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KasimInfo Site Blog
Blog 171 (03/14/09 - 03/30/09)
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Monday 30th March 2009
Kasim Sulton's week

07.30 - This week Kasim Sulton plays gigs 4 to 7 of The Todd Rundgren 2009 Arena Tour.
The first three gigs last week were all in Florida but this week they play four gigs which are in Alabama, Georgia and two in Tennessee.
Their first gig this week is tomorrow evening in Birmingham, Alabama and then the following evening they play in Chattanooga, Tennessee. There is no concert on Thursday but on Friday they play in Atlanta, Georgia and on Saturday in Memphis, Tennessee with no gig again on Sunday.
The drives between Birmingham and Chattanooga and between Chattanooga and Atlanta are only about 2 - 3 hours each but the drive between Atlanta and Memphis is over 6 hours. However, the drive between Orlando and Birmingham (which they are likely to make today) is over 9 hours by road so they may take a flight for that journey.

Sunday 29th March 2009
Tonight Kasim Sulton plays a gig on The Todd Rundgren 2009 Arena Tour in Orlando, Florida.
TR venue tonight
12.15 - Tonight Kasim Sulton plays the third gig of this part of The Todd Rundgren 2009 Arena Tour. The gig tonight is at the Plaza Theater in Orlando, Florida and starts at 8.00pm.
This venue is located at 425 North Bumby Avenue Orlando, Florida 32803 and tickets (at $39.50 + $3 charges) can be purchased from this link. Earlier today there was a pair of seats available in the 9th row.
This theater originally opened in 1963 and is now a theatre for the performing arts, although it first started as the first twin (two-screen) cinema in Orlando. It has had a varied history as it was bought by the Odeon Corporation in 1985 and then by a Christian family in 1992 for Christian-themed shows until 1996.
As far as I can discover this appears to be Kasim Sulton's first appearance at this venue although he has played in Orlando numerous times. The last time Kasim played a gig in Orlando was on Monday 14th April last year when he played at Hard Rock Live (also with Todd Rundgren.

Video of Kasim's solo gig in Miami
05.15 - Click here to view a video of Kasim Sulton playing Libertine at his solo gig at Tobacco Road in Miami, Florida on Thursday evening. Playing on stage with Kasim for that song (and Are You Happy Now) were Fernando Perdomo (Dreaming In Stereo), Roger Houdaille (Ex Norwegian) and Derek Cintron (DC3).
Apparently Fernando Perdomo is a big Utopia fan - he describes playing on stage with Kasim as "a once in a lifetime experience"!

Saturday 28th March 2009
Photos of TR gig last night
15.00 - Apparently the set list for the gig last night in Clearwater, FL was the same as at the Fort Lauderdale gig on Wednesday evening and there was a good sized crowd there. Somebody posted online that the mold from the theater could be smelt as you walked past!
Below are two photos from the gig last night:

Many thanks to Sherrie Williams for both these photos.
Ask Kasim
14.45 - now have a section on their website where you can e-mail questions for Kasim and answers will be posted at a later date. The e-mail address to send questions to is

Friday 27th March 2009
Tonight Kasim Sulton plays a gig on The Todd Rundgren 2009 Arena Tour in Clearwater, Florida.
Kasim's solo gig in Miami, Florida last night
12.45 - Apparently Kasim Sulton played a 45 minute set last night at Tobacco Road in Miami, Florida and his set was well received.
The songs that Kasim played in his set were:
Set Me Free
There Goes My Inspiration
This Must Be Love
I Don't Mind At All
Somebody Loves You
Libertine (with a full band!)
Are You Happy Now (with a full band!)

Weather in Clearwater tonight
12.30 - As it's now an outdoor gig tonight, apparently the temperature tonight in Clearwater, Florida for the gig is expected to be about 68 degrees (currently 84 degrees) with a 30% chance of precipitation.
It appears that anyone who is at the festival tonight in Cleveland Street will be able to see the gig but will be behind the 400 people who have bought a ticket for the gig.

Gig tonight moved
11.15 - Apparently there are "issues" with the newly renovated theater so tonight’s show is being moved to outside the theater, to the middle of Cleveland Street (a main drag in downtown). According to a local newspaper a city inspection found unacceptable levels of mold in the theater yesterday.
The street is closed for a street festival, so traffic won’t be an issue. Probably the best suggestion is to contact the place where you purchased your tickets.
(Maybe there's trouble with the ghosts at the venue?!!!)
Many thanks to Sherrie Williams for this info.

