The KasimSulton Mailing List is a moderated list, purely for news about Kasim (television appearances, concerts, etc) with weekly news of his activities when he's touring - the oldest running active Kasim Sulton mailing list!
KasimInfo Site Blog
Blog 60 (01/08/04 - 01/17/04)
Please note that, as time goes by, some of these links may no longer work - sorry!
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Saturday 17th January 2004
02.00 - This page has been culled slightly so it should load faster. The oldest items have been moved to a new page with the link at the bottom of this page.
01.00 - In response to all the negative criticism (which has since been removed) on the messageboard that is attached to his official Fan Club website Meat Loaf has made a response on that includes a mention about Kasim as one person said that there was no opening act in Sheffield. Click here to read the post but the relevant comment is:
"Did she [see] Kasim or was she to rude to sit thru his great show"
Friday 16th January 2004
19.45 - Kasim receives a mention on Doug Kennedy's website today. As his narrative disappears after a day, it says:
"The Ohio/Ill contingency (Rebecca, Lou, Pebbles, and friends) are planning a road trip to see Kasim Sulton's solo show on the 7th. Looking foward to seeing everybody!.....Speaking of Kasim's solo show, I've begun woodshedding (practicing) for the gig and man, those are such great songs to play. So many interesting chord changes and little parts that weave in & out of the tunes. It's also been fun to play all my guitars and get them in shape and ready for action. "
19.30 - Here are some more nice comments about Kasim from a concert-goer last night.
18.30 - A review and some photos of the concert last night in Sheffield have been added to the Gigs section of the site or click here for Kasim's solo set and here for Meat Loaf's set.
18.00 - The News section of the site has been updated.
11.00 - Kasim receives so nice comments in this post about the concert last night.
10.45 - Here is a thread of "Dream Venues" for Kasim to play.
08.30 - Click here for some comments about Kasim Sulton's concert last night with Meat Loaf on the messageboard attached to, here for some comments on and here and here for some differing opinions (none mention Kasim - in fact one says that there was no support!) on the messageboard attached to the Official Fan Club website.

Kasim Sulton in Sheffield last night
Thursday 15th January 2004
07.15 - More photos and reviews of the concert on Tuesday in Manchester have been added to the Gigs section of the site or click here for Kasim's solo set and here for Meat Loaf's set.
04.45 - Kasim Sulton is the lead topic in a review of the Pushing Red Buttons CD in December's edition of Exposé magazine. A reproduction of the review has been added to the Press section of the site or click here for the direct link.
Wednesday 14th January 2004
19.15 - This post and the following one has some photos of Kasim at the concert last night.
18.45 - There is a thread on both and the messageboard attached to about Kasim's opening set last night.
18.30 - Although it doesn't directly affect Kasim, we all know how big an influence Todd Rundgren has had on him. This is a project to celebrate Todd's 30 years in the music business. Many thanks to Jeff Gauss for this link.
10.00 - Click here for some more photos of the concert last night.
09.45 - The News section of the site has been updated.
08.30 - According to a message posted by e-mail yesterday by Meat Loaf's Official Fan Club the second concert in Sydney, Australia (on 25th February) has been cancelled "due to circumstances beyond Meat Loaf's control". Ticketek have a message on their website that "The 2nd Sydney concert is temporarily offsale until further notice".

Kasim Sulton in Manchester last night
Tuesday 13th January 2004
06.15 - According to WKOnline Quid Pro Quo has dropped 353 places to 131, 677 in the sales rankings since Saturday. The Basement Tapes has dropped 468 places to #67,034.
05.00 - The News section of the site has been updated.

