The KasimSulton Mailing List is a moderated list, purely for news about Kasim (television appearances, concerts, etc) with weekly news of his activities when he's touring - the oldest running active Kasim Sulton mailing list!
KasimInfo Site Blog
Blog 54 (09/04/03 - 09/28/03)
Please note that, as time goes by, some of these links may no longer work - sorry!
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Sunday 28th September 2003
06.15 - Yesterday I posted about a copy of The Basement Tapes CD being available on E-Bay. The bid was then $5.50 after 3 bids. A few hours later the auction ended at $15.50 after 7 bids!
06.00 - Kasim Sulton played an opening set at the concert in Clarkston, MI last night. This was the final night of this part of the US tour and unfortunately this was only the seventh time that Kasim opened. Many thanks to Jules for this info.
Saturday 27th September 2003
11.00 - There's a couple of interesting Kasim Sulton items on E-Bay at the moment. A Kasim Sulton Band poster signed to "The Museum of Rock Art" is currently available for $5.51 after 3 bids and the auction ends on Wednesday, a black and white promo photo is available for $5 (no bids to date) until Monday and a copy of The Basement Tapes CD is available until later today for $5.50 after 3 bids.
09.45 - According to three more dates have been added for Australia in February and March of next year (all with The Melbourne Symphony Orchestra). The Gigs section of the site has been updated with the details.
08.00 - There are some photos of the "intimate" concert last night in Cleveland now online. The direct links to the photos of Kasim are:
Heaven Help The Bass Player
Best to look down and ignore what's going on at the front of the stage at this part of the concert
There's also a great photo of Kasim at the Boston concert on Wednesday. Many thanks to Jennifer Salyer for these links.
07.30 - The front page of the Sphere Sound Records website is now looking like a site just about Kasim Sulton! It has several Kasim mentions on it and the title is "Quid Pro Show"! There's also a new pop-up about Quid Pro Quo.
Friday 26th September 2003
13.45 - Another concert with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra has been booked for Kasim with Meat Loaf. This one is on 24th February 2004 in Sydney, Australia. The Gigs section of the site has been updated with the details. An interesting part of the article reads "While the show is still being planned, it is expected to follow the same three-act format as the Kiss Symphony, with the first act featuring Meat Loaf and his nine-piece band, the second an acoustic set with a reduced orchestra, and the final act with the 60-piece orchestra and band." (The current band line-up is 7 people.) Many thanks to Ongapisa of for this info.
11.15 - Kasim Sulton receives a nice mention in a fan's review of the import version of Couldn't Have Said It Better on It case it disappears at some point, the Kasim part says:
"Kasim Sulton brings his customary excellence in backing vocals and on bass guitar. Todd Rundgren, who played such a pivotal role in the production of Bat Out of Hell, was responsible for the backing vocal arrangement on the title track."
Many thanks to the kind person who sent this link.
10.15 - Yesterday on this site, the quote supposedly from Kasim Sulton in was posted. It was “Love You Out Loud” is his favorite song to play live because of “the way it all fits together and the harmonies and the beat and the lighting … just everything about it is magical.”" It appears that the writer of the article has done some creative writing as Laura England's review of the 7/19/03 Meat Loaf concert contains the comment "The opening chords to Love You Out Loud were like nothing else - I know why it's Kasim's favorite song to play live (according to one of our recent chats with him). The way it all fits together and the harmonies and the beat and the lighting..... just everything about it is magical.".
Thursday 25th September 2003
19.00 - According to an article on the Herald Sun Meat Loaf will be performing a concert on 20th February 2004 with the 60 piece Melbourne Symphony Orchestra. Details have been added to the Gigs section of the site (although it is not known if Kasim and the rest of the band will also be playing at the concert). Tickets go on sale on 13th October. Many thanks to Ongapisa of for this info.
18.45 - There are several photos from the gig in Boston last night online. Unfortunately the photographer was focusing on Meat Loaf and not Kasim but the photos are:
Rather blurry
Looking "pensive"
Kasim (singing his heart out in Testify) with Meat Loaf and Renee Cologne
Looking straight at the camera
A duet
How many chins?!
Many thanks to Jennifer Salyer for sending these links.
08.45 - There's an interesting "review" of Kasim at the concert in Boston last night on the OIFC board.
