Sunday 23rd November 2003
17.30 - The News section of the site has been updated.
16.30 - Somebody has posted on Meat Loaf's behalf that he underwent surgery on Friday for Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome. Meat Loaf hopes to be able to resume the tour on Sunday 30th November in Manchester, England. This means that the concerts in Newcastle, Brighton, Glasgow and Sheffield will be postponed. There are currently rumors that the rescheduled dates will be from mid-January next year but this will not be confirmed for a few days. If this is true, it leaves doubt about Kasim's solo gig on Staten Island, NY on 24th January but this is also still to be confirmed.
05.15 - Deb Matheson now has a new website address for her Kasim Sulton website -
Saturday 22nd November 2003
21.00 - On Doug Kennedy's website today there is "My Travels With Kasim #5 - Eating With Kasim".
05.15 - Yesterday on the main Todd Rundgren mailing list there were a number of posts about fans considering whether Kasim Sulton will play on the forthcoming Todd Rundgren tour. The thread is called "The solo Todd show I would like to see" and here some extracts from some of the posts:
"You know what I think would be great......if Todd and Kasim toured together. Just think, Kasim could open the show with his solo stuff and then he could back Todd on Guitar/Bass/Piano (play the piano songs that Todd always screws up on) sing some songs together and try
some older Todd/Utopia songs that he wouldn't dare try by himself.
Kasim gets to do some solo dates in front of a bigger audience...Todd can concentrate on the vocals and the jokes......and the audience
would love to see the two of them playing together again."
"I've got to say that Kasim's solo stuff is already getting played in front of bigger crowds than he ever encountered or will encounter playing with Todd. We saw him with Meat Loaf at DTE Music Center (formerly Pine Knob) here in MI and it was sold out
(15,274 seats). Kasim opened for Meat with just himself and his guitar. It was also clear that Kasim ran the show for Meat (he's the musical director). It would be nice to see Kasim and Todd together again though. Plus, maybe Kasim would provide Todd with a sorely needed example of professionalism and respect for the fans that support him."
"What Utopia fan wouldn't dig the two of them on stage together? But I think your second sentence is exactly why it wouldn't ever happen. I don't think Batman could or would allow Robin to be his equal.....especially since those of us who've seen Kasim solo numerous times are always impressed at his professionalism and effort onstage, not to mention his obvious appreciation of his fans."
"Kasim has always been able to hit the high notes without missing a beat.... Contrary to Kasim's recent interview... I (for one) would
really love to see a Utopia reunion... or at the very least a 4-7 piece band (including Kasim on Bass and Vocals) to perform a variety of Utopia and Todd Rundgren songs. Kasim could easily handle (or double up on) the upper register vocal parts that Todd can no longer handle.
Unfortunately, I haven't had the opportunity of seeing Kasim perform solo as of yet. (I really wish he would play some West Coast solo gigs). Kasim's voice at the three shows I caught during the Power Trio Tour was outstanding. That his voice compliments Todd's so perfectly is a testament to Kasim's talent and ability to make those around him sound so much better. Meat Loaf knows what he is doing, Kasim wouldn't have remained as Meat's Musical Director for this length of time is he wasn't exceptional in the role.
Todd would be a fool not to work with Kasim again (schedule permitting). Also, what better showcase could possibly exist for Kasim's solo material then on tour with Todd (considering how many fans in the audience would be Utopia/Kasim fans)? Kasim could perform a 5-8 song opening solo set - followed by an hour and 45 minutes to 2 hour band performance.
But who knows if Todd would be gracious and secure enough to allow Kasim the solo spotlight for a 5-8 song opening set each night?
Considering the fact that Todd is already planning a band tour this spring in support of "Liars", it would be a natural to dust off some Todd Rundgren and Utopia material that he hasn't performed live for quite some time. As for inducing Kasim to participate on this tour, what better
way to do so than to provide him with a 5-8 song opening solo spotlight in front of 1,000-1,500 receptive Todd/Utopia fans each night. Kasim would also have the opportunity to spotlight and sell "Quid Pro Quo" at the consession stand to many fans who don't already own the CD. I (for one), really hope it happens."
"Have I entered bizarro world? "induce" Kasim to participate"? Please, people, he'd jump at the chance to tour with Todd again. He's a musician and it's a paying gig. He's played with him for the last couple of band tours. There's no reason to think he wouldn't do it again, if asked and available."
