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KasimInfo Site Blog
Blog 158 (01/15/08 - 01/23/08)
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Wednesday 23rd January 2008
Tonight Kasim Sulton plays the 6th gig of the Todd Rundgren 2008 Tour. The gig tonight is at the Pabst Theater in Milwaukee, WI.
Kasim Sulton video on
14.15 - Kasim Sulton has added another video to here. The beginning of the video shows part of the soundcheck for the Covington, KY gig on Sunday evening and the remainder is Kasim talking to fans afterwards.
The photo to the left shows Kasim holding up a copy of his latest CD All Sides as he is signing it for a lucky fan.
Kasim Sulton playing in Milwaukee, WI tonight
01.15 - Tonight Kasim Sulton plays the 6th concert of the Todd Rundgren January 2008 Tour. The concert is at The Pabst Theater in Milwaukee, WI.
The address of the venue is The Pabst Theater, 144 East Wells Street, Milwaukee, WI, 53202. Click here to view the venue website and here to purchase tickets for the show which are $29.50 each. Yesterday there were two seats together in the 26th row from the stage. This venue seats 1,345 people and the gig starts at 8.00pm.
Kasim Sulton has not played at this venue in recent years (if at all). The last time that he played in Milwaukee was on 7th July last year when he played at Summerfest as part of The New Cars.

Todd Rundgren Tour Map - Minneapolis, MN to Milwaukee, WI
01.00 - Tonight Kasim Sulton plays the 6th concert of the Todd Rundgren January 2008 Tour. The concert is at the Pabst Theater in Milwaukee, WI. The 5th concert of the tour was last night in Minneapolis, MN.
Minneapolis, MN to Milwaukee, WI is 338 miles south east, the majority of which (until Madison) will be the road they took up to Minneapolis the day before yesterday. This drive will take about five and a half hours by road.
Todd Rundgren January 2008 Tour Mileage by road to date venue to venue (estimated) - 1,293 miles.

The Total Tour Map so far is:

Tuesday 22nd January 2008
Tonight Kasim Sulton plays the 5th gig of the Todd Rundgren 2008 Tour. The gig tonight is at the Pantages Theater in Minneapolis, MN.
Michele Rundgren mentions summer TR tour
16.30 - Doug from has posted a video of still photos and an interview with Michele Rundgren on here.
The interview is mainly about the merchandise available on the current tour (it's called the freeze Your Ass Off Tour!) but during the interview Michele mentions that Todd Rundgren will be playing a summer tour to promote his forthcoming album - July is mentioned. (Of course it is not yet known whether or not Kasim Sulton will be involved in those gigs.)
There are a few photos of Kasim near the end of the video.

Kasim Sulton in Minneapolis, MN tonight
01.15 - Tonight Kasim Sulton plays the 5th concert of the Todd Rundgren January 2008 Tour. The concert is at the Pantages Theater in Minneapolis, MN.
The concert tonight starts at 7.30pm and tickets are $35.50 (plus charges). Tickets for this gig seem to be selling really well as yesterday the best seats available were in the third row from the back up in the balcony! Click here to purchase tickets.
The address of the venue is 710 Hennepin Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55403 Click here to view the venue website. This theater has had a very varied history as it was opened on 27th October 1916 by a Greek immigrant called Alexander Pantages. Eventually he would open 500 theaters and this was #26 in the chain. It was originally called The Minneapolis Pantages. It originally seated 1,600 and cost a grand total of $15,000 to build! It was the first theater in Minneapolis with air-conditioning which consisted of cooling the air with ice. The first show at the venue was a vaudeville lineup that included singers, comedians, and a banjo player. The theater continued operating with live shows and movies until 1984 when it closed (it was then known at The Mann Theatre). Happily on 7th November 2002 the venue re-opened as Pantages Theater and now has a capacity of 1,100.
As far as I know this will be Kasim Sulton's first visit to this theater.

Monday 21st January 2008
Reviews of TR gig in Columbus, OH
15.45 - The set list and comments of the Todd Rundgren gig that Kasim Sulton played at the Lifestyle Communities Pavilion in Columbus, Ohio on Friday evening have been added to the Todd Rundgren 2008 Tour section of or click here for the direct link.
Todd Rundgren Tour Map - Indianapolis, IN to Minneapolis, MN
15.30 - Tomorrow night Kasim Sulton plays the 5th concert of the Todd Rundgren January 2008 Tour. The concert is at Pantages Theater in Minneapolis, MN. The 4th concert of the tour was last night in Indianapolis, IN.
Indianapolis, IN to Minneapolis, MN is a long 595 miles which will take about nine and a half hours by road in a north west direction. A non-stop flight will take just under 2 hours and will cost about $600 (coach) or changing planes in Chicago, IL will cost about $140 and take 3.5 hours.
Todd Rundgren January 2008 Tour Mileage by road to date venue to venue (estimated) - 955 miles.

