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KasimInfo Site Blog
Blog 176 (07/06/09 - 08/28/09)
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Friday 28th August 2009
Watch 4 AWATS gigs in your own home
06.00 - Todd Rundgren is making four of the gigs on his A Wizard A True Star Tour available to watch at home on a Pay-Per-View system.
The gigs available to view are the two in Akron, Ohio on Sunday 6th and Monday 7th September and the two in Chicago, IL on Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th September. Each gig is $20 to watch.
Click here for the Akron gigs and here for those in Chicago.
The AWATS gig in Stamford, CT on Wednesday 9th September is being recorded for a later DVD release.

Kasim Sulton at the Rock'n'Roll Hall Of Fame
05.45 - According to a post by Lynn on TRConnection, Kasim Sulton's appearance at the Rock'n'Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, OH with Todd Rundgren and Roger Powell (plus Prairie Prince will be there too) on Monday 7th September will be at 1pm.
This appearance is described as a "meet and greet, photo op type thing" and is to promote the Todd Rundgren and Utopia exhibit that is opening on next Friday (4th).

Tickets now on sale for Kasim's Chicago gig
05.30 - Tickets are now on sale for Kasim Sulton's solo gig in Chicago, IL on Friday 16th October at The Abbey Pub. Click here to purchase tickets which are $20 ($24 after charges) in advance or $25 on the door. Advance booking is recommended (and cheaper!).
This link has more info about his gig but it starts at 7pm with doors opening at 6.30pm. This is a 21+ only gig.

Monday 24th August 2009
1980 video of Kasim Sulton
21.15 - An old video from 1980 of Kasim Sulton singing Set Me Free has surfaced on here.
(Unfortunately it seems that Kasim was badly lit on the stage back then too!)
Two more Todd Rundgren gigs for October
18.15 - Two more gigs for Todd Rundgren in October have found their way onto the Internet!
The first is on Sunday 18th October and is at the YMCA Bolton Center For The Performing Arts on Long Island, NY. This gig is not listed yet on the venue website so is not yet on sale but is an intimate 240 seater venue. (This gig is the day after Kasim Sulton's solo gig in Cleveland, Ohio.) Many thanks to Jeffrey Miller for this info.
The other gig has been discussed on the forum attached to as it's been announced by the Hall and Oates camp that apparently Todd Rundgren will be one of the opening acts at their gig at The Spectrum in Philadelphia, PA on Friday 23rd October. The post includes "The show will start with The Hooters, move on to Todd Rundgren and then finish with Hall and Oates - with all three groups expected to perform encores together! Definitely a must-see concert if you can possibly make it! Pearl Jam wraps up the final show on October 31 before the historic Spectrum is demolished".
Venue links are posted on the Todd Rundgren 2009 Tour section of

It was 8 years ago tonight that Kasim Sulton played his great gig at The Little Theatre in Rochester, NY

Sunday 23rd August 2009
Another Kasim Sulton solo gig
13.00 - Kasim Sulton will also be playing The Abbey Pub in Chicago, IL on the evening of Friday 16th October.
Tickets do not appear to be on sale yet.
New Kasim Sulton solo gig
12.15 - A new Kasim Sulton gig is listed on the Internet! It's on Saturday 17th October at Wilbert's in the center of Cleveland, Ohio.
The venue website advises dinner reservations for this 9pm start gig or tickets can be purchased on the door. Doors open at 7pm.

Wednesday 19th August 2009
A second TR October gig!
18.15 - Another new Todd Rundgren gig has been discovered on the California this time!
It's on Sunday 25th October at The Coach House in San Juan Capistrano, CA. Tickets are already on sale at $39.50 from this link.
Many thanks to ocsheri for this info.

New Todd Rundgren gig
17.30 - Kasim Sulton will be playing a gig as part of Todd Rundgren's band at Ram's Head On Stage in Annapolis, MD on Wednesday 21st October at 8pm.
Tickets at $56.50 are already on sale from this link.
This is the first gig that has been announced for this leg of the Todd Rudgren Tour. Currently it has not been announced which songs will be played at these gigs but it is not expected to be AWATS.
Many thanks to Pat for this info.
Kasim Sulton to be in the Rock'n'Roll Hall Of Fame
10.15 - A display of Todd Rundgren and Utopia memorabilia will open at the Rock'n'Roll Hall Of Fame in Cleveland, Ohio on Friday 4th September.
The address is Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum, 1100 Rock and Roll Boulevard, Cleveland, Ohio 44114 and the opening times are currently 10am to 5.30pm and open until 9pm on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Admission is $22.


Tuesday 11th August 2009
Kasim's eBay auction
10.15 - After a last minute flurry of bids, Kasim Sulton's 'pimp' stage suit sold for $459.99 with seven bids from four different people.

