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KasimInfo Site Blog
Blog 149 (08/29/07 - 09/08/07)
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Saturday 8th September 2007
Kasim's solo gigs in Winter 2007
13.30 - DaveK posted on that when he spoke to Kasim Sulton on Monday night (in Atlanta) he said that his solo gigs in December will include Cleveland, Ohio, Philadelphia, PA, Chicago, IL and New York City, NY!
Not that any of these cities are any great surprises (as they are the areas where Kasim gets the largest audiences) but it's great to hear it confirmed from the man himself!
Todd Rundgren 2007 Tour Map
11.00 - Tomorrow night Kasim Sulton plays the 2nd concert of the Todd Rundgren 2007 Tour. The concert is at the Majestic Ventura Theater in Ventura, CA and the first concert was last night at The Catalyst in Santa Cruz, California.
Santa Cruz, CA to Ventura, CA is 297 miles south down the 101 which will is a really pretty journey as part of it is along the coast itself and part of it is very hilly. The drive will take about 4 and a half hours by road.
Todd Rundgren 2007 Tour Mileage by road to date venue to venue (estimated) - 297 miles.

Kasim at the Santa Cruz Todd Rundgren gig
05.30 - Last night Kasim Sulton played the first of eleven concerts (in 16 days) on the Todd Rundgren 2007 Tour! The concert was at The Catalyst Nightclub in Santa Cruz, California.
According to a photo by DaveK the set list for the concert was scheduled to be:
Buffalo Grass
I Hate My Frickin' ISP
Black Maria
Soul Brother
Fascist Christ
I Saw The Light
Black And White
Lunatic Fringe
No 1 Lowest Common Denominator
Tiny Demons
Mystified / Broke Down And Busted / Mystified
The Walls Came Down
One World
Worldwide Epiphany
Other than Temporary Insanity not being included, the set list is identical to the gigs that Todd Rundgren played earlier this year.
Unfortuntely it means that Kasim will not have sung lead on any of the songs but other than Drive, Tiny Demons, S.L.U.T., The Walls Came Down and Hawking they are all songs which Kasim has played on recent tours with Todd so hopefully he won't have had to rehearse too much considering that his last concert was only 4 days before this one! However DaveK did post that they were practicing at the venue by 3.30pm and were still there at 6.40pm!
Also according to DaveK, Todd is reported to have said that it was nice to have Kasim and Prairie Prince back - "I can hear the band now!"
The next concert on the tour is tomorrow night at The Majestic Ventura Theater in Ventura, CA.
Friday 7th September 2007
Tonight Kasim Sulton starts a 3 week tour with Todd Rundgren! The concert tonight is at The Catalyst in Santa Cruz, CA.
New limited edition of the KSulton Bass now available
16.15 - A new (very) limited eition of the KSulton Bass is now available from Archer Guitars USA of Milwaukee, WI!
There are only 6 of these basses being made and Kasim Sulton will be autographing each one. The bass has a white pearl finish and is based on the guitar that Kasim used on the European leg of the recent Meat Loaf tour. Apparently Kasim specifically asked for a bass to be made in this colour as the other guitarists on the tour were using white guitar. Click here for more info about the bass and here for the KSulton Bass website.
According to the press release the "Archer KSulton Signature Bass Guitar has quickly established itself as the company's top online seller nationwide"!

Kasim Sulton (with TR) in Santa Cruz
01.00 - It doesn't seem at that long since Kasim Sulton was last on stage (4 nights in fact!!!) but tonight he plays the first of eleven concerts in 16 days on the Todd Rundgren 2007 Tour! Obviously Kasim will be playing bass and singing background vocals (and possibly lead on one song!) and the other musicians in the band are Todd Rundgren and Jesse Gress on guitar and Prairie Prince on drums.
The concert tonight is at The Catalyst Nightclub in Santa Cruz, California. The address of the venue is 1011 Pacific Avenue, Santa Cruz, CA 95060. Click here to view the venue website. Tickets for this gig are $22 in advance or $27 at the door. Click here to purchase tickets online. This is an 21+ venue and the doors open at 8.00pm with the gig starting at 9.00pm.
This venue is described as "Monterey Bay's premier nightclub" and artists such as Tina Turner, Neil Young, Nirvana, Alanis Morissette, The Red Hot Chili Peppers and Pearl Jam have all played here since it was rebuilt over 20 years ago.
The main dance hall is 5,000 square feet (not including the balconies) and can hold 800 people and the bar downstairs is 100 feet long which starts in the front room and extends into the concert area.
One great feature of this venue is that Kasim Sulton actually receives a mention on their website:

