The KasimSulton Mailing List is a moderated list, purely for news about Kasim (television appearances, concerts, etc) with weekly news of his activities when he's touring - the oldest running active Kasim Sulton mailing list!
KasimInfo Site Blog
Blog 64 (03/15/04 - 04/06/04)
Please note that, as time goes by, some of these links may no longer work - sorry!
If you don't know what a Blog is? Click here
Tuesday 6th April 2004
06.00 - Michele Rundgren's online diary has been updated with a couple of interesting points about the tour. On 03/29 she says that Todd will be gone for "5-6 months" (the tour currently only has dates booked up until July plus one date in September) and on 04/04 she mentions how excited Todd is about the new lighting creation.
05.45 - Both on Sunday and yesterday had over 4,000 hits each day (on Sunday it was almost 5,000) - not bad for "a mere bass player" as someone once described him.
04.45 - Kasim Sulton is now the lead interview on In case the description disappears at some point, it says:
"One of the hardest working and most respected men in the music business has to be Kasim Sulton. His work with rock icons Meat Loaf and Todd Rundgren has made him one of the most in demand talents in the industry. It's little wonder why people line up to get a chance to work with him, not only is he a great talent but he's also a nice guy to boot! The one thing I noticed while researching Kasim was that in every picture I came across he always had a look of intensity or a great big smile. You can tell by the photographs that he truly loves what he does."
04.30 - Just a reminder that the new Todd Rundgren album called Liars is released today in US. Although Kasim Sulton doesn't play on the album itself, he will be part of the band to promote the album on the tour which commences on Thursday.

One photo I found again as I was moving files from one server to another this weekend
Monday 5th April 2004
23.00 - Just a reminder that the new Todd Rundgren album called Liars was released today in UK. Although Kasim Sulton doesn't play on the album itself, he will be part of the band to promote the album on the tour which commences on Thursday.
Sunday 4th April 2004
11.45 - The Video Of The Week section of the site has been updated with three videos showing Kasim playing Cliché.
11.15 - This thread only mentions Kasim is passing a few times but is an interesting read to hear some technical details about the forthcoming Todd Rundgren tour. Also here is the link to the BBC Radio 2 interview with Todd last Thursday. He doesn't mention Kasim at all but there are some details about the technical aspects of the tour.
10.45 - There are threads about the online chat with Kasim Sulton last Sunday here, here, here and one about one of the more technical details here.
09.30 - Apparently almost all the 3,000 seats at The Royal Festival Hall have already been sold! (It's very impressive as Todd Rundgren hasn't played a concert in UK for almost 10 years.) However there is a competition to win 7th row seats and backstagepasses here which is open to fans worldwide.
Saturday 3rd April 2004
09.00 - In case anybody else was "fooled" on Thursday, the business card below isn't actually Kasim's new business card! It could be though, other than the phone number (and I did have someone e-mail me to question whether it was a good idea to put Kasim's phone number on the site!). There were a couple of good tricks played this year on Kasim associated websites. All day had Todd's name as Ted Rondgren or something similar and on the MLUKFC messageboard everybody's name was written backwards so mine was WeuS! Also on MLUKFC a few fans joined together to tell us that there were rumors of Meat Loaf playing for the England Rugby Squad sometime in July! People were supposed to have read about it or heard it mentioned on the radio. For those who weren't reading this site back in previous years, last year there was a very mild prank as I just listed on the "This Day" section "On This Day in 1994 Kasim Sulton changed his socks" or something like that. In 2002 a lot of people were fooled by a spoof interview from Rolling Stone Magazine with Kasim that I added. Click here to read it. When it was posted it had loads of Rolling Stone logos too. Some of the Kasim quotes are genuine but some I fabricated. Ironically the part about Kasim opening for Meat Loaf even actually came true (when I wrote this spoof, I had got him listed on Pollstar a few times and they assumed that is was opening for Meat Loaf but we didn't know then that Kasim Sulton would eventually open most of the concerts). I think this was one of the best interviews that Kasim didn't do!
Friday 2nd April 2004
17.30 - Due to lack of space on the server (again!) various parts of will be down at different points during the weekend and bookmarks may be changed as I move sections from one server to another.
Thursday 1st April 2004
18.30 - Some very important news about the tour has been posted here!
10.15 - Kasim Sulton receives a mention in this press release about the London Todd Rundgren concert.
04.45 - In the Off Topic section on the messageboard there are several categories of the MISAK Awards (Misak is Kasim spelt backwards (as spotted by Lost Soul) and is a play on the word "music"). Kasim is nominated for the "Lifetime Achievement Award" here.
03.15 - Tickets for Kasim Sulton's gig with Todd Rundgren on 15th July go on sale this morning. Details have been added to both the Todd Rundgren's Liars Tour and the Gigs sections of the site.
