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KasimInfo Site Blog
Blog 130 (11/13/06 - 11/23/06)
Please note that, as time goes by, some of these external links may no longer work - sorry!
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Thursday 23rd November 2006
36 days until The Kasim Sulton Band's Holiday Show in New York City.
More Kasim merchandise
17.00 - now has a link to a new line of Kasim merchandise. Click here for the direct link. So far there are T-shirts, sweatshirts, baby dolls, baseball caps and copies of Quid Pro Quo.
The T-shirts ($18.85), sweatshirts ($29.95 or $39.95 with a hood) and baby dolls ($21.95) all have Kasim's solo tour dates (although, according to Doug Kennedy's website more dates are still to be added to the tour) plus the weird wording All Sides Tour 2006 - 07 (which seems strange as that name as never been used before and 11 gigs have already been played!). The baseball cap costs $19.95 and just has Kasim's signature on it.
Quid Pro Quo costs $12.95 or $17.95 for a signed copy. Unfortunately no track list is on the website. The album cover appears to be that of the limited edition first release (which contained the track Love Reunion) but previously it was announced that it was sold out. The second version of the album has a different cover so possibly this is a third version of Quid Pro Quo but the website does not specify.
Kasim Sulton merchandise is also still available at here. (All prices above do not include shipping.)
Photos of Kasim and The New Cars in Detroit
16.15 - Some great photos of all of The New Cars at The State Theatre in Detroit, MI last night have been added to The New Cars Road Rage Tour section of the website or click here for the direct link. (There are pages of photos of individual members of the band at the bottom of that page.)
Many thanks to Michele Kotlarsky for all the photos on that page.
Reviews of Kasim in Detroit
16.00 - Click here for a thread of reviews of the concert that Kasim played last night in Detroit, MI. It includes a really detailed review of the soundcheck, Meet and Greet and the concert by JamieC5361. He makes some great comments about Kasim Sulton including the phrases "I was pleased that Kaz had agreed to play the concert, as he even sounded great at the sound check" and "Kaz sounded great, his vocals were in fine form".
Kasim at The State Theatre, Detroit
09.15 - Last night Kasim Sulton played a concert as part of The New Cars at The State Theatre in Detroit, MI. The set list hasn't been posted online yet but there are photos of the gig on The New Cars official website here and here, and of the Meet and Greet here. (You have to be a member to view some of the photos but membership is free.) The best photos of Kasim in the sets are:
The color's a bit dodgy in this photo as Kasim wasn't wearing pink pants!
The full band.
A great shot of Kasim!
My favorite shot of the Meet and Greet (my favorite is based on how Kasim looks rather than the fans with them!).
The New Cars Road Rage Tour Mileage
06.00 - Last night Kasim Sulton played a gig on The New Cars Road Rage Tour in Detroit, MI and tomorrow evening he plays a gig in Clear Lake, IA. This leg of the tour is a clean 700 miles almost due west (via Chicago) to Des Moines and then straight north to Clear Lake. It will take about 10 hours by road so hopefully Kasim will be flying this leg!
Lily on (who runs the Meet and Greets and has been excellent at updating their Diary and photos immediately after every show) posted last night that the crew (she didn't mention the band) were setting off overnight after the Detroit gig and stopping off in Des Moines for Thanksgiving.

