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KasimInfo Site Blog
Blog 53 (08/07/03 - 09/03/03)
Please note that, as time goes by, some of these links may no longer work - sorry!
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Wednesday 3rd September 2003
11.15 - Those of you who were reading this site back in January may remember a new site that was set up called where fans could plot on a map where they are located. Unfortunately the site constantly had bandwidth problems so it closed. It has now reopened but unfortunately (or maybe fortunately!) everything was reset to zero. As there are currently few people registered on the site Kasim Sulton is listed in the Top 20 (currently tying with Westlife, NSync, Led Zeppelin and Aerosmith and ahead of The Beatles)! Interestingly apparently currently half of Kasim's fanbase are located in Liverpool, England!
10.45 - There's another review online of the Pushing Red Buttons CD that mentions Kasim Sulton.
10.15 - The section of the site is now working again so all the photos should be showing properly.
10.00 - Don't forget to check back tomorrow for some special things to celebrate the first anniversary of the release of Quid Pro Quo!
Tuesday 2nd September 2003
19.15 - Gina Martin posted a link for in relation to Patti Russo so I ran it for Kasim and these are the best results:
"Kasim Sulton is recognized and respected the world over for his work with other artists
Kasim Sulton is touring as Meat Loaf's bassist / musicial director during the summer of 2002
Kasim Sulton is an accomplished songwriter
Kasim Sulton is one of classic rock's most unsung heroes
Kasim Sulton is a name you might not know
Kasim Sulton is one of those too often overlooked musical talents who the average music fan may not know by name or by face
Kasim Sulton is one of the coolest sidemen in the history of modern rock
Kasim Sulton is not the guy who invented the steamboat
Kasim Sulton is finally giving his own music the center stage it truly deserves
Kasim Sulton is the legendary session man/songwriter/bassist and vocalist of Todd Rundgren and Utopia
Kasim Sulton is producing it for her (????)
Kasim Sulton is stepping into the spotlight with a new cd
Kasim Sulton is the sensitive one specializing in balladry
Kasim Sulton is going to post a comprehensive diary of the "making of the tour" for all of the promotional appearances he is going to do with Meat Loaf's new album
Kasim Sulton is the sensitive one"
And my favorite:
"Kasim Sulton is a vibrant and emotional bass player that has been very underrated for his skills"
18.00 - A special intimate show will be performed by Meat Loaf on Tuesday 23rd September at China Club in NYC. (This is the day that Meat Loaf's new album Couldn't Have Said It Better will be released.) Tickets for the show are only available by winning a competition on Many thanks to Nancy for this info.
05.30 - Click here for some comments about the Holmdel, NJ concert.
05.00 - Laura England has updated her website about her trip to the Meat Loaf concert in Monticello, IA.
Monday 1st September 2003
10.00 - Thursday marks the first anniversary of the release of Quid Pro Quo. To celebrate this fact the sixth edition of the Kasim Sulton Magazine will be a Quid Pro Quo special and will be issued that day. One of the features will be about the song We The People so I was hoping that some people would like to write a paragraph or so about that song and send it to me at by Wednesday evening for inclusion. It can be anything from what the songs means to you to your interpretation of the lyrics to why you do or don't like the song. (Please state whether you would like to be credited or not.)
09.00 - Sandi Daae has reopened her Kasim Sulton website!
Sunday 31st August 2003
23.45 - It just goes to prove how different people's opinions vary as I thought the chat tonight (through no fault of Kasim's) was one of the most uninteresting ones and yet David M. Driskell thought it was "freakin' awesome"!
22.15 - A synopsis of the online chat tonight has been added to the Gigs section of the site or click here for the direct link.
08.15 - has been updated with a new jpeg about the award.
08.00 - Sphere Sound Records website has been updated with the title "Quid Pro Show", a comment about the awards and a different photo of Kasim.
07.30 - Just a reminder that there is an online chat with Kasim Sulton tonight from 5.45pm EST onwards.
07.00 - is now open again so expect lots of updates over the next few days! However, the part of the site is offline due to hardware problems at the hosting company. This means that lots of the photos and some other parts of this site will not be showing. It should be fixed in the next couple of days.

