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KasimInfo Site Blog
Blog 61 (01/18/04 - 02/03/04)
Please note that, as time goes by, some of these links may no longer work - sorry!
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Tuesday 3rd February 2004
20.30 - There are two threads on the messageboard attached to about Kasim Sulton's solo gig this weekend (both hoping that Willie will be there too) here and here. There is also another thread on the same subject on the messageboard attached to
20.00 - As mentioned in Kasim's online chat on 25th January, here are links to Kasim's favorite "drink of choice" (Constant Comment) and chocolate (dark chocolate Toblerone).
19.00 - Older items from the bottom of this page have been moved to a new page - the link is at the bottom of the page.
12.30 - Apparently the release of Todd Rundgren's new album Liars has been delayed until 17th March.
11.45 - TR are now selling Quid Pro Quo at $16 (plus shipping). Many thanks to Jeff Gauss for this info.
10.30 - The Gigs section of the site has been updated with new ticketing details for some gigs plus new dates have been added on the Todd Rundgren's Liars Tour for Royal Oak, MI on 13th April and Boston, MA on 4th May. The second date in Cleveland for Saturday 17th April appears to have disappeared off the radar and sadly Rosebud in Pittsburgh, PA (where Kasim played a solo gig in October 2002) has closed its doors so the gig has been moved to the Rex Theatre instead.
08.00 - There is a thread about Kasim's first solo album on the messageboard attached to Buck himself posted "It was lots of fun doing, and cool to play with Kaz.". Many thanks to Jeff Gauss for this link.
07.45 - The Kasim Sulton interview (with photo) is now the lead story on As it will disappear after the interview, it says:
Don't miss our interactive interview with rock legend Kasim Sulton who will be on the phone and taking your IMs! Kasim will also be talking about the current tour with Meat Loaf, upcoming dates with Todd Rundgren, and his emerging solo career. "
Monday 2nd February 2004
21.15 - Apparently (who are interviewing Kasim on Thursday) accept AOL IMs and telephone calls during their radio show. This link has more details. Kasim is expected to be interviewed during the first hour of the show.
20.00 - There are photos and threads about Kasim's recent concerts with Meat Loaf in Sheffield and Glasgow, plus a tour round-up thread.
19.30 - Helena has started a new website that has a page about Kasim Sulton.
10.15 - This morning Kasim Sulton posted a thank you message on the messageboard attached to
10.00 - Unfortunately there were major problems with this past weekend. The site never went down but it did fill it's quota (again!) which resulted in no e-mail being delivered to the account from Thursday through to late Saturday. This means that next week huge chunks of the website will have to be moved over to the webspace. This server is not so reliable so only old parts of the site (e.g. previous tour photos) will be moved there. This will mean that some bookmarks will change. Meanwhile there will be lots of new updates to over the next 4 days.
09.45 - This promises to be a very exciting week coming up for Kasim Sulton fans with:
1) Kasim's solo gig and DVD taping on Saturday.
2) Kasim being interviewed on Internet Radio on Thursday.
3) The promised re-vamp of

