The KasimSulton Mailing List is a moderated list, purely for news about Kasim (television appearances, concerts, etc) with weekly news of his activities when he's touring - the oldest running active Kasim Sulton mailing list!
KasimInfo Site Blog
Blog 55 (09/29/03 - 10/18/03)
Please note that, as time goes by, some of these links may no longer work - sorry!
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Saturday 18th October 2003
05.45 - In Meat Loaf's post he states that Kasim will open at some of the shows but it depends on the curfews and on how things are going backstage but he also says that Kasim will open at all the concerts that there are meet and greets so those dates have had Kasim listed as the opening act in the Gigs section of the site. The dates are:
10th November - Birmingham
13th November- Manchester
17th November - Wembley, London
29th November - Sheffield
2nd December - Dublin, Ireland
5th December - Belfast, Northern Ireland
7th December - Belfast, Northern Ireland
9th December - Newcastle
05.15 - Meat Loaf himself posted some great news about the UK leg of the Couldn't Have Said It Better World Tour - Kasim Sulton will be opening at some of the concerts!! Click here for Meat Loaf's post.
Thursday 16th October 2003
18.00 - A second date for a Meat Loaf concert in Melbourne, Australia is now on sale. It is on 21st February 2004 and the Gigs section of the site has been updated with the details. Click here for more details. Apparently only the Melbourne and Sydney concerts will be with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra. Many thanks to Shane Field for this link.
06.45 - Apparently one of Kasim's tracks may have been played on Mix 98.5 this morning all thanks to Kendra!
06.30 - Click here for a derogatory comment about Kasim on a Jim Steinman messageboard.
Monday 13th October 2003
17.30 - Kasim Sulton receives a mention in a new review of the Pushing Red Buttons CD on Strutter'zine which is a Dutch website. It's near the bottom of the page and in case it disappears at some point, the Kasim mention is:
"I don’t have much background info on this band, but I remember a guy called KASIM SULTON from the 1980s, and he also appears on this record as a bassplayer. Anyone with info if this is the same musician from the 1980s (who played on several records) please mail me"
11.30 - Way too long after it should have been done, the News section of the site has been updated. Even though some of the news is old now, there are some unseen photos on the pages too.
Sunday 12th October 2003
20.00 - In its second week in the Australian charts Meat Loaf's new album Couldn't Have Said It Better (on which Kasim Sulton plays bass and sings background vocals on most of the tracks) has risen 10 places to #28.
18.15 - There's been some discussion today on the messageboard about whether or not Kasim will be opening for Meat Loaf in UK later this year.
11.00 - Someone who works for Jim Steinman has posted that he will be producing Bat Out Of Hell 3, however there are some more posts that mention Kasim Sulton here, here and here.
04.00 - has been nominated Sticky Site Of The Moment at the website where I get all the banners on the front page from!

Friday 10th October 2003
11.30 - Some Kasim related E-Bay auctions came to a close in the past couple of days:
Lights On sold for $9.99 after one bid
Kasim sold for $6.50 after two bids
Lights On didn't sell despite the opening bid being only $3
09.15 - Apparently the Meat Loaf concert in Perth, Australia has been changed from Sunday 7th to Saturday 6th March. The venue is the WACA Ground. The Gigs section of the site has been updated.
09.00 - The Official Meat Loaf Fan Club have a section on the OIFC website which is meant for fan club members only as it is paswword protected. This morning one fan posted the direct link to the section to several mailing lists and messageboards. Obviously it's not right for any non-fan club members to follow that link but below are the photo of Kasim Sulton enclosed in that section (the link may well be changed at a future date):
In the dark
Sideways on
His better half!
Looking serious
A lovely neck
The best of the first page of photos
I bet that hurt!
Looking "pensive"
In the corner
From Florida
The whole band
The quartet
"Play it Kasim!!"
"Keep going!"
Nice ear
The best off the second page of photos
Glittering background
In the middle of the stage where he belongs
The whole band
Just don't ask what Meat Loaf is doing!
Now he's pulling up his pants!
Looking distant
Looking down
A long shot
Great lighting
Seated in the middle (where he belongs)
Back to the side again!
Looking relaxed
The Vocalists
All the photos above are by Gary "Goat" Goveia.
05.45 - You can now buy shares in the Blog on! Only virtual ones (so it won't cost anything) but the site is now listed on the Fantasy Blog Shares Market!
Thursday 9th October 2003
11.45 - In its second week in the Billboard charts Meat Loaf's new album Couldn't Have Said It Better (on which Kasim Sulton plays bass and sings background vocals on most of the tracks) dropped 48 places to #133.
08.45 - Unfortunately has been down a few times today. Just a reminder that if this happens again, any important news will always be posted on the front page of
07.45 - has been updated with the final part of the promo diary (according to a message posted by Kasim Sulton). There are a couple of photos of Kasim in part 11 and a "tour diary" plus more photos in part 12.
