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KasimInfo Site Blog
Blog 146 (07/23/07 - 07/27/07)
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Friday 27th July 2007
Tonight Kasim Sulton plays the 5th concert of the 2nd US leg of the Meat Loaf Three Bats (Bat Out Of Hell III) Tour. The concert is at the Mohegan Sun Casino in Uncasville, CT.
Kasim Sulton at The Mohegan Sun
17.30 - Tonight Kasim Sulton plays the 5th concert of the 2nd US leg of the Meat Loaf Three Bats (Bat Out Of Hell III) Tour. The concert tonight is at the Mohegan Sun Casino in Uncasville, CT.
The concert starts tonight at 8.00pm and is selling very well as the best seats available yesterday were in the 12th row of one of the very rear blocks! Tickets are only $39.50 for this concert and can be purchased at this link.
The concert is in the 10,000 seat Mohegan Sun Arena which is within the Mohegan Suna Casino in Connecticut. The last time that Kasim Sulton played here was on Sunday 12th November 2006 (with Meat Loaf).
Message(s) from Kasim
17.15 - Kasim Sulton sent a message to his mailing list today. Click here to read it. Kasim says that he popped home between the Darien Lake and Uncasville concerts and talks about playing on both The New Cars and Meat Loaf tours. He also mentions All Sides and his forthcoming solo gigs this summer. He also indicates that there will be another one added in Atlanta, GA (he doesn't mention a date but Sunday 2nd September seems the most likely as Meat Loaf plays nearby the following day). The best part for us fans is his comment "I won't be slowing down much before the end of the year and there are many many things in the offing that might keep me just as busy next year."!
Kasim has also updated his online journal here. As well as talking about his solo gigs, the tours (he says that there are plans for The New Cars to tour in 2008 too!) and All Sides, Kasim also mentions some possible special editions of his
KSulton Bass plus delights us all with the phrase "I've been working on a few new songs and hope to have at least one finished for some - or all - of these shows"! There is also a photo of Kasim here.

Meat Loaf Three Bats (Bat Out Of Hell III) Tour Map
17.00 - Tonight Kasim Sulton plays the 5th concert of the 2nd US leg of the Meat Loaf Three Bats (Bat Out Of Hell III) Tour. The concert tonight is at the Mohegan Sun Casino in Uncasville, CT.
From Kasim's posts today we know that he went home after the last concert (which was in Darien Lake, NY on Tuesday). Darien Lake to Staten Island would take about 6 hours by road as it is 361 miles in a south east direction. However for the basis of calculation for this tour mileage, I am taking venue to venue so Darien Lake to Uncasville, CT is 424 miles which is six and a quarter hours by road.
Meat Loaf 3 Bats Tour Mileage by road to date venue to venue (estimated) - 899 miles.

Wednesday 25th July 2007
Videos of Kasim
16.30 - Metalunatic has posted some great videos of The New Cars at their gig at Summerfest in Milwaukee on Saturday 7th July from this link. The best one (IMHO) is Kasim Sulton singing lead on All Mixed Up here! Many thanks to Teresa Stratton for forwarding this link.
Also on here is a great video from The Todd Rundgren Power Trio Tour concert in San Francisco in 2000 of Kasim singing Trapped. Many thanks to Ben Quinton for forwarding this link.
Kasim Sulton on WCMF 96.5 FM in the Rochester, NY area
01.15 - Yesterday morning Kasim Sulton was interviewed on The Brother Wease Morning Circus on WCMF 96.5 FM in the Rochester, NY area from about 8.35am for about 30 minutes. Apparently the interview was very light-hearted and a recording of Are You Happy Now was played (Kasim described the song as "pop").
Items mentioned included:
Kasim said that he learnt all he knew about music and music production from Todd Rundgren.
He said that the Meat Loaf concerts in Europe were about 3 hours long but in US they've been reduced to 2 hours 40 minutes.
When asked about Meat Loaf's weight he described him as "Meat Loaf lite" and joked that they leave boxes of donuts around but he doesn't touch them - he said "He looks good".
There was some discussion whether Todd Rundgren or Mike Nesbitt (of The Monkees) was the first person to make music videos.
When Brother Wease mentioned that Kasim "looks phenomenal" for his age, Kasim said "I'm feeling pretty good".
When asked why there are demos of tracks on All Sides, Kasim explained that they are tracks which appeared on his other solo albums.
Brother Wease asked whether the Todd Rundgren song Gotta Get You A Woman was about Paul Fishkin (of Bearsville Records), Kasim confirmed that it was.
They talked about Earl Slick (who used to play with David Bowie) and apparently Kasim said that he was the "first one to make it big" from Staten Island.
Apparently Kasim joked about Scott Van Dusen of Sphere Sound Records (who arranged the interview) and that he was "gonna drag his ass out on stage" last night so Brother Wease responded that it would probably mean that he would just play the triangle for about half a second!
Brother Wease apparently has some connection with Philadelphia (they kept mentioning the city throughout the interview) so they discussed Kasim's forthcoming solo gig at The Tin Angel in the city and Kasim describes it as "I get about 100 people there and for me it works".
Many thanks to the kind person who gave me details about what was said during the interview (including the hilarious parts not suitable to be mentioned on an all age website!!!). Hopefully a recording of the interview will be added soon.

