no bass...The guitar tec was getting so frustrated and after several attempts FINALLY got it right. Just the oddest things happen to him and the frequency is what is so strange...."
"The clothing attire was a nice change, Kasim came out with a black and white geometric tie and his shirt had a very nice B/W pattern on the collar."
"After show Kasim came out and spoke to EVERYONE there waiting for him/Todd even though very brief he did address everyone."
07.30 - Click here for a video of almost all of Flaw. Although Kasim is shown only very briefly, his voice can be heard quite clearly throughout the song.
07.00 - On the front page of (under the large photo of Kasim) there is always a banner posted which changes most days. Usually it contains an amusing message or cynical comment and the Alt tag for the banner (what you see when you pass your mouse over it) is "Ha!". This week the banner has been in memory of Ronald Reagan but unfortunately I forgot to change the Alt tag. This was purely an oversight and I apologise for the offense that this caused.
06.30 - Overnight Kasim posted a message on the messageboard attached to
06.00 - The first leg of the Todd Rundgren's Liars Tour came to an end yesterday. This leg of the tour consisted of 41 concerts plus an appearance on The David Letterman Show in 63 days. The concert last night was recorded for a DVD release. At most gigs they played about 20 songs and usually were on stage for about two and a half hours. Unfortunately only once was Kasim Sulton allowed to sing lead (originally all the band were going to have a solo spot). Unfortuantely too Kasim's Journal was only updated two times.
Wednesday 9th June 2004
01.30 - Some great photos by Michele Kotlarsky of Kasim at the Sandusky gig on Sunday have been added to the Gigs section of the site or click here for the direct link.
01.15 - There are two very detailed reviews of the Kansas City and St. Louis gigs by Laura England.
01.00 - This is an amazing poster that someone on the forums made for the London gig!
00.30 - Kasim Sulton receives a couple of online mentions for the concert tonight in Albany, NY. On it says "Rundgren comes to The Egg Wednesday with his giant songbook, and a band, The Liars, who include bassist and longtime collaborator Kasim Sulton" and on The Egg website it says "With a reputation for applying his talents to a diverse range of projects and for bringing true versatility to his profession, Todd Rundgren will perform with The Liars, featuring Kasim Sulton, a co-founding member of Utopia, Todd's original band" (two errors in the last eight words!). Many thanks to Michele Kotlarsky for these links.
Tuesday 8th June 2004
20.30 - There are loads of photos of the Royal Oak gig on The best ones of Kasim are:
On one leg
Lovely in pink
Looking straight at the camera
Waking Todd
20.15 - As someone has pointed out, there is no mailing list sign-up box on the part of that is currently being updated. However, if you go to the opening page of the website here the sign-up box is visible.
12.00 - There is currently a vinyl copy of Kasim available on The auction ends tomorrow, the opening bid is $5 and there are no bids on it at the moment.
09.30 - Some great photos by Michele Kotlarsky of Kasim at the Royal Oak gig on Saturday have been added to the Gigs section of the site or click here for the direct link - you can even see the pattern on his suit!
09.15 - The messageboard attached to has been re-opened.
08.45 - The 24th August Central Park gig has been removed from to the Gigs section of the site as Kasim has confirmed that he is (currently) not playing the gig.
08.30 - Click here for some photos from the gig in Sandusky, Ohio on Sunday that were posted on the Mirror Of The Soul website.
08.15 - Click here and here for reviews of the Kansas City and St. Louis gigs respectively by Laura England.
08.00 - No updates for 4 days! During this period, Kasim Sulton sent a message to his mailing list. This message included the line "I might ( I say MIGHT) even debut one of these new songs at my solo show June 28th at Summerfest "!

Kasim Sulton in Sandusky on Sunday
(Photo by Michele Kotlarsky)
Thursday 3rd June 2004
11.30 - This thread on the messageboard attached to is mainly about Kasim and makes an interesting read.
11.00 - Apparently last night in Kansas City there were only two pods on stage so Kasim Sulton was allowed out of his "cage" again! Also Flaw was included in the set list for the first time.
09.30 - Some photos of the concert that Kasim Sulton played with Meat Loaf in Belfast, Northern Ireland on 15th December have been added to the Meat Loaf Couldn't Have Said It Better World Tour page or click here got the direct link. Many thanks to Louise Clarke for these photos.
06.00 - This post on the messageboard discusses Kasim's bass playing and voice.
Tuesday 1st June 2004
18.00 - According to this post the gig in Albany, NY next week will be filmed by 8 video cameras for the reported DVD release!
17.00 - Apparently on Sunday at the Memphis gig, the band came out on stage for the final encore wearing Elvis Presley wigs and sideburns!
01.30 - Kasim Sulton receives a few mentions in this thread on as they discuss days off, songs that Kasim could sing and Kasim's Journal.
00.30 - Some photos of the concert that Kasim Sulton played with Meat Loaf in Belfast, Northern Ireland on 7th December have been added to the Meat Loaf Couldn't Have Said It Better World Tour page or click here got the direct link. Many thanks to Louise Clarke for these photos.
Monday 31st May 2004
11.15 - The Video Of The Week section of the site has been updated with some clips celebrating the music of Jim Steinman.
06.15 - A couple of new (old!) photos have been added to the Photo Gallery on The first one is the photo that was posted to on Tuesday but the version on is signed (who said that there's no such thing as coincidence as I was sent that photo on a postcard just before the Dock Street gig and yet both sites independently chose to place it online in the same week!). The second new photo is from the same session but they have turned around.
04.00 - There's an unusual spiel about Kasim in the Utopia section on (he is actually mentioned more than Todd Rundgren!). In case it disappears at some point, it says:
"Former UTOPIA bassist KASIM SULTAN formed PRICE/SULTON with ex SCANDAL drummer Thommy Price and was briefly a stand in member of BLUE OYSTER CULT. The four stringer also issued a solo album. In the early 90's Sultan was seemingly in the frame to join BON JOVI as a replacement for Alec John Such, but the job went to longtime band associate and fellow sessioneer Hugh McDonald. The bassist would end up touring with BON JOVI guitarist RICHIE SAMBORA during the Summer of 1998."
03.00 - The messageboard attached to will be re-opening later this week. A message will be sent to all members of the board beforehand.
02.00 - It's four weeks today until Kasim Sulton's solo gig (and Star Clinic) at Summerfest. Unfortunately to date there have been very few posts about it by fans on the Internet despite the news being posted to all the usual sites. There were a few posts on the messageboard attached to and on the TRConnection website but that is about all.

The new Liars Tour T-shirt
(Design by Prairie Prince)
Sunday 30th May 2004
18.00 - There is a new interview with Kasim on or click here for the direct link.
17.30 - For everybody who has asked, the contact info for both myself and for Kasim Sulton is available here.
17.00 - Just a message for Rick Miller - I have tried to reply to your e-mail three times now but each time I do, it is returned to me with the message that your account is not accepting messages! Please could you either write to me with an e-mail addy that I can respond to or look at the bottom of this page where there is a link to the info you require. Thanks...