Thursday 6th September 2007
Tomorrow (Friday) Kasim Sulton starts a 3 week tour with Todd Rundgren!
Kasim Sulton's solo gig in Fort Lauderdale, FL
16.30 - Click here for a large batch (over several pages) of photos by Bob Smith of Kasim Sulton's solo gig at Alligator Alley in Fort Lauderdale, Florida last Wednesday.
Video of Kasim in Fort Lauderdale, FL
01.15 - Click here for a video of Kasim Sulton and Grady Moates singing One World at Alligator Alley in Fort Lauderdale, Florida last Wednesday evening.

Now Northern Ireland for Kasim!!!
01.00 - The Odyssey Arena in Belfast, Northern Ireland are advertising a new Meat Loaf concert for Thursday 22nd November.
Tickets go on sale on Thursday 13th September at 4.00am EST and cost £49 (about $95) for seated and £38 (about $70) for standing (the latter is at the front). Click here to read more about the concert. To date Meat Loaf's official website are not announcing a pre-sale for the concert.
The last time that Kasim Sulton played at this venue was on 31st May this year.
The concerts on the tour before and after this gig are Tuesday 20th in Rotterdam, Holland and Saturday 24th in Killarney, Ireland which means that Kasim will be playing 3 concerts in 3 countries that week!
Todd Rundgren 2007 Tour
00.45 - The venue has changed for the Las Vegas concert on Friday 14th September on the Todd Rundgren 2007 Tour. Originally it was advertised as being held at the Greenvalley Casino but now tickets are on sale at Boulder Station Hotel and Casino. Tickets are available from this link and vary in price from $25 to $41.
Wednesday 5th September 2007
On Friday Kasim Sulton starts a 3 week tour with Todd Rundgren!
Kasim Sulton on
18.00 - Kasim Sulton has added a new video to here. It's a "goodbye to America" clip (plus he takes a call for Paul McCartney!).
Also on Meat Loaf's drummer John Micelli has added a video (here) of amusing clips of backstage and the concerts which include Kasim punching one of the inflatable dolls!
Now Ireland for Kasim!
01.15 - TicketMaster are advertising a new Meat Loaf concert for Killarney in Ireland.
The concert is on Saturday 24th November and is at the INEC - Gleneagle Hotel. It is a seated concert and tickets go on sale on Friday (7th) at 4.00am at Euros 76.25 (about $50) each. Click here to purchase tickets. To date Meat Loaf's official website are not announcing a pre-sale for the concert.
The last time that Kasim Sulton played in Ireland was in June this year (although at a different venue).
Kasim is mentioned on
01.00 - Kasim Sulton receives a couple of mentions on in connection with the screening of the new DVD Meat Loaf: In Search of Paradise at the Montreal World Film Fest last week.
One comment (reproduced below) is "With Meat Loaf (Marvin Lee Aday), Kasim Sulton, Dennis Quaid" (it's not often that you see those 3 names all in the one sentence!).
Another nice comment is "Pic's most steadying presence is affable and unshakably supportive bandleader Kasim Sulton".
Click here to read the article.


Kasim Sulton September 2007 Calendar
Click here to download a copy to print
(Larger than calendar above)
Tuesday 4th September 2007
5 years ago today Quid Pro Quo was released!!!
On Friday Kasim Sulton starts a 3 week tour with Todd Rundgren!
Quid Pro Quo
16.00 - It was five years ago today that Kasim Sulton released his album Quid Pro Quo on Sphere Sound Records!
Quid Pro Quo consists of the following tracks:
Before She Was Gone
The One Sure Thing
We The People
Where Is My Soul
Heaven Help The Child
Over For Now
Don't Hold Me Back
Love Reunion
The original (Special Edition) version of the album sold out within 2 years and a second version was printed (without the "hidden" track Love Reunion) and released on 4th May 2004. In 2003 Quid Pro Quo won the's Viewers Choice Award.
The album can be purchased at this link. Click here for more info about the album.