Kasim plays a historic gig tonight!
05.45 - Tonight Kasim Sulton plays the second gig of this part of The Todd Rundgren 2009 Arena Tour and it is a historic gig! The gig tonight is at the Capital Theatre in Clearwater, Florida.
The Capital Theater is located at 405 Cleveland Street, Clearwater, Florida, 33755 and the gig tonight starts at 8.00pm. Click here to purchase tickets at $49.75. (Although tickets are purchased through the Ruth Eckerd Hall website the gig is being held at The Capital Theater in downtown Clearwater.)
The reason that this gig is so historic is that this is the first gig at this venue since it returned to its original name of the Capital Theatre! An article on yesterday (now removed but reproduced below) reported this. Apparently almost $100K has been spent already on getting the theater ready for the gig tonight! Apparently this venue is known for having some of the best natural acoustics in Florida. The venue can seat between 434 and 520 people and interestingly, the theater's seats (which come in six different sizes) are the same seats that were originally installed when the theater opened in 1924.
This venue also has a reputation for being haunted with no less than three different spirits reported being seen on various occasions! This article explores these sightings.
Many thanks to the people who sent the info about this venue.

Thursday 26th March 2009
Tonight Kasim Sulton plays a solo gig at Tobacco Road in Miami, Florida.
TR gig in Fort Lauderdale last night - first review
14.00 - The first review of the Todd Rundgren gig that Kasim Sulton played last night in Fort Lauderdale, FL has been added to here.
It appears that they changed the start of the set list slightly and apparently Kasim sang lead vocals in the rehearsal until Todd arrived!
TR gig in Fort Lauderdale last night
10.00 - So far nothing has been posted online (at least in the areas that I visit!) about first gig of The Todd Rundgren 2009 Arena Tour which was last night at Revolution in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
However Lynn posted on Tuesday that all the band were in Florida and "my guess is they will be doing a bit of rehearsal to warm up for tomorrow night. Everything leans toward this being a really smooth and super fun tour. While they are out there we are in the office planing what will come next"
Details about last night's gig will be posted as they appear online.
Kasim Sulton's solo gig in Miami, Florida tonight
09.45 - Tonight Kasim Sulton is playing a solo gig at Tobacco Road in Miami, Florida. This gig has been slotted in between him playing with Todd Rundgren in Fort Lauderdale, FL last night and Clearwater, FL tomorrow night.
Tobacco Road is listed as "Miami's oldest restaurant" as it opened in 1912. The address of the venue is 626 South Miami Avenue, Miami, 33130.
This venue has had quite a colorful history as during the 19’20s it was a speakeasy and gambling hall for bookmakers and racketeers and during Prohibition became a secret hideaway where bootleggers stored and sold their booze. (Apparently Al Capone was said to be one of its regular patrons!) In the 1940s it was a gay bar where some of the country's top female impersonators were said to have performed and after operating as a regular bar during the 1950s and 1960s, it was transformed into a strip joint in the 1970s. Until 1990 Tobacco Road was one of only a few bars open on the south side of the Miami River.
Other acts on the bill tonight are Dreaming In Stereo, Mongo, Ex Norwegian and Robert Goodman Band. It appears that Kasim is the headline act and is described as "Pop Music Legend Kasim Sulton of Todd Rundgren, Utopia, Meat Loaf, The New Cars and many other notable projects"!
Apparently the whole event lasts from 9.00pm until 2.00am and costs only $5 (21s and over only). There is no link to purchase tickets but they will be available on the door. It is not known yet what time Kasim will take the stage.

Wednesday 25th March 2009
Tonight Kasim Sulton plays a gig on The Todd Rundgren 2009 Arena Tour in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
TR gig in Fort Lauderdale tonight
01.00 - Tonight Kasim Sulton plays the first gig of this part of The Todd Rundgren 2009 Arena Tour. The gig tonight is at Revolution in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Revolution is located at 200 W Broward Blvd, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 33312. Apparently this venue has two stages with over 27,000 square feet of space. The indoor venue holds 1,100 fans and the outdoor area 2,000. According to the website, beside the usual prohibited items like drugs and weapons, they also do not allow stickers or pencils into the venue!
The gig starts at 7.30pm and tickets can be purchased from this link. This is a General Admission gig and the basic ticket is $19 but TicketMaster then add on $1 Building Facility Charge and $8.10 Convenience Charge which means the total price is $28.10 to collect tickets from Will Call but if you want to use your own paper and ink to print your ticket they add an additional $2.50 to the total!
The opening act tonight is Dreaming In Stereo who will also be playing on the bill at Kasim Sulton's solo gig tomorrow evening in Miami.