03.30 - Meat Loaf's new album Couldn't Have Said It Better (on which Kasim Sulton plays bass and sings background vocals on most of the tracks) has been named "Album Of The Week on and there's a quote from Kasim Sulton in the article. In case it disappears at some point, it says:
"In fact Meat's bassist Kasim Sulton, who also does backing vocals, has said that, “Love You Out Loud” is his favorite song to play live because of “the way it all fits together and the harmonies and the beat and the lighting … just everything about it is magical.”"
Many thanks to "Chris from Northern Ireland" for forwarding the link.
Wednesday 24th September 2003
10.00 - Apparently at The China Club last night they play an abbreviated 10 song set. Sadly Kasim Sulton didn't play an opening set first. Many thanks to the kind person who sent me this info.
Tuesday 23rd September 2003
16.45 - Someone has posted a lovely message about how Kasim treated his children at a couple of concerts.
12.45 - The Meat Loaf concert that Kasim Sulton was to have played on Friday in Columbus, Ohio has been cancelled. The PromoWest Pavillion are saying that it will be played instead in Spring 2004. This is the link to try to win tickets to see Meat Loaf (and therefore Kasim) that evening in Cleveland.
06.00 - Kasim Sulton Magazine #7 has now been issued to all members of the KasimSulton Mailing List who have signed up to receive it. The issue this week contains articles about Kasim's work for charity, part two of the in-depth look at his solo career, the October page of the Kasim Sulton Calendar plus many other items. (The magazine is issued every two weeks, is 0.5MB in size and is usually about 14 A4 pages in length.)
03.45 - Meat Loaf's new album Couldn't Have Said It Better (on which Kasim Sulton plays bass and sings background vocals on most of the tracks) is released today in US. The album can also be purchased online at Barnes and Noble for $16.48 and at for $13.49. The album appears to be the same as the basic British version other than having videos of Couldn't Have Said It Better and Did I Say That? (neither show Kasim).

Monday 22nd September 2003
12.15 - It's not confirmed but one competition winner has said that the concert on Wednesday in Boston will be held at Parris Nightclub. Many thanks to Jennifer Salyer for finding this link.
08.45 - There's still confusion surrounding this coming Friday as TicketMaster are listing Meat Loaf (and therefore Kasim) as playing a concert in Columbus, Ohio at the same time that Q104 are listing them playing in Cleveland, Ohio.
03.30 - If anybody has a copy of Kasim Sulton's message dated 5th July which was on the front page of, please could they e-mail it to It was the message where Kasim mentions having his new music online by the first week of August, him keeping a Tour Diary and that the first concert was to be that evening in Plymouth (and me twice by name!). For some reason that message isn't archived on his site.
03.00 - There's a (relatively) new review of Quid Pro Quo posted on In case it disappears at some point, it says:
"A very satisfying listen
A fine CD - with a nice surprise at the end of track 10. It seems Kasim Sulton has put together 10 very nice tracks, not a clunker in the bunch. Highlights include "Sacrifice", a nice up-tempo song. "Heaven Help the Child" is a tear-jerker song you might hear at a wedding - a beautiful, touching song that beats the heck out of "Wind Beneath My Wings". And of course, the final 3 minutes of "Goodbye" (the afore-mentioned track 10) will knock some people out of their chair - especially if they had seen the Utopia RA Tour in the late 70s (I think that's when it was! HA!). All in all, a CD that won't be taken out of the CD changer for a L O N G time! Thanks, Kaz."
Sunday 21st September 2003
20.45 - The Mirror Of The Soul website have added some photos of the Mount Pleasant concert. Unfortunately there are only two photos of Kasim - one of his solo set and one with Paul Crook.
04.15 - have a "better together" suggestion where they link an album with another album for a bargain - Quid Pro Quo is linked with the Lost Songs Of Lennon and McCartney album!
04.00 - Yesterday passed the 400,000 hits mark!

Saturday 20th September 2003
11.30 - Apparently Kasim Sulton played Don't Hold Me Back, Before She Was Gone and Sacrifice for his opening set last night at the Tower City Amphitheatre in Cleveland, Ohio! Many thanks to David M. Driskell for this info.
05.00 - According to posts on a few messageboard boards and mailing lists, Q104 in Cleveland, Ohio are listing a competition to win tickets to see Meat Loaf (and therefore Kasim Sulton perform within The Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame on Friday 26th September at 7.30pm, however he is listed as performing a concert in Columbus, Ohio also at that time! TicketMaster are still listing the Columbus concert and all the reserved seats are sold out.