"Yes you have entered the bizarro world... a world in which Kasim Sulton may actually decide to bypass a small Todd tour in order to either pursue far more lucrative and a less confrontational touring opportunties or to devote more time to his solo efforts.
What you are failing to account for are the extreme differences in the dynamics of touring with Todd (these days) vs. Meat Loaf. A major factor is the significant disparity in pay. Also... Kasim, in his role as musical director for Meat Loaf, is the respected leader of the band. Although Meat Loaf (without question) is the star, Kasim is clearly in charge of running the music for the tour. It is no secret that Todd is very difficult and demanding to deal with (whether on tour or in the studio) and he would invariably want to control Kasim's role on this tour.
Considering the fact that Kasim (in his role as Musical Director) during the current European and Australian legs of Meat Loaf's tour is playing (each night) in front of 10,000-30,000 people and is being paid (and receiving travel accommodations) that are commensurate with the scale of the tour and for his
responsibilities as both Musical Director and as a musician, I wouldn't at all be surprised if Kasim (flat out) turns Todd's offer down to tour 500-1,500 seat venues, for low pay, little respect and 2nd rate travel accommodations.
If Kasim (who would have to learn all of bass and background vocal parts from "Liars") is simply asked to serve as a member of Todd's
support band, he would most likely need some kind of additional incentive in order to justify dealing with his diminished role and the hassle of dealing with Todd night after night on tour. The opportunity to perform a solo opening set (during this tour) might be enough inducement (incentive) for Kasim to justify accepting a downgraded; role, pay and travel accommodations."
"I've heard Kasim come right out and say that he credits Todd with his musical success and that he would work with him if he had no prior
obligations and could do so."

Kasim Sulton with Patti Russo in Munich recently
Photo by Eva Siebert
Friday 21st November 2003
19.30 - The News section of the site has been updated.
19.00 - According to the OIFC website the following press release has been announced about Meat Loaf:
"Meat is still in the hospital and continues to undergo tests. Tonight's show has been cancelled, but no further decisions about the rest of the tour have been made yet."
10.45 - The Meat Loaf concert that Kasim was to have played tomorrow evening in Sheffield, England has been cancelled. The Hallam FM Arena website says "Due to a prolonged viral infection and on doctors orders, Meat Loaf is not able to perform at the Hallam FM Arena on Saturday 22nd November 2003. Customers are requested to keep their tickets and await further details.".
10.15 - There's another winner of a backstage pass to meet Kasim through purchasing Quid Pro Quo at! Congratulations to Christine.
07.15 - Some more photos and a review of Kasim Sulton's opening set on Monday have been added to the Gigs section of the site or click here for the direct link.
05.30 - At the current time there has been no official update on Meat Loaf's condition or on a decision about any more of the concerts. Apparently he is still undergoing tests in a private hospital in London. So far the next concert (Sheffield, England tomorrow) has not been cancelled. The chances are that it will be later today. Fans are advised to keep an eye on the Hallam FM Arena website and the ones for the various ticket agencies, especially before travelling. Another option is to telephone the TicketLine Meat Loaf recorded message line on 0161 828 1234 from UK and +44 161 828 1234 from elsewhere in the world. No word has yet been received on dates of any rescheduled concerts so fans are advised to keep hold of their tickets. The partial concert on Monday is considered by the promoters as a concert so no refunds are available.
Thursday 20th November 2003
18.00 - TicketLine have set up a telephone recorded message about the Meat Loaf concert situation. The number is 0161 828 1234 from UK and +44 161 828 1234 from elsewhere in the world.
16.30 - On Doug Kennedy's website today there is "My Travels With Kasim #4 - Chicks Dig Kasim".
16.00 - Deb Matheson has added some photos and video clips of Kasim's solo set on Monday.
13.30 - The News section of the site has been updated.
13.00 - It appears that fans of Kasim have bought up the thongs by the crateload as are no longer listing them on their website.
12.30 - The Meat Loaf concert in Glasgow, Scotland that Kasim Sulton was to have opened tomorrow evening has been cancelled. Currently there is no news about whether the concert will be rescheduled or if refunds will be offered. The next concert on the tour is due to be played on Saturday in Sheffield, England and that currently is still going ahead.