Meat Loaf Three Bats (Bat Out Of Hell III) Tour Map
15.45 - Last night Kasim Sulton played the 22nd and final concert of the 2nd US leg of the Meat Loaf Three Bats (Bat Out Of Hell III) Tour. The concert was at the Chastain Park Amphitheatre in Atlanta, GA and today Kasim is expected to return home for a couple of days before the Todd Rundgren tour starts later this week (the first concert is on Friday).
Atlanta, GA to Staten Island, NY is 851 miles north east which will take about 13 hours by road.
Meat Loaf 3 Bats Tour Mileage by road to date venue to venue (estimated) - 6,883 miles.
A detailed analysis of the whole tour will be posted on in the next few days.

Monday 3rd September 2007
Tonight Kasim Sulton plays the 22nd and final concert of the 2nd North American leg of the Meat Loaf Three Bats (Bat Out Of Hell III) Tour. The concert is in Atlanta, GA.
Kasim Sulton (with Meat Loaf) in Clearwater, FL
13.15 - The set list, photos and a review of the Meat Loaf concert that Kasim Sulton played on Saturday night in Clearwater, FL has been added to the Meat Loaf Bat Out Of Hell III Tour section of or click here for the direct link.
Kasim Sulton (with Meat Loaf) in Atlanta, Georgia
13.00 - Tonight Kasim Sulton plays the 22nd and final concert of the 2nd US leg of the Meat Loaf Three Bats (Bat Out Of Hell III) Tour. The concert is at the Chastain Park Amphitheatre in north west Atlanta, Georgia (the home of Coca-Cola!).
This will only be Kasim Sulton's second ever appearance at this venue (the first being on Friday 8th September last year as part of The New Cars), although Kasim did play in Atlanta in 2005 for a Hurricane Katrina benefit concert with Meat Loaf. Apparently this venue was designated a concert venue back in 1944!
This appears to be a venue where lots of people will arrive early for the gig and have a picnic beforehand so consequently there may be a table set-up tonight especially as it's Labor Day. (The venue website has the unusual line "No televisions are allowed in the seating areas"!) There are also food stalls within the grounds. This venue also has a lot of regular patrons who attend most concerts here so often the front seats will already be booked for the whole season although some people do make these seats available on auction websites. Yesterday seats were available in the 12th row back after all the tables. Parking is available on the site and costs $9.
This is a "Come rain, come shine" concert and the weather for the soundcheck is expected to be about 89 degrees and for the show itself starting at 79 and going down to about 75 degrees. There is a 20% chance of precipitation all day today.
Sunday 2nd September 2007
Kasim Sulton's solo gig at Alligator Alley
05.15 - The set list, photos and a review of Kasim Sulton's solo gig on Wednesday night in Fort Lauderdale, Florida has been added to the Kasim Sulton 2007 Solo Gigs section of or click here for the direct link. More photos will be added soon.
Meat Loaf Three Bats (Bat Out Of Hell III) Tour Map
05.00 - Tomorrow night Kasim Sulton plays the 22nd and final concert of the 2nd US leg of the Meat Loaf Three Bats (Bat Out Of Hell III) Tour. The concert is at the Chastain Park Amphitheatre in Atlanta, GA.
Clearwater, FL to Atlanta, GA is 478 miles almost due north which will take just over 7 hours by road. Alternatively a non-stop flight in coach will cost from $244 or $354 in both Business Class and First Class.
Meat Loaf 3 Bats Tour Mileage by road to date venue to venue (estimated) - 7,361 miles.