Kasim's Total Winter Tour Mileage - 1,780 miles.
Wednesday 22nd November 2006
37 days until The Kasim Sulton Band's Holiday Show in New York City.
Tonight Kasim Sulton plays a gig on The New Cars Road Rage Tour at the State Theatre in Detroit, MI
Kasim Sulton in Cleveland, OH
18.00 - Last night Kasim Sulton played a concert as part of The New Cars at The House Of Blues in Cleveland, Ohio. According to The New Cars official website the set list was the same as at other concerts on this tour. The official website has photos of this concert here and here and of the Meet and Greet here but the best ones of Kasim are:
A typical Kasim pose!
Kasim and Todd Rundgren.
Having fun on stage!
Kasim using his KSulton Bass.
My favorite Meet and Greet photo.
Click here to read an interesting review of this concert by Deb Smith-Stokes which includes the phrase "We were thrilled that Kasim was a late stand in for this show, Todd and Kas really seem to mesh musically and they really seem to like each other, like brothers I always thought.One memorable blurb from Todd was as he introduced Kasim he said "this guy is a virtual walking hall of fame himself, Kasim Sulton""!
Deb also has a batch of photos from this gig here. The best ones of Kasim are:
It doesn't look like he's tried out those contact lenses yet!
Hitting the mike with his nose???!
A very small stage.
Meat Loaf cancelation
17.45 - Meat Loaf was advertised as singing (expected to be lip-synching) a song at a boxing match this coming Saturday (25th) in Halle, Germany but today it was announced that he has had to cancel due to "an acute infection". Apparently he got it last weekend and his doctors are reported to have told him to stay in bed. (Last night Meat Loaf was shown on television on the American Music Awards - click here to see a photo from that event.) This appearance in Germany was never listed on Meat Loaf's official website.
There were rumors that Kasim Sulton was going to be at the event in Germany but obviously that wasn't going to happen once he announced that he was playing the five New Cars concerts this week. According to the press release Meat Loaf is supposed to have been advised not to travel abroad for 2 to 4 weeks. The Royal Variety Show is in 12 days (and is a very prestigious event.)
Kasim in Detroit, MI
17.00 - Tonight Kasim Sulton plays another concert on the Winter leg of The New Cars Road Rage Tour. The concert tonight is at the State Theatre in Detroit, MI. The concert starts at 7.30pm (doors open at 6.30pm) and tickets are still available at $35 to $59.50 (plus charges).
The address of the venue is 2115 Woodward, Detroit, MI 48201 and this is a theater which Kasim has played several times in his career. This venue allows cameras (but not professional ones) but does not allow large chains, spikes, air horns, beach balls or fishing nets amongst other things!
The New Cars Road Rage Tour
16.45 - Last night Kasim Sulton played a gig on The New Cars Road Rage Tour in Cleveland, Ohio and tonight he plays a gig in Detroit, MI. Cleveland to Detroit is 169 miles around the south west corner of Lake Erie. It will take about 2 hours by road (but looks like a shorter trip by boat!).

Kasim's Total Winter New Cars Tour Mileage - 1,080 miles.
Tuesday 21st November 2006
38 days until The Kasim Sulton Band's Holiday Show in New York City.
Tonight Kasim Sulton plays a gig on The New Cars Road Rage Tour at The House Of Blues in Cleveland, Ohio
Kasim in Atlantic City
18.30 - The set list and some photos of The New Cars concert which Kasim Sulton played on Saturday at The Borgata in Atlantic City, NJ have been added to The New Cars Road Rage Tour page or click here for the direct link.
Many thanks to Gary "Goat" Goveia for the photos on the page.
Kasim at the House Of Blues, Cleveland, OH
05.15 - Tonight Kasim Sulton plays his third concert of this winter leg of The New Cars Road Rage Tour (this is the 6th concert of this leg of the tour). The concert tonight is at The House Of Blues in Cleveland, Ohio - real Utopia country!
This venue was opened in 2004 under the name The House Of Blues and it's the first time that Kasim has played here since it used that name. I've been unable to discover whether this was a live music venue prior to 2004 (that Kasim may have played at) but it does appear that the Warren Refining Chemical Company owned the site back in 1947!
The concert tonight is listed on TicketMaster as starting at 7.00pm (which seems a little early) and tickets are $39.50 - $75.00 (plus charges). The good news for fans of Kasim is that this is a General Admission gig so, although it was only announced on Saturday that Kasim is playing the gig tonight, they can still get near the front! (There is also reserved seating in the balcony.) The address of the venue is 308 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44114 and it is near both the I90 and The Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame. The opening act is Persephone's Bees.