Kasim doing his Prince Charles impersonation on Wednesday! (Photo by Gary "Goat" Goveia)
Saturday 30th August 2003
08.00 - Gary "Goat" Goveia took 42 great photos of Kasim Sulton's opening set on Wednesday which have been added to the Gigs section of the site or click here for the direct link. Unfortunately Gary had a problem with his camera so not all of the photos were centered correctly but they are still great photos!
Thursday 28th August 2003
10.00 - have updated their site to show Quid Pro Quo listed as one of the 50 2003 CDs Of The Year.
09.45 - Apparently Kasim's opening set last night was Don't Hold Me Back, Cliche and Sacrifice.
Wednesday 27th August 2003
14.15 - The Meat Loaf concert that was to have been played on 12th September in Gulfport, MS has also been cancelled and yes it was another one that Kasim may have opened! Many thanks to Jules for this info. The good news is that Kasim WILL be opening at the concert tonight!
09.45 - According to their press release, Quid Pro Quo is the winner of one of the 50 2003 CDs Of The Year Award by! Back in April it was announced that Kasim's album was voted the winner of the 2003 Viewers Choice Award and now the staff and associates of the site have made it a winner of this second award as it "represented the best submissions received for the year in terms of musical quality, production and overall theme"! Their website will be updated by Saturday with full details.
07.45 - The Meat Loaf concert that was to have been played on 9th September in Wilkes Barre, PA has been cancelled (another one that Kasim Sulton may have opened too!).
07.30 - A review and some photos of the Meadowbrook concert have been added to the Gigs section of the site or click here for the direct link.
Tuesday 26th August 2003
05.15 - Click here to read Kasim Sulton's message to his mailing list (the fourth post of the thread).
05.00 - Kasim Sulton Magazine #5 has now been issued. If any member of the KasimSulton Mailing List who e-mailed to say that they wished to receive the magazine has not yet received it, please e-mail
Monday 25th August 2003
16.15 - Kasim Sulton sent a message to his mailing list. Amongst other things he stated that there will be an online chat with him next Sunday (31st).
Sunday 24th August 2003
18.00 - The online chat with Kasim for tonight has been cancelled.
Friday 22nd August 2003
15.00 - The new DVD Utopia Live in Columbus 1980 is available now. Click here for the set list (plus a link to order) and here for some good reviews that mention Kasim Sulton.
11.30 - Some new (and old) photos have been added to
Wednesday 20th August 2003
18.15 - There's a new photo of Kasim (from Atlanta) on and click here for 11 more photos of him!
13.15 - Slightly different versions of an interview with Kasim have been added to both (interviews section) and (features section plus a mention on the front page). Although the main part of the interview on both sites are the same, the sites are geared to different audiences.
11.15 - Sphere Sound Records have updated their website with some new (old) photos of Kasim Sulton. There is also a new link to purchase Quid Pro Quo on the site. (The title this time is "Quid Pro Metro"!)
Monday 18th August 2003
13.30 - There's a new interview with Kasim Sulton online on the Sydec Audio Engineering website.
07.30 - A new upgrade has been added to the Messageboard. I tested it with a couple of people yesterday and it seems to be working fine but if anyone is unable to log-in please e-mail me at
Sunday 17th August 2003
11.30 - Two new batches of photos of Kasim Sulton have been added recently to the Internet - some of Kasim in Utopia from 1977 and some from Great Jones County Fair in Monticello, Iowa from July this year.
Thursday 14th August 2003
13.30 - Kasim Sulton has changed the online chat to Sunday 24th August at 6.00pm EST.
Tuesday 12th August 2003
07.30 - Kasim Sulton Magazine #4 has been uploaded to the files section of the Yahoo KasimSulton Mailing List. If any list member can not download the file, please e-mail me at
07.00 - I'm taking this break in the tour to have a mini vacation myself from updating each day. Any major items of news will still continue to be posted to the site but things like normal Blog items (e.g. "Kasim gets a brief mention on XXX website") or "On This Day" items will not be posted. This mini blog will be updated if anything of what I think is reasonable importance happens (e.g. new tour dates, chat synopsis, new Kasim music etc.)
Monday 11th August 2003
12.30 - Click here to read a rather light hearted message from Kasim about the upcoming chat.
12.00 - Kasim Sulton has arranged an online chat this coming Saturday at 6.00pm EST. A link to the chatroom is in the Gigs section of the site. A chat synopsis will be added to this site afterwards.
03.15 - The appearance on Good Morning America that Kasim was to have made with Meat Loaf on Friday has officially been cancelled.
03.00 - Click here for some really good photos of Kasim Sulton.
 Kasim with Willie Wilcox
Sunday 10th August 2003
15.15 - Fernando Aceves has a photo of Kasim on his photo page of the Mexico shows (it may take a while to download).
09.15 - There was a post about the Reno, NV concert on a Jim Steinman mailing list which included the phrase:
"Also would have preferred if Kasim opened instead of Cyndi. She was a "ballsy" sweetheart but Kasim is an underappreciated master."
05.00 - There are an interesting couple of paragraphs about Kasim Sulton in a new interview with Steve Herrig of Pushing Red Buttons.
04.30 - According to some posts on several Meat Loaf mailing lists, his listing has been removed from the Good Morning America website for this coming Friday. However he is still listed on the Bryant Park website.
Kasim's Artwork

Friday 8th August 2003
15.15 - Kasim Sulton has also posted a message on the messageboard attached to In case that message disappears at some future point it says:
""Hey Guys"
Well well well,
It's been a whilel since I posted here and I just wanted you to know that I'm thinkin of you guys.
We had a band dinner last night and you would not believe the amount of Tequilla a handful of people can consume. Although I might have used up my drink tickets a long time ago, the thought of waking up with the Mexican army marching through your head by way of your mouth somehow doesn't appeal to me.
I'll be back home in a couple days and maybe we could schedule a little chat sometime next weekend. We can even make it earlier in the evening for those of you in the later time zones.
OK, I'm on my way to the gig, I'll tell Willie you all said Hi.
11.00 - There's an interesting new message from Kasim on the front page of!
10.15 - Apparently the concert on Saturday has changed to El Zocalo in Mexico City. It is a free concert and the venue has been described as "something like National Square" which can hold up to 40,000 people. The show starts at 6.00pm.
07.15 - A couple of days ago I posted a link to some comments about the audience at the Kelleysville concert. Another post has been made (by Quigmo) with a totally different opinion. His post also contains the phrase:
"I also managed to get a pick from Kasim! Let Kasim know we thought this was best sounding and tightest version of “The Neverland Express” we have seen. That band was cookin! "
Thursday 7th August 2003
20.15 - There was a post on to say that Kasim Sulton is rumored to be ill and that Nicky Sixx of Motley Crue will be taking his place on stage! This rumor is NOT true.
20.00 - Frank Ciapanna has made a lovely heartfelt post called A Son's Tribute.
06.45 - Robert has updated his collection of Kasim solo shows for trade.
06.30 - Click here to read some discussion about people's Kasim Sulton's collections.

Kasim photographing the 100,000 audience at Hyde Park, London - 7/6/03
Blog 52 (07/16/03 - 08/06/03)
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