Kasim Sulton with Cathy and Don Johnson at Borders in Lincoln Park in December 2002
(Many thanks to Cathy Johnson for this photo)
Monday 12th January 2004
20.45 - Kasim has been mentioned in a few posts on today. Click here to read about his lack of UK solo gigs and here about him not playing an opening set last night.
20.00 - The set list and a review of the Meat Loaf concert that Kasim played last night in Cardiff, Wales has been added to the Meat Loaf's Couldn't Have Said It Better World Tour or click here for the direct link.
11.30 - TicketMaster are listing a new date on the Todd Rundgren's Liars Tour of 14th April in Columbus, Ohio. The Gigs section of the site has been updated with venue and ticketing links.
11.15 - According to posts about the possible 2005 Utopia reunion tour on various Todd Rundgren mailing lists, Todd's tour manager wrote that she hadn't heard anything about it and Todd's publicist reported that "Todd laughed when I asked him about this latest rumor on Friday; to paraphrase his reply, "there's not enough money in the world that would justify a (Utopia) reunion". Roger got a big kick out of it too". Thankfully Kasim's reaction was more understanding about the dream of many fans.
10.00 - Kasim Sulton will be holding another online chat at the Kasim Sulton2 Yahoogroup chatroom on Sunday 25th January at 5.00pm.
Sunday 11th January 2004
04.30 - Just some advance notice that sometime in the next month Geocities are going to close the old Kasim Sulton - A Fan's View website (which was the forerunner to this site) as it has not been updated since the year 2000 and I no longer have the passwords. Before it disappears, please feel free to download anything from that site for your own personal enjoyment but NOT for use on any other website as it is all copyright protected. Most items on that site which are not already on will be incorporated soon. When the site closed on 12/31/2000, the main index link was removed but the hidden one is however please note that not all the links on the site will still work.
02.30 - The latest issue of The Kasim Sulton Magazine was issued this morning. It is a smaller edition then normal as it *only* runs to 11 pages. It mainly features part 4 of the "Kasim Sulton in the UK" article plus has the usual regulars like a copy of an old article and loads of photos.
Saturday 10th January 2004
11.30 - A post today made on the One World Todd Rundgren Mailing List about a possible Utopia reunion tour said:
"In an email reply I got this morning, Kasim dances around the question, saying it would make more sense to him if it was the 30th anniversary of when HE joined the band which would be 2006 rather than 2005. He closes with "it's not that far off, let's wait and see what happens."
This leads me to believe it IS being discussed..."
07.30 - Stephanie Regan has also found several customer reviews of Quid Pro Quo on WKOnline. It says that the Sales Rank of the album is 131,324. Here is the link to customer reviews of The Basement Tapes on the same site and the Sales Rank of that album is 66,566.
07.15 - Stephanie Regan has found a review of Quid Pro Quo on the Progressive Rock and Progressive Metal website (the review is about a sixth of the way down the page). I like the "Kasim Sulton is defining what melodic rock ought to be in the 21st century with this carefully crafted gem" part!
07.00 - Click here for a discussion about Kasim Sulton's forthcoming opening sets.
Friday 9th January 2004
21.30 - According to a post on a Todd Rundgren mailing list, videoed interviews with all of Utopia have just been recorded. Apparently they are intended for release as a DVD in honor of the 30th anniversary of Utopia and it will feature new material recorded by the group too! Plus, the DVD is supposed to coincide with a tour of Utopia in 2005!
21.15 - Click here for a discussion (and photos) of Kasim with both Bon Jovi and Aerosmith.
11.15 - More photos of Kasim's set at Manchester, England have been added to the Photos section of the site.
08.45 - Kasim receives a mention on Doug Kennedy's website today. As his narrative disappears after a day, it says:
"Spoke to my pal Kasim Sulton yesterday. He was about to board a plane back to England for a few weeks of Meat Loaf gigs so he was at the grocery store stocking up on tea and coffee bags. I guess the hotel coffee/tea sucks over there? Looking foward to playing guitar for Kasim in Ferbruary"
Click here for Doug's page about Kasim's gig on Staten Island.
08.00 - Some photos, reviews and video clips of the concert that Kasim Sulton played on 21st December have been added to the Meat Loaf's Couldn't Have Said It Better World Tour page or click here for Kasim's set and here for Meat Loaf's set. More photos will be added later today.

Another photo taken on 5th April 1980 at the Northern Illinois University in DeKalb Illinois
(Many thanks to Cathy Johnson for this photo)
Thursday 8th January 2004
19.00 - The Wilson Kids Photo Gallery has a load of photos of the Meat Loaf concert in Boston in September. The ones that include Kasim Sulton are:
Don't do this at home, kids!
Looking "penshive"
It looks like Meat Loaf is trying the stuff the red handkerchief into Kasim's mouth!
It looks like Kasim is spitting out the red handkerchief!
Looking serious
That look!
15.15 - If you purchase Kasim Sulton official merchandise via The Mechanism's part of the site (that is the company who maintain then the mug is $1 cheaper at $15.99 and the white T-shirt is $6 cheaper at $13.99. The baseball cap is $2 more at $19.99. They are also still selling some of those tacky thongs for $14.99.
15.00 - Emma Shane has updated her website with a review of Quid Pro Quo and a review of the Meat Loaf concert on 11th December.
13.15 - Before I receive any more e-mails about this, in the photo below of Cathy Johnson with Utopia, it appears that John Larson is holding a cigarette between his fingers and that is what is visible between Kasim's legs!
13.00 - It appears that the people at seem to think that Kasim's fans are more affluent than those of fans of other people as almost all his items are more expensive than others. In a comparison with the prices they are charging for Kasim's official merchandise compared to John Taglieri (who opened for Kasim at a gig in 2002) and with Michael Shepherd (who opened for Todd Rundgren at a gig in 2000), Kasim's fans are being charged up to 54% more:
White T-shirt - KS=$19.99 / JT= $13.99 / MS=$18
Hooded Sweatshirt - KS=29.99 / JT= 24.99 / MS=30
Mug - KS=16.99 / JT= 10.99 / MS=15
Clock - KS=15.99 / JT= 14.99 / MS=15
Teddy Bear - KS=18.99 / JT= 12.99 / MS=15.99
Tote Bag - KS=19.99 / JT= 12.99 / MS=N/A
Messenger Bag - KS=23.99 / JT= 18.99 / MS=24.99
12.30 - This page has been culled slightly so it should load faster. The oldest items have been moved to a new page with the link at the bottom of this page.
10.00 - With thanks to the website there are new dates on the Todd Rundgren's Liars Tour in Cleveland, OH and Washington, DC.
08.45 - Kasim Sulton has posted a message on the messageboard attached to and the best news is that there IS some new Kasim music!

(L to R) John Larson (radio personality in Rockford), Kasim Sulton, Willie Wilcox, Cathy Johnson, Don Johnson, Ron Lesley (Warner Bros)
Roger Powell and Todd Rundgren taken on 5th April 1980 at the Northern Illinois University in DeKalb Illinois
(Many thanks to Cathy Johnson for this photo)
Blog 59 (12/22/03 - 01/07/04)
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