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KasimInfo Site Blog
Blog 66 (04/19/04 - 05/03/04)
Please note that, as time goes by, some of these links may no longer work - sorry!
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Monday 3rd May 2004
20.45 - Click here for a review of the Uncasville gig that Kasim played last night.
09.45 - There's a detailed blurb about Todd Rundgren on The Tralf website. It also contains details about his band - Kasim is described as "Kasim Sulton - bass - member of Utopia - also tours with Meat Loaf and records solo albums" and then they have a link to!
09.00 - For anybody who read the disagreements in the ShoutBox on the messageboard attached to last night, I have made a post regarding the board here. Although I would prefer not to lose anybody, I suggest that anybody who doesn't like the way that the board is being run, posts instead on the messageboard attached to
07.45 - The messageboard attached to is open again now - many thanks to Steve for his help.
07.15 - As he promised the previous day, yesterday Kasim Sulton chatted with fans again in the ShoutBox on the messageboard attached to He stayed for 26 minutes. Unfortunately some fans there appeared more interested in continuing their own conversations and at times it seemed like Kasim was ignored - click here for the full transcript. The main points that Kasim did manage to make were:
The show last night was going to be shorter and "the venue can't accomodate the stage set"
Kasim expects to receive the second version of Quid Pro Quo CDs this week
When asked about any differences between version 1 and version 2 he just replied that he thought the cover looked "more natural" on the second version
Kasim didn't answer the question about whether there were any different tracks on the second version
07.00 - The messageboard attached to is down at the moment but it is being worked on.
Saturday 1st May 2004
18.30 - Kasim chatted for about 12 minute appearance in the ShoutBox on the messageboard attached to about an hour ago! Click here for the full transcript. (The page doesn't look perfect as the icons do not show, plus the timing is EST +5 hours).
11.30 - Doug Kennedy has updated his website about his trip to see Kasim playing with Todd Rundgren last night in Lancaster, PA (all told in Doug's own style!).
10.45 - Earlier Blog items have been moved to another page which should help this section to load faster. The link is at the bottom of this page.
10.15 - For anybody who has not read this thread on the messageboard attached to, just a reminder that this website is about the singer / songwriter Kasim Sulton and not the person Kasim Sulton. Other than mentions of them in public places, nowhere on do I make any mention of Kasim's friends or family and the same applies to the messageboard.
Friday 30th April 2004
09.45 - What a difference 72 hours makes! On Tuesday Kasim said at the impromptu chat on the messageboard attached to that he was expecting to be playing August dates with Todd Rundgren and possibly a tour from October in US with Meat Loaf. Now on Friday, according to this post a friend of Kasim's is reported as saying that Todd's tour may continue until the end of the year with more dates in Europe, US and Japan.
09.15 - Roger D. Linder has added some more photos to that feature Kasim Sulton. Direct links to them are:
From the Red Bank, NJ gig
From the Washington, DC gig with Todd
From the Washington, DC gig with Todd and Jesse
A still shot from Letterman
Another Letterman shot
From the Farmingdale, NY gig
Another photo from Farmingdale, NY
There's also one quote about Kasim by a fan at the Farmingdale, NY gig:
"It's so great to see Kas back on stage. Would have been nice to give Kas at least one lead vocal, maybe a Set Me Free, but he stayed pretty much in the background."
An article written by Kasim's mother for the pre-Spring 1983 edition of the Utopia Times (Many thanks to Kris Awgul for supplying this)

Thursday 29th April 2004
18.00 - There are seven great new photos of Kasim at last nights gig on
10.30 - Kasim's performance on The Letterman Show last night can be viewed at
08.45 - Two comments posted on about the concert last night on Long Island are:
"Todd never did any solo material so the band never changed into the soul brothers outfits.. and never took a break.. 2 hrs plus of pure energy and fun.."