Kasim Sulton at The Theater at Madison Square Garden in New York City, NY on Friday Photo by Gary "Goat" Goveia
Tuesday 24th July 2007
Kasim Sulton will be interviewed on WCMF 96.5 FM in the Rochester, NY area at 8.30am this morning.
Tonight Kasim Sulton plays the 4th concert of the 2nd US leg of the Meat Loaf Three Bats (Bat Out Of Hell III) Tour. The concert is at The Darien Lake Performing Arts Center in Darien Lake, (Buffalo), NY.
Kasim Sulton at the Darien Lake Performing Arts Center
15.45 - Tonight Kasim Sulton plays the 4th concert of the 2nd US leg of the Meat Loaf Three Bats (Bat Out Of Hell III) Tour. The concert tonight is at The Darien Lake Performing Arts Center in Darien Lake, (Buffalo), NY.
The concert starts tonight at 8.00pm and the doors open at 7.00pm. No opening act is advertised. The address of the venue is 9993 Alleghany Road, Darien Center, NY, 14040. The venue is within the Darien Lake Theme Park.
Tickets vary in price for this concert from $59.50 to $25 for lawn tickets (with a special offer of 4 lawn tickets for $75). VIP tickets were also available through Meat Loaf's official fan club for $200 (plus a T-shirt is included in the package). Currently there are still tickets available for this concert.
The last time that Kasim Sulton played at this venue was on Wednesday 31st August 2005 (with Meat Loaf).
Meat Loaf Three Bats (Bat Out Of Hell III) Tour Map
15.30 - Tonight Kasim Sulton plays the 4th concert of the 2nd US leg of the Meat Loaf Three Bats (Bat Out Of Hell III) Tour. The concert tonight is at The Darien Lake Performing Arts Center in Darien Lake, (Buffalo), NY.
Saratoga to Darien Lake is about 259 miles almost due west which will have taken just over four hours by road.
Meat Loaf 3 Bats Tour Mileage by road to date venue to venue (estimated) - 538 miles.

Kasim Sulton on the radio
01.15 - Just a reminder that this morning at about 8.30am Kasim Sulton will be interviewed about his solo career on The Brother Wease Morning Circus on WCMF 96.5 FM in the Rochester, NY area (this station also covers parts of Buffalo). Unfortunately it appears that the radio station doesn't stream on the Internet but they do have a "listen again" feature for some parts of the show.
Kasim was last on the show back in 2001 and Brother Wease is known as a "shock jock" so it could be a very interesting interview!
Many thanks to Scott Van Dusen of Sphere Sound Records for this info.
Monday 23rd July 2007
Sphere Sound Records
17.30 - The front page of the Sphere Sound Records website has an interesting article from The Mercury City Gazette by Scott Van Dusen. The article is in response to a question from Mary from West Virginia - "Why is Kasim Sulton's 'Quid Pro Quo' not played on the radio? Almost the whole album would fit perfectly on top 40 radio". One nice quote is "Kasim's identity has evolved over the years from his Utopia progressive rock roots, to an established session guru and singer-songwriter, as well as Meat Loaf's musical director, bassist and vocalist.".
At the bottom of the page is a scan of the original version by Ron Brancotto for the cover of Quid Pro Quo.
Meat Loaf (and Kasim!) in Saratoga, NY last night
17.15 - A couple of differing reviews have been posted of the Meat Loaf concert that Kasim Sulton played last night in Saratoga, NY. The review on uses the phrase "somewhat svelte Meat Loaf (down from his 300-pound heyday)" and says that there were about 6,000 there, whereas the review on describes Meat Loaf as "still carrying a few more pounds than he should on his frame" and estimates the crowd as 4,000!
Apparently the set list for the Saratoga concert was:
All Revved Up (part)
If It Ain't Broke, Break It
Out Of The Frying Pan (And Into The Fire)
Life Is A Lemon
You Took The Words Right Outta My Mouth
In The Land Of Pigs (The Butcher Is King)
Bad For Good
Anything For Love
Objects In The Rear View Mirror
Rock 'n' Roll Dreams
Alive (recorded)
Paradise By The Dashboard Light
Bat Out Of Hell
Black Betty
Gimme Shelter
Kasim Sulton in New York City last Wednesday
01.15 - The set list, photos, some comments and links of the Meat Loaf concert that Kasim Sulton played last Wednesday evening in New York City, NY has been added to the Meat Loaf Bat Out Of Hell III Tour section of or click here for the direct link.
The songs they are playing on this leg of the tour are similar to on the previous two legs but are in a different order, plus Two Outta Three Ain't Bad has been added.

Kasim Sulton at The Theater at Madison Square Garden in New York City, NY on Wednesday Photo by Gary "Goat" Goveia
Blog 145 (06/18/07 - 07/22/07)
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