The KasimSulton Mailing List is a moderated list, purely for news about Kasim (television appearances, concerts, etc) with weekly news of his activities when he's touring - the oldest running active Kasim Sulton mailing list!
KasimInfo Site Blog
Blog 56 (10/19/03 - 11/12/03)
Please note that, as time goes by, some of these links may no longer work - sorry!
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Wednesday 12th November 2003
19.15 - The News section of the site has been updated.
19.00 - Some photos of Kasim at the concert on Monday have been added.
17.45 - Apparently the messageboard was hijacked! I think the problem has been solved now and the board is working fine again.
04.15 - The set list, photos and a review of Kasim's solo set in Birmingham, England last night has been added here and the set list, photos, video clips and a review of the whole concert here.

Kasim Sulton in Birmingham last night
Tuesday 11th November 2003
08.00 - The News section of the site has been updated.
07.30 - Intermittently there appear to be problems accessing the messageboard. If you do experience this (in my case it's mainly from my favorites list), press refresh or try entering it via the link here or on the front page of the site until the problem is solved.
Monday 10th November 2003
11.45 - The set list and a review of Kasim's solo set in Birmingham, England tonight has been added here and of the whole concert here.
11.30 - Some additional audio clips (of This Must Be Love and Sweet Little Accident) have been to
10.00 - A page has been added with a few more details about Kasim Sulton's solo gig on Staten Island in January.
09.45 - Jennifer Salyer has updated her website with some new photos of Kasim, wallpapers and icons.

Kasim Sulton playing his opening set in Berlin last week
(Photo by Marion Kunze)
Sunday 9th November 2003
20.00 - The News section of the site has been updated.
10.45 - Cindy Tuijtelaars has posted some photos of the Oberhausen concert on Friday to her website. The photos of Kasim are:
Chatting with Patti Russo at the beginning of DeadRinger For Love (while Randy Flowers looks away)
Smiling at the beginning of DeadRinger For Love
Getting warm (as his jacket is off!)
Getting hot (as his hair looks a lot flatter!)
Confetti time!
06.45 - Cindy Tuijtelaars posted a photo of Kasim Sulton during his opening set at the Berlin onto MLUKFC.
06.30 - Apparently the comment posted here yesterday that "It appears that Meat Loaf is now fully recovered" was incorrect. That comment was based on the original reports of the Oberhausen concert on MLUKFC. It was only later when more realistic appraisals of the concert both on MLUKFC and OIFC were posted that it emerged that Meat Loaf was still ill and in fact the Meet and Greets arranged for that evening were cancelled due to this. Despite that most people appear to think that the concert was still very good.
Saturday 8th November 2003
05.30 - The set list for the concert that Kasim Sulton played last night with Meat Loaf in Oberhausen, Germany has been added to the Gigs section of the site or click here for the direct link. It appears that Meat Loaf is now fully recovered.
05.15 - According to Doug Kennedy's website he will be playing on stage with Kasim Sulton at the gig in January. As it will disappear in a few days, it says:
"KASIM SULTON has announced his first live solo show in over a year: Saturday, January 24th @ Dock Street on Staten Island. I'm happy to announce that Kasim has asked me to join him for this show. As Kasim will be on a brief break from his touring commitments with Meat Loaf, this will likely be his only solo show until much later in 2004. Hope you can be there."
Friday 7th November 2003
05.00 - Kasim Sulton posted a message to his mailing list (which is now also on the front page of The main thing he mentions is that his solo gig has been booked for Saturday 24th January at Dock Street on Staten Island. Ticketing and times to follow. Also added to the website are some audio clips of Sacrifice and Before She Was Gone from his opening set in Halle, Germany.
Thursday 6th November 2003
22.30 - The set list for Kasim Sulton's solo set tonight in Berlin (plus two great photos of him and the audience) has been added to the Gigs section of the site or click here for the direct link. Apparently Kasim played 4 songs instead of his usual 3!
22.00 - The set list for the concert that Kasim Sulton played tonight with Meat Loaf in Berlin has been added to the Gigs section of the site or click here for the direct link.