"Todd and Kasim and Jesse and Prairie and John were in a great mood.. and they played like they were"
08.15 - So far the comments posted (in a number of different places) about Kasim on The Letterman Show last night include:
"The musician's were generally "on" though Kas looked very aloof and Prairie inscrutable behind his shades. Jesse and John provided the keys and backing vocals along with Kas."
"I know for sure that Kasim is going to be there, and so is the tour bus to take them to the downtown venue on LI., so I'm pretty sure that The Liars band will be playing. My friend Dave how does Kasim's web site was offered a ride from the city to LI on the tour bus."
"The whole band in pimp suits doing Soul Brother"
"All had shades but John. All in hats but Kasim"
"Kas your vocals were superb"
08.00 - There were a couple of nice comments about Kasim Sulton from a (male) fan at the Washington, DC concert on Tuesday posted on
"I saw Kasim Sulton's solo performance in Virginia a while back. He's incredible live and his solo album kicks ass. So as you can imagine, I was thrilled to see my 2 favorite Utopian heroes in one venue"
"Kasim was great live. This was the first time i've ever heard Todd and Kasim work together live. I was very impressed. I love their voices so much together anyways, and it was nice to hear them harmonizing in areas. Kasim! your voice is incredible and yer one hell of a bass player (even if you do dress like a priest! hehehe). "
Wednesday 28th April 2004
11.15 - The News section of the site has been updated about the impromtu chat yesterday and a synopsis (earlier items will be added soon).
06.30 - For anyone who has not seen the reminder on the front page of this site, Kasim Sulton is appearing on The Letterman Show tonight with Todd Rundgren.
Tuesday 27th April 2004
12.15 - Kasim recieves a couple of mentions in a review of the Count Basie Theatre gig on
"A guy name 'Goat' who's Kasim's Internet site manager, he took some pictures of the song set lists and said that he will post them on Kasim's Internet site for all to see."
"It was fun though talking to Kasim's brother, and Jesse Gress's parents, brother and his brothers wife. They were all very proud people and it was nice to see that it was a family atmosphere... that is that these artists have the support and love from their families."
10.00 - Kasim Sulton has just had an impromptu chat for about an hour with some fans in the ShoutBox on the messageboard attached to! Click here for the (almost) full transcript. (The page doesn't look perfect as the icons do not show, plus the timing is EST +5 hours).
Monday 26th April 2004
20.00 - Some new photos have been added to (As it takes a while on dial-up to get into the Photo Gallery) the links to the large versions of the photos are:
I'm not sure if this is a new photo or not!
With Todd
The cast
Smiling broadly
08.00 - Some photos of Kasim Sulton at the Joe's Pub Benefit Show have been added to
It's funny to see Kasim singing off of a sheet!
"Hiding" in the back row!
Watching the audience (he looks a bit nervous!)
Listening to Todd
Center stage
Now he looks like he's enjoying it more
The whole cast
The cast bow
Sunday 25th April 2004
20.45 - Click here for a detailed review of the benefit last night that Kasim played with Todd Rundgren.
20.15 - The set list, some comments and lots of photos of the Redbank, NJ gig on Friday have been added to the Todd Rundgren's Liars Tour section of the site or click here for the direct link. More photos from this gig have been added here.
15.15 - There have been a few Kasim mentions recently in reviews posted to
Rochester: "We ended up standing slightly stage left behind three sisters (who ended up being very good friends of Bassist extraordinaire Kasim Sulton) and I found myself thankful that guitar picks were not Ninja Stars as Kas began hurling some of his picks at the girls trying to give them as many as he could, as they bounced off of my head and chest, lol. What a great time."
Verona: "And the bass lines!! Kasim does them justice and then some. And that preacher outfit. (the only man who could ever teach me, was the son of a preacher man) how hot is that?!"
"Did I mention how beautiful and wonderful Todd was? Kasim too. So good to see him with Todd again."
Redbank: "Kasim then farts around on the bass for 4 bars."