The Total Tour Map so far is:

Kasim Sulton's Week
01.15 - This week Kasim Sulton continues on the 11 gigs, 16 days Todd Rundgren 2008 Tour of the MidWest. This week he plays gigs 5 to 8.
Having just played 3 gigs on 3 consecutive nights (Friday, Saturday and Sunday), Kasim has Monday off (other than if it is a travel day) and then plays Minneapolis, MN on Tuesday and Milwaukee, WI on Wednesday. There is no gig on Thursday but they play Chicago, IL on Friday, another day off on Saturday and then another gig in Toronto, ON on Sunday.

Sunday 20th January 2008
Tonight Kasim Sulton plays the 4th gig of the Todd Rundgren 2008 Tour. The gig tonight is at Music Mill in Indianapolis, IN.
New video by Kasim Sulton
15.45 - Kasim Sulton has posted a new video on here.
The video shows part of the day off they had on Thursday (between the Cleveland and Columbus gigs), part of the Columbus soundcheck and then Kasim talking to some fans after that gig.
Kasim Sulton in Indianapolis tonight
12.45 - Tonight Kasim Sulton plays the 4th concert of the Todd Rundgren January 2008 Tour. The concert is at Music Mill in Indianapolis, IN.
The concert tonight starts at 8.30pm (doors are 7.30pm) and it is a General Admission gig. This venue has an 18+ (with ID) policy. The address of the venue is 3720 East 82nd Street, Indianapolis, IN 46240. Click here to view the venue website. Tickets are $30 and are still available. Unfortunately the restaurant at the venue is temporarily closed for renovation.
I don't believe that Kasim has played at this venue in recent years (if at all)*** and the last time that he played in Indianapolis, IN was way back in 2000 on 27th June when he played on The Power Trio Tour. On that occasion they played at the amazingly named 8 Second Saloon.
The encore part of this gig can be heard on Rundgren Radio here from about 10.00pm EST onwards. If you miss the shows, they are usually archived on the above link within a few days.

*** If you know different please e-mail
Photos of Kasim Sulton in Cleveland
05.15 - The set list, comments and photos of the Todd Rundgren gig that Kasim Sulton played at The Allen Theater in Cleveland, Ohio on Wednesday evening have been added to the Todd Rundgren 2008 Tour section of or click here for the direct link.
Many thanks to trs for all the photos on that page (and the one below):

Kasim Sulton in Covington, KY last night
05.00 - Already a review has been posted online of the Todd Rundgren gig that Kasim Sulton played last night in Covington, KY. It's on MusicBox here.
It only mentions Kasim in passing but the gig is described as "just under two hours of prime rock ‘n’ roll.".
Todd Rundgren Tour Map - Covington, KY to Indianapolis, IN
04.45 - Tonight Kasim Sulton plays the 4th concert of the Todd Rundgren January 2008 Tour. The concert is at Music Mill in Indianapolis, IN. The 3rd concert of the tour was last night in Covington, KY .
Covington, KY to Indianapolis, IN is 109 miles. This is exactly the same distance as the trip from Columbus, OH to Covington, KY they drove yesterday! This time the direction is north west and will again take about just under two hours by road.
Todd Rundgren January 2008 Tour Mileage by road to date venue to venue (estimated) - 360 miles.

The Total Tour Map so far is:

Saturday 19th January 2008
Tonight Kasim Sulton plays the 3rd gig of the Todd Rundgren 2008 Tour. The gig tonight is at The Madison Theater in Covington, KY (Cincinnati, OH).
Kasim Sulton in Cincinnati, Ohio tonight
15.00 - Tonight Kasim Sulton plays the 3rd concert of the Todd Rundgren January 2008 Tour. The concert is at The Madison Theater in Covington, KY (Cincinnati, Ohio).
The gig tonight starts at 8.00pm (doors 7.00pm) and it is a General Admission All Ages show. Tickets are $22.50 in Advance and $25 at the Door and the show appears to be selling well. The address of the venue is Madison Theater, 730 Madison Avenue, Covington, KY 41011. Click here to view the venue website.
I don't believe that Kasim has played at this venue in recent years (if at all)*** but the last time that he played in Cincinnati was on 19th February 2005 when he played as part of Patty Smyth and Scandal.