The House of Blues has a capacity of 1,200 and is a 2 story music venue, plus it has a dedicated restaurant and a retail store. There is a no flash photography policy at the venue. Apparently the stage is 30 foot wide by 25 foot deep and is 4'6'' high so Kasim should be quite visible! Backstage there are 3 Green Rooms - two with private restrooms with showers and one is a wardrobe room / catering room!
Kasim Sulton has played in Cleveland loads of times in his career (Utopia were known as The Ohioan Beatles!) and the last time was in August when he played a solo gig at The Beachland Ballroom. The next time that Kasim plays in this city will also be at The Beachland Ballroom, on Friday 26th January 2007 - click here for more info!
Hopefully tonight on stage Kasim will be wearing a T-shirt similar to the one on the right to advertise his gig!!!

Kasim Sulton in Atlantic City, NJ on Saturday night (Photo by Gary "Goat" Goveia - more photos from this set will be added later today.)
Monday 20th November 2006
39 days until The Kasim Sulton Band's Holiday Show in New York City.
Kasim in The Navarre Press
12.45 - About a month ago (10/13) there was a post here regarding Kasim Sulton getting a mention in The Navarre Press in Florida regarding his work on the album Unstoppable by Rick Reynolds (Sounding Rick). Unfortunately it was difficult to read the article but, with massive thanks to Joe Culpepper of Navarre Press here is the transcript of the article:
"NAVARRE, Fla. - Rick Reynolds can walk into virtually any public place in Navarre and go completely unnoticed. Few locals know the musician down the street has written hundreds of songs and performed with several giants in the music industry.
In June, Reynolds agreed to perform at Navarre Fun Fest but inexplicably was replaced on the program by a house band from Destin.
Next week, Reynolds will play seven concerts before Japanese audiences during a four-city tour that promises to draw thousands of fans to venues in Osaka, Nara, Kobe and Nagoya. His current CD, Unstoppable, with his band, Sounding Rick, is getting considerable air play on radio stations in Japan.
"I’ve got to go to Japan to get some respect," Reynolds said recently, tongue in cheek. "I can play in big halls in Japan, but I can’t play a festival in my own town. It’s funny how things work sometimes."
Reynolds, 45, might live in virtual anonymity among the general public, but he’s well known to music lovers in the Florida Panhandle. The Tampa native moved to Navarre from Pennsylvania 12 years ago to manage a recording studio in Fort Walton Beach. The happily married father of three sons now records in a state-of-the-art, in-home studio in East Navarre.
The Japanese tour kicks off on Wednesday, Oct. 18, with three shows in three nights in Osaka. Concerts in Nara and Kobe on Oct. 21-22 preclude two solo shows on Oct. 25-26 in Nagoya and Osaka. Reynolds will share the stage with longtime drummer Donnie Morgan and newcomer bassist Jim Laberge, both from the area.
"I started selling the record on, and a radio station jock in Japan heard it and started playing it on the air," Reynolds said. "One thing led to another, and an agent over there contacted me about a possible tour. Now we’re getting ready to go on tour for 10 days overseas. I’m really excited about it."
Reynolds’ music covers the spectrum, from rock, pop and blues to gospel and jazz. The Unstoppable CD, a fast-paced collection of rock/pop tunes, was produced by renowned bassist Kasim Sulton, whose associations include Todd Rundgren’s Utopia, Meat Loaf, The New Cars, and Hall and Oates, among others.
Sulton even played bass on the recording and sang backup vocals.
"In February 2004, I received an e-mail from a guy asking for my help in producing an album,” Sulton wrote for the sleeve of the Unstoppable CD. "I get a fair amount of such requests, and they’re met with a certain amount of skepticism. Either the material isn’t very good or the singing is far less than acceptable.
"After asking for a sample of the material, I liked what I heard and thought I could lend some help in the form of direction and recording. This CD is the culmination of that work. (There are) wonderfully quirky stories within songs that I’m proud to have my name attached to.
"Rick is a great person with a wry sense of humor," Sulton added. "That kept us smiling throughout the whole project."
Reynolds said his broad musical interest is a major reason more people are not aware of his considerable talents.
"I almost have attention deficit disorder in music in that one minute I’m working on a jazz project, the next a blues project, a solo acoustic thing, the progressive Sounding Rick stuff, whatever," he said. "As a result of that lack of focus on one single genré, I haven’t made it big in the sense of what most people consider successful. I’m not a household name, but I’m OK with that.
"I’m the father of three great boys, and I have a wonderful wife (Debbie) and family. Believe it not, it’s actually been a blessing in disguise not to have hit it big. I’m kind of on the outside looking in, and I’m having a lot of fun.""
Once again, many thanks to Joe Culpepper of Navarre Press for this article.
Rick Reynolds keeps an online Blog here (there are some great entries about his recent tour of Japan) and in his entry of 30th October he says "Then there’s the next Sounding Rick album set to begin production as soon as my buddy Kasim Sulton comes up for air from the new Meat Loaf "Bat Out of Hell III" and New Cars "Road Rage" tours."!
Photos of Kasim in Olympic Studio
01.15 - Meat Loaf's lead guitarist Paul Crook has some photos of Kasim Sulton, Meat Loaf and the rest of the band at the Olympic Studios in Barnes (South West London) last month on his official website They were at the studio for a radio broadcast. Click here for the full set but the best ones of Kasim are:
Kasim Sulton with Randy Flowers.
Randy Flowers, drummer John Miceli and Kasim.
Kasim singing with Meat Loaf.
The New Cars Road Rage Tour
01.00 - As Kasim Sulton is now playing a tour part of The New Cars Road Rage Tour earlier than originally planned, it's time to start The New Cars Road Rage Tour Map and mileage again!
From 12th May to 10th June The New Cars played 18 concerts in 13 states on the summer leg of the tour. From venue to venue they travelled 8,328 miles (straight driving that route would have taken 125 hours).
As this is my website I'm doing this by my rules (!!!), this tour map and mileage will be from Staten Island to the venues that Kasim is playing and back to Staten Island again and then I'll pick it up again when he plays gigs on the West Coast.
So far on the winter leg of the tour Kasim has played concerts in Mashantucket, CT and Atlantic City, NJ and on Tuesday he plays in Cleveland, Ohio so the tour map for that is:

