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KasimInfo Site Blog
Blog 188 (07/15/10 - 09/01/10)
Please note that, as time goes by, some of these external links may no longer work - sorry!
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Wednesday 1st September 2010
Kasim Sulton on Cleveland TV today
14.30 - Click here to watch Kasim Sulton's brief interview and performance this morning on the Good Company television show on WKYC in the Cleveland, Ohio area.
As well as talking about both gigs in Akron on Sunday, Kasim discusses his new CD and plays Set Me Free live in the studio.
Click here to watch the video
New Kasim Sulton video
14.15 - Kasim Sulton has posted a video onto Twitter which was filmed at the start of the first day of rehearsals for this Todd Rundgren tour.
Kasim himself isn't shown (as he's filming) but he chats to almost all of the band and examines Prairie's decorative drumkit.
Click here to watch the video.

Tuesday 31st August 2010
Kasim Sulton will be on television tomorrow morning
16.30 - Kasim Sulton will be appearing on the Good Company television show in the Cleveland, Ohio area at 10.00am EST tomorrow morning.
He is expected to perform at least one song as well as being interviewed to promote his gig in Akron on Sunday.
This programme streams on the Internet and can be viewed from this link.

Kasim Sulton's week
16.15 - This week Kasim Sulton sets out on the Todd Rundgren Todd/Healing Tour but more importantly he also plays one of his own solo gigs!
After Todd rehearsals this week, Kasim's solo gig is in the Grand Ballroom of the Akron City Centre Hotel in Akron, Ohio on Sunday (5th) at noon. Kasim's gig is expected to last about an hour.
The same evening Kasim will be on stage as part of Todd Rundgren's band at the Akron Civic Theatre (in Akron, OH) for the first of six gigs on this mini-tour where they will be playing tracks from Todd's Healing and Todd albums.

Saturday 28th August 2010
Kasim sends a message to his mailing list
19.30 - Kasim Sulton has sent a message to his mailing list regarding submitting photos for the cover of his 2011 album.
Click here to join Kasim's mailing list and here to read this message but as it's an important one, it is reproduced below:
"First, a note of thanks to those who, within the first few hours have already successfully submitted pictures!
I'm shocked at how many did.... Good on ya!
So, it's there, it's up and running and thanks to the tireless efforts of Super Dave the site works like a charm.
For this weekend only I'm not posting the link anywhere else but here, and
Reason being, I wanted the initial word out to the people who have supported, encouraged and inspired me before I posted the link in other places.
After this weekend, the site link will be added to other websites and a press release will be sent out.
Judging by the initial response, the spots will be going fast.
So, don't wait too long.
go to ...follow the simple instructions and reserve you're place on the cover of my next CD.
It's gonna be great!
Friday 27th August 2010
Kasim's website is now open to accept photos for his album cover!
18.15 - Kasim Sulton's website is now open to accept photos to appear as part of his forthcoming solo album!
Click here to upload your photo and to win the chance for Kasim to play a solo gig in your own living room!
The website has all the details (including a video) and there is a way to submit a photo if you would rather do it via the mail.
The cover is limited to 1,000 photos so don't delay and miss out!

Sunday 15th August 2010
Kasim Sulton's solo album delayed
14.15 - Unannounced Kasim Sulton very briefly rang into Rundgren Radio on Tuesday evening (10th) to give details about fans having their photos on the front of his forthcoming CD.
Click here to listen to Kasim's brief nine minute telephone call (and be aware that the date has been delayed for the launch of his website) but during the conversation Kasim mentioned that now his album will be released in early 2011. Previously it was to be released in November 2010.
14.00 - Some advance notice that due to planned maintenance on the server may be unavailable during the period 11pm EST on Tuesday 17th August 17th to 7am EST on Wednesday 18th August.
During this time, as usual, the main pages of the website are replicated on