05.15 - At the current time there is no update on Meat Loaf's condition or on a decision about any more of the concerts. According to a fan he was moved to a private hospital in London yesterday. So far the next concert (Glasgow, Scotland tomorrow) has not been cancelled. There are rumors from venues about the whole tour being rescheduled for January and February 2004 but nothing has been announced. Fans are advised to keep an eye on the SECC website and the ones for the various ticket agencies, especially before travelling.
Wednesday 19th November 2003
11.30 - There is a partial photo of Kasim Sulton in The Sun newspaper in England today. The Sun is a national newspaper and shows a photo of Meat Loaf lying on the stage at Wembley on Monday after he passed out.
01.15 - At the current time there is no update on Meat Loaf's condition or on a decision about any more of the concerts. According to press reports he is on antibiotics in hospital and is having tests. So far the next concert (Glasgow, Scotland on Friday) has not been cancelled. There are rumors from venues about the whole tour being rescheduled for January and February 2004 but nothing has been announced.
Tuesday 18th November 2003
14.15 - Kasim receives a mention in the Evening Standard newspaper in London today in a negative review of the Meat Loaf concert last night:
"Last nights show should never have started. As it was, it started late. To pass the time Meat Loaf's bassist Kasim Sulton was wheeled out to perform three unspeakable songs of his own, wholly solo."
I know I was totally speechless after Kasim's prearranged opening set!
08.45 - Kasim Sulton Magazine #11 has been issued to all members of the KasimSulton Mailing List who have signed up to receive it. In this issue today is the second part of the article Kasim Sulton in the UK and a story about a photo of Kasim as well as the latest news, an old interview reproduced and photos.
08.30 - The Meat Loaf concert that Kasim Sulton was supposed to be playing tonight at the Wembley Arena in London, England has been postponed. A new date will be announced in the next few days.
06.45 - On Doug Kennedy's website today there is "My Travels With Kasim #3: Let's Drive!".
06.15 - The set list and a photo of Kasim's solo set in London, England last night has been added to the Gigs section of the site or click here for the direct link.
06.00 - After the Meat Loaf concert being stopped due to illness after only playing for about an hour, it is not known at the moment whether or not the concert tonight will go ahead.

Kasim Sulton at Wembley last night
Monday 17th November 2003
08.30 - On the OIFC messageboard there is a nice post about Kasim Sulton (it's the one that says "posted 11/17/03 1:59 PM"). Part of the post says:
"The most underappreciated singer/songwriter in the world is opening for Meat Loaf in the UK - KASIM SULTON!!! Holy hell! Who is more fitting to open for the greatest entertainer in the entire universe? No one!!!!!!!!"
07.30 - According to a post on one of the ticket agencies have sent out an e-mail to say that Meat Loaf is due to hear from his doctor this afternoon at 4.30pm GMT about whether or not the concert tonight will go ahead.
05.45 - The earlier items on this Blog have been moved to another page. The link is at the bottom.

Kasim Sulton with Patti Russo in Munich recently
Photo by Eva Siebert
Sunday 16th November 2003
20.00 - The News section of the site has been updated.
19.45 - Deb Matheson has added some photos of both the Monday and Tuesday concerts this past week to her website.
09.15 - A new Meat Loaf concert has been discovered on the Internet. It is on Wednesday 3rd March at the WIN Sports and Entertainment Centre in Wollongong, Australia. The Gigs section of the site has been updated with venue and ticketing details and tickets go on sale on 24th November.
06.15 - On E-Bay at the moment there are three batches of copies of Quid Pro Quo available. It appears that they have been placed there by ShopSourceOne as the copies are signed and one in ten purchased will contain a backstage pass to meet Kasim Sulton. This is the link to one of the batches of CDs. They are $12.95 each (plus postage).
Saturday 15th November 2003
18.30 - Doug Kennedy's Events page has been changed to the less pessimistic "On Saturday, January 24th (2004) I will be joining my friend Kasim Sulton for what will be his first solo show in over a year."
18.15 - has a large selection of merchandise that is approved by Kasim Sulton and bears his signature or image.
09.15 - The News section of the site has been updated.
09.00 - On Doug Kennedy's website today there is his tale about him playing on Quid Pro Quo. Unfortunately on Doug's Events page he says that the 24th January gig is Kasim's "only slated SOLO SHOW in 2004".
07.45 - The page with details of Kasim Sulton's solo gig on Staten Island in January has been updated with some local hotel and restaurant info.