Friday 19th September 2003
09.00 - There were some Kasim mentions in a positive review of the concert last night by Judy on another Meat Loaf mailing list:
"Kasim opened the show with three of his songs - a little too short I thought - but it was obvious that the crowd was waiting for Meat
although after the first song and they found out exactly who Kasim was they were a little more encouraging."
"And who needs Madonna and Brittney when you have Meat and Kasim. During one of Kasim's solos Meat was egging him on and touching him on the shoulder and stuff and finally ended up giving a big kiss much to the delight of the audience."
05.00 - Somebody posted quite a negative review of the concert last night to a Meat Loaf mailing list (saying that the sound was bad, Meat Loaf was slurring his words and so on). However one of his complaints was that Kasim only played three songs to open the concert!
04.15 - Kasim Sulton played Don't Hold Me Back, Before She Was Gone and Sacrifice for his opening set last night at the Soaring Eagle Casino in Mount Pleasant, MI! Many thanks to the kind person who sent me this info.
Thursday 18th September 2003
03.15 - There's a lovely post to the OIFC messageboard from the mother of the boy that Kasim Sulton wrote about on the front page of As messages off that board are often removed, it says:
"My 12 year old son, who has Down Syndrome, loves listening to my "Bat Out of Hell" CD. I took him to the Meat Loaf concert at the Kansas State Fair and he had an absolute blast. He changed into his tour t-shirt right there in his front row seat. He ended up with one of Kasim Sulton's guitar picks, and was tossed a drumstick while the band was taking their final bows. When he went to bed that night, he fell asleep with the pick and drumstick in his hands. Absolutely priceless! The next day Kasim wrote about the experience in his newsletter at We will always treasure the memories from that night. "
03.00 - As previously mentioned the Diary section of the site has been closed for a massive overhaul.

As someone joked to me, this is how Meat Loaf came to fall off the stage!
(That will teach him to stop letting Kasim open!)
Photo by Gina Martin
Wednesday 17th September 2003
15.45 - The earlier items from the bottom of this page have been moved to a new page so this page will load quicker. The link is at the bottom of this page.
11.15 - Some photos of Kasim at the Holmdel, NJ concert on 30th August have been added to the Gigs section of the site or click here for the direct link. Many thanks to Gary "Goat" Goveia for all of the photos.
11.00 - Apparently Kasim didn't open at the Kansas State Fair concert as he was listed to do. Many thanks to Michael Kennison for this info.
03.15 - Kasim Sulton has posted a new message on the front page of If you would like to view one of the guitar picks that he is talking about, click here as one was recently placed on E-Bay for $6.99. It didn't sell.
Tuesday 16th September 2003
10.30 - Those people who were at Kasim Sulton's gig at The Bitter End last September will remember Kasimannounced onstage that Marc Israel had earlier that day become engaged to Claudia and Kasim dedicated his performance of The One Sure Thing that evening to them. Just a couple of weeks ago they were married and yesterday Marc sent a message to a Todd Rundgren mailing list:
"The One Sure Thing is only 1 of 3 songs completely caught on video. We took the floor by ourselves and it is absolutely amazing how
Kasim's voice shines through. It was really cool having it played for us and announced the importance of the song. (It should be noted that I did not announce that Quid Pro Quo would be available in the lobby right after the wedding or available on line at Sphere Sound Records!!! ) It meant an awful lot to me to be able to dance with my wife to that song and have it be known to all. It was my own declaration of commitment after the official fact hours before."
Monday 15th September 2003
05.00 - Meat Loaf is listed as being on the CTV Canada am morning show today. The website states that he will be performing in which case it's likely that Kasim Sulton will be on TV too. Many thanks to Jennifer Salyer for this info.
Sunday 14th September 2003
15.45 - The set list, a review and 12 photos of Kasim in Atlantic City last weekend have been added to the Gigs section of the site or click here for the direct link. Many thanks to Gina Martin for all of these.
13.15 - The earlier items from the bottom of this page have been moved to a new page so this page will load quicker. The link is at the bottom of this page.
12.00 - Although it doesn't mention Kasim by name, for those interested in the technical details this is a link to Right Track Recording Studios where Kasim was recently photographed.
08.00 - According to an article on, on 5th October at The National Rugby League Finals there will be 3 acts singing before the game and Meat Loaf will only be performing Bat Out Of Hell and "a new single" (presumably Couldn't Have Said It Better). Many thanks to Shane Field for this info. As the event is now listed on it appears that Kasim Sulton will be going to Australia.