Kasim Sulton in Glasgow on Saturday
Thursday 29th January 2004
06.00 - The latest news from Hall FM Arena in Sheffield, England is that the stage is being set-up (by Meat Loaf's own crew) so at the moment it appears that they are expecting tonight's concert to go ahead. All fans are recommended to check with the venue before setting off and understand that things can change right up until the last minute. Another recommendation is to leave extra time due to the weather and road conditions.
Wednesday 28th January 2004
06.00 - Kasim Sulton receives a brief mention in a post at 10.25am by David in this thread about the Meat Loaf concert on Saturday. As threads on this board disappear after 50 posts, it says:
"Kaseem put on a good warmup, for a largely dis-interested crowd.. some of whom said who??? when he was announced.. so thanks to him for that."
Tuesday 27th January 2004
19.45 - According to posts on a few mailing lists, Meat Loaf's management company are now saying that the concert tonight was cancelled due to him having the flu. Currently the concerts on Thursday and Friday are still scheduled to be played.
19.30 - Yesterday Kasim Sulton received a mention on Doug Kennedy's website. As his narrative disappears after a day, it says:
"A few of us here had a lot of fun last night at Kasim Sulton's live chat. This is where a large group of fans get together in a "chat room" and get to ask Kasim questions for an hour or two. Pretty cool to see such a BIG turnout for Mr. Sulton. Looked to be about 40 or 50 people typing away. Kasim of course busted my chops a few times and asked me why I wasn't practicing. Little did he know I had my guitar in my lap the whole time!..... "
07.30 - The Meat Loaf concert in Brighton has now been cancelled and fans should return their tickets to where they purchased them (less booking fees) as it will now not be rescheduled. The reason given on a radio station for the cancellation was sinusitis.
04.45 - According to the Brighton Centre website the concert tonight that Kasim Sulton was to have opened and played with Meat Loaf has been postponed and they are trying to reschedule a new date.
Monday 26th January 2004
11.45 - In this thread discussing the Meat Loaf concert on Saturday, Lynne Rosen's post comments on how good Kasim's set was.
11.00 - There are a few threads of discussion about the Kasim Sulton online chat last night on a few messageboards. Click here for one both before, during and after the chat, here for one on and here for one on the Dutch Meat Loaf messageboard (where it's about a chat with Kasim S.!).
10.30 - An important announcement by Kasim Sulton has been added to the front page of this site. (Nothing you don't know about already but important nonetheless.)
Sunday 25th January 2004
23.00 - All items on this website are copyrighted. This means that nothing on this site is to be used on any other website or mailing list without my permission. If it is to be used to promote Kasim Sulton, then permission will not be refused but permission must be obtained first. This is not a request...this is a legal requirement.
21.30 - A synopsis of the online chat tonight has been added to the Gigs section of the site or click here for the direct link.
16.15 - From the e-mails I have received there seems to be a lot of confusion about the online chat! It is in 45 minutes time - 5.00pm EST, 4.00pm CST, 2.00pm PST, 10.00pm GMT and 11.00pm in mainland Europe.
10.45 - Just some advance notice to look out for an important announcement from Kasim Sulton on the front page of tomorrow.
09.30 - Click here for a thread about the Meat Loaf concert that Kasim played last night. Plus Kasim receives a mention in this post on
09.15 - Meat Loaf posted yesterday on that he is planning to release an album of 20 live tracks as soon as April. These will be tracks that were recorded on the UK leg of his tour, one from each concert. Later in that thread (here) someone hoped that some of Kasim's opening songs would also be included on the album.
09.00 - For today only the chat today with Kasim is mentioned on the front page of (look at the far right column).
08.15 - Kasim Sulton announced on stage last night at Wembley Arena that he has already sold out of all the copies of Quid Pro Quo that he brought over with him!
06.00 - Just a reminder that today at 5.00pm there will be an online chat with Kasim. The Gigs section of the site has the direct link.
05.00 - Today marks the 22nd anniversary of the release of Kasim Sulton's first solo album Kasim.

Kasim Sulton at Wembley last night
Saturday 24th January 2004
08.45 - The News section of the site has been updated.
08.30 - The set list, videoclips and some photos of the concert on Thursday night at Wembley have been added to the Gigs section of the site or click here for Kasim's solo set and here for Meat Loaf's set.
08.00 - Over the past couple of days, two e-mails from Kasim have been posted to two messageboards. Click here to read Kasim's response about the Todd tour playing dates in San Francisco and here to read about whether Kasim has read Harry Potter. As the latter board may disappear at some point, it says:
That answer is.............................
07.45 - Kasim sent a message to his mailing list about the online chat on Sunday.
06.15 - For anybody who has been living under a rock for the past six weeks, the Kasim Sulton gig which he was to have played on Staten Island, NY tonight has been moved to Saturday 7th February.