*** If you know different please e-mail
TR gig live on the radio tonight and tomorrow
11.15 - Rundgren Radio has been given permission to air live part of the Todd Rundgren gig that Kasim Sulton is playing tonight in Covington, KY. Click here to listen to the broadcast from 7.30pm EST onwards.
According to the website they aim to have an improved sound for the gig part plus they will be reviewing the merchandise again. Also Michele Rundgren will be discussing how she and Todd chose the merchandise. There will again be some interviews with fans at the gigs and the first few songs from the set will be broadcast.
Part of the gig tomorrow evening in Indianapolis, IN will also be broadcast from the same link as above. The plan is to play the encore songs tonight and then interview fans after the show instead of before the gig. This show will start at about 10.00pm EST.
If you miss either of the shows, they are usually archived also on the above link.

Kasim Sulton in Columbus last night
06.15 - So far there has only been one comment posted on the Internet about the Todd Rundgren gig that Kasim Sulton played last night in Columbus, Ohio (although it is only about 8 hours since the gig ended!). That comment was:
"It was probably the best concert I've ever seen, and I've seen a couple or few. The band was right-on and TR sounded strong and good."
Todd Rundgren Tour Map - Columbus to Covington, KY
06.00 - Tonight Kasim Sulton plays the 3rd concert of the Todd Rundgren January 2008 Tour. The concert is at The Madison Theater in Covington, KY (Cincinnati, Ohio). The second concert of the tour was last night in Columbus, Ohio.
Columbus, OH to Covington, KY is 109 miles south west which will take about just under two hours by road.
Todd Rundgren January 2008 Tour Mileage by road to date venue to venue (estimated) - 251 miles.

The Total Tour Map so far is:


Kasim Sulton after the gig in Cleveland on Wednesday evening Photo by trs
Friday 18th January 2008
Tonight Kasim Sulton plays the 2nd gig of the Todd Rundgren 2008 Tour. The gig tonight is at the Lifestyle Communities Pavilion in Columbus, Ohio.
Tickets for Kasim's gig in Cleveland now on sale!
17.30 - Tickets for The Kasim Sulton Band's gig at The Beachland Ballroom in Cleveland, Ohio on Saturday 22nd March are now on sale! Click here to purchase tickets which are $22 in advance (recommended) or $25 on the door.
The gig is now (finally!) listed on The Beachland Ballroom website here. Apparently the gig starts at 8.00pm (doors open at 7.00pm) and it is an all ages show. The good news is that for the first time Kasim will be playing in the larger (and hopefully better lit!) Ballroom room rather than the Tavern where he's always played before. This is a General Admission gig.
Click here for more info about this gig.

Kasim Sulton in Columbus, Ohio tonight
01.15 - Tonight Kasim Sulton plays the second of 11 concerts on the MidWest leg of the Todd Rundgren 2008 Tour.
The concert tonight is at the Lifestyle Communities Pavilion in Columbus, Ohio. The address of the venue is 405 Neil Avenue, Columbus, OH 43215.
Tickets for this gig are $42.00 for Reserved Pit Seating, $31.00 for Reserved Main Floor Seating and $17.00 for General Admission Standing Room. Doors open at 7.00pm and this is an All Ages show. Click here to purchase tickets. A few days ago the best seats available were in the 21st row.
This venue opened in October 2001 as The PromoWest Pavilion and was the first indoor / outdoor concert venue in America. It was renamed the Lifestyle Communities Pavilion in October 2005. This venue features an innovative adjustable Vertere Stage which allows for a multitude of performance configurations from a small 500 seat show to larger audiences with a maximum capacity of 2,200 indoors and 4,500 outdoors.
The last time that Kasim Sulton played in Columbus, OH was in September 2006 when The New Cars played a corporate gig here. Prior to that Kasim played a Todd Rundgren gig at The PromoWest Pavilion itself on The Liars Tour. Kasim played a solo gig in the city on Saturday 16th June 2001 at Little Brothers.
Thursday 17th January 2008
Kasim Sulton in Cleveland, OH last night
15.15 - So far there have only been 4 reviews posted on the Internet of the Todd Rundgren gig that Kasim Sulton played in Cleveland, Ohio. All are on here.
Comments about Kasim posted within those reviews include:
"Kas was having a lot of fun. He was flinging guitar picks at us all night."
"All the songs were great but if there was a highlight for me, it was "Trapped" during the encore. I think Kas had been waiting to play that song all night and gave it everything he had when it was his turn. The lead vocal trades between Todd and Kas gave me goose bumps."
"Kasim, didn't miss a beat and is a consummate professional."