Chance to sing on stage with Kasim Sulton
13.45 - are looking for a group of 12 – 15 mixed voice singers to perform background vocals on Todd Rundgren's gigs in September so this will be a rare chance to sing with Kasim Sulton on stage!
It appears that the group will not be singing at the Akron gig but they will at the other five gigs of this mini tour.
The website says that "Todd’s musical director will fly in for a one-day rehearsal with the group during the first week in September and there will be a three hour rehearsal with Todd and the band during sound check day of show. Charts can be sent in advance. There is a $1,000 honorarium per group and a meal will be provided after the sound check."
Thursday 12th August 2010
Kasim sends message to his mailing list
02.30 - Just past midnight Kasim Sulton sent a message to his mailing list about his forthcoming CD. Normally I only link to the message (to encourage people to join his mailing list) but as it's an important subject the message is copied in below:
"New Songs - New CD - Your Pictures
Been a while since I had reason to send an email to everyone.
So, I have some news and wanted to make sure everyone knew what I've been doing.
I've recently been composing songs for a new CD.
I wanted to do something involving all of you on this one and along with Dave Fletcher, came up with a
pretty cool idea.
What I'm going to do is have everyone who wants to participate, upload a photo of themselves to a web site.
From there I'll take all the photos I receive and make a mosaic portrait of myself out of them.
This 'mosaic' will be the cover of my new CD.
(there will be a very reasonable cost involved for participating but you'll get a CD, a Poster and one lucky winner will be entered into a contest to have me come
and play a live living room solo show for free)
All the details, rules and such will be posted on my main website in the coming days...
you can also find details at:
I was on Rundgren Radio last night explaining it and told everyone the link from the above websites would be available this coming Friday.
Both Dave and I have been working frantically to get the link up and ready but earlier today, Dave's Mom passed away unexpectedly so naturally,
all work had to stop while he takes care of his family.
However, the link WILL BE up and ready by mid next week and I'll send out a short reminder just before we go live.
I'm limiting the number of entries to 1000 so in order to insure you get a spot, don't wait too long.
I'm very excited about this project and I hope to see all my favorite people on the cover of my next CD!
Meantime, please keep Dave, his Mom and his family in your prayers.
To join Kasim's mailing list click here.

Monday 9th August 2010
Kasim Sulton will be interviewed on a New York radio station tonight
Kasim Sulton on the radio tonight
21.00 - Kasim Sulton was interviewed for an hour tonight on the Centanni Broadcasting Network. They played Sacrifice and The One Sure Thing from Quid Pro Quo.
Click here to listen to Kasim's interview.
Kasim Sulton will be on the radio again tonight
02.00 - Kasim Sulton's second radio interview in three days will take place tonight at 8pm EST.
Kasim will be on the Centanni Broadcasting Network from a show which is live from Giovanna's Restaurant in New York City.
The station describes itself as "The first live Bi-coastal Internet Radio Broadcast Network ~ Broadcasting live from New York City and Los Angeles."
Kasim can be heard online at this link or it seems that you can watch the broadcast itself at Giovanna's Restaurant whose address is 1567 Lexington Ave (between 100 & 101st Street), New York City, NY.
Saturday 7th August 2010
Kasim Sulton will be interviewed on a New Jersey radio station tonight
Kasim Sulton on The Hawk radio station tonight
23.15 - Tonight Kasim Sulton was interviewed for about 20 minutes on 105.7 The Hawk in the New Jersey Shore area.
Despite being a heavy metal radio station, the DJ had read up on Kasim and asked some interesting questions.
Click here to listen to Kasim's interview.
The most interesting part was that Kasim said that next Friday (13th) the link will be added for the chance to have your photo on his forthcoming album and the contest to win a gig in your own home!

Friday 6th August 2010
Kasim Sulton on the radio tomorrow
14.00 - Kasim Sulton will be on the New Jersey radio station 105.7 The Hawk tomorrow evening.
Kasim is expected to be on the radio at about 10.30pm and the station can be heard online at this link.
105.7 Hawk describe the station as "Classic Rock for the Jersey Shore."

Sunday 1st August 2010
Kasim Sulton at RockCon
04.15 - Today and yesterday Kasim Sulton is scheduled to appear at RockCon, otherwise known as "the weekend of 100 rock stars".
As well as autograph booths and joining panels, Kasim is expected to be joining in with some of the jamming sessions with other musicians.
See the official website for more info and here for tickets. The event is held at the Sheraton Meadowlands Hotel and Conference Center in East Rutherford, NJ.
Other musicians involved in the weekend (with Kasim connections) include Greg Hawkes from The New Cars and Tommy James And The Shondells.