21.45 - According to posts on MLUKFC, Meat Loaf collapsed on stage tonight in Berlin. He did manage to complete the concert (another 5 songs) and, as at this moment, the concert tomorrow evening in Oberhausen is still going ahead as planned.
09.30 - According to a post on MLUKFC, apparently Kasim will be opening the concert in Berlin tonight!
08.15 - The prog-rock magazine Exposé had a review of Quid Pro Quo in their July 2003 issue. As it is a print magazine, it has been replicated here.
05.45 - On E-Bay at there moment there is a copy of Lights On with an opening price of $1.99. There are currently no bids on the album and the auction ends on Monday. There are also two Kasim Sulton guitar picks available - one with on it and one with Meat Loaf on it. Both currently have no bids, the opening price for each is $5.99 (or "buy it now" for $10) and both auctions end on Tuesday.
Wednesday 5th November 2003
17.30 - This is a really funny suggestion for the name of Kasim's next album!
17.00 - MusicTap has an interview with Steve Herrig from Pushing Red Buttons in which he mentions Kasim Sulton a few times. As lots of websites have a habit of disappearing, the Kasim mentions are:
"Kasim Sulton plays with Meat Loaf and is currently on a world tour. [He] also played with Todd Rundgren, Hall & Oates, Patti Smith, Mick Jagger, etc…so he’s a busy guy who really liked our songs and was willing to join up for the CD…we were thrilled."
"Danny’s Private Life was the exception – that was an old song – almost 10 years old that I originally wanted my friend, Phil Solem (who was/is one-half of The Rembrandts) to do…but it never happened so I had it sitting around and somehow lucked out and got Kasim Sulton to sing the song."
"Kasim mentioned to me Ben Folds Five when he heard the demos of a couple of the songs"
"I love some of Jason Falkner’s songs like “Afraid Himself to Be”, which Kasim did on his own solo album."
[Afraid Himself to Be isn't on Quid Pro Quo but Kasim did often sing it at his solo shows.]
There is also a review of the album (with a couple of Kasim mentions) here.
Many thanks to the kind person who forwarded these links.
13.15 - According to another post on MLUKFC the concert tonight in Berlin has been changed to tomorrow night as Meat Loaf has the flu.
13.00 - It's not been confirmed but according to a post on MLUKFC the concert tonight in Berlin has been cancelled. The reason given is "illness".
07.15 - According to a post made by Meat Loaf this morning on MLUKFC they will not be returning to US for concerts next year but will play about 15 in Europe in June and July, however everything in this business is subject to change and alteration.
Tuesday 4th November 2003
19.15 - Issue #10 of The Kasim Sulton Magazine has been issued to all members of the KasimSulton Mailing List who have signed up to receive it. In the magazine this week there is a long article about "Kasim Sulton and the UK", the story behind a photo of Kasim and a replication of an old article, as well as all the latest news.

Kasim Sulton in Cleveland in September
(Photo by Jules of The Mirror Of The Soul website)
Monday 3rd November 2003
17.30 - Cindy Tuijtelaars has added a photo of Kasim from last night to her website.
17.00 - The (slightly changed) set list for the concert that Kasim Sulton played last night with Meat Loaf in Trier has been added to the Gigs section of the site or click here for the direct link.
08.15 - As mentioned previously on this website, Meat Loaf's next single in UK will be Man Of Steel (on which Kasim plays bass and sings background vocals). One promotion related to this single is to produce a poster of Meat Loaf made up of photos of 1,000 fans. To have your photo considered it needs to be e-mailed to by this Friday (7th). Photos must be a scanned j-peg of less than 5MB in size. Sending the photo gives permission for it to be used.
06.45 - There's some discussion about Kasim's opening sets and Quid Pro Quo at the Todd Rundgren newsgroup.
06.30 - The following message was sent to one of the numerous Todd Rundgren mailing lists yesterday:
"Sanctuary Records is putting together a new live DVD from Utopia, a concert recorded in Boston circa 1982. The record company have asked us to find some great questions from fans for the interviews that will take place in the next couple of weeks that will be a part of the DVD extras section.
If you have a question that you would like to have answered for any or all of the band send it to me at - if your question or questions are choosen you may also receive credit on the DVD itself.
Thanks and send them in soon!"