Tuesday 24th March 2009
Request for video of Kasim using his KSulton Bass
14.15 - Interstate Music (who produce the KSultonBass) are looking for any video of Kasim Sulton playing his signature bass on stage.
If you have a video, please either e-mail it directly to Kasim at or, if it's a large file, please upload it to and send Kasim the link at the same e-mail address.
Reviews and Photos
03.00 - A reminder that welcomes all reviews and photos of all gigs that Kasim Sulton plays (either solo or as part of a band). Reviews are presented unedited (except for obvious spelling errors!).
Please send all contributions to
All submissions are fully credited (unless you prefer to remain anonymous).
Kasim Sulton with TR in NYC
02.45 - This is another catch-up item.
The set list, a review and photos of the two gigs in New York City that Kasim Sulton played as part of the Todd Rundgren 2008 Arena Tour last December have been added to the Todd Rundgren 2008 Arena Toursection of or click here for the direct link.
Many thanks to RMAC for the set list, review and photos on that page.
Monday 23rd March 2009
Kasim Sulton's week
03.30 - This week Kasim Sulton starts his first tour of 2009! Starting Wednesday (25th) he plays a 20 gig, 31 days tour as part of Todd Rundgren's band.
All three gigs this week are in Florida with the first gig of the tour in Fort Lauderdale on Wednesday. Two days later the second gig is in Clearwater and on Sunday they play in Orlando.
However on Thursday Kasim Sulton will be fitting in one of his own solo gigs at Tobacco Road in Miami, Florida!


Kasim in Utopia Photo by Danny O'Connor
Sunday 22nd March 2009
Somebody Loves You - lyrics
12.30 - One cover song that Kasim Sulton often includes in his solo gigs is Somebody Loves You that was originally written and performed by Nik Kershaw. Kasim has often said on stage that the words are about his relationship with his fans.
The lyrics to the song are:
Sea of faces
Rolling on the big wave
Wish that I could dive right in
Shiny faces, glowing in the light rays
Smiling at me, sink or swim
I put my words upon their lips
I put my body at their finger tips
And it feels like somebody loves you,
Somebody understands
It gets like you gotta be there
You gotta see those hands
It's my party
I don't have to impress
I don't have to try too hard
Yeah it's my party
I don't have to care less
I can always play my part
They know my face, they know my name
They know my shamelessness
But not my shame
And it feels like somebody loves you,
Somebody understands
It gets like you gotta be there
You gotta see those hands
Reaching out, reaching up for somebody
And I'm the only one they see
Lucky break, just as well they don't realise
That I need them much more than they need me
Hello home boy
Welcome to the real world
Say what planet have I been on?
Time to wake up,
Time to smell the roses
Who's gonna love me when they've gone?
What will I do without my wishing well?
What will I say if I can't talk about myself?
I may be crazy, you can call me mad
I call it simple, you call it sad
But it feels like somebody loves you,
Somebody understands
It gets like you gotta be there
You gotta see those hands
Kasim first sang this song at his gig at Summerfest in June 2004 and last sang it at his gig last weekend in Cleveland, Ohio.

Saturday 21st March 2009
Kasim Sulton music on French radio last night
14.15 - Apparently last night on Radio Mercure, Are You Happy Now? was played and then Kasim Sulton's bio was read out (in French!) while Love Alone was played in the background.
It is hoped that Kasim will be interviewed a later date on this station.
Many thanks to the kind person who provided this info.
Friday 20th March 2009
Kasim in Norway with Meat Loaf
10.45 - On there has been some talk recently about Meat Loaf playing a festival in Sandnes, Norway on Wednesday 20th May.
There was a lot of confusion regarding this gig as the original press release contained a photo of a Meat Loaf tribute act and not Meat Loaf himself! It also seemed unusual that Meat Loaf and the band would be going all the way to Norway for just one concert (although it was confirmed that it was correct last weekend). It also seemed strange that the festival (which included White Snake in the line-up) would be on a Wednesday and not at a weekend.
However yesterday somebody posted that the festival has declared itself bankrupt so it appears unlikely to go ahead currently unless someone else takes over the festival.
Kasim on French radio tonight - update
06.15 - Further to the post earlier today at 5.30am, apparently Kasim Sulton will not be on French radio tonight himself but a couple of tracks from All Sides will be played.
It is hoped that Kasim will be interviewed a later date on that station.
Kasim may be on French radio tonight
05.30 - It hasn't been officially confirmed but it's been reported online that Kasim Sulton may be on French radio tonight.
The link to listen online is here and the show runs from 4.00pm until 7.00pm EST.
Many thanks to EJ for this info.
Kasim's solo gig in Miami, FL
04.00 - Kasim Sulton is playing a solo gig at Tobacco Road in Miami, Florida. This gig has been slotted in between him playing with Todd Rundgren in Fort Lauderdale, FL the night before and Clearwater, FL the night after.
Unfortunately this gig has been quite difficult to find out much about! Tobacco Road is listed as "Miami's oldest restaurant" as it opened in 1912. The address of the venue is 626 South Miami Avenue, Miami, 33130.
The venue website lists the evening as being called Queen's Royalty Knight Of Music and the website it links to is It's quite difficult to find any mention of Kasim's gig on that website but it does link to this page that describes the evening as "Fernando Perdomo's Pop Explosion 3".
Other acts on the bill that night are Dreaming In Stereo, Mongo, Ex Norwegian and Robert Goodman Band. It appears that Kasim is the headline act and is described as "Pop Music Legend Kasim Sulton of Todd Rundgren, Utopia, Meat Loaf, The New Cars and many other notable projects"!
Apparently the whole event lasts from 9.00pm until 2.00am and costs only $5 (21s and over only). There is no link to purchase tickets but they will be available on the door. It is not known yet what time Kasim will take the stage.
A poster for the gig is shown below this post.


