The KasimSulton Mailing List is a moderated list, purely for news about Kasim (television appearances, concerts, etc) with weekly news of his activities when he's touring - the oldest running active Kasim Sulton mailing list!
KasimInfo Site Blog
Blog 59 (12/22/03 - 01/07/04)
Please note that, as time goes by, some of these links may no longer work - sorry!
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Wednesday 7th January 2004
20.45 - The second Meat Loaf concert that Kasim Sulton was to have played at the Rod Laver Arena in Melbourne, Australia on Saturday 21st February has been changed to Sunday 22nd February. All tickets are valid for the new date or, if you can not make that date, return your tickets to where you purchased them for a refund (less booking fee). The Gigs section of the site has been updated.
11.45 - There's an interesting thread with lots of different views of people's opinion of Kasim here.
11.30 - is down at the moment - hopefully they are adding the updated site.
Tuesday 6th January 2004
11.45 - This is probably one of the best (worst?) puns I've heard recently but talking about the the Todd Rundgren's Liars Tour on a Todd Rundgren mailing list, they were saying about how Todd rehearses when he plays with a band. Someone remarked on how busy Kasim is and how little time he'll have between tours and that it's like "like straight from the frying pan (Meat Loaf) and into the Liar"! 11.00 - Which songs would you choose if Kasim (and Meat Loaf) was going to play at your birthday party?
06.00 - Here is a thread about which songs people would like to hear played on the Todd Rundgren's Liars Tour.
05.45 - had 3,179 hits yesterday and has now passed the half a million mark! (The counter was installed on 2rth January 2001.)
05.00 - is back up again. translated into Italian
Monday 5th January 2004
20.30 - is down at the moment - hopefully they are adding the updated site.
20.00 - The Gigs section of the site has been changed to show Kasim Sulton's 2004 gigs. New pages have also been set-up for Meat Loaf's Couldn't Have Said It Better World Tour and Todd Rundgren's Liars Tour. Some new venue and ticketing links have been added to the latter page too.
19.45 - A new moderator has been added to the messageboard attached to His name is Neil (aka The Flying Mouse) and he is a big fan of Meat Loaf so he will be moderating the Kasim with Meat Loaf section of the board.
18.30 - The Biography section of the site has been updated.
15.00 - The News section of the site has been updated.
07.00 - Sphere Sound Records have extended their "buy one copy of Quid Pro Quo and get the second at half price" (with free shipping within US) offer until the current stock is sold out.
Saturday 3rd January 2004
19.45 - On the winner of the signed copy of Quid Pro Quo is Gerry. There were about 70 entries in the competition.
19.30 - Jeff Gauss has posted that the confirmed line-up for the Spring part of Todd Rundgren's tour will be:
Jesse Gress - guitar
John Ferenzik - keyboards
Prairie Prince - drums
Kasim Sulton - bass
19.00 - Someone on MLUKFC has posted that they have some Kasim desktop icons that can be downloaded from their German website here (click on the word "hier").
10.00 - Posts 22 and 23 in this thread are by fans hoping that Kasim will play an opening set at the Todd Rundgren gigs in the Spring. Also in this thread is some discussion about who else will be playing in the band. Somebody posted that they had heard that Vince Welnick will be playing the keyboards on tour but on the Japanese website One World it said on 24th December "Lastest our fanzine said Liars Tour members (of next Spring) are determined. Jesse Gress (guitar), Kasim (bass), Prarie Prince (drums), John Ferenzik (keyboards)." Neither John Ferenzik's nor Prairie Prince's official websites currently state that they will be touring with Todd. The official website of Jesse Gress stated in September that he will be recording in the Spring with Tony Levin (although everything is subject to change) and his latest update of 31st December makes no mention of touring with Todd. However Kasim's original message about the tour, did say "I know the band will be comprised of the usual suspects". Until the band is listed on any of the official sites, it appears that it is still open for speculation.
09.15 - The Redux DVD cover below is taken from the Japanese website One World which states that it was a DVD format of REDUX 92 that was recently selling on He says that it was made in Korea and "is official". (The photos used on the cover of Kasim Sulton is a photo that I took in Liverpool, England in 2002 so I hope that they have my address in order to send my royality check!)

Friday 2nd January 2004
22.45 - Kasim Sulton Magazine #13 has finally been issued (as the e-mail problems have been resolved). #13 is a Kasim Sulton's 2003 Special and the next magazine will be issued on Sunday 11th January.
22.30 - The auction for a copy of Kasim's album Kasim came to a close today at $25 after receiving 9 bids.
18.45 - Apparently the "me" in the "Kasim and me" photo posted on 12/31 is Rick Glover who is a big fan of music, specifically The Beatles and is even in a DVD's of Paul McCartney's. Many thanks to Jennifer Salyer for the info.
12.30 - Wendy Carson (who did that great interview with Kasim in 1980) has asked me to include the following item:
Wendy and fellow fan Lys are preparing a "not-for-profit publication" cookbook by and for Todd Rundgren's fans world-wide, which will contain a compilation of favorite recipes from each one of you. Just like music, the enjoyment of good food is an international language, which allows us to cross cultural, national, and language barriers. This cookbook will have an international feel and will also include contributions from Todd, his family, and his band members (including Kasim Sulton) and associates. Although their starting point of focus is Todd, they will be contacting Kasim, other members of Utopia, and others associated with Todd (Meat Loaf, other performers who've worked with Todd, Todd's manager, tour manager, etc.) in an effort to obtain their favorite recipes for inclusion. They hope that they may be able to obtain some of their mother's or other family recipes, that they enjoyed in their youth, yet still enjoy. Even though many no longer work with Todd, he has had an influence (no matter how small) on their lives. They also would like to include favorite recipes from Kasim's fans, as well.
When you have the chance to cook and share a meal with one of your fellow fans--or even Todd or Kasim themselves--which recipes would you choose to include in the menu?
They are now accepting your contributions of all of your favorite recipes, including those of your grandmother's, which you still love to this day, and those which are local for your part of the planet. For example, Texans eat black-eyed peas (a vegetable) on January 1, for good fortune in the year to come.
Please send your recipes to Wendy Carson at
10.45 - Many thanks to Doug Kennedy for pointing out that in 2003 Kasim played two gigs with Pat Travers and not Travis as I had it.
10.15 - Kasim Sulton has posted a message to the messageboard attached to!
09.30 - Although it hasn't affected the site itself, due to some maintenance by the hosting company, I am unable to send out any e-mails at the moment so The Kasim Sulton Magazine will not be issued until this has been resolved (which will hopefully be later today). The magazine is slightly larger this issue (but still less than 1MB) as it contains a section about Kasim Sulton's 2003 in photos.
Thursday 1st January 2004
09.00 - has now been open for three years! (Previous to that the site Kasim Sulton - A Fan's View was open for almost another two years.)