Quite how Kasim Sulton will be interviewed "in the next couple of weeks" when he's in Europe until 19th December isn't explained but it does appear to be a genuine request as both Sanctuary Records and Todd Rundgren are listed as clients at
Sunday 2nd November 2003
20.45 - Click here to post your views about the forthcoming Utopia DVD that Kasim mentions in his latest message on
18.00 - Another Meat Loaf concert in Australia has been added. It's on Wednesday 10th March in Adelaide. The Gigs section of the site has been updated with ticketing and venue details - tickets go on sale on Friday.
11.00 - Deb Matheson has posted a load of photos of the Meat Loaf songs at Party In The Park last July (from both the TV and ones she took at the event) to her website - there are far too many of Kasim Sulton to link to them all individually!
08.00 - The (slightly changed) set list for the concert that Kasim Sulton played last night with Meat Loaf in Hamburg has been added to the Gigs section of the site or click here for the direct link.
07.45 - It's a sad thing to mention but it's a year today since Kasim Sulton's last solo gig! (He has played some opening sets at Meat Loaf concerts and made a couple of appearances at Borders stores.)
Saturday 1st November 2003
07.45 - Rather than a review, the Mirror Of The Soul website has added some comments about the Meat Loaf concert in Cleveland in September. They are really amusing to read and it sounds as though they had a great time! The best (but not all) Kasim Sulton mentions are:
David yelling "It's worth every dime!!" after Kasim mentioned "Quid Pro Quo" in his opening solo set.
Backstage.. Kasim showing Paul Crook a picture of himself that makes him appear to have ten toes and Paul saying.."What the f---!"
Meat forgetting Kasim during band intros and David, Terry, Jules, and Gina yelling "Hey!! You forgot Kasim!!"
"Kasim's hotter than Patti!!" (Oh, sorry, that was Detroit) *grin*
Before the show, Bev and Rebecca were chatting with a security guard, and Kas snuck up behind her and surprised her! She almost peed her pants! ;)
The band was HOT that night...Life is a Lemon almost took my breathe away, but then again, so did Kasim.
Even though I didnt catch any pics that Kasim was trying to throw my way, I did catch the kisses he blew to me!!
Backstage we had alot of fun. Kasim's hospitality was great
Kasim opened the show. He was awesome as usual. Right on and looked hot. The crowd was very receptive. I only wished he could have played longer!
Finding out that Kasim does NOT have 6 toes!!!
Lou filling the DJ's in on the history of Kasim's career.
Friday 31st October 2003
12.30 - In the latest edition of the Rear View Mirror (the newsletter of MLUKFC), there is a photo of Kasim Sulton with Janny plus the following:
"Kasim also took the time to come back and see us. He signed autographs and posed for pictures. He is so charming and handsome. We had a lot of fun with him, told him how much I like his CD. He seemed pleased. I think he's working on a new one. Way to go Kas!!!!!"
11.15 - Earlier this week there were discussions about Kasim Sulton in threads on both the MLUKFC and the OIFC messageboards.
10.30 - The Mirror Of The Soul website has some photos from the Cleveland concert last month. The photos that include Kasim Sulton are:
Kasim's opening set
The photographers during Kasim's opening set
A more distant shot of Kasim's opening set
Kasim's left ear (amazing lighting in this photo)
Kasim on stage with Meat Loaf
Kasim on stage with Paul Crook
Your country needs YOU
Kasim on stage
Kasim backstage
08.30 - The Mirror Of The Soul website has some photos from the Halle concert last Saturday. Unfortunately there is only one in which Kasim is even visible (here).
05.15 - The (slightly changed) set list for the concert that Kasim Sulton played last night with Meat Loaf in Munich has been added to the Gigs section of the site or click here for the direct link.

Kasim's Halloween trick of removing his hand!
(Photo by Janet Spahr)
Thursday 30th October 2003
16.45 - The News section of the site has been updated.
16.00 - Rightly or wrongly, Kasim is getting the praise by some fans for discovering the new member of Meat Loaf's band CC.
15.30 - Click here for some discussion on both We The People and The One Sure Thing.
12.45 - Earlier items from this Blog have been moved to a different page which should help this page load faster. The link is at the bottom of this page.
