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KasimInfo Site Blog
Blog 163 (04/06/08 - 04/14/08)
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Monday 14th April 2008
Tonight Kasim Sulton is playing a gig as part of Todd Rundgren's band at Hard Rock Live in Orlando, Florida.
Kasim Sulton in Tampa on Saturday evening - photos
16.15 - Some photos and links to videos of the Todd Rundgren gig that Kasim Sulton played on Saturday evening in Tampa, Florida have been added to the Todd Rundgren 2008 Gigs section of the website or click here for the direct link.
Comments about Kasim at that gig include:
"Just when I was thinking, 'I wish I could hear Kasim do a solo'., comes Trapped during the three song encore. Kaz's vocals are still as powerful as ever!"
"Kasim's voice very strong, bass thundered."
Many thanks to Tony Cona for all the photos on that page (but do the last two on that page show a guitar tech or the venue ghost standing beside Kasim?!!!).

Kasim Sulton in Orlando, Florida tonight
15.00 - Tonight Kasim Sulton plays the second of six gigs this month in US as part of Todd Rundgren's band. The concert is at Hard Rock Live in Orlando, Florida.
This venue is described as "Orlando's best concert venue! Imposing columns, majestic archways, a grand entrance, plus the latest in sound and light technology…" and covers 140,000 square feet (it is adjacent to the world's largest Hard Rock Cafe). The venue can hold 3,000 people (depending on how it is set out) and is located at Universal Studios CityWalk. Click here to view the venue website. One word of warning is that the two times I've been here, the air conditioning has been very fierce so a jacket is sometimes needed inside!
The concert starts tonight at 8.00pm with doors opening at 7.00pm. Tickets for this gig are $35 (plus charges) and can be purchased online from this link. This morning two seats together were available in the fifth row but those were likely to be returns.
Kasim Sulton last played this venue on 28th August last year but prior to that it was back in January 2003 as Kasim seems to be unlucky at playing here! The Meat Loaf concert scheduled here in April 2007 was canceled (due to Meat Loaf being ill) and his previous expected appearance here (in June 2006) as part of The New Cars was also canceled due to Elliot Easton's accident.
Kasim Sulton's week
01.15 - This week sees Kasim Sulton playing gigs two to six of this six gig Todd Rundgren April US Tour.
Kasim and the band play concerts this week tonight in Orlando, Florida, tomorrow night in Miami, Florida, on Thursday night in Atlanta, Georgia, on Friday night in Greenville, SC and the final one is on Sunday night in Charlotte, NC.

Sunday 13th April 2008
Todd Rundgren April US Tour Map
18.45 - Yesterday Kasim Sulton played the first gig of the Todd Rundgren April US Tour. The concert last night was in Tampa, Florida and the next concert is tomorrow evening in Orlando, Florida.
Tampa to Orlando is 85 miles north east which will take about an hour and a half via road.
Todd Rundgren April 2008 US Tour Mileage by road to date venue to venue (estimated) - 85 miles.

Kasim at the Japanese Fan's Party
10.45 - Some photos and a report about the Todd Rundgren Fans One World Party at midnight on 8th April have been posted to the Todd Rundgren 2008 Gigs section of the website or click here for the direct link.
Many thanks to Yoshino kero for the report of the gig and to Mikiko for all the photos on that page.

Germany now for Kasim Sulton
07.15 - The first few Meat Loaf gigs have now been announced for Germany in July which Kasim Sulton will be playing. The announced dates are:
Saturday 19th - Amphitheater, Gelsenkirchen
Monday 21st - Zitadelle, Berlin
Wednesday 23rd - Stadtpark, Hamburg
Tickets for the Berlin concert go on sale next Friday but the other two are already on sale. These are General Admission gigs and tickets can be purchased from this link.
New video posted by Kasim Sulton
06.30 - Kasim Sulton has posted a new video on here. The video is over 4 minutes long and is from his recent trip to Japan (Osaka to be precise).
The video shows Kasim and Prairie Prince soon after they've got off the airplane, Kasim walking around Osaka and then Kasim, Prairie and Jesse Gress chatting backstage. They are mainly discussing who is going to replace Kasim on the summer July Todd Rundgren gigs. (It was rumored this week that his replacement will be Tal Wilkenfeld.)
Saturday 12th April 2008
Tonight Kasim Sulton is playing a gig as part of Todd Rundgren's band at the Tampa Theatre in Tampa, FL
Photos of The Kasim Sulton Band in Fort Lauderdale
15.30 - The Fort Lauderdale Billfish Tournament website have some photos of The Kasim Sulton Band's gig there on Sunday 2nd March. The photos of the band start at this link. (There's a funny photo of Kasim at this link on the website.)
Many thanks to EJ for forwarding this link.

Kasim Sulton at The Tampa Theater in Tampa, Florida tonight
12.15 - Tonight Kasim Sulton plays the first of six gigs this month in US as part of Todd Rundgren's band. The gig tonight is at the Tampa Theatre in Tampa, Florida.
The address of the venue is 711 Franklin Street, Tampa, FL 33602 and the concert tonight starts at 7.30pm. Click here to view the venue website (unfortunately Kasim is not mentioned by name on the site). Tickets for the concert are $41 & $33.50 and can be purchased from this link. This morning there were two seats available in the 7th row of the orchestra section.
This venue was built by Paramount Studios opened on 15th October 15 1926 and cost $1.2 million to build. Back then it cost 25 cents to see a movie at the theater! Apparently is a very ornate building and in 1978 it was added to the U.S. National Register of Historic Places. It was also the first commercial building in Tampa to offer air conditioning.
There are 1,446 seats in the theater and a couple of useless facts are that there are 99 stars in the auditorium ceiling and 245,185 tiles on the lobby floor! They also advise you to look up at the ceiling before the show starts as apparently it looks like clouds are moving above you. This venue is also supposed to be haunted!