Kasim's eBay auction ends today
02.45 - A reminder that the auction for one of Kasim's stage suits on eBay ends in 7 hours. Click here to bid on it. The current price is $207.72 after 3 bids.
Wednesday 5th August 2009
Change of date for Kasim solo gig
17.15 - The solo gig that Kasim Sulton was to have played in Reisterstown, MD on Friday 30th October has been changed to Friday 9th October. Tickets purchased for 30th are available for 9th or refunds will be paid if you can not make the revised date.
Tuesday 4th August 2009
Kasim Internet radio interview
23.00 - Kasim Sulton was interviewed for about an hour and a half minutes on Rundgren Radio starting at about 8.45pm tonight. A few fans rang in with questions and to say hi to Kasim.
Click here to hear all of Kasim's interview but the main points were:
Kasim will be home for the rest of this month.
Kasim has "Done most of what I'm gonna do" on the new Meat Loaf album.
They will be rehearsing for the AWATS gigs in Cleveland from 30th August until 6th September.
Kasim described performing a Todd whole album live on stage as "One of the highlights of my career".
Kasim said that he can't book any solo gigs in Europe for early next year yet in case more AWATS gigs are added.
Kasim hasn't spoken to Todd Rundgren in person since the last Todd gig at the beginning of July so he does not know much more than the fans about the presentation of the AWATS gigs.
Kasim also does not know the set list for the first (nonAWATS) part of the AWATS gigs.
Kasim will be playing another singer / songwriting circle at The Bluebird Cafe in Nashville, TN on Saturday 29th August with Tommy Hambridge. This means that he'll be flying from New York to Nashville to Cleveland that weekend.
Kasim refused to talk about his band for his 30th October solo gig in Reisterstown, MD as not everything is arranged yet. However Kasim did say that there was a chance that this gig may not happen as there are possible Todd gigs (not AWATS) around that time.
Kasim indicated that he has not had much time to work on his new solo album as he has been working on the new Meat Loaf album and is starting to familiarize himself with the AWATS songs.
The Adventures In Utopia / Oops Wrong Planet Tour was his favorite Utopia tour.
Kasim once met Prince in a 7-11 store in LA during the time that Kasim was recording his first solo album. Prince wasn't very friendly to Kasim so he played a trick on him!
There was one very interesting question about guitars which is well worth listening to (near the end of the interview).
A Little Bit More was played just before the interview started and Summer's Gone and Across The Universe was played afterwards.
(Kasim's gig at The Bluebird Cage is not yet listed on the venue website.)
One of Kasim's stage suits in eBay auction
12.00 - Click here to bid on one of Kasim Sulton's stage suits in an eBay auction.
The auction ends next Tuesday and currently no bids have been placed. The opening bid is $199.99.
Many thanks to Michele Kotlarsky for this info.
Kasim Sulton on Internet radio tonight
11.45 - A reminder that Kasim Sulton will be interviewed live tonight on Rundgren Radio from 8.30pm EST onwards.
The number to ring in during the show with questions to ask Kasim is 646 716 9262.
Saturday 1st August 2009
AWATS Tour news
04.30 - In an interview on (a PR website), Todd Rundgren said "It’s going to take us a week to rehearse it then we only play seven dates (USA). We hope it is successful enough so that we might get some additional dates added in Europe. The significant musical constraint is that Roger Powell still has a regular job which he has to return to. So he can’t go out for months and months at a time. He can go out for a couple of weeks and then has to go back to the job. "
Todd also added about the gigs "It’ll be recorded, it’ll be video taped and other possible things were thinking of is a pay-per-view Internet stream live during the show for people in other parts of the world who can’t make the trip."
The auction to watch a AWATS soundcheck (previously mentioned here) has now been canceled.
The full list of tour dates is available at The Todd Rundgren 2009 Tour section of

Kasim to be on Internet radio
04.15 - Kasim Sulton will be the guest on Rundgren Radio on Tuesday 4th August at 8.30pm EST.
The number to ring in during the show with questions to ask Kasim is 646 716 9262.
Tuesday 28th July 2009
Chance to watch a sound check
13.45 - There is currently a chance to watch the sound check of the Todd Rundgren gig on Sunday 6th September in Akron, Ohio. Click here for the details but it's an auction for 20 spots. The auction starts at $200 for each spot.
As well as watching the sound check, there will be a Meet and Greet with Todd Rundgren for 20 minutes. It doesn't specify whether Kasim Sulton will be at the Meet and Greet but he will be present at the sound check. (It also doesn't specify whether or not the minimum $200 per spot will be going to charity so that looks unlikely.) The auction does not include a ticket to the concert and the time of the sound check is not listed.
The auction ends on Friday 7th August.
Another AWATS gig
07.30 - Another A Wizard A True Star (AWATS) gig has been added to the schedule. It's on Tuesday 15th September at the State Theatre in Minneapolis, MN. Tickets are on pre-sale for this gig from tomorrow and on general sale from Friday from this link.
The current list of AWATS gigs is:
Sunday 6th September - Akron Civic Theatre, Akron, OH
Monday 7th September - Akron Civic Theatre, Akron, OH
Wednesday 9th September - Stamford Center for the Arts, Stamford, CT
Thursday 10th September - Strathmore Hall, Bethesda, MD
Saturday 12th - September - Park West, Chicago, IL
Sunday 13th - September - Park West, Chicago, IL
Tuesday 15th September - State Theatre, Minneapolis, MN
6th February 2010 - Hammersmith Apollo, London, England (Kasim Sulton is not yet confirmed for this gig)
Monday 8th February 2010 - Paradiso, Amsterdam, Holland (Kasim Sulton is not yet confirmed for this gig)