Thursday 29th July 2010
Kasim mentioned on TV advert
01.45 - Kasim Sulton receives a mention on the screen during television adverts for RockCon this coming weekend.
These adverts are being screened in various areas and Kasim's name and photo appears at about 11 seconds into the advert.
Kasim will be making an appearance at this event on Saturday and Sunday (but not Friday).
Click here to see the advert on

Final photos of Kasim's House Gig
01.30 - The third and final batch of photos of Kasim Sulton's House gig in Indianapolis, IN on Wednesday 19th May have been posted onto
The batch of photos today are all photos of Kasim with various fans at the gig. Click here to view them.
Many thanks to JD Martin for forwarding the photos and to the photographer Mark Watson.
All these batches of photos will also be posted to the Photos section of later.

Wednesday 28th July 2010
New Kasim Sulton interview
02.00 - A new interview with Kasim Sulton appears on This is a French magazine which is produced 4 times a year and Kasim's interview is in issue 21 which is the August to October issue.
Click here to view the interview online. The interview is on pages 110 to 123 but is all in French. (There are some photos posted in there too but unfortunately none of them are new ones.) The interview was conducted by Florence Bouvrot before Kasim's gig in Indianapolis in May.
A large advert for Kasim's interview is also available online here (and see below) and the website has a whole page about Kasim here. A translation of that page (using an online translation website with its limitations) is available here.
Many thanks to Florence Bouvrot for forwarding these links.

Tickets available for Kasim's solo gig
01.50 - Tickets are now for sale for Kasim Sulton's solo gig in Joplin, MO on Saturday 23rd October.
Click here for the link to purchase tickets which are $27 in advance (recommended) or $30 on the door. All proceeds are going to the Animal Adoption and Resource Center in Joplin.

More photos of Kasim's House Gig
01.45 - Today the second batch of photos of Kasim Sulton's House gig in Indianapolis, IN on Wednesday 19th May have been posted onto
The batch of photos today are all from the actual gig itself. Click here to view them.
Many thanks to JD Martin for forwarding the photos and to the photographer Mark Watson.

Tuesday 27th July 2010
Photos of Kasim's soundcheck
02.00 - After Kasim Sulton played his very popular House gig in Indianapolis, IN on Wednesday 19th May, our host JD Martin very kindly sent me about 300 photos from the evening. Consequently over the next three days the best of the photos will be posted onto
The batch of photos today are all from the soundcheck before the gig. Click here to view them.
Many thanks to JD Martin for forwarding the photos and to the photographer Mark Watson.

Tuesday 20th July 2010
Kasim Sulton on Internet radio tonight
21.30 - Kasim Sulton was interviewed on Rundgren Radio tonight for about 35 minutes. He spoke about the Weekend of 100 Stars, his solo gig in Joplin, MO, Kasim will be playing keyboards at some point during the TR gigs in September, version two of the KSulton bass and that Kasim's announcement about his new album cover has been delayed until the beginning of August.
(The connection cut right at the end but the final minute was just chatter.)
Click here to listen to the interview.
Kasim Sulton in Buffalo, NY - Review and Photos
15.30 - The set list, a review and photos of the Todd Rundgren gig that Kasim Sulton played last Thursday evening in Buffalo, NY have been added to the Todd Rundgren 2010 Gigs page of or click here for the direct link.
Kasim on Internet radio tonight
15.15 - It has not been announced in advance but according to a message sent to a Todd Rundgren mailing list, Kasim Sulton will be telephoning Rundgren Radio tonight.
There is no information on the Rundgren Radio webpage but it appears that usually the show starts at 8.30pm.
Click here to listen online.
Sunday 18th July 2010
Likely new solo gig for Kasim Sulton
10.15 - Kasim Sulton is expected to play a solo gig on Saturday 23rd October at the Gateway Creamery in Joplin, MO.
Apparently it's not 100% set in stone yet but the gig is expected to be in aid of the Animal Adoption and Resource Center in Joplin.
The news was posted to a Todd Rundgren mailing list by Mark yesterday and he said that tickets are not yet available but they will be able to be purchased soon through the shelter's website
Gateway Creamery is located at 614 Kentucky Ave. Joplin, MO.
More info on this gig will be posted nearer the date. (Please note that this is likely to be a "one-off" gig and not part of a tour.)