Kasim Sulton on tour with Todd Rundgren
07.45 - Tonight Kasim Sulton plays the first gig of another short tour of gigs as part of Todd Rundgren's band. The gig tonight is at the Tampa Theater in Tampa, Florida.
This leg consists of six gigs in nine days (with no gigs tomorrow, Wednesday and next Saturday) and ends next Sunday in North Carolina. They are playing three gigs in Florida and one each in Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina.
As well as Todd and Kasim the other band members are Jesse Gress on guitar and Prairie Prince on drums.
The set list is expected to be similar (if not identical) to the September, December, January and Japanese legs of this tour.
Todd Rundgren will be playing more gigs from June onwards (dates are already going on sale) but Kasim Sulton will not be involved in those early gigs as he is touring Europe with Meat Loaf until mid-August.
Just a reminder that welcomes reviews, comments and photographs of any gig that Kasim plays. Reviews are presented unedited (except for obvious spelling errors!) and everything on the website is credited. Please send all contributions to

Thursday 10th April 2008
Update on TR's tour of Japan
01.15 - Kasim Sulton has now completed the short Japanese leg of the Todd Rundgren 2008 Tour.
At the Tokyo gigs apparently the basic set list was:
Buffalo Grass
Black Maria
Soul Brother
Fascist Christ
I Saw The Light
Black and White
#1 Lowest Common Denominator
Tiny Demons
One World
World Wide Epiphany
However at the second gig on Monday 7th they also played The Walls Came Down.
On Tuesday 8th the set also included Lunatic Fringe and Mystified / Broke Down And Busted / Mystified.
On Wednesday 9th at the final gig the set list was
Black and White
Soul Brother
Black Maria
I Saw The Light
#1 Lowest Common Denominator
Lunatic Fringe
Tiny Demons
Fascist Christ
The Walls Came Down
Mystified / Broke Down And Busted / Mystified
One World
World Wide Epiphany (no encore)
Many thanks to TRiFanOK for all the gig info.
Monday 7th April 2008
Tonight Kasim Sulton is playing two gigs as part of Todd Rundgren's band at Billboard Live in Tokyo, Japan
Kasim Sulton's week
01.15 - The start of this week sees Kasim Sulton in Tokyo, Japan where he is playing gigs on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings as part of Todd Rundgren's band.
On Thursday Kasim flies back to US for just over a week's worth of more gigs starting with Tampa, Florida on Saturday evening.

Sunday 6th April 2008
Meat Loaf update
New concert added
18.15 - Another Meat Loaf concert in England has been added. It's on Friday 27th June (two days before the gig in Cork, Ireland) and is at Home Park in Plymouth in the south west part of England. Home Park is the name of the ground for Plymouth Argyle Football Club (a soccer team). Tickets go on sale from the usual ticketing agencies at 4.00am EST (9.00am UK time) tomorrow.
Special Packages
A few days ago Meat Loaf posted that Special Packages will be going on sale soon. He said that there would be 40 VIP packages (including a Meet and Greet with himself) and 75 other packages (no details given). He also said that they would first be available at his official fan club but afterwards they would be available elsewhere.
Aspen Miller
It appears that Aspen Miller (Meat Loaf's female singer) has decided not to perform any more with Meat Loaf. A couple of fans have reported receiving messages from her stating this plus today Meat Loaf posted in a thread about her leaving on the messageboard attached to his official website and did not dispute the matter. Aspen first sung on stage with Meat Loaf in September 2006.
Kasim Sulton in Japan with Todd Rundgren
17.15 - Apologies for not as many updates as usual regarding the Japanese leg of the Todd Rundgren 2008 Tour but it's difficult to find websites in English regarding the venues and gigs.
On Friday and Saturday nights they played gigs at Billboard Live in Osaka and played two gigs each night. The set list for the first three gigs was:
Buffalo Grass
Black Maria
Soul Brother
Fascist Christ
I Saw The Light
Black and White
#1 Lowest Common Denominator
Tiny Demons
One World
World Wide Epiphany
For the fourth and final gig in Osaka they played the same songs plus included Mammon, The Walls Came Down and Hawking.
On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings they will play gigs in Tokyo. Osaka to Tokyo is 341 miles but it only takes just over 3 hours on one of Japan's famous bullet trains.
Many thanks to TRiFanOK for all the gig info.

More info about Kasim's solo gig in Boston
13.00 - Some more info has been posted about Kasim Sulton's solo gig at Johnny D's in Somerville (Boston), MA on Tuesday 27th May as follows:
Doors are at 7.00pm for dinner before the show (with a guaranteed seat for the gig).
The opening act is The Electric Farm (featuring Joey Mutis).
The Electric Farm plays a half hour set at 8.30pm.
Kasim Sulton plays his set at 9.30pm.
Many thanks to Grady Moates for the above info.

Kasim Sulton at The Abbey Pub, Chicago, IL on Friday 21st March Photo by Melinda Cain
Blog 162 (03/22/08 - 04/05/08)
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