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Friday 21st March 2008
Tonight Kasim Sulton plays a gig at The Abbey Pub in Chicago, IL
Kasim Sulton at The Abbey Pub, Chicago, IL
00.01 - Tonight Kasim Sulton plays the third public gig of this tour. The concert is at The Abbey Pub in Chicago, IL.
Kasim has played at The Abbey Pub several times over the past 6 years (since he re-started his solo career). His last performance here was on
Saturday 27th January 2007. Kasim usually gets his largest crowds in this city and although there's been very little publicity for the gig, lots of fans have posted online that they'll be attending. It's also one of the best venues that Kasim plays as it's a relaxed bar so you can sit where you like but there are tables where people can eat too. Usually if you eat there before the show you are allowed into the venue first.
After the show Kasim always makes an appearance in the bar area opposite the room (still within the same building) so remember to stay around to talk to him and get photos!
The concert now apparently starts at 7.00pm (it was originally listed as later), with doors at 6.30pm and currently no opening act is listed. Tickets are $25 on the door and online in advance at this link. The venue is located at 3420 W Grace Street, Chicago, IL 60618-4215 (telephone 773-478-4408).
This gig (as well as the Cleveland gig) was announced back in December 2007. This will be already Kasim's third gig this year in Chicago as he played in the city two times in January as part of Todd Rundgren's band!
Also on stage with Kasim at tonight's gig will be Jesse Gress and Doug Kennedy.

Thursday 20th March 2008
Tour map for Kasim's gigs this weekend
16.45 - This weekend Kasim Sulton plays a gig in Chicago, IL on Friday night and in Cleveland, OH on Saturday night.
Staten Island, NY to Chicago, IL is 805 miles west which will take about 13 hours by road (with no stops).
Chicago, IL to Cleveland, OH is 347 miles which will take about five and a half hours by road.
Cleveland, OH back to Staten Island, NY is 475 miles which will take at least 8 hours by road.
That means that the round trip will be about 1,626 miles!
And 6 to 8 inches of snow is forecast for Chicago!

Tuesday 18th March 2008
Kasim's Music - A Quiz (the final answers)
17.45 - Here are the answers to yesterday's clips plus a chance to hear them again:
Clip 13 - Sacrifice
Clip 14 - Drive
Clip 15 - Back On The Street
Clip 16 - Cliche
Many thanks to everyone who has e-mailed to say that they've enjoyed this fun quiz!
Kasim Sulton's gig in Cleveland, Ohio - preview
16.45 - This is the fourth in a series of mini articles about the various venues / gigs that Kasim Sulton will be playing at his forthcoming shows this month.
Kasim is confirmed to play 5 public gigs - Avondale Estates, GA, Fort Lauderdale, FL, Chicago, IL, Cleveland, OH and New York City, plus he's played a couple of private gigs. Also on stage with Kasim at these gigs are Jesse Gress and Doug Kennedy.
This coming Saturday (22nd) Kasim Sulton plays the fourth public gig of this tour. The concert is at The Beachland Ballroom which is about 10 miles outside the center of Cleveland.
This will be Kasim's 7th solo gig at this venue but his first inside the larger Ballroom instead of the Tavern. (The tavern was usually packed when he's played here before! The address of the venue is 15711 Waterloo Road, Cleveland, Ohio, 44110-1659 and the telephone number is 216 383 1124.
Doors open at 7.00pm with the show starting at 8.00pm. Tickets are $25 on the door or $22 in advance. Click here to purchase tickets online. The Elements featuring Denny Carleton is the opening act. Their music is described as "Satirical but spiritual pop songs with roots in the 60's". Kasim will probably take the stage at around 9.00pm.

Kasim mentioned on Chicago Radio station website
02.15 - Kasim Sulton's gig this coming Friday (21st) at The Beachland Ballroom in Chicago, IL is listed on WDRV-FM 97.1 The Drive's website here.
Many thanks to Whitney for forwarding this link (and for getting Kasim's name changed so that it is now spelt correctly!).