Joe's Pub:"Kasim was just so perfect up there. I love his voice. He could very easily do theatre. Who Knows?"
There is a slide show of photos from one of the Cleveland concerts here and some more photos that feature Kasim, this time from the Count Basie Theatre, here.
14.30 - There is now a 1981 poster for a Utopia concert in Rochester, NY available on E-Bay. It is signed by both Kasim Sulton and Todd Rundgren and is a charity auction in aid of the family of DJ Unk McCall who was murdered earlier this year. The opening price is $49 and currently there are no bids in this auction that ends on Saturday.
14.15 - Just some advance notice that the the messageboard attached to will be closed for a few hours tomorrow for some changes that are being installed. The ShoutBox should remain open.
11.45 - Click here for some comments from somebody who attended Kasim Sulton's instore appearance in Rochester.

Kasim Sulton one year ago today
Friday 23rd April 2004
09.45 - The Houston, TX gig has been confiremed for Friday 28th May and tickets go on sale tomorrow at 10.00am. The Todd Rundgren's Liars Tour section of the site has been updated with the links.
08.30 - Four photos of Kasim Sulton by John Harmon have been added to
Kasim, Todd and Jesse
Kasim all dressed up
Kasim doing his Tommy Copper impression (probably only those from UK will get that!)
A full body shot (other than his feet!)
Some comments from a fan after Todd's gig in Rochester, NY:
A nice thing happened with Kaz at the show. My ten year old son Trevor was in the front row and began getting a little tired from standing through the long show. Kaz looked at me and mouthed " He's tired". I smiled and told him Kaz was watching him. Next thing you know he throws a guitar pic at him and I scour the floor for it. He begins to smile and enjoy the rest of the show.
Afterward we waited around and Kaz came out and was so wonderful! He joked with my son about falling asleep and how " Dad missed part of the show looking for that pic." They played thumb wars and Kaz joked the whole time with him and had him introduce him to his 15 year old brother. Kaz said " You be nice to your brother." My older son Thomas joked the whole way home about how Kaz told him to be nice to him.
What a class act he is !!!!
Thom Jennings
Thursday 22nd April 2004
18.30 - Kasim Sulton will be replacing the Tony Award winner Roger Bart to play the part of Christopher Low in the Todd Rundgren & Friends: 3rd Annual Benefit for Joe's Pub at the Public Theater this Saturday. Kasim will be singing 4 songs with the cast, plus one solo number called From Hunger. The Gigs section of the site has the links plus this is the link (without the change of cast) from the Joe's Pub website.
12.15 - A nice comment about the Rochester gig posted by Steve White on was "The song that was sung by Kasim was "Expressway to your Heart", a one hit wonder from a Philly band called The Soul Survivors circa 1967. Even though Todd wasn't on stage, I though it was one of the highlights of the show. It was a dead nuts cover version. ".
09.30 - Another date has been added to the Todd Rundgren's Liars Tour schedule - it's in Buffalo, NY on 8th June and the Gigs section of the site has the links.
07.00 - Another nice batch of photos of Kasim in Cleveland have been added to From Dean Grishaber there are:
In blue
An orange glow
No green (and Kasim is smiling) - these lights are impressive!
There are also some nice large photos from Columbus by Jerry Noonan:
Long shot
Another long shot
In silhouette
Man in the shadows
Kasim looking serious
On the keyboards
Kasim and Prairie
03.30 - Some photos of Kasim meeting fans backstage in Chicago have been added to the Todd Rundgren's Liars Tour section of the site or click here for the direct link.Many thanks to Cathy Johnson for these photos.
03.15 - Apparently the song that Kasim Sulton sang lead on in Rochester, NY on Tuesday was Expressway to Your Heart (by The Soul Survivors). Many thanks to the kind person who sent me this info.