Thursday 16th July 2009
Kasim gig in October confirmed
06.45 - After some detective work(!) it appears that Kasim Sulton is playing a solo gig at Micho's Restaurant in Reisterstown, MD on Friday 30th October!
Tickets at $18 are already on sale and are available from this link.
Info will be added to the Kasim Sulton 2009 Solo Gigs page of later today.

Another possible new Kasim solo gig
06.30 - It's not confirmed, but Gaiya has posted on Twitter that Kasim Sulton will be playing a gig on 30th October at Micho's Stage in Reisterstown, MD.
There is nothing listed on (but even the recent June / July gigs are not listed there!).

New Kasim Sulton gig
05.00 - has also announced a new Kasim Sulton solo gig!
It's on Sunday September 6th at 1pm in the ballroom at the Akron City Centre Hotel. Kasim will be playing a 45 minute set and tickets will be on sale soon.
More info is available at the Kasim Sulton Solo Gigs section of
3 new AWATS gigs
04.45 - has announced that three more A Wizard A True Star (AWATS) gigs have been added to the tour schedule. The new gigs are:
Thursday 10th September - Strathmore Hall, Bethesda, MD (Tickets go on sale today at 10am)
Saturday 12th - September - Park West, Chicago, IL
Sunday 13th - September - Park West, Chicago, IL
This means that there are six AWATS gigs for that week in September and it has been confirmed that Kasim Sulton will be playing all of those gigs.
Venue and ticketing details of all the AWATS gigs have been added to The Todd Rundgren 2009 Tour section of
04.30 - Earlier this week, had its 2.5 millionth visitor!

Wednesday 8th July 2009
New AWATS gig
03.00 - Another A Wizard A True Star (AWATS) gig has been added to the schedule. It's on Wednesday 9th September at the Stamford Center for the Arts in Stamford, CT. Tickets are not on sale yet for this gig.
As this is the week of the two gigs in Akron, OH, Kasim Sulton and Roger Powell will be playing this gig.
The AWATS gigs announced so far are:
Sunday 6th September - Akron Civic Theatre, Akron, OH
Monday 7th September - Akron Civic Theatre, Akron, OH
Wednesday 9th September - Stamford Center for the Arts, Stamford, CT
6th February 2010 - Hammersmith Apollo, London, England (Kasim Sulton is not yet confirmed for this gig)
Monday 8th February 2010 - Paradiso, Amsterdam, Holland (Kasim Sulton is not yet confirmed for this gig)
It is expected that there will be a week of gigs in September to fit in with Roger Powell's vacation.
Apparently the latest news from the Meat Loaf camp is that the release of his next album has been delayed until March / April next year which makes it more likely that Kasim Sulton will be able to play the AWATS gigs in Europe in February.
Many thanks to TRConnection for the info about the Stamford gig.
Monday 6th July 2009
Kasim Sulton and the UK Album Charts
12.30 - Unfortunately Meat Loaf's latest compilation album Hits Out Of Hell has dropped from out of the Official UK Album Top 40 Charts. Last week it was #27 and in the previous week it was #10.
The reason it has dropped out of the charts is partly due to there now being eight Michael Jackson albums in the chart this week! There was an extensive television advertising campaign for Meat Loaf's album in the week before Father's Day too.
Kasim Sulton plays bass and sings background vocals on several tracks on the album.
Kasim Sulton in Detroit - review and photos
03.45 - The set list, a review and some photos of the Todd Rundgren gig in Detroit, MI that Kasim Sulton played on Friday evening have been added to The Todd Rundgren 2009 Arena Tour section of or click here for the direct link.
Many thanks to Michele Kotlarsky and for all the photos on that page.
Kasim Sulton
03.30 - Kasim Sulton has just completed a ten gig tour as part of The Todd Rundgren 2009 Arena Tour that started on 13th June in Norway.
Kasim's next announced gig is not until September when he will play a week of gigs with Todd Rundgren.
Kasim said during a radio interview that he plans to work on his next solo album during this summer.
 Kasim Sulton in Detroit, MI on Friday night Photo by
Blog 175 (19/06/08 - 07/05/09)
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