Kasim's new business card

Wednesday 31st March 2004
11.30 - As mentioned on!) Todd Rundgren is soon to be interviewed on BBC Radio 2 but already they have announced on the show that one of the European tour dates will be 15th July at The Royal Festival Hall, London. The Gigs section of the site has been updated.
10.45 - Just a bit of cross-advertising here! On members of the fan club have a section on the messageboard where they can have their own Blog. I opted for the title and it's quite self-explanatory. I won't keep mentioning it here (I think that's called spam!) but I do quite often mention Kasim Sulton in it (obviously!), for example todays entry has some 1996 rehearsal / hotel details. The link is here.
09.45 - The venue of the Clearwater, FL gig has been changed to the Ruth Eckerd Hall and tickets go on sale tomorrow. The Gigs section of the site has been updated with the links. Many thanks to Sherrie Williams for this info. (The concert is listed as "Pop, Rock & Jazz"!)
09.00 - A transcript of the chat on Sunday in Adobe Acrobat has now been added here complete with a link of how to download Adobe Reader free so now everybody should be able to access it. Many thanks to Adrian Donoghue for converting this file.
08.30 - I haven't reported this for a few weeks (I never know how accurate this is!) but since 25th February, according to WKOnline Quid Pro Quo has climbed 85,394 places in the Sales Rank from #123,160 to 37,766 (its highest place to date was 30,324). The Basement Tapes has dropped 627 places from #67,375 to 68,002 in the same period.
Tuesday 30th March 2004
09.45 - Kasim Sulton Magazine #19 which was to have been issued on Thursday will now be delayed until the next Thursday to coincide with the start of the Todd Rundgren tour.
Monday 29th March 2004
08.00 - It appears that I uploaded one of my working copies of the chat transcript to the page which was very large (about 400 pages!). The correct one of 25 pages has now been uploaded.
Sunday 28th March 2004
20.15 - A synopsis of the online chat with Kasim earlier today has been added to the Gigs section of the site or click here for the direct link.
10.00 - Todd Rundgren held a brief chat last night (the full chat will be tonight) but a couple of items that are relevant to Kasim and his fans were:
Todd leaves for the mainland tomorrow (Monday) and "will be on the road for the next six months"
Todd expects that the tour will head to the UK in mid July
Sanctuary Records has contracted to put out a DVD of this tour
The Liars Tour VIP Passes are good for unlimited use provided; the purchser is present and among the first 25 to present it at that concert. One reservation though is that any VIP Pass holders who have never used their passes will have priority over those who already have previously used theirs (at other shows).
Todd is still working on the 5.1 surround version of Liars
Many thanks to Wendy and Hark for posting this info.
09.45 - For today only Kasim Sulton (or at least his chat tonight) receives a mention on the front page of (on the right about halfway down the page).
09.15 - It seems that I must just be looking at the wrong site! After dissing Kasim's fans (see 3/24 at 08.45), it's now his messageboard that is getting a knocking. In answer to the complaints:
1) If the typing is "too small to read", highlight the text and copy it into a word processing package or even an e-mail programme and it shows at the default font of that package
2) If you can not see latest updates to the journal either (a) join the messageboard so you can receive automatic notifications of updates to the journal and then PM anyone to ask what it says or (b) try clearing your cache and keep refreshing (unforunately this does not work for all computers)
3) If the site takes "five minutes to load", I think that Broadband or DSL is the only answer as there currently is no html version of the site available.
09.00 - Just a reminder that there is an online chat with Kasim TONIGHT:
Place: MOTS Chatroom
Time: Noon in LA
3.00pm in New York
9.00pm in London
10.00pm in Frankfurt
Saturday 27th March 2004
08.15 - Last night Kasim Sulton sent two messages to his mailing list. The main points of his first one were:
- The final copies of Quid Pro Quo Limited Edition are almost sold out (less than 40 remain) and will not be available again.
- The new edition of Quid Pro Quo will have slight changes in the artwork.
- Purchases of the second edition of Quid Pro Quo will have a chance for a lunch, brunch or late dinner, song dedication, and personalized signed copies.
- Kasim said "Because of the overwhelming support I've received from the sales of Quid Pro Quo I am committed to getting back into the studio for another solo record" (unfortunately no time scale was given)
- Kasim also stated "Despite the impression I tended to give, I had a great time at the Dock Street show and am looking forward to numerous solo gigs late in 2004 and throughout 2005."
- He also reminded us that the backstage passes are available to use at the forthcoming Todd Rundgren concerts as well as at any Meat Loaf shows
His second message confirmed the details of the chat tomorrow.
Friday 26th March 2004
09.30 - Kasim has arranged another online chat. The details are:
Date: Sunday 28th (this coming Sunday)
Place: MOTS Chatroom
Time: Noon in LA
3.00pm in New York
9.00pm in London
10.00pm in Frankfurt
09.00 - There is a new posting in Kasim's journal on
08.00 - Joel Platfoot who conducted the interview with Kasim Sulton on Webcaster has posted a message here.