09.15 - The Mirror Of The Soul website has some photos from the recent Stuttgart concert. Kasim can be seen in the background of a couple but the main close-up one of him (with a new jacket!) is here.
08.45 - Kasim Sulton will be playing a concert in Glasgow, Scotland on the evening of Thanksgiving this year. As it's a festival that is not celebrated outside of US, according to this newspaper article, Meat Loaf has booked one of Glasgow's best restaurants to host a meal for the band and crew the previous evening. Many thanks to Shane Field for this link.
Wednesday 29th October 2003
06.30 - The set list for the concert that Kasim Sulton played last night with Meat Loaf in Frankfurt has been added to the Gigs section of the site or click here for the direct link.
Tuesday 28th October 2003
19.00 - Another concert has been added to the Meat Loaf tour schedule. It's on Sunday 7th March 2004 in Perth, Australia. The Gigs section of the site has been updated with venue and ticketing info.
09.30 - Todd Rundgren said in The Interocitor last night that he will be touring "with band" in Spring 2004 to support his new album Liars. (Apparently Todd will be playing Chicago in April but unfortunately it looks likely that Kasim may be busy with Meat Loaf at that time.) Many thanks to Weavil for this info.
06.45 - And there's another winner of a backstage pass to meet Kasim Sulton! Just a reminder that the link to purchase Quid Pro Quo at ShopSourceOne is here. Alternatively Sphere Sound Records are offering a "buy one, get the second at half price" special here.
06.00 - The set list for the concert that Kasim Sulton played last night with Meat Loaf in Frankfurt has been added to the Gigs section of the site or click here for the direct link.
Monday 27th October 2003
19.15 - Yet another person has posted that they have won a pass to meet Kasim backstage by buying a copy of Quid Pro Quo!
18.30 - Unfortunately Kasim didn't play his opening set at the concert tonight as The Darkness played. It seems likely that Kasim will not be opening again until Birmingham, England on 10th November.
11.30 - Deb Matheson has posted a load of photos of the Meat Loaf concert in Plymouth, England to her website - there are far too many of Kasim Sulton to link to them all individually!
07.30 - Ceteetje has posted 47 photos from the concert on Saturday to her website (follow the link to photos). The photos that include Kasim Sulton are:
A good group shot
Half of Kasim
His other half
His back view
Playing hard
Looking small on stage but he's really a giant in the music business
A deceptive photo as he looks like he's sitting down but he wasn't!
A good playing shot
The best photo of Kasim on the page
Playing hard again
Another classic Kasim Sulton pose
The band bow

A synopsis of Kasim's career in Spanish
Sunday 26th October 2003
18.00 - The set list and a long review of the concert last night has been added to the Gigs section of the site or click here for the direct link.
09.00 - Click here and here for comments about the concert last night that mention Kasim.
08.15 - The tour programme for the European leg of the Meat Loaf Couldn't Have Said It Better World Tour contains 15 photos of Kasim of varying size and quality and 3 Kasim mentions (plus one photo of me!). Last night in Halle, Germany it cost 20 Euros but apparently the price will vary depending on the venue (to compare a copy of Quid Pro Quo cost 15 Euros).
08.00 - Kasim Sulton's set list from last night has been added to the Kasim Sulton's Opening Set World Tour section of the site.
Saturday 25th October 2003
00.30 - According to posts on MLUKFC the venue for the first gig of the European leg of the Meat Loaf Couldn't Have Said It Better World Tour tonight have issued a message stating the support group will not be playing due to illness but instead "there will be a 'warm-up' with the bassplayer" which I assume means that Kasim Sulton will be playing an opening set!
Friday 24th October 2003
13.45 - The first person has posted to a Meat Loaf mailing list that she has received a backstage pass to meet Kasim with her copy of Quid Pro Quo! Congratulations to Kara.
08.15 - For only the second time ever that I've seen, there are now two pages of auctions on E-Bay after a search for "Kasim Sulton" (admittedly not all of them actually relate to this Kasim).
08.00 - Two E-Bay auctions came to a close yesterday for Kasim Sulton used guitar picks with neither selling at the opening bid of $5.99. They have since been relisted and are again $5.99 each, both auctions end on Tuesday. Click here for the pick with a Meat Loaf logo and here for the logo pick. There is also a batch of 4 Meat Loaf guitar picks here which include a Kasim Sulton one for $6.99. Many thanks to the kind person from California who sent me this link.