Friday 14th November 2003
10.30 - The German Meat Loaf Fan Club website has some photos of the Trier concert here. Direct links to the photos that include Kasim are:
Playing bass in Paradise By The Dashboard Light
Concentrating on playing bass
10.15 - It appears that the post mentioned at 8.00pm yesterday on this site was a sick hoax.
05.00 - The Meat Loaf concert that was to have taken place in Cardiff, Wales tomorrow evening has been rearranged for Monday 22nd December. All tickets are valid for this date.
Thursday 13th November 2003
20.00 - There is now a post on the OIFC messageboard supposedly from the MEN Arena saying that the rearranged concert on 21st December is not going ahead and all tickets (less booking fees) will be refunded. The MEN Arena website is still saying that the concert is happening.
13.45 - The News section of the site has been updated.
12.00 - The Meat Loaf concert that was to have been played tonight in Manchester has been moved to Sunday 21st December 2003. All tickets are valid for that date.
08.15 - On Doug Kennedy's website today there is "My Kasim Sulton Coffee Story " which is very funny.
08.00 - Should the post below have been posted onto a site about Kasim Sulton? Should only good reviews about concerts be posted onto messageboards? There's a link here for this discussion.
06.30 - There has been so much discussion on various forums about whether the two Meat Loaf concerts in Birmingham this week sucked or rocked that very little has been posted about Kasim's opening sets (somebody even posted somewhere asking why there was no support act!). There is one thread where there are some posts that mention Kasim's set. As this board is often "cleansed" the comments are:
"In our opinion it was a mistake to perform for 3 hours without a break given Meat Loaf's current health. Perhaps with regard to this situation a supporting act could have been utilised. Kasim Sulton is probably not the best choice for his support since being part of the band means he has to retain his energy for the main performance. Kasim's solo career has not generated enough material to be able to entertain the audience for any reasonable period of time nor is it a compatible style to entertain ardent Meat fans, I think this was illustrated by his ten minute, three song rendition at the beginning of the concert."
"Kasim Sulton has his own solo career outside of his work with Meat Loaf and plays solo gigs that last over 90 minutes so I think that possibly his main problem at the NEC was which songs to leave out as he was only playing a three song set. With such a short set it must be difficult to decide which songs provide a taster of his music."
"I apologise for my failure to recognise the extent of Kasim's independent achievement. I agree that given the short time to demonstrate his vocal talent he had to be selective, however in my opinion Kasim's talent remains the guitar and regrettably he failed to convince me otherwise during his brief appearance although I freely admit to liking the lyrics of his songs. While I appreciate that he has his fan base who are very satisfied with his vocal abilities combined with his impressive guitar playing I still must insist that at a rock concert his material was still only appreciated by a minority. This in no way detracts from my opinion of Kasim. I hold him in the highest regard, without him "Bat Out Of Hell" would not have the unique and unmistakable sound we recognise as its signature today."
"Nov 10 was the second time I had heard Kasim as the opening act for Meat Loaf. Have to admit Meat is not very good at supporting acts - I always remember the cello playing ladies - they went down a storm. Kasim is spectacular as part of the Meat Loaf team, it would not sound the same without him, and I hope Meat recognises that, but as a spanish type gutarist that is not what rock people want. I appreciate he is a friend and we shoud support the people Meat supports but at the end of the day (or line) we only want to hear Meat. Thats what we go for and any supporting artist must appreciate that, as I am sure Kasim does. "
05.45 - Jeff Gauss (aka Weavil) has posted his review of the San Francisco, CA - KSAN 95fm release by Utopia on the Todd Rundgren Connection messageboard. He includes the comment:
"Bassist Kasim Sulton, in particular, really shines. Kasim's low end touch is phenomenal and his vocals are amaaaaazing, especially on Can We Still Be Friends?. His bright vocal leadership on Love Alone is great and Todd even plays guitar on it. There are no big backing vocals on this like a few years later (Evening With Utopia). In fact, Adventures hadn't even been released yet! "
05.15 - The concert at the MEN Arena in Manchester tonight that Kasim Sulton was playing with Meat Loaf has been cancelled. The reason given is illness. A new date will be scheduled for December 2003 and all tickets will be valid for that date. (Unfortunately this was a concert that Kasim was expected to open too.

Kasim Sulton in Birmingham on Monday
Photo by ChrisH
Blog 56 (10/19/03 - 11/12/03)
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