Kasim Sulton at Wembley on Thursday night
Thursday 22nd January 2004
20.15 - Click here for a thread (including photos) of Kasim's concert with Meat Loaf tonight at Wembley.
10.15 - The News section of the site has been updated.
10.00 - The set list and some photos of the concert on Monday night in Newcastle have been added to the Gigs section of the site or click here for Kasim's solo set and here for Meat Loaf's set.
08.30 - In case it was my reviews of the concerts that really prompted Meat Loaf's attack on me on the messageboard, I will be writing no further reviews of the concerts on this leg of the tour. Instead I aim to take more photos than in the past. The set list and some photos of the concert on Saturday night in Glasgow have been added to the Gigs section of the site or click here for Kasim's solo set and here for Meat Loaf's set.
08.00 - According to a post on the mailing list attached to, Kasim's interview on 5th February will only be via telephone and he will not be in their studio.
07.00 - Click here to read how some fans would choose to spend 10 minutes alone with Kasim.
06.45 - The Dock Street website is now spelling Kasim's name correctly.
05.30 - A blurb about Kasim's solo gig in February is currently on the front page of After a while it will be dropped from the front page so the direct link to the blurb is here.
05.00 - Kasim Sulton is singled out for a mention as a member of Todd Rundgren's band on the Count Basie Theatre website. As it will disappear after the concert, it says:
"The multi-talented Todd Rundgren will be performing on the Count Basie stage with a full band. The band features Kasim Sultan, a co-founding member of Utopia, Todd's original band."
Wednesday 21st January 2004
20.00 - Deb Matheson has added loads of photos and some video clips of the concerts that Kasim played with Meat Loaf at both Sheffield and Newcastle (there are too many photos of Kasim to list them all individually).
19.30 - Kasim is now mentioned on the Dock Street website - unfortunately is name is spelt "Kasmin Sultan".
19.00 - Kasim Sulton receives a mention on Doug Kennedy's website today. As his narrative disappears after a day, it says:
"DVD? Nobody told me about the DVD! Kasim Sulton has announced on his website that his Ferbuary 7th solo show will be filmed/recorded for a future DVD release. How cool is that? That truly is amazing. By the way, what is a DVD?...."
18.30 - A Japanese copy of Lights On is available on (complete with the OBI strip). The auction ends on Sunday and the current bid is $24.99.
11.30 - On further investigation of the website, Kasim will be on the radio (streaming on the Internet) on Thursday 5th February. The show is from 8.00pm to 11.00pm and the direct link is here. As the blurb will disappear after the show, it says:
"• 02/05/04: Tune in for our special interview with Kasim Sulton of Utopia and Meat Loaf!!! "
11.15 - are listing a radio show with Kasim Sulton. No date has been given but they are usually on Thursday nights and are streamed on the Internet. As it will disappear at some future point, it says:
"Don't miss our upcoming shows with special guests John Taglieri, Joe D'Urso, Kasim Sulton and more to come!"
11.00 - In July 2003 when I interviewed Kasim Sulton, I sent versions of part of the interview out to five websites to attempt to get people outside the Meat Loaf / Kasim Sulton / Todd Rundgren triangle reading about Kasim. Three of the websites almost immediately added it, one of the sites is now offline and the fifth contacted me about a month ago wanting to run it so it has been updated and is now online at
09.45 - Click here for a discussion about Quid Pro Quo on the Meat Loaf International Fan Club messageboard.
09.30 - Click here to read a discussion about Kasim's marital status on
08.15 - Andy King has added a 3 pages of photos of the Manchester concert last week to his website here. The ones that include Kasim are:
One for the girls!
Is that a Band Aid on his finger?
In the background
Sharing a step with Patti Russo
With Meat Loaf
Left in the dark
During Frying Pan
More of Frying Pan
Singing (great lighting!)
CC in the spotlight
Watching Meat Loaf
A lovely smile as he's introduced
A bigger smile
In blue light
All stripped off
In action at the beginning of Bat Out Of Hell
07.30 - Jennifer Salyer has found these professional photos of the concert in Glasgow. The second photo in the set shows Kasim.
06.30 - Click here for a thread about the concert in Glasgow on Saturday and here for the concert in Newcastle on Monday (both with photos).
06.15 - There is a new message on the front page of The main points are that the new layout of his site will be online before his solo gig and that gig is going to be recorded for a DVD / CD.
05.45 - No updates on for two whole days! Having driven almost 2,000 miles in three days to see two concerts plus working, I just ran out of hours in the day. (I would like to personally thank Kasim Sulton for providing me with such opportunities to practice for the Le Mans 24 hours Race!) There will be loads of updates on the site today to compensate.

Kasim Sulton in Newcastle on Monday night
Sunday 18th January 2004
12.30 - Apparently the correct title of the new song that Kasim sang last night is Bully by the band Sugarbomb. Many thanks to Doug Kennedy for this info.
12.15 - Kasim Sulton's set list last night in Glasgow, Scotland included a new song for him called (I think!) Pick On Someone Your Own Size. Click here and here for discussion about the concert and the new song.
12.00 - The timing of Kasim Sulton's solo gig on Staten Island on 7th February has been changed to
Doors: 8.00pm
Show time: 9.30pm

Kasim Sulton in Glasgow last night
Blog 60 (01/08/03 - 01/17/04)
Previous Blogs -
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