Kasim Sulton / Todd Rundgren gig in Bearsville - review
10.00 - The set list and comments by fans about the Todd Rundgren gig that Kasim Sulton played last Tuesday evening in Woodstock, NY have been added to the Todd Rundgren 2010 Gigs page of or click here for the direct link.

Friday 16th July 2010
Kasim Sulton plays a Todd Rundgren gig tonight in North Lawrence, OH
Kasim Sulton in North Lawrence, OH
01.45 - Today Kasim Sulton plays the final of three gigs this week as part of Todd Rundgren's band. The gig tonight is at the Rock'n'Roll Resort Music Festival in North Lawrence, OH which is near Akron, Ohio.
Tickets for the festival including Todd's set today are $30 from this link if you have not been paying up to $325 to camp at the festival for 3 days!
The address of the festival is 13190 Patterson St. N.W., N. Lawrence, OH 44666. Click here to view the festival website.
Todd and Kasim will be playing on the Main Stage Amphitheater at 7.30pm. Blues Traveler play after Todd and at 4pm on the same stage Dashboard Lights (a Meat Loaf Tribute band) play!

Todd Rundgren Tour Map - Buffalo, NY to North Lawrence, OH
01.30 - Today Kasim Sulton plays the final of three gigs this week as part of Todd Rundgren's band. The gig tonight is at the Rock'n'Roll Resort Music Festival in North Lawrence, OH and last night they played in Buffalo, NY.
Buffalo, NY to North Lawrence, OH is 237 miles which will take about four hours by road.

Thursday 15th July 2010
Kasim Sulton plays a Todd Rundgren gig tonight in Buffalo, NY
Kasim Sulton at the Weekend Of 100 Rock Stars
02.00 - On Sunday 9th May 2010 it was posted on that Kasim Sulton would be making an appearance at the Weekend Of 100 Rock Stars in East Rutherford, NJ during the weekend of Friday 30th July to Sunday 1st August.
I have now heard from the event who have said that Kasim will be appearing on the Saturday and Sunday. They say "He will be part of a main-stage panel discussion on one of those days, and he will be part of an on-stage question and answer interview session the other day (we haven't established exactly which day for which).
Best of all, he will be playing Saturday and Sunday night at the ROCK CON all-star jams, where he will be performing along with some of our other celebrity guests of honor. Expect him to do songs he's never done live on stage before!
When not on stage, Kasim will be at his table meeting fans, taking photos and signing autographs."
Click here to view the event website and here for tickets. The event is held at the Sheraton Meadowlands Hotel and Conference Center in East Rutherford, NJ.
Other musicians involved in the weekend (with Kasim connections) include Greg Hawkes from The New Cars and Tommy James And The Shondells.

Kasim Sulton in Buffalo, NY tonight
01.45 - Tonight Kasim Sulton plays the second of three gigs this week as part of Todd Rundgren's band. The gig tonight is at Tralf in Buffalo, NY and they will be playing a set based on the Robert Johnson music which they played earlier this year.
The address of the venue is 622 Main Street, Buffalo, NY, 14202. This venue is within a big entertainment complex in the city. This venue sells a selection of food (ribs, burgers etc). Apparently The Tralf had money problems back in 2005 and closed in June of that year but managed to re-open in the Fall. Originally it was known as The Trafalmadore Cafe.
Click here to view the venue website. Tickets for this concert were $30 but are $33 today (day of the show), plus charges. On previous visits to this venue, the gig has been sold out but tickets are still available today from this link. Doors open at 7.00pm, with the gig starting at 8.00pm. This is a General Admission 21+ gig.
The last time that Kasim Sulton played at this venue was Wednesday 1st July 2009 and previously 8th December 2007 (with Todd Rundgren).

Kasim Sulton in Indianapolis, IN in May Photo by Mark Watson:

Blog 187 (05/26/10 - 07/15/10)
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