Kasim Sulton at the In Search Of Paradise premiere last week Photo by Kathy Borror
Sunday 16th March 2008
Tickets for Todd Rundgren and Meat Loaf concerts
17.00 - Tickets for a number of gigs that Kasim Sulton will be playing later this year (with Todd Rundgren and Meat Loaf) went on sale on Friday and were totally different experiences!
Todd Rundgren
Tickets are now on sale for all six of the US gigs that Kasim Sulton will be playing as part of Todd Rundgren's band in April.
The last few tickets went on sale on Friday (14th) and, other than one fan reporting that Live Nation (who owns one of the venues) had considerably worse tickets than TicketMaster, all the other fans seemed happy with the sale of tickets and were allocated in order of purchasing the tickets.
Meat Loaf
Unfortunately things were totally different for the Meat Loaf tickets that went on sale the same day for the UK concerts.
For at least the second time Meat Loaf is in the process of changing companies who manage his website (and ticketing packages) just as concerts are going on sale so nothing is properly in place yet.
The Cork, Ireland and London, England tickets had already gone on sale but as they were mainly standing the problems were not so apparent.
On Thursday the ticketing agencies stated that there were supposed to be 5 lots of tickets going on sale at 9.00am (UK time) on Friday - Liverpool, Norfolk, Bath, Yorkshire and Hampshire. However 30 minutes before 9.00am, TicketMaster had changed it to only Liverpool going on sale that day and that it would be now at 10.00am. Unfortunately this was incorrect as tickets for this gig did go on sale at 9.00am after all!
At 9.10am the best tickets available were in row K - 11 rows back! That was through a VIP package (although the website doesn't specify what the package is but it won't include a Meet and Greet) and cost £172 (about $340). The closest of the cheapest seats was in row W - 23 rows back and cost £48 (about $100). Fans also reported that the venue website crashed at this time!
It is possible that some seats were held back for members of Meat Loaf's Official Fan Club but the person who currently looks after the board confused the matter even more as she posted that Meat Loaf's management company had said "front row and first-5-row tickets are being held for later release to the fan club ONLY. Please try and be patient" but she then went on to post herself that "I assume because of the late transition that went on, so get your tickets through whatever company is selling them over there" and this apparent conflict of info has still not been clarified.
It has still not been announced when the other UK concerts will go on sale.
Kasim's Music - A Quiz (part 2)
15.00 - Here are the answers to yesterday's clips plus a chance to hear them again:
Clip 1 - The Up
Clip 2 - This Must Be Love
Clip 3 - Watching The World
Clip 4 - Sometimes Love Is A Dangerous Thing
Clip 5 - Yellow Cab
Clip 6 - Libertine
There are 6 clips today and they are slightly harder than the ones posted yesterday, partly because they are all shorter in length.
Once again, the clips will play as video clips but there are no pictures and they were all recorded at one of Kasim's recent gigs.
The answers and the final 4 clips will be posted tomorrow.
Clip 7 - 4 seconds (no singing so this is a tough one!)
Clip 8 - 3 seconds
Clip 9 - 5 seconds
Clip 10 - only 4 seconds but this is an easy one!
Clip 11 - 4 seconds
Clip 12 - 4 seconds (part of the title is sung)
All Sides is sold out!!!
14.30 - According to the BigCartel website here Kasim Sulton's latest album All Sides is sold out!!!
The album was released officially in March 2007 and is a 2-CD 27-track album which contains a selection of the best tracks from Kasim Sulton's first three solo albums plus some unreleased songs, as well as additional items like original demos.
Hopefully another run of the album will be pressed soon.
Kasim Sulton in Chicago, IL - a preview
09.45 - This is the third in a series of mini articles about the various venues / gigs that Kasim Sulton will be playing at his forthcoming shows this month.
Kasim is confirmed to play 5 public gigs - Avondale Estates, GA, Fort Lauderdale, FL, Chicago, IL, Cleveland, OH and New York City, plus he played a couple of private gigs last weekend. Also on stage with Kasim at these gigs are Jesse Gress and Doug Kennedy.
This coming Friday (21st) Kasim Sulton plays the third public gig of this tour. The concert is at The Abbey Pub in Chicago, IL.
Kasim has played at The Abbey Pub several times over the past 6 years (since he re-started his solo career). His last performance here was on
Saturday 27th January 2007. Kasim usually gets his largest crowds in this city and although there's been very little publicity for the gig, lots of fans have posted online that they'll be attending. It's also one of the best venues that Kasim plays as it's a relaxed bar so you can sit where you like but there are tables where people can eat too. Usually if you eat there before the show you are allowed into the venue first.
After the show Kasim always makes an appearance in the bar area opposite the room (still within the same building) so remember to stay around to talk to him and get photos!
The concert now apparently starts at 7.00pm (it was originally listed as later), with doors at 6.30pm and currently no opening act is listed. Tickets are $25 on the door and online in advance at this link. The venue is located at 3420 W Grace Street, Chicago, IL 60618-4215 (telephone 773-478-4408).
This gig (as well as the Cleveland gig) was announced back in December 2007. This will be already Kasim's third gig this year in Chicago as he played in the city two times in January as part of Todd Rundgren's band!

