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KasimInfo Site Blog
Blog 152 (10/03/07 - 10/18/07)
Please note that, as time goes by, some of these external links may no longer work - sorry!
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Thursday 18th October 2007
Tonight Kasim Sulton plays the first concert of the second European leg of the Meat Loaf Bat Out Of Hell III Tour. The concert tonight is in Dortmund, Germany.
Kasim Sulton in Dortmund, Germany
01.15 - Tonight Kasim Sulton plays the first concert on the second European leg of the Meat Loaf Bat Out Of Hell III Tour. This section of the tour is being called The Three Bats Tour.
The concert tonight is in Westfalenhallen in Dortmund, Germany where Kasim Sulton has played several times over the past few years (mainly with Meat Loaf) although his last visit here was on Friday 14th December 2001 during The Night Of The Proms Tour. Dortmund is the 7th largest city in Germany and is located in the north west of the country.
Click here to view the venue website. There is an English link on the right but it doesn't appear to translate the concert page! The address of the venue is Rheinlanddamm 200 - 44139 Dortmund.
The concert starts tonight at 8.00pm (doors are at 7.00pm) and is expected to end at 10.30pm. Germany is 6 hours ahead of the East Coast so the concert will be happening between 3.00pm and 5.30pm EST. Tickets vary in price from Euros 46.00 to Euros 59.00 ($65 to $83). The majority of people at German concerts stand on the floor plus there is seating around the sides. There are usually sellers wandering through the crowds selling anything from pretzels to beer that they carry in a tank on their backs!
The opening act tonight is CC Coletti (from Meat Loaf's band) but it is not known whether she'll have musicians on stage with her or if she'll accompany herself on guitar.
The tour continues until Sunday 25th November and consists of 18 concerts in 10 different countries in the 41 days. The band will consist of Meat Loaf (vocals), Kasim Sulton (bass, background vocals and musical director), John Miceli (drums), Mark Alexander (keyboards and background vocals), Paul Crook (lead guitar), Randy Flowers (guitar and background vocals), Dave Luther (saxophone and keyboards), CC Coletti (background vocals) and Aspen Miller (background vocals and female lead vocals).

Wednesday 17th October 2007
Kasim Sulton in Eugene, OR
01.15 - The set list and some comments about the Todd Rundgren concert that Kasim Sulton played on 18th September in Eugene, OR have been added to the Todd Rundgren 2007 Tour section of or click here for the direct link.
Tuesday 16th October 2007
Kasim Sulton flies to Europe today for the start of the Meat Loaf tour on Thursday
Kasim Sulton on RundgrenRadio
01.15 - The recording of the interview is now available to listen at
Many thanks to Doug for the interview.

Kasim Sulton on the Meat Loaf Tour
01.00 - Today Kasim Sulton flies to Germany for the fourth leg of the Meat Loaf Bat Out Of Hell III Tour.
The tour continues until Sunday 25th November and consists of 18 concerts in 10 different countries in the 41 days. The band will consist of Meat Loaf (vocals), Kasim Sulton (bass, background vocals and musical director), John Miceli (drums), Mark Alexander (keyboards and background vocals), Paul Crook (lead guitar), Randy Flowers (guitar and background vocals), Dave Luther (saxophone and keyboards), CC Coletti (background vocals) and Aspen Miller (background vocals and female lead vocals).
The first concert of the tour is in Dortmund, Germany on Thursday followed by 4 more concerts in the country (one every other day). On Sunday 28th October the tour moves to Scotland with a concert in Glasgow before 5 concerts in England and then one in Wales on Sunday 11th November. They then play 2 weeks of single concerts in Denmark, Norway and Sweden one week and Holland, Northern Ireland and Ireland the second week (the concerts are on the Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday each week).
Check back to over the next few weeks for the set lists, photos, info about the venues and reviews of the concerts.

Monday 15th October 2007
Kasim on Rundgren Radio
21.30 - Kasim Sulton was interviewed by Doug tonight for about ninety minutes on RundgrenRadio.
Fans called in from all over US and Canada and Kasim knew most of them by name!
Among things discussed were:
"There is "some talk" about Kasim playing with Meat Loaf in Australia in mid February so if that is the case, Kasim aims to play some solo gigs in late January / early February."
"Another reason that Kasim has delayed his solo gigs is so that he can get a band together for his own gigs."
"Out of all the artists that Kasim has played with, he feels closest playing with Todd because of their history of working together."
"Kasim is currently mainly writing new songs on guitar but is starting to write more on keyboards nowadays."
"Kasim thinks that Todd won't be touring until at least Summer 2008 (for the "arena rock" album) and Kasim hopes to tour with him too."
"When comparing Todd Rundgren and Meat Loaf / Jim Steinman songs, Kasim said that he believed that Jim Steinman is a big Todd fan. He also said that Jim writes from the gut and Todd writes from the head."
"Kasim spoke at great length about how he joined Utopia which was very interesting."
"3 of the special KSulton Basses are already sold so there are only 3 left now!"
"Luther Vandross was in Utopia at one time!"
"Kasim said that he's recently been writing some new songs and plans to release them one song at a time on the Internet rather than wait until he has a whole album worth of songs."
"Kasim has been a Yankees fans since he was young but he's not a big football fan."
"Kasim said that he enjoyed doing the radio show and hopes to do it again sometime."
Unfortunately it appeared that international callers (me for one!) could ring in but couldn't get on the air (probably due to not having a recognizable area code).
The show is archived soon afterwards on that website.
Kasim Sulton on the radio Tonight
12.15 - Kasim Sulton will be interviewed live on RundgrenRadio from 7.00pm EST TONITE. This will be a 90 minute show when fans are encouraged to call in with questions. Click here for more info and the listening link.
Many thanks to Doug for the info and if you miss it, the show is archived soon afterwards.