The mileage from Atlantic City, NJ to Cleveland, Ohio is 492 miles which will take about seven and a half hours heading west.
Kasim's Total Winter Tour Mileage - 911 miles.
Sunday 19th November 2006
40 days until The Kasim Sulton Band's Holiday Show in New York City.
Bat Out Of Hell III
16.30 - Meat Loaf's single (with Marion Raven) It's All Coming Back To Me Now (on which Kasim Sulton plays bass and sings background vocals) has dropped 11 places from #27 to #38 in the Official UK Single Charts which were announced today. This is its 5th week in the charts.
Meanwhile the album Bat Out Of Hell III: The Monster Is Loose (on which Kasim Sulton appears on every track) has also dropped 11 places, this time from #12 to #23 in the Official UK Album Charts. This is its 4th week in the charts.
Kasim in Atlantic City, NJ last night
06.30 - Last night Kasim Sulton played his second concert of the winter leg of The New Cars Road Rage Tour. The gig was at The Borgata Casino in Atlantic City, NJ.
According to The New Cars official website the set list last night was:
Hello Again
Let's Go
Shake It Up
Best Friend's Girl
Candy O
I Saw the Light
Dangerous Type
Moving In Stereo
All Mixed Up (Kasim sang lead on this song)
Black Maria
You Might Think
Drive (Kasim sang lead on this song)
Bang the Drum
You're All I've Got
Bye Bye Love
Not Tonight
Just What I Needed
Open My Eyes
Good Times Roll has photos of this gig here and here. The best ones of Kasim are:
Kasim at the microphone.
Kasim playing his bass.
Meet and Greet photo #1.
Meet and Greet photo #2.
Meet and Greet photo #3.
(You may have to be a member to view these photos but membership is free.)
Berlin was the opening act and apparently The New Cars played for about an hour and three quarters.