Thursday 19th March 2009
History of one of Kasim's guitars
04.00 - This is a catch-up item but recently Kasim Sulton sold one of his guitars on here that had a really fascinating history which Kasim reproduced in the auction listing.
The guitar is a John Ashborn Parlor Guitar and it was made way back in about 1850! The guitar is made of Brazilian rosewood with a spruce top and sold for $1,000.
Another repeated photo from the past:

Monday 16th March 2009
Kasim's gig in Cleveland, Ohio last night
09.00 - Last night Kasim Sulton played a solo gig at The Beachland Ballroom in Cleveland, Ohio.
The gig was well attended (I don't think there was a free seat in the place, plus people were standing around the edges) and Kasim played for almost exactly 90 minutes.
Kasim's set list last night was:
I Just Want To Touch You
Set Me Free
Sweet Little Accident
Summer's Gone
Yellow Cab
There Goes My Inspiration
Watching The World Go By
The One Sure Thing
Are You Happy Now?
I Don't Mind At All
Endless Summer
Back On The Street
Somebody Loves You
One World
Don't Hold Me Back
The set list was the same as in Chicago on Thursday evening, except for Are You Happy Now? and I Don't Mind At All being switched around.
A review will be posted to later.
Kasim Sulton March 2009 Solo Gigs Tour Map - Cleveland, OH to Staten Island, NY
08.45 - Last night Kasim Sulton played a solo gig in Cleveland, Ohio so now he'll have the 468 miles, eight hours drive back to Staten Island, NY.
Total Kasim Sulton March Tour Mileage by road venue to venue (estimated) - 1,621 miles.

Sunday 15th March 2009
Kasim plays a solo gig tonight at The Beachland Ballroom in Cleveland, Ohio
Kasim Sulton's gig in Cleveland, Ohio tonight
08.30 - Tonight Kasim Sulton plays another solo gig! The concert tonight is at The Beachland Ballroom which is about 10 miles outside the center of Cleveland, Ohio.
This will be Kasim's 8th solo gig at this venue. The last time that Kasim played here was on 22nd March 2008. That night he played inside the larger Ballroom instead of the Tavern for the first time but tonight he is back in the more itimate Tavern (which has always been packed when he's played here before so arrive early!). The address of the venue is 15711 Waterloo Road, Cleveland, Ohio, 44110-1659 and the telephone number is 216 383 1124.
Doors open at 7.00pm with the show starting at 8.00pm. Tickets are $18 on the door or $20 in advance (which is cheaper than last year!). Click here to purchase tickets online. Colette is the opening act but unfortuantely I've been unable to find out anything online about the act.
Kasim will probably take the stage at around 9.00pm.

Kasim and Meat Loaf
08.15 - A press release a few weeks ago stated that recording of Meat Loaf's new album will begin on 15th April. The album will be produced by Rob Cavallo (who is best known for producing Green Day's smash American Idiot). No title has been released so far.
kasim Sulton will be in the middle of the Todd Rundgren Tour when recording starts so it looks unlikely that Kasim will be involved. Kasim has played or sung on all of Meat Loaf's albums since Bat Out Of Hell II in 1993 (plus Bat Out Of Hell in 1977).
A tour is expected later to follow the release of the album but whether or not Kasim will be involved awaits to be seen.
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