01.15 - The front page of Kasim Sulton's official website has been updated with the recent KSultonBass press release regarding the new version of the bass. The press release is basically the same one as was posted on a couple of weeks ago plus it has the following message from Kasim added:

The background of the website has also been changed so that it is now blue in color. Previously the background was the cover of All Sides. See below for screengrabs of the current and previous version:


Saturday 13th October 2007
Meat Loaf DVD
16.00 - According to Meat Loaf's official website, Meat Loaf's new DVD called 3 Bats Live will be released in Europe this coming Monday (15th October) and in US on Tuesday 20th November.
The DVD was recorded on Sunday 18th March at The John Labatt Centre in London, ON, Canada. There is also is a bonus disc of the documentary In Search of Paradise which shows backstage at the Meat Loaf concerts (Kasim is shown quite extensively on this disk).
The German website has a 3 minute trailer of the DVD here which shows Kasim on stage and at a rehearsal. The photo to the left is a screenshot from the trailer. Many thanks to Vicki Pearson for this link.
Kasim Sulton on UK TV today
15.30 - Kasim Sulton was shown on the British television channel UKTV G2 earlier today. The appearence was on Top Of The Pops 2 and showed him playing keyboards for Meat Loaf on Objects In The Rear View Mirror (May Appear Closer Than They Are). It was recorded back in April 1994 and was on the show when Meat Loaf was the guest DJ.
UKTV G2 tend to repeat their shows so it's likely that it will be repeated a few times over the next couple of months.
Kasim and The New Cars in 2008
15.15 - According to a post by Paula on an Elliot Easton mailing list last night, apparently Elliot has said that The New Cars will not be touring in 2008 because "Todd is making a solo album".
The news about The New Cars hasn't been officially confirmed although it is generally known that Todd plans to release an "arena rock style" album in 2008.
Friday 12th October 2007
Kasim Sulton in Bellingham, WA
01.15 - The set list and some comments about the Todd Rundgren concert that Kasim Sulton played on 15th September in Ferndale (Bellingham), Washington have been added to the Todd Rundgren 2007 Tour section of or click here for the direct link.
Thursday 11th October 2007
Kasim Sulton (with Meat Loaf) in Sheffield, England
01.15 - Slightly later than planned (!) the set list, a review, comments, photos and some video clips of the Meat Loaf concert that Kasim Sulton played on Sunday 27th May in Sheffield, England has been added to the Meat Loaf Bat Out Of Hell III Tour section of or click here for the direct link.

An artistic photo of Kasim by Gary "Goat" Goveia
Wednesday 10th October 2007
Kasim listed as a celebrity who Blogs!
01.15 - Listed among other celebrities such as Alec Baldwin, Barbra Striesand, William Shatner and Rosie O’Donnell, Kasim Sulton is listed on as one of the 66 Celebrities that Blog! (Kasim can be found between musician David Byrne and fitness guru Susan Powter.)
The same list is replicated (but with numbers - Kasim is #32) on
Monday 8th October 2007
15.30 - has been updated with a graphic saying that the new white version of the KSultonBass is "coming soon".
There's also a new(?) photo of Kasim Sulton holding the white bass on the front page.
Click here to read more info about this new version of the KSultonBass.