Wednesday 8th October 2003
12.30 - The website of The Chicago Kickers Soccer Club has a great pop-up! Many thanks to SandiDaae for sending this link.
11.45 - Click here for some postings about Kasim's CD on the Meat Loaf Official Fan Club site.
11.30 - Click here for another Kasim mention in the discussion about the producer for Bat Out Of Hell 3 on the Jim Steinman board.
08.45 - A load of photos taken surreptitiously at the "intimate" concert at The China Club on 23rd September has been added to the Gigs section of the site or click here for the direct link. Many thanks to Gary "Goat" Goveia for all these photos.
Tuesday 7th October 2003
18.30 - The Press section of the site has been updated.
18.00 - The earlier items from this Blog page have been moved to another page - the link is at the bottom. However please note that the last few Blog pages are located on the server which is not as reliable as this main server so if the pages are not visible, check again later.
12.45 - There's a chance to let Sanctuary Records know what you would like to see on future Utopia DVDs. Click here for more details.
10.45 - MBrevard has added three pages of photos from the televised Meat Loaf concert from Mexico. There are photos of Kasim on each page.
08.30 - Kasim Sulton Magazine #8 has now been issued to all members of the KasimSulton Mailing List who have signed up to receive the magazine. In the issue this week are articles on Meat Loaf's new album Couldn't Have Said It Better, Kasim's song Heaven Help The Child, Kasim and astrology and the third part of the in-depth look at Kasim's solo career, as well as all the up to date news and loads of photos.
06.15 - According to the Australian Record Industry Association website Meat Loaf's new album Couldn't Have Said It Better (on which Kasim Sulton plays bass and sings background vocals on most of the tracks) entered the charts at #38 this week. Many thanks to Shame Field for this info.
Monday 6th October 2003
14.00 - It's not confirmed but there's an interesting post on the Jim Steinman board about the producer(s) for Bat Out Of Hell III. This post contains the line "I have heard both Meat and Todd both say that Peter Mokran and Kasim will be at the production helm with my own two ears".
11.15 - According to some posts on tomorrow evening on Channel 10 in Australia there will be an interview with Meat Loaf on Rove Live at 9.30pm. It is unclear whether or not Kasim will also be on the show.
10.00 - The E-Bay auction for a copy of Lights On came to a close yesterday with a winning bid of $15.50 after 2 bids. Other interesting Kasim Sulton items that are currently available are:
Lights On - $9.99 with no bids, ends Wednesday
Kasim - $5 with no bids, ends Thursday
Lights On - $3 with no bids, ends Thursday
09.30 - According to Music the Meat Loaf concert from Mexico is availble on stations than just DirectTV (including various local cable stations). Many thanks to Jennifer Salyer for finding this link.
08.30 - According to the DirectTV website the Meat Loaf concert from Mexico will be screened every Friday, Saturday and Sunday during October. Details of the timings are available on the website.
05.15 - MBrevard has uploaded a long clip of Testify from the DirectTV concert. (There are two close-ups of Kasim Sulton about a third of the way into the clip.) It is available for both 56K modems and Cable modems and higher.
Sunday 5th October 2003
18.00 - It's late notice but starting in a few minutes WDR2 are repeating the Meat Loaf concert from Cologne in January. Kasim played bass and sang vocals at this concert, plus he mixed the sound for radio. Many thanks to Eva Siebert for this info.
12.00 - Click here for a photo of Kasim on stage earlier today (on the left in the third row). Many thanks to Jennifer Salyer for finding the link.
10.00 - I don't usually add photos during a day's Blog but this is such a brilliant photo of Kasim!

Kasim with Kelly Clarkson (from American Idol) earlier today
07.30 - Meat Loaf's new album Couldn't Have Said It Better (on which Kasim Sulton plays bass and sings background vocals on most of the tracks) is a new entry at #85 on this week's Billboard charts.
05.45 - Click here to hear the two song Meat Loaf set at the Australian National Rugby League Finals. Many thanks to MBrevard for taping and providing this audio.
05.30 - Apparently the difference in time between Australia and the East Coast that I was given was way off as the two song Meat Loaf set that Kasim Sulton played in front of 85,000 people occured an hour ago! Sorry to anyone who woke up early to try to hear it!
Friday 3rd October 2003
18.00 - For those who are interested in the technical aspects, there were some interesting posts on a mailing list about Todd Rundgren which involved some discussion about the bass that Kasim plays on the Live in Columbus CD. It was decided that it was a Kramer bass with an aluminum neck.
14.00 - Apparently the set list for the DirectTV concert is:
Do It!
Life Is A Lemon
Tear Me Down
Anything For Love
Couldn't Have Said It Better
Paradise By The Dashboard Light
Bat Out Of Hell
Many thanks to MBrevard for this info. Also included in the post on are the comments:
"And the sound was great (thank you, Kasim, for an excellent job, as always, on the mixing!!). You get a real feel for the excitement both onstage and off. It was a really receptive audience!!
