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KasimInfo Site Blog
Blog 165 (05/25/08 - 06/22/08)
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Sunday 22nd June 2008
I Just Want To Touch You video
13.00 - There's a great video of Utopia from a 1980 Japanese television show singing I Just Want To Touch You on here.
The set and the band are all kitted out in 1960s Beatles style and there are loads of close-ups of Kasim Sulton.

Meat Loaf European Tour
05.15 - So far 20 dates have been announced on The Meat Loaf Casa De Carne Tour. (The title is Spanish for "House Of Meat".)
The tour exists of 20 concerts in 9 countries - 8 in England, 3 in Germany, 2 in Ireland and Denmark plus one each in Portugal, Holland, Finland, Norway and Sweden. (Unfortunately there are no concerts so far on this tour in Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland or Belguim which often feature on Meat Loaf tours.) There are a couple of spaces where additional dates could have been added but that looks very unlikely now. The tour is not expected to extend timewise as the concerts are expected to last 50 days from the first to the last. The tour is only in Europe and the last rumor is that this will be the only tour that Meat Loaf will play this year.
Unfortunately this is a tour that must have been designed by a man(!) and certainly by someone who will not be doing all the travelling as the tour is all over the place in not at all the most logical order! (Obviously a lot of the scheduling depends on when the venues are available.)
After a week or so of rehearsals the first concert is on this coming Friday 27th June in Plymouth in south west England (the same city that launched the Meat Loaf Couldn't Have Said It Better World Tour in 2003). On Wednesday Meat Loaf (but not Kasim Sulton) is making an appearance in Newcastle in the north of England for charity.
Two days after the first gig they play a concert in Cork, Ireland. To get there they will have to either fly or sail across the Irish Sea.
After a one day break (for travel), the third to eighth concerts (in 12 days) are back over the Irish Sea again in England. Although they have 6 consecutive concerts in one country, they do not follow the most logical route to save as much travelling as possible as the first one is in the north west and the next two are in the south of the country. They then travel back towards the north of the country before making their way south again. The map below shows the route.

Two days after the last English gig the ninth concert is back in Ireland and then the tenth to 12th concerts start 3 days later in Germany with a day off between each gig.
Three days later they play a festival in Portugal.
They then have a whole seven days off before another gig in England (London this time).
Two days later it's the only Dutch concert of the tour (in Amsterdam) and then four days after that they play Finland.
Three days later the 17th concert of the tour is in Norway followed two days later by the Swedish concert.
Then two days later they play two gigs on consecutive days in two different cities in Denmark before traveling home.

Wednesday 19th June 2008
Meat Loaf Tour rehearsals
01.15 - Meat Loaf made a post on his official website after the first day of tour rehearsals on Monday. Click here to read it but you have to be a paid member of the website to read that whole post.
Meat Loaf describes the first day as "unbelievable". Kasim Sulton is not mentioned by name but phrases that Meat Loaf uses include "The boys and girls were better than ever. I gave them so many new things and they came through with flying colors. I have never been so proud of them. I believe the show will surprise and amaze" and "I will never be able to say enough about how great the band is..".
The first gig of the tour is a week Friday (27th) in Plymouth, England.

Monday 17th June 2008
Meat Loaf Tour update
16.15 - With rumors that rehearsals start today for the Meat Loaf Tour, there are currently two offers available on tickets for some of concerts.
There is currently a "two for the price of one" offer for the Meat Loaf concert in Plymouth on Friday 27th June. Click here for more details. The relevant part is near the bottom of the page.
A water company is running a competition ("to apologise for roadwork disruption") to win tickets for the Meat Loaf Summer Pops concert in that city on Wednesday 2nd July. Click here for details about how to enter the competition.
Wednesday 4th June 2008
Set list at The Bitter End
01.15 - Many thanks to Gary "Goat Goveia for obtaining it but below is a scan of Doug Kennedy's handwritten set list for Kasim Sulton's gig at The Bitter End in New York City on Friday 28th March.

As often happens, Kasim didn't keep to his set list that night as the actual songs that he sung were:
Are You Happy Now
This Must Be Love
There Goes My Inspiration
Somebody Loves You
Sometimes Love Is A Dangerous Thing
Wooly Bully
Watching The World Go By
The One Sure Thing
One World
Two Outta Three Ain’t Bad
Tuesday 3rd June 2008
Boston gig laminate
01.15 - At Kasim Sulton's gig in Somerville, MA last Tuesday the organizer Grady Moates arranged for a number of laminates to be produced. They are labelled Secret Society (obviously from the Utopia song) and are shown below.
The front:

The back: (This was the same size as the front but something went wrong with the scanning!)