Saturday 15th March 2008
Kasim's Music - A Quiz (part 1)
12.45 - How well do you know Kasim Sulton's music?
Below are links to clips of Kasim's live music so see how many of these you can recognize.
They will play as video clips but there are no pictures and they were all recorded at one of Kasim's recent gigs.
There are no prizes but consider yourself banned from the website if you do not get them all correct today!
There are 6 clips today and we'll start off with the easiest (read longest!) clips of the whole set.
The answers and more clips will be posted tomorrow.
Clip 1 - a very easy one as it's 14 seconds long and Kasim even sings the song's title!
Clip 2 - 12 seconds (it helps if you recognize intros to songs for this one.)
Clip 3 - 10 seconds
Clip 4 - 6 seconds
Clip 5 - 5 seconds
Clip 6 - 6 seconds (a lot is music!)
Kasim Sulton at the In Search Of Paradise premiere
06.45 - Kasim Sulton (or rather Kasim Sultan) received a mention on here due to his attendance on Wednesday evening at the premiere of the Meat Loaf documentary In Search Of Paradise (reproduced below).

There are photos by James McCarthy of Kasim at the event on here and on here and here. Apparently there were about 20 photographers at the event and, despite one fan at the event spelling Kasim's name to one photographer, it appears that the editors on WireImage and Getty have spelt it Kasim Sultan and Cassum Sultan!
Kasim Sulton (spelt correctly this time!) receives a mention on here about the documentary. His name is listed between Meat Loaf and Dennis Quaid!

This premiere (but not Kasim) was even mentioned in a British newspaper (here) although mainly about Debbie Harry's appearance!
The documentary will air on RAVE HD from Friday 4th April.
Thursday 13th March 2008
Photos and Video clips of Kasim in Atlanta, GA
02.15 - TRS has added some photos of Kasim Sulton at his gig in Atlanta, GA on Saturday 1st March online here. You do not need to log in to view the photos. Just click on the picture to access them.
TRS has also added 3 video clips of the gig here. The first two videos in that link are of the opening act but the final three show Kasim performing Yellow Cab, I Don't Mind At All and the final clip shows Kasim joking about his mother and then playing the start of Back On The Street.

Kasim Sulton at the In Search Of Paradise premiere Photo by Kathy Borror
Wednesday 12th March 2008
Tonight Kasim attends the premiere of Meat Loaf's documentary In Search Of Paradise in New York City
Posted for Fun
18.00 - A couple of amusing Kasim Sulton items have appeared on the Internet in the past few days:
On there is currently an auction here for a print interview with Kasim Sulton. The amusing part is that instead of showing the Kasim article, a photo of a different article has been posted - it's titled "A great great grandmother who conceals a murderous mind" and the photo is definitely not of Kasim!
German Translation
The photo below shows a post on a German Meat Loaf messageboard using an automated website translation. The post appears to be about the forthcoming Todd Rundgren tour and Kasim's new song Watching The World. The person who made the post appears to like the new song but the automated translation service offers the tranlation that it is a "correct ear worm"!

More photos of Kasim in Fort Lauderdale
14.45 - Some great photos by EJ from Todd Rundgren's Hot Toddies website of Kasim Sulton's gig a week last Sunday (2nd) in Fort Lauderdale, FL have been added to the Kasim Sulton 2008 Gigs section of or click here for the direct link.
Many thanks to EJ for all the photos on that page.