Wednesday 21st April 2004
17.30 - The Kasim Sulton Magazine #9 is now available to download. It was originally issued on Tuesday 21st October 2003 and contains the following articles:
Something's Gonna Happen (news round-up)
Kasim Sulton November 2003 Calendar
Kasim Sulton in Germany
Maximum Ink interview
Rock "n" Roll - 100 songs that Kasim has written
13.45 - According to this review Kasim Sulton finally got to sing his first solo song of the tour last night in Rochester! According to a post on the Audities list, it seems that he sang Superstition but the reviewer on that list included the quote "Kasim Sulton has that same great voice but it's just not meant to sing lead (think "Set Me Free"...all the right notes, but a 90 pound weakling trying to hit a home run)."
11.45 - Two new dates have been added to the Todd Rundgren's Liars Tour. They are Kansas City, MO and Albany, NY. The Gigs section of the site has been updated with the links.
Tuesday 20th April 2004
14.00 - It seems that the camera use policy has been loosened at the last few gigs so several new photos of Kasim at the gigs have been added to The ones that feature Kasim are:
Columbus concert
From Friday night in Cleveland:
These from Lou Reese taken on Saturday in Cleveland:
The funniest photos of Kasim are:
Strongman Sulton
13.00 - The set list and some comments about the Pittsburgh gig on Sunday have been added to the Todd Rundgren's Liars Tour section of the site or click here for the direct link.
11.45 - Some photos, the set list and some comments about the Cleveland gig on Saturday have been added to the Todd Rundgren's Liars Tour section of the site or click here for the direct link.
07.45 - Some photos, the set list, a review and some comments about the Cleveland gig on Friday have been added to the Todd Rundgren's Liars Tour section of the site or click here for the direct link.
05.30 - Kasim Sulton has posted a message on the messageboard attached to He talks about the Todd Rundgren tour, his DVD and his grandmother.

The Renegade Priests
Photo by Jeff Gauss for
Monday 19th April 2004
12.30 - Two more dates have been added to the tour in UK:
Monday July 12th - Bristol Carling Academy
Saturday July 17th - Glasgow Carling Academy
The Todd Rundgren's Liars Tour section of the site has the links.
12.00 - The link I added earlier is a pre-sale of Quid Pro Quo Limited 2nd Edition CD which is not clearly explained on the website. The second version of the CD is not yet manufactured (but will be very soon!)
11.45 - Earlier Blog items have been moved to another page which should help this section to load faster. The link is at the bottom of this page.
11.00 - Some photos of Kasim at Saturday's gig in Cleveland have been added to
In the background
The line-up
Nose on the microphone
Kasim looking directly at the camera
Kasim smiling
A clearer photo of Kasim
Black shirt, white tie
Finally! A photo just of Kasim on this tour!
And another!
Kasim at the keyboards
As Kasim said, "think hats"
Men in Black
There are also some more photos of Kasim at the Friday gig:
Leaning over
In silhouette
The band line-up
03.30 - The Quid Pro Quo Limited 2nd Edition CD is now available from The sale price of the CD has increased by $5 to $19.99 and included with it are a Kasim guitar pic and each CD can be personalized by Kasim to whoever you choose. Also "1 out of 10 people who purchase this Limited 2nd Edition CD will win FREE BACKSTAGE PASSES to see Kasim Sulton perform with Todd Rundgren or Meat Loaf on their upcoming tours. And Kasim will dedicate a song to you at the show." (Although it doesn't specify it on the site, it is likely that you have to buy your own tickets to the show and it's the backstage meeting that is free.) No track list for the album is given.
01.45 - Some photos that include Kasim have been added to
In the shadows
The Band
Kasim backstage
There is also quite a detailed review of the show here.
01.30 - The photo below of Kasim Sulton at The Chance in Poughkeepsie, NY sometime in the 1980s has been added to the Photos section of the site.

Kasim Sulton at The Chance in the 1980s
Photo by Jim Lawrence
Blog 65 (04/07/03 - 04/18/04)
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