Monday 2nd June 2008
Somebody Loves You
01.15 - At Kasim Sulton's gig last week in Somerville, BA he explained the reason that he often plays Nik Kershaw's song Somebody Loves You is because it is about us his fans (and his audience).
The words of the song are listed below:
Sea of faces
Rolling on the big wave
Wish that I could dive right in
Shiny faces,Glowing in the light rays
Smiling at me, sink or swim
I put my words upon their lips
I put my body at their finger tips
And it feels like somebody loves you
Somebody understands
It gets like you gotta be there
You gotta see those hands
It's my party, I don't have to impress
I don't have to try too hard
Yeah, it's my party, I don't have to care less
I can always play my part
They know my face and they know my name
They know my shamelessness but not my shame
And it feels like somebody loves you
Somebody understands
It gets like you gotta be there
You gotta see those hands
Reaching out, reaching up for somebody
And I'm the only one they see
Lucky break, lucky break, it's just as well they don't realise
That I need them much more than they need me
Hello home boy
Welcome to the real world
Say what planet have I been on
Time to wake up, time to smell the roses
Who's gonna love me when they've gone
What will I do without my wishing well
What will I say if I can't talk about myself
I may be crazy, you can call me mad
I call it simple, you call it sad
But it feels like somebody loves you
Somebody understands
It gets like you gotta be there
You gotta see those hands

Kasim Sulton June 2008 Calendar
Click here to download a copy to print
(Larger than calendar above)
Thursday 29th May 2008
Reviews and photos of Kasim's gig in Boston
17.45 - The set list, photos and reviews of Kasim Sulton's gig on Tuesday night in Somerville, MA have been added to the Kasim Sulton 2008 Gigs section of or click here for the direct link.
Many thanks to RMAC and MikeB for the photos and reviews on that page.
Photo by RMAC:

Wednesday 28th May 2008
Kasim Sulton at Johnny D's in Boston last night
06.00 - Last night Kasim Sulton, Jesse Gress and Doug Kennedy played probably their best gig so far as The Kasim Sulton Band! The gig was at Johnny D's in Somerville, MA and the place was packed!
The set list, photos and reviews will be added to later but among the songs played in his 85 minute set were Before She Was Gone, Libertine, Are You Happy Now, Sacrifice and Back On The Street.
When Kasim sang Drive, Greg Hawkes of The Cars joined him on stage to play the ukulele!