07.30 - The Diary section of the site will be closed on Wednesday. As a lot of this section has links to the old messageboard on it is in need of a massive overhaul.
07.00 - The opening page of the site is now being updated with the daily events (past and present) again.
Friday 12th September 2003
12.00 - A copy of Kasim is currently available on E-Bay. The auction ends later today and the current price is $4.99.
07.00 - Another "intimate" Meat Loaf concert has been discovered on the Internet. This one is for only 200 winners and is in the Boston area on 24th September. Click here for details. Many thanks to Jennifer Salyer for finding this.
Thursday 11th September 2003
13.00 - There's a new photo of Kasim on showing that he's so good behind the control desk in a studio that he can do it with his eyes closed!
03.45 - Another Australian website is taking pre-orders for the album Couldn't Have Said It Better (for worldwide delivery) with the bonus six live tracks. Again, this site ships worldwide. Many thanks to Shane Field for this info.
03.30 - According to Paul Crook's official website Meat Loaf will be playing a set in front of 85,000 people at some point during the National Rugby League Finals in Sydney, Australia on Sunday 5th October. As I pressume that Kasim Sulton will be there too, some details have been added to the Gigs section of the site. The game at least is expected to be televised in other countries too so when the TV schedules are known they will be posted, however there is no guarantee that the music part of the proceedings will be screened.
Tuesday 9th September 2003
20.00 - are now selling the Australian version of the album Couldn't Have Said It Better (for worldwide delivery) with the bonus six live tracks that Kasim Sulton first mentioned in an online chat. Many thanks to Shane Field for this info. The American version of the album is due to be released on 23rd September but without the live tracks.
19.30 - Miriam has posted a review and some photos of the Vienna, VA concert. The direct links to the photos of Kasim are here, here, here and here. Is it the lighting or is Kasim using a different guitar?
09.45 - The Vienna set list has been added to The Kasim Sulton Opening Set World (Or Maybe Just US) Tour page. Many thanks to Jennifer Salyer for this info.
09.15 - Click here and here for reviews of Kasim's performance in Vienna, VA on Sunday.
Friday 5th September 2003
04.15 - Kasim's latest message (well it's almost a month old now) on says in part "The plan right now calls for us to do one of two things. We'll either take a short trip up to Canada for a Much Music (Canadian MTV) live performance or, I'll be hopping another plane with Meat and Patti for about 10 days in Australia for some promo performances to coincide with the release of the record there". According to a post by Shane Field on it appears that the Australia trip is going ahead (at least for Meat Loaf) as some promo events have been announced.
04.00 - is open again now.
03.45 - Amazingly the last remaining copy of the unique poster to advertise Kasim Sulton's gig at The Little Theatre in Rochester, NY in August 2001 has already been sold! Someone bought it at the "buy it now" price of $150 which is especially good news for Kids Against Cancer as over half the proceeds of the sale will be going to that charity.
02.30 - It appears that is not working at the moment.
Thursday 4th September 2003 - Quid Pro Quo was released one year ago today!
18.45 - Issue #6 of The Kasim Sulton Magazine (a 21 page Quid Pro Quo Special) has now been issued to all members of the KasimSulton Mailing List who requested to receive it.
13.45 - To celebrate the first anniversary of the release of Quid Pro Quo today, Sphere Sound Records have launched a special auction for their last remaining copy of the unique poster to advertise Kasim Sulton's gig at The Little Theatre in Rochester, NY in August 2001. The opening bid is only $9.99 (plus there is a "buy it now" option currently available) and the auction ends on 14th September. The poster is signed by Kasim and an actual ticket for the show is enclosed. Part of the proceeds will be donated to Kids Against Cancer.
11.15 - Doug Kennedy's website has lots of Kasim Sulton mentions today in the news section. Plus Quid Pro Quo is his word of the day and is also one of the albums in his CD player this week.
05.30 - Some of the more eagle eyed fans may have noticed that hidden away in the Press section of is a link to another interview with Kasim Sulton on (Personally I think that this is the best layout of the interview with all the links down the side.)
05.00 - Kasim Sulton is currently in 8th position on the website (tying with Bruce Sringsteen!).
04.30 - To celebrate the first anniversary of the release of Quid Pro Quo today Sphere Sound Records are offering a "buy one, get the second at half price" offer on the album from now until stocks last!

Blog 53 (08/07/03 - 09/03/03)
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