In Search Of Paradise Premiere Tonight
02.15 - Tonight in New York City the Meat Loaf documentary In Search Of Paradise has its official premiere! This documentary features Kasim Sulton on stage, in rehearsals, talking to camera and even buying stage clothes!
The blurb about the documemtary reads:
"Actor, performer, and multi-platinum rock icon Meat Loaf reveals surprising shades of himself - and a fertile creative mind in constant flux - in this intimate and highly-entertaining theatrical feature documentary that was celebrated as an official selection of the 2007 Montreal World Film Festival. The time is early 2007, one of the most stressful in Meat Loaf's career, when he is about to launch his most ambitious tour ever: an 18 month long marathon to support Bat Out of Hell III, the final album of the legendary Bat Out of Hell trilogy. His exhausting, and often poignant, journey takes him from Burbank, California through the first leg of his tour through Canada. Along the way, an unexpected media controversy erupts over the staging of one of his songs - a controversy that raises questions about his art and its ability to mature and transcend as it traverses multiple generations - bringing into focus the drive (and demons) that have fueled his over-the-top stage persona for almost 40 years."
The premiere tonight is at the IFC Center at 323 Sixth Avenue and, although it hasn't even been announced whether or not Meat Loaf will be there, it is possible that Kasim Sulton will be attending the red carpet premiere tonight.
Change of venue for TR Orlando gig
02.00 - The Todd Rundgren gig in Orlando, Florida that Kasim Sulton will be playing on Monday 14th April has changed from The House Of Blues to Hard Rock Live. Tickets go on sale on Friday 14th at 10.00am.
Many thanks to Peebles for the info.
Tuesday 11th March 2008
New Meat Loaf concert added
16.45 - A new Meat Loaf concert has been added for Kasim Sulton to play on Saturday 2nd August. It's at the ExCel venue in the Docklands area of London, England and starts at 9.00pm.
This concert is part of the annual British International Motor Show which runs from 23rd July to 3rd August this year. Other artists performing on different nights include Deep Purple, UB40, Status Quo and Squeeze. Typically tickets cost £25 ($50) to £32.50 ($65) for these concerts and it appears that concerts are designed to finish by 11.00pm at this venue. Tickets for the concert include free admission into the motor show that day.
Click here to buy tickets from 5.00am tomorrow. Click here for more info about this concert series.

Photo by Kathy Borror
Sunday 9th March 2008
Tonight Kasim Sulton is playing at a private house party.
Forthcoming Meat Loaf Tour
07.00 - A few details about the upcoming Meat Loaf tour have been posted online in the past couple of days:
Kasim Sulton
The most important one first - Kasim Sulton will be a member of the band!
(Quite how this will fit into a possible Todd Rundgren tour in July is unknown at the moment.)
Tour Name
The tour name (at least for the UK part of the tour) is The Casa De Carne Tour which is Spanish for "House Of Meat". (This title fits in with the rumour that it will mainly be a "castles and palaces" tour.) The tour also appears to have the subtitle "We're here to serve you".
Cork, Ireland - Sunday 29th June
A gigs is being played as part of the Live at the Marquee series. Tickets are already on sale here. This is a General Admission gig with a few seats around the outside. Tickets are Euros 65.70 or Euros 59.80 (about the same figures in dollars).
Liverpool, England - Wednesday 2nd July
Meat Loaf will be making another appearance at the Summer Pops series of concerts in Liverpool, England on Wednesday 2nd July. Meat Loaf last played at this concert series on Monday 18th July 2005 and prior to that on Monday 29th July 2002 when Kasim played a 3 set solo gig. However the prior two appearances were at the King's Dock but this year the concert series has moved to the ECHO Arena in the city.
Tickets for this gig go on sale online this coming Friday (14th) at 5.00am (UK doesn't change its clocks for a few more weeks). Tickets are £28.50 ($56) to £38.50 ($77) for Meat Loaf. (Tickets for Diana Ross are up to $350 in price!)
Click here for an article about this gig. Other musicians playing in this series include Diana Ross, Crowded House, Mick Hucknall Counting Crows, Def Leppard and Whitesnake.
Other areas - venues not announced
It has been confirmed that concerts will be played at the following dates / places in England:
Friday 4th July - Bath
Sunday 6th July - Hampshire
Friday 11th July - North Yorkshire
Sunday 13th July - Norfolk
All these areas of England have castles / palaces / houses in them e.g. the Norfolk venue could well be Blickling Hall where they played a gig in 2005.
Apparently Meat Loaf has posted that they will also be playing two dates in London Dockland.
Tickets for all these gigs are expected to go on sale on Friday (14th) and special packages through Meat Loaf's Fan Club are expected to be offered but as that is being taken over by a new company at the moment, it is not known whether or not the packages will be announced before Friday.
Meat Loaf is not expected to play any concerts in US this year.
Apparently Meat Loaf has posted that, contrary to previously expected, he will not be playing in Australia this year.
Saturday 8th March 2008
Tonight Kasim Sulton plays at a private party in Houston, Texas.
Rehearsal for Kasim's gigs
15.30 - Doug Kennedy has made a post on his website here saying that he, Kasim Sulton and Jesse Gress rehearsed the beginning of the week before last up at Jesse's house in Woodstock, NY in preparation for Kasim's current series of gigs this month. (Look at his posts on the right of that page.)