The latest interview with Kasim
Thursday 25th March 2004
17.30 - The messageboard attached to is down at the moment.
06.00 - Michael Kazazis has sent some photos of Kasim Sulton when he played in the band called Eyes in about 1986 which have been added to the Photos section of the site or click here for the direct link.
Wednesday 24th March 2004
19.15 - Kasim now receives a mention on the front page of Webcaster As it will disappear at some point, it says:
"Stay tuned for interviews with: YES's Rick Wakeman, Rare Earth's Peter Rivera, former KISS Guitarist Bruce Kulick, ex Dokken guitarist George Lynch, Boston guitarist Barry Goudreau and Utopia/Meat Loaf bass player Kasim Sulton!"
(Obviously in reverse order of importance of course!)
12.00 - Here is a discussion thread about the Webcaster interview.
08.45 - Recently there have been a few digs about some posts on the messageboard and about some of Kasim's fans. Firstly, since the end of the Meat Loaf tour, there has been very little news issued (other than the new interview yesterday) and at least people ARE talking about Kasim and secondly over the last couple of days there have been two poignant posts made by Kasim's younger fans here and here that a lot of us can learn from. As not everybody will follow those links I'll copy them in here.
In a thread about favorite words or lines from a Kasim song, Colleen wrote:
"i love what Sacrifice teaches us.......
i love these bits especially,
"its a sacrifce, you make a choice and move on with life, take whats good and leave the rest behind.....,"
"i no that im not perfect, thats the cross i bear, whats the sense in looking back when nothing changes there.... "
Listening to this song has helped me to stop living in regret in some things that have happended in life.......i love it when he says its a sin to wonder what could have been....there's no point in doing this cuz it wont change will only stress u out for nothing!!"
And in a thread about being a fan of Kasim, Helena wrote:
"Being a fan of Kasim is.........
something so special and soo sacred that I feel that I'm not worthy enough to be apart of! I just feel too lucky and too happy for it to be true!! Being a fan of Kasim has been and is an amazing experience for me which feels like it's about to errupt (whether its good or bad) at anytime. But I'm not just here because i'm a fan of Kas, it's also because I have become a fan of the fans!! For so many years I have been neglected, in a way, by "friends" and people who just keep me around for the hell of it. I have never been a strong character who has been able to stand up for herself and make her own choices. I've always been easily minipulated and impressioned by people I always caled friends and I have only ever wanted to make everyone happy, apart from myself.
But being here, I feel like a whole new life has been given to me on a golden plate. I have been apart of something so beautiful and it's so hard to explain how I feel grateful and happy I am that I've even found this.
I know you probably won't read this but if you do, I just want to apologise for not being able to find the words to how I feel about you, your music and your fans!! It's like a new emotion thats taken over me and I'm finding it so overwhelming to find an explination to these feelings!! I think ABBA got it in one when thay sang "Thank you for the music"!! Everything about you has opened up windows and doors for me in everyway possible!!
And to you all, thank you for giving me this new life/insperation/will/ emotion, whatever it is, on a golden plate!! And even though I said I don't feel worthy enough of it all, I am more grateful than I can explain!!"
08.15 - Click here for a discussion about the second version of Quid Pro Quo.
08.00 - Click here for some really great news - Quid Pro Quo has sold out at Sphere Sound Records! It appears that ShopSourceOne still have some copies available and there will also be some for sale at the Todd Rundgren concerts but anybody wishing to purchase directly through the record company ( will have to wait until the second version of the album is released later this year.

Kasim's award winning album Quid Pro Quo
Tuesday 23rd March 2004
15.30 - Webcaster have added a great new interview with Kasim.
07.00 - Issue #7 has now been added to the The Kasim Sulton Magazine section of the website. This issue was originally published on Tuesday 23rd September 2003 and included the following features:
Kasim Sulton October 2003 Calendar
Kasim Sulton and charities
Kasim Sulton's Solo Career Part II
Sideman's happy serving alongside star Meat Loaf article
The Story Of A Photo
06.30 - Here is a slideshow of about 6 photos (including two of Kasim Sulton) from the Meat Loaf concert at the Beau Rivage Casino, Biloxi, MS in 2002.
Monday 22nd March 2004
11.45 - A batch of new dates for the Todd Rundgren's Liars Tour have been added to the Gigs section of the site. However a lot of the dates vary between Pollstar and TicketMaster so there are a lot of "To be Confirmed" notes on the pages.
05.30 - As far as I'm aware there was only one version of the live CD that was given away at Kasim Sulton's gig at Dock Street and yet to date on Doug Kennedy's website he has called it "Kasim Sulton - Live In Europe", "Kasim Sulton - Alive In Europe" and "Kasim Sulton- Sulton Comes Alive"!