Kasim Sulton in Clearwater last night
Saturday 1st September 2007
Tonight Kasim Sulton plays the 21st concert of the 2nd North American leg of the Meat Loaf Three Bats (Bat Out Of Hell III) Tour. The concert is in Clearwater, FL.
Kasim Sulton (with Meat Loaf) in Boca Raton, Florida
12.15 - The set list, photos, a review and a short video clip of the Meat Loaf concert that Kasim Sulton played on Thursday night in Boca Raton, FL has been added to the Meat Loaf Bat Out Of Hell III Tour section of or click here for the direct link.
Kasim Sulton in Clearwater, FL
08.45 - Tonight Kasim Sulton plays the 21st and penultimate concert of the 2nd US leg of the Meat Loaf Three Bats (Bat Out Of Hell III) Tour. The concert is at the Ruth Eckerd Hall in Clearwater, Florida. This concert is rescheduled from 4/3/07 when the concert was canceled (after the audience had already taken their seats) due to Meat Loaf being ill. Tickets from that date were still valid.
The Ruth Eckerd Hall was nominated one of the top five concert halls in the United States by a nation-wide industry poll of technicians, artists and their management. It comfortably seats 2,180 for concerts, recitals, plays and special events. In addition to the 200 events presented annually by the center, community groups and nationally recognized arts organizations, including The Florida Orchestra, lease the venue. The venue has "an acoustically perfect chamber" and the seats slope well so everyone has a good view. The first concert at this venue was on 16th October 1983 (the ground breaking ceremony being in 1979 after the land was donated in 1977). The stage is over 60 feet wide, plus 44.5 feel deep (which is important at a Meat Loaf concert). There appears to be 13 dressing rooms plus a production office that can seat 6 people and a catering room that can seat 54!
This is a venue that Kasim has played numerous times over the years, the last played concert being in September 2005 (with Meat Loaf).
The concert tonight starts at 8.00pm and no opening act is listed. The concert is sold out.

Friday 31st August 2007
Tomorrow night Kasim Sulton plays the 21st concert of the 2nd North American leg of the Meat Loaf Three Bats (Bat Out Of Hell III) Tour. The concert is in Clearwater, FL.
Kasim Sulton (with Meat Loaf) in Boca Raton
09.15 - It doesn't mention Kasim Sulton by name but there's a professional review of the Meat Loaf concert that he played last night in Boca Raton, Florida on here.
There are more photos of this concert from that website at this link including a photo of Kasim Sulton by Stacey Grant (reproduced right).
Also has a batch of 21 photos of this concert here including this one which has Kasim in the background!
Meat Loaf Three Bats (Bat Out Of Hell III) Tour Map
09.00 - Tomorrow night Kasim Sulton plays the 21st and penultimate concert of the 2nd US leg of the Meat Loaf Three Bats (Bat Out Of Hell III) Tour. The concert is at the Ruth Eckerd Hall in Clearwater, FL.
Boca Raton, FL to Clearwater, FL is 248 miles north west which will take just over 4 hours by road.
Meat Loaf 3 Bats Tour Mileage by road to date venue to venue (estimated) - 6,405 miles.


Kasim Sulton in Boca Raton last night
Thursday 30th August 2007
Tonight Kasim Sulton plays the 20th concert of the 2nd North American leg of the Meat Loaf Three Bats (Bat Out Of Hell III) Tour. The concert is in Boca Raton, FL.
Kasim Sulton (with Meat Loaf) in Boca Raton
16.15 - Tonight Kasim Sulton plays the 20th concert of the 2nd US leg of the Meat Loaf Three Bats (Bat Out Of Hell III) Tour. The concert is at the Mizner Park Amphitheater in Boca Raton, Florida. This concert is rescheduled from 4/5/07 when the concert had to be stopped after about 4 songs due to Meat Loaf being ill. Tickets from that date are still valid.
Apparently the Mizner Park Amphitheater has presented a minimum of 20 concerts and events annually since it opened in 2002. The 3500-seat venue is located adjacent to the Mizner Park shops in Boca Raton, Florida and the venue address is 590 Plaza Real, Boca Raton, Florida.
This is a "come rain, come shine" concert, although they specify on the website that umbrellas are not allowed in. Thankfully though there is only a 10% chance of precipitation. The temperature is expected to be about 94 degrees for the soundcheck and then between 89 and 85 degrees for the concert (hotter until the stage lights!). Sunset tonight is at 7.43pm.
The concert is scheduled to start at 7.30pm and this morning there were seats available in the 11th row (but not on Kasim's side of the stage).
Kasim's online journal
16.00 - Kasim Sulton has updated his online journal here where he talks about his solo gig last night in Fort Lauderdale.
Kasim also says "I always truly enjoy doing these shows and, like I've said before, look forward to the day when I do this a lot more frequently.
I'm in the process of putting the dates together for my December run and I can assure you all there will be a whole new spin to what I do on stage. Maybe some new songs? For sure."