T-shirts available to commemorate Kasim's gig in Atlanta, GA
13.15 - Until midnight tonight T-shirts are available to purchase that commemorates Kasim Sulton's gig in Atlanta, GA last Saturday night. Click here for more details (scroll down the page).
The T-shirts come in short sleeve (mens or women cuts) for $25 or long sleeve (mens cut only) for $28. Add $2 for XXL or XXXL (mens cut only) and $8.80 for international shipping. All the T-shirts are white and 100% cotton.

Tickets for sale for Kasim's gig at The Bitter End, NY
07.00 - Kasim Sulton's gig at The Bitter End in New York City, NY on Friday 28th March is now listed on the venue website here.
Tickets are now available to buy in advance for Kasim's gig here. Tickets are $25 General Admission. Tickets are also available on the door.
It says that Kasim's set starts at 7.30pm. As Meat Loaf's backup singer CC Coletti is playing the set before Kasim's, it is likely that her set will start at around 7.00pm (which is the time that the doors to the venue usually opens). Getting to the venue early is recommended in order to get a seat.

Thursday 6th March 2008
All Sides was released a year ago today
01.15 - Officially it is one year ago today that Kasim Sulton's latest album All Sides was released!
All Sides is a 27 track double CD and costs $24.95 with free shipping currently offered in US. Click here to purchase the album. (There are also various merchandising deals available with an album purchase here.)
All Sides contains a selection of the best tracks from Kasim Sulton's first three solo albums plus some unreleased songs, as well as additional items like original demos - this is an album that has taken 30 years to make!
The track list for Kasim Sulton's album All Sides album is:
This Side
1. Someone To Love
2. Lights On
3. Rather Be Blind
4. Give Him Up
5. Drivin' Me Mad
6. Sacrifice
7. All The Right Reasons
8. Heaven's Girl
9. The One Sure Thing
10. Don't Break My Heart
11. Oh No
12. In The Name Of Love
13. Over For Now
14. Sweet Little Accident
15. My Year
16. Goodbye
That Side
1. Are You Happy Now?
2. Yellow Cab
3. Minutes Slipping Past
4. I Wanna Be What I Am
5. Sometimes Love Is A Dangerous Thing
6. Liar
7. Love Is Blind
8. Sweet Little Accident (Demo Version)
9. Drivin' Me Mad (Demo Version)
10. Don't Break My Heart (Demo Version)
11. Love Alone
Below are the front and back covers of Kasim Sulton's album All Sides. Due to how this website is set up these are smaller photos so click here for a larger copy of the front cover and click here for a larger copy of the back cover.


Kasim Sulton at The Academy Theatre on Saturday night Photo by Chris Craddock (More photos from this set will be added later
Monday 3rd March 2008
Kasim Sulton in Fort Lauderdale last night
10.00 - The set list, a review and photos of Kasim Sulton's gig last night in Fort Lauderdale, Florida has been added to the Kasim Sulton 2008 Gigs section of or click here for the direct link.
An extra addition to the set was I Saw The Light!

Kasim Sulton's Week
08.30 - This week Kasim Sulton continues his Kasim Sulton March 2008 Gigs Tour. However this week he just plays a couple of private parties, of which only one has been publicly mentioned - Houston on Saturday.
Originally the plan was that Kasim was also to have played a public gig in Austin, Texas on Sunday evening but unfortunately this gig will not be going ahead.

Kasim Sulton at The 43rd Annual Billfish Tournament, Fort Lauderdale, FL last night
Blog 160 (02/24/08 - 03/02/08)
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