06.00 - Although he doesn't mention Kasim by name, according to posts by Meat Loaf on both the MLUKFC and the OIFC messageboards, today Kasim Sulton (with the rest of the band) will be travelling from London, England to Germany for the concerts. It appears that the production rehearsals were held in London for financial reasons.
Thursday 23rd October 2003
05.15 - Chris from MLUKFC has posted some photos from one of the Manchester, England concerts on the Welcome To The Neighbourhood Tour - click here and here for the photos of Kasim Sulton.

The opening page (including a brief description of Kasim's career) translated into French
Wednesday 22nd October 2003
05.30 - Apparently there is a glitch on ShopSourceOne which means that the International postage for a signed copy of Quid Pro Quo plus a chance to win a backstage pass to meet Kasim shows as $21.50 but in fact only $9.95 will be charged to the credit card.
05.15 - Kasim Sulton has made an interesting post (mainly about Meat Loaf and the upcoming concerts) on the messageboard attached to
Tuesday 21st October 2003
17.45 - There's a long quote by Kasim on TheMechanism website alongside a screenshot of his website. In case it disappears at some point, it says:
"The importance of web based information and advertising for the independent, and the established musician has risen dramatically over the past few years to the point that it has become a necessity to constantly remain on the cutting edge.
Since being involved with themechanism, I have increased my online presence not only to my hard core audience but to a large number of new fans who have visited my website and found it unique enough to want to learn more about myself and my music.
I couldn't ask for a more dedicated, hard working and innovative team than themechanism.
12.15 - Issue #9 of the Kasim Sulton Magazine has been sent to all members of the KasimSulton Mailing List who have signed up to receive it. (A copy is sent to Kasim also.) Alongside all the latest news and several photos are articles on "Kasim Sulton and Germany", an old interview from 2001 and a short article on Kasim's songwriting including an alphabetical list of 100 songs that he has written. The magazine is issued every other Tuesday, runs to 14 A4 pages and is less than 500KB in size.
09.30 - Doug Kennedy's website has a lot of Kasim mentions today - all in Doug's hilarious style!
09.15 - Billy James (who wrote the detailed Todd Rundgren biography A Dream Goes On Forever) is looking for any articles, reviews or photos from Deface The Music through to POV (album reviews, articles in magazines from the era or original photos) for the second book in the series. This book will cover Kasim Sulton's time in Utopia and is expected to be available next year. Please send any info to
Monday 20th October 2003
12.00 - The direct link to purchase an autographed copy of Quid Pro Quo at ShopSourceOne that Kasim mentions in his new message is here. The album is currently selling for the sale price of $14.99 (normal price $29.99) plus shipping and contains a "concert used guitar pic" plus a one in ten chance of meeting Kasim backstage at a Meat Loaf concert. There are also three new photos of Kasim on that page (plus an out of date biography and spiel about solo gigs). A word of warning to anyone purchasing this outside of US, check the shipping charges as to ship to UK they are charging $21.50!
11.45 - There's a new message from Kasim on the front page of In the message Kasim says that he will be opening some of the concerts in Germany too!
06.15 - There are currently two of Kasim's guitar picks available on E-Bay for $5.99 each here and here. Both auctions end on Thursday.
04.15 - Apparently part of Sacrifice was played on Mix 98.5 in the Boston area last week! Congratulations to Kendra Quinn for getting this airplay.
04.00 - Michael Marxen has made another post about Kasim looking bored on stage, this time on the MLUKFC messageboard.
03.45 - In its third week in the Australian charts Meat Loaf's new album Couldn't Have Said It Better (on which Kasim Sulton plays bass and sings background vocals on most of the tracks) has dropped 2 places to #30.
Sunday 19th October 2003
05.15 - Meat Loaf made another post on the MLUKFC messageboard to say that there will be another Meet and Greet in Glasgow, Scotland on 21st November so that means that it is another concert that Kasim Sulton will open!

Photo of Kasim by Michelle M
Blog 55 (09/29/03 - 10/18/03)
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