Kasim Sulton and Meat Loaf rehearsals
01.15 - Kasim Sulton didn't mention Meat Loaf rehearsals when he updated his online journal on Saturday but both Mark Alexander (keyboards) and Aspen Miller (vocals) did on their MySpace pages.
Mark Alexander wrote "Rehearsals in NYC have been going well. Every one seems well rested and ready to rock!!! We've added a couple of new tunes and changed some old ones for the upcoming European tour. It looks like we'll be finished November 25th. After some time off during the holidays, we'll be doing a run through Australia, New Zealand, and perhaps some places we've never been to before...stay tuned..."
Aspen Miller wrote "I'm really excited because in addition to the cities we're revisiting, we're seeing some cities that will be new for me and i'm really looking forward to it. We're changing up the set list a bit, and adding a couple of tunes that we're excited about."
From what band members have written it appears that they have this week off before they leave for the tour on Tuesday 16th October. The European tour consists of 18 concerts (in 10 different countries) in 41 days.
Sunday 7th October 2007
Kasim Sulton flies home from England today after playing a private gig with Meat Loaf in Stoke on Trent last night.
Kasim Sulton in Orlando, Florida
07.15 - Some photos by Kathy Borror of the Meat Loaf concert that Kasim Sulton played in August in Orlando, FL have been added to the Meat Loaf Bat Out Of Hell III Tour section of or click here for the direct link.
Kasim Sulton in Stoke on Trent, England
07.00 - Last night Kasim Sulton played at a private party with Meat Loaf in Stoke On Trent, England. Kasim described it the day before the gig as "Someone with extremely deep pockets has Meat Loaf and the band performing at this Birthday Party. Tomorrow I will be in someone's backyard with the rest of the guys rubbing noses with the upper echelon of Stoke on Trent's elite."
As probably 90% of the readers of are from America, I doubt that very few people reading this will know where Stoke on Trent is so below is a map showing the city:

(With apologies to the 240,636 inhabitants of the city, I wasn't 100% sure exactly where the city was situated either!)
Stoke on Trent (often abbreviated to Stoke) is situated approximately half-way between the two cities where Kasim Sulton often plays concerts with Meat Loaf: Manchester (an hour to the north of Stoke) and Birmingham (and hour to the south). It is also about two and a half hours north west of London. Stoke also adjoins the town of Newcastle-under-Lyme but that is not the city where Kasim is playing on 31st October as that is Newcastle Upon Tyne.
Stoke on Trent is famous as being one the towns known as The Potteries which is where all the pottery was made (and still is nowadays). For example Wedgewood China is based in the city.
The "Trent" part of the name of the city refers to the River Trent on which the city stands. The motto of Stoke-on-Trent is "Vis Unita Fortior" which translates as "United Strength is Stronger". Below is the city's coat of arms:

Saturday 6th October 2007
Kasim Sulton is playing a private party with Meat Loaf today in Stoke on Trent, England.
Kasim's online journal
17.15 - Kasim Sulton has updated his online journal here.
Kasim speaks about delaying his solo gigs until 2008, the Todd Rundgren tour and the gig he's playing in England tonight.

Kasim on Meat Loaf's DVD In Search Of Paradise
14.15 - The 60 minute Meat Loaf documentary video In Search Of Paradise is available to watch at here. The documentary shows the build-up to the Meat Loaf concert in London, Canada that was recorded for a forthcoming DVD release.
This documentary is interesting as it shows some insight into reheasals and backstage at concerts plus Meat Loaf's concern about the critics' view of his "make out" part of Paradise By The Dashboard Light with the young looking Aspen Miller.
Kasim Sulton is featured a fair amount in the video including on stage, at rehearsals, back-stage, to-camera interviews, with actor Dennis Quaid, plus out shopping for 70s-style clothes!
In order to see the video you have to register (this is the link) and it takes about 24 hours for them to forward your password.
Many thanks to Vicki Pearson for forwarding this link.
There was to be a special showing of this documentary in London, England this coming Tuesday (9th) for £75 (about $140) for 200 fans including a half hour question with Meat Loaf but this has now been canceled "due to scheduling conflicts".
Below are a few screenshots from the video:
With Randy Flowers and CC Coletti:

Kasim with Dennis Quaid:

Kasim Sulton is playing a private Meat Loaf concert in England today
13.45 - According to Kasim Sulton's radio interview on ErrorFM on Wednesday, he was leaving that afternoon to catch a plane to Stoke on Trent as he is playing at a private party with Meat Loaf tonight.
Wednesday 3rd October 2007
Kasim Sulton will be on ErrorFM at 2.00pm today!!!
Opening acts at the forthcoming European Meat Loaf concerts
01.15 - From Tuesday 16th October to Sunday 25th November Kasim Sulton will be in Europe to play 18 concerts (in 10 different countries) as part of Meat Loaf's band.
The first five concerts are in Germany and Meat Loaf's backing singer CC Coletti has been announced as the opening act for these concerts. (CC sang Me and Bobby McGee at Kasim's solo gig in Cleveland, OH on 8th August.) CC has sung in Meat Loaf's band since 2003. It has not been announced whether she'll have a band on stage with her for the opening set.
No opening act has been announced for the 6th concert of the tour (Glasgow, Scotland) but opening concerts 7 to 12 (England and Wales) will be Meat Loaf's daughter Pearl (who played in Meat Loaf's band alongside Kasim from 1996 until 2002). Apparently on stage with her will be her partner Scott Ian of Anthrax and Jim Wilson of Pearl's band Mother Superior.
To date no announcement has been made about any opening act for the final six concerts of the tour.

Kasim Sulton at The Beachland Ballroom, Cleveland on 8/08 Many thanks to Bob Smith for the photo
Blog 151 (09/18/07 - 10/02/07)
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