Many thanks to Kathy Borror for the above photo. More photos of this gig will be posted soon.
Todd Rundgren Tour Map - Cleveland to Columbus
01.00 - Tomorrow night Kasim Sulton plays the second concert of the Todd Rundgren January 2008 Tour. The concert is at the Lifestyle Communities Pavilion in Columbus, OH. The first concert of the tour was last night in Cleveland, Ohio.
Cleveland, OH to Columbus, OH is 142 miles south which will take about two and a half hours by road. (Of course Kasim Sulton will have already traveled the 471 miles from Staten Island, NY to Cleveland, OH before the first concert.)
Todd Rundgren January 2008 Tour Mileage by road to date venue to venue (estimated) - 142 miles.

The Kasim Sulton Band's Tour Bus is ready for Kasim's tour in March!!!

Wednesday 16th January 2008
Tonight Kasim Sulton plays the first gig of the Todd Rundgren 2008 Tour. The gig tonight is at the Allen Theater in Cleveland, Ohio.
Kasim and Meat Loaf clip on YouTube
01.15 - An interesting three and a half minutes clip from the Meat Loaf documentary has been added to here. The clip shows concert rehearsals and Kasim Sulton is shown encouraging Meat Loaf and talking to camera during the clip.
Kasim's part starts at 1 minute 40 seconds.
Kasim Sulton in Cleveland, Ohio tonight
01.00 - Tonight Kasim Sulton plays the first of 11 concerts on the MidWest leg of the Todd Rundgren 2008 Tour.
The gig tonight is at the Allen Theater in the theater district of Cleveland, Ohio. The addres of the venue is 1407 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44121. Click here to view the venue website.
This venue was built in 1921 as a 3,000 seat movie theater and could seat around 3,000 which made it Cleveland's largest movie theater at that time. Due to declining numbers The Allen closed in 1968 and was only spared at literally the last minute from being bulldozed for a parking lot. (Workers had already begun dismantling the interior when the word came to halt demolition!) The theater has now been restored to its former glory and the lobby especially is very decorative. The photo to the right is how it looked in the 1940s.
Tickets for tonight are $38.75 and the venue says that no children under the age of 2 are allowed entrance. The best seats available a few days ago were in the 21st row and the gig starts at 8.00pm.
It seems that this will be the first time that Kasim Sulton will play at this venue. Obviously he's played in Cleveland, Ohio numerous times during his 30+ years in the music business. Last year Kasim played in Cleveland 3 times - solo gigs on Friday 26th January and Wednesday 8th August at The Beachland Ballroom and a Meat Loaf concert on Thursday 9th August at The Tower City Amphitheater.
Kasim's next gig in the city will be with The Kasim Sulton Band on Saturday 22nd March! Kasim's gig is at The Beachland Ballroom.
Tuesday 15th January 2008
Kasim Sulton on the Todd Rundgren Tour
17.00 - Tomorrow night Kasim Sulton plays the first of 11 concerts on the MidWest leg of the Todd Rundgren 2008 Tour. This tour lasts 16 days (plus there are travel days for the band either side of the tour) and covers two countries and nine states.
This will be the third (mini) tour that Kasim has played with Todd in less than six months. In September Kasim played a 16 days, 11 gigs tour of the West Coast and in December they played month a 17 days, 12 gigs tour of the East Coast.

The set list is expected to be similar (if not identical) to the previous two tours:
Buffalo Grass
I Hate My Frickin' ISP
Black Maria
Soul Brother
Fascist Christ
I Saw The Light
Black And White
Lunatic Fringe
No 1 Lowest Common Denominator
Tiny Demons
Mystified / Broke Down And Busted / Mystified
The Walls Came Down
One World
Worldwide Epiphany
Prairie Prince will again be the drummer on this leg of the tour (he played on the September leg but Michael Urbano played during the December leg) and Jesse Gress will be playing guitar as usual.

Kasim Sulton in Alexandria, VA
01.15 - The set list, comments and photo of the Todd Rundgren gig that Kasim Sulton played at The Birchmere in Alexandria, VA on Sunday 16th December have been added to the Todd Rundgren December 2007 Tour section of or click here for the direct link.

Kasim Sulton in New Orleans, LA in December Photo by Melinda Cain
Blog 156 (12/17/07 - 01/14/08)
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