Kasim Sulton in Somerville last night
Tuesday 27th May 2008
Tonight Kasim Sulton plays a gig at Johnny D's in Boston, MA!
Kasim Sulton at Johnny D's in Boston tonight
10.30 - Tonight Kasim Sulton plays his 7th public solo gig of 2008! The gig is at Johnny D's in Somerville, MA (Boston).
Click here to view the venue website and here for more info about the gig. The address is 17 Holland Street, Davis Square, Sommerville, MA, 02144 and it is almost directly opposite The Somerville Theater. Davis Square is a really vibrant area with several places to go for music and dinner so is ideal for passing trade. (Tickets are available on the door if you do not wish to have dinner at the venue.)
This will be Kasim's first appearance here although the restaurant and music club was opened in 1969 by the DeLellis family. The place was named after the father and the daughter Carla is now the current owner. The venue hosts an extensive range of events - just this week there is a salsa dance party, a trivia quiz and a comedy night plus music on 4 nights which are described as West African, Acoustic Rock, reggae and R & B / Soul! Artists as diverse as Emmylou Harris and The Dixie Chicks have played here.
Doors open tonight at 7.00pm for dinner reservations with the support act playing at 8.30pm and Kasim's set is due to start at 9.30pm. The venue serves an extensive menu (click here for details) with the emphasis on healthy food that is reasonably priced.
The opening act tonight is The Electric Farm (featuring Joey Mutis). Somebody recently described them to me as "a perfect fit for a Kasim show. . . lower energy, but very chromatic, with similarly thoughtful lyrics".
Kasim's set is scheduled to start at 9.30pm and is expected to last for between 75 to 90 minutes. After the gig, as usual, Kasim will be out to chat to people, sign autographs and pose for photos.
A new radio advert running for Kasim's gig tonight
07.30 - A third and final radio advertisement is being aired several times today on WBIX Business1060 in the Boston, MA area in preparation for Kasim Sulton's gig at Johnny D's tonight.
WBIX Business1060 airs at 1060AM plus it streams online at this link or the advert can also be heard at this link.
Many thanks to Grady Moates for forwarding this info.
Monday 26th May 2008
ONE DAY until Kasim Sulton's gig at Johnny D's in Boston, MA!
Photos of Kasim in Woodstock
21.00 - Some photos of Kasim Sulton, Jesse Gress and Doug Kennedy last weekend in Woodstock, NY have been added to the Kasim Sulton 2008 Gigs section of or click here for the direct link.
Many thanks to RMAC for most of the photos on that page.
All Sides - the impostors!
09.00 - Someone kindly forwarded this article on about the band O.A.R. who are due to release their new album called All Sides on 15th July. The band are described as "roots rockers.
According to the article, the reason they chose the same album title as Kasim Sulton's release last year is ""I called the demos the All Sides demos because they were really coming from all directions. These songs were relationship songs, songs about just playing in a band and songs from all different aspects of our lives. When we went over to Iraq and Kuwait in September, we had almost finished writing for the record. Upon our return, we decided to write a song about our experience there called War Song. It's not a song about war, our belief in war or our nonbelief in war. It's about the warriors, the soldiers of all backgrounds. That really led to the title of the album, as well. Then, you got a song about straight-up experience of traveling the world. I think the title fits because the songs are coming from all directions. They're all consistent in some way.
This article prompted me to do a search on to find other albums with the title All Sides and the ones it brought up were:
All Sides by LMNT (released 2002). This album was their first release and is a mixture of rock and pop music.
All Sides Now by Pat Martino (released 1997) which is described as jazz guitar playing and was released after Pat had gone through brain surgery and had had to re-teach himself how to play the guitar.
From All Sides by Vince Guaraldi and Bola Sete (released 1964). Vince Guaraldi is another jazz player but a pianist this time. Bola Sete (1923 - 1987) was a Brazilian guitarist who played jazz with Vince Guaraldi and Dizzy Gillespie.
Ambush on All Sides by Yan-jun Hua who is a composer and features traditional Chinese music. This album was released in 1991. only list one other album called Quid Pro Quo which is a release from 1992 by Garsed and Helmerich. They are both guitarists - one from US and the other from Australia. Their album includes a track called Quid Pro Quo.
A new radio advert running for Kasim's gig tomorrow
07.15 - A new radio advertisement will be aired today for Kasim Sulton's gig at Johnny D's tomorrow night!
For anybody in the Boston, MA area, listen to WBIX Business1060 as it's being repeated several times today. WBIX Business1060 can be found at 1060AM plus it streams online at this link or it can also be heard at this link.
The advertisement plays Kasim's songs Minutes Slipping Past, Sometimes Love Is A Dangerous Thing and Sacrifice.
Many thanks to Grady Moates for forwarding this info.
Sunday 25th May 2008
Two days until Kasim Sulton's gig at Johnny D's in Boston, MA!
New Meat Loaf concerts
08.30 - Over the past few weeks some more Meat Loaf concerts have been added in Europe. The extra dates are:
Tuesday 15th July - The Marquee At The Seafront, Bundoran, Co. Donegal, Ireland
Saturday 26th July - Lisborn Calling Festival, Sala Atlântico, Lisbon, Portugal
Monday 4th August - Heineken Music Hall, Amsterdam, Holland
Friday 8th August - Bergenshallen, Bergen, Norway
Monday 11th August - Helsingin Jäähalli, Helsinki, Finland
Wednesday 13th August - Cloetta Center, Linkoping, Sweden
Friday 15th August - Kolding Stadion, Jutland, Denmark
Saturday 16th August - Hillerod Stadion, Sjaeland, Denmark
There are a few dates free during the tour where more concerts could be added but it is not expected to continue past 16th August. There are not expected to be any US concerts this year.
The Gigs section of has all the dates in calendar format and the Meat Loaf 2008 Tour Dates page has venue and ticketing links for each concert.
The other big news related to this tour is that Meat Loaf's former female lead Patti Russo will be back as part of the band. The news has been greeted with great glee by most Meat Loaf fans online. Patti Russo worked with Meat Loaf from 1993 until mid 2006 and sung duets with him on his single releases Is Nothing Sacred (produced by Kasim Sulton!) and I'd Lie For You (And That's The Truth). Patti also appeared with Kasim for one song at his solo gig on 14th April 2001 in New York City.

Kasim Sulton at The Variety Playhouse in Atlanta, GA, 04/17/08 Photo by Whitney Burr
Blog 164 (04/15/08 - 05/24/08)
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