Kasim Sulton's solo gig in Fort Lauderdale, FL
09.15 - Last night Kasim Sulton played his third and final solo gig of this summer. Kasim played in Alligator Alley in Oakland Park (Fort Lauderdale), Florida. Kasim played for over an hour and there were fans there from places as far away as Columbus, OH, Boston, MA, West Virginia and Arizona! Kasim invited long-time Utopia fan Grady Moates on stage with him to sing One World.
Kasim's set list was:
Somebody Loves You
There Goes My Inspiration
Sometimes Love Is A Dangerous Thing
Before She Was Gone
Are You Happy Now?
I Don't Mind At All
Don't Hold Me Back
One World
Across The Universe
The One Sure Thing
A review and photos of Kasim's gig will be added to later.

Meat Loaf Three Bats (Bat Out Of Hell III) Tour Map
06.45 - Tonight Kasim Sulton plays the 20th concert of the 2nd US leg of the Meat Loaf Three Bats (Bat Out Of Hell III) Tour. The concert is at the Mizner Park Amphitheater in Boca Raton, FL. (Obviously Kasim Sulton also played a solo gig near Fort Lauderdale last night but that is only about 10 miles from Boca Raton.)
Orlando, FL to Boca Raton, FL is 193 miles south east which will take about 3 hours by road.
Meat Loaf 3 Bats Tour Mileage by road to date venue to venue (estimated) - 6,157 miles.


Kasim Sulton at his solo gig in Fort Lauderdale last night
Wednesday 29th August 2007
TONITE Kasim Sulton plays a solo gig at Alligator Alley in Fort Lauderdale, FL!!!
Kasim Sulton (with Meat Loaf) in Orlando, Florida
09.15 - The set list and a review of the Meat Loaf concert that Kasim Sulton played last night in Orlando, FL has been added to the Meat Loaf Bat Out Of Hell III Tour section of or click here for the direct link.
Kasim Sulton's solo gig in Fort Lauderdale, Florida
08.00 - Tonight Kasim Sulton plays his third (and sadly his final) solo gig of this summer. His gig is at Alligator Alley which is located at 1321 E. Commercial Blvd., Oakland Park, FL 33334. Oakland Park is part of Fort Lauderdale.
Doors open tonight at 7.00pm and originally I was told that Kasim's set was at 8.00pm but now that it's listed that Fernando Perdomo is the opening act, it's unclear exactly what time Kasim will actually take the stage.
The venue website (here) also says that it serves food so it's possible that the place could be open earlier in the day too. The venue has a wide range of food available and has won awards for it's Gumbo (it was winner of the Ft. Lauderdale Cajun/Zydeco Crawfish Festival Gumbo Cookoff in 2000, 2002, 2003 and 2004!). Click here for the full menu which includes alligator. (In 8 years of running a website about Kasim Sulton I think this is the first time that I've posted that he's playing a venue where alligator is on the menu!)
This venue is described as "owned and operated by musicians for music fans" and it states that it has a "concert quality PA system which is one of the best sounding in the state and there are no TV’s, pool tables or games to distract from the live entertainment". Apparently Alligator Alley is owned by "Kilmo" Carl Pacillo (a veteran bassist who toured with Blood, Sweat & Tears). Originally he opened a live music venue and restaurant in Sunrise, Florida (naming it after a nearby highway) but that place closed in 2001 when his financial backing was withdrawn. Kilmo then apparently sold all his basses and raised enough money to open this venue in Oakland Park. This building is smaller than the original one but it is now in its fifth year of operation and has continued to win awards.
Kasim's set is expected to last 75 to 90 minutes and this will be his first ever solo gig in Florida. Tickets are $30 on the door.


Kasim Sulton in Tunica, MS on Friday night Photo by Kathy Borror
Blog 148 (08/14/07 - 08/28/07)
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