Meat and the band were in great form. This is truly an amazing band!! I know you've all heard this again and again. But you really get to see it here. Everyone has a 'place' in this show. Everyone shines!!"
08.30 - More details are emerging about the National Rugby League Finals performance on Sunday. Apparently Meat Loaf (and therefore Kasim Sulton) will be singing both Bat Out Of Hell and Couldn't Have Said It Better but those are just two songs of a 30 minute entertainment section that also includes Kelly Clarkson singing Miss Independence, a tribute to The Greatest Ever Kangaroos and The Hoodoo Gurus singing That’s My Team! A link to a rundown of the events can be found here. It is also being broadcast live on the Internet here but there is no guarantee that any of these stations will air the music - already Channel 9 are stating that they will be broadcasting Second Grand Final Preview instead at that time. Many thanks to Shane Field for these links. It is believed that Sydney is 15 hours ahead of New York so 6.30pm will (probably!) be 8.30am Sunday morning in New York.
06.00 - Wendy Carson has added some photos of Kasim and her story of four concerts in Austin, Texas in 1978 to her website.
05.15 - Apparently Kasim played with Meat Loaf on The Footy Show according to a post by Meat Loaf on Someone else made the comment that "Patti and Kasim and the team were also great".
05.00 - There was an interview with Meat Loaf on British television overnight on a show called Planet Rock Profiles. Although it was a recent interview they showed some old concert footage which included a couple of close-up shots of Kasim Sulton.

Thursday 2nd October 2003
10.30 - On his website today Doug Kennedy tells the story of Kasim's posting under another name that Kasim mentioned in his post yesterday.
08.30 - According to posts on the Meat Loaf concert from Mexico that was filmed in August will be shown on DirectTV as follows :
Fri Oct 3 - 08:30 am FREE 103
Fri Oct 3 - 08:30 am PPV 801
Fri Oct 3 - 12:30 pm FREE 103
Fri Oct 3 - 12:30 pm PPV 801
Fri Oct 3 - 4:30 pm FREE 103
Fri Oct 3 - 4:30 pm PPV 801
Fri Oct 3 - 8:30 pm FREE 103
Fri Oct 3 - 8:30 pm PPV 801
Sat Oct 4 - 12:30 am FREE 103
Sat Oct 4 - 12:30 am PPV 801
Wednesday 1st October 2003
17.45 - had 2,023 hits yesterday! I think that's the most ever in one day.
04.00 - Kasim Sulton has made another post on the messageboard attached to As it's on this server (so will not be disappearing!) click here to view it. In the message Kasim mentions a possible solo gig in January!!
Tuesday 30th September 2003
18.00 - Kasim Sulton in Australia
As I posted on the front page of this site, Kasim is about to embark on about 10 days of promotion with Meat Loaf in Australia. Unfortunately recently Meat Loaf's management company have announced very few of his appearances or his concerts. For that reason it is difficult to ascertain which events even Meat Loaf will be attending, far less which will involve Kasim. As soon as anything is known, it will be posted on this site but I fear that for the next few weeks, the majority of these appearances will be posted retrospectively. One good place to look for more info is this thread on MLUKFC as several fans in Australia are posting about (possible, probable and definite) events there. To date the only known event that Kasim will be playing at is the National Rugby League Finals on 5th October in Sydney (and even this appearance wasn't announced by Meat Loaf's management company).
Posts by Meat Loaf earlier this year indicated that the original plan was for them to spend ten days in Australia, one day in New Zealand (11th October) and then visit Japan, US (Leno or Letterman show) and UK before starting the European leg of the tour on 25th October in Halle, Germany - however this may well have all changed by now.
I'm doing my best here!
13.45 - There are currently three Kasim albums available on E-Bay:
Lights On - currently $9.99 after 1 bid, ends Sunday
Kasim - $5 with no bids, ends a week Thursday
Lights On - $3 with no bids, ends a week Thursday
08.45 - Kasim Sulton made a post this morning from Los Angeles airport on the messageboard attached to As it's on this server (so will not be disappearing!) click here to view it. By my calculations he should be landing in Australia at about 5.00pm NYC time today.
Monday 29th September 2003
18.15 - A review of the Cleveland concert on 19th September has been added been added to the Gigs section of the site or click here for the direct link. As Gina Martin took so many great photos of Kasim at that concert, a page of the photos has also been added to the Photos section of the site or click here for the direct link.
12.45 - A review of Kasim Sulton's set in Cleveland on 19th September has been added been added to the Gigs section of the site or click here for the direct link.
09.00 - The earlier items on this page have been moved to a new page - the link is at the bottom.
04.15 - Some photos, the set list and a review of Kasim Sulton's concert with Meat Loaf on Saturday have been added to the Gigs section of the site or click here for the direct link.
 Kasim Sulton in Cleveland last weekend
Photo by Gina Martin
Blog 54 (09/04/03 - 09/28/03)
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