Kasim Sulton's Winter 2006 / 2007 Tour (Graphic by Caryl Burton)
Saturday 18th November 2006
41 days until The Kasim Sulton Band's Holiday Show in New York City.
Tonight Kasim Sulton plays a New Cars concert at the Borgata Casino in Atlantic City, NJ.
More New Cars concerts for Kasim!
13.30 - Good news for fans of Kasim Sulton in Cleveland, OH, Detroit, MI, Clear Lake, IA, Milwaukee, WI and Chicago, IL as he is now playing those New Cars concerts this coming week!
The dates are:
Tuesday 21st November - Cleveland, OH
Wednesday 22nd November - Detroit, MI
Friday 24th November - Clear Lake, IA
Saturday 25th November - Milwaukee, WI
Sunday 26th November - Chicago
The New Cars Road Rage Tour page has been updated with the venue and ticketing links. The great news is that some venues (e.g. Cleveland) are General Admission so you can still get a good spot and none of these venues are sold out yet.
(So if you were at Foxwoods Casino last night and you thought that Kasim was holding his bass in a weird way, it was probably because there was a lot of arm-twisting before the show as Kasim was supposed to have next week off!)
Kasim at The Abbey Pub, Chicago
09.45 - Kasim Sulton is now listed on The Abbey Pub website in regards to his gig there on Saturday 28th January 2007. If you click on his name, it brings up a brief (out of date!) bio as follows:

Tickets for his gig go on sale at noon today here (probably CST):

Tickets are $20 in advance and $22 on the door but advance purchases are recommended as this is usually the venue that Kasim gets his largest crowd! This gig is General Admission (there are chairs to sit on though) and starts at 7.00pm with the doors opening at 6.30pm as there is a different gig by another act at 9.00pm.
Kasim at The Borgata in Atlantic City, NJ
08.00 - Tonight Kasim Sulton plays his second gig of The New Cars Road Rage Tour. The concert tonight is at The Borgata Casino in Atlantic City, NJ - click here for the venue website. This gig was originally booked for Saturday 24th June but was canceled due to the bus accident in early June.
Kasim has played in Atlantic City loads of times in his career! His last visit here was just last weekend when he played at the Trump Taj Mahal with Meat Loaf! The Borgata is one of the newest hotels and casinos in Atlantic City but last year Kasim played here 3 times with Meat Loaf (once in August and on two consecutive nights in September). The Borgata is in the Marina area of Atlantic City.
Tonight Kasim is playing at the Event Center in the casino and the concert starts at 9.00pm. Tickets are $55 and $45 and it is General Admission so you can still buy your ticket today and get to the front (Kasim stands on stage left with The New Cars). Click here for the ticketing link. There are also some seats available further back from the stage. The Event Center, when fully seated, can hold 3,700 seats and covers 30,000 square feet. Before the show there is also a Meet and Greet (which can still be purchased). For $165 it includes meeting the band (including Kasim), a pre-show party with other fans, a T-shirt and other merchandise - this link has more details.
Last night Kasim played as part of The New Cars in Mashantucket, CT. Mashantucket, CT to Atlantic City, NJ is 265 miles (south west) and will take four and a half hours to drive.

Kasim at the Foxwoods Casino
06.30 - Last night Kasim Sulton played his first concert of the winter leg of The New Cars Road Rage Tour. The gig was at Foxwood's Casino in Mashantucket, CT.
According to The New Cars official website the set list last night was:
Hello Again
Let's Go
Shake It Up
Best Friend's Girl
Candy O
I Saw the Light
Dangerous Type
Moving In Stereo
All Mixed Up (Kasim sang lead on this song)
Black Maria
You Might Think
Drive (Kasim sang lead on this song)
Bang the Drum
You're All I've Got
Bye Bye Love
Not Tonight
Just What I Needed
Open My Eyes
Good Times Roll has photos of this gig here and here. The best ones of Kasim are:
Kasim at the microphone
A classic shot of Elliot, Todd and Kasim.
Kasim smiling at the audience (he just belongs on stage!).
Kasim making a face!
Kasim at the Meet and Greet.
Another Meet and Greet photo.
There's also a nice blurb here about Kasim by the two people (Lily and Matt) who are running the packages. It sounds as though they're happy to have Kasim back in the band but it does contain the unusual phrase "He’ll be poking in and out as the tour goes on"!
Friday 17th November 2006
42 days (6 weeks!) until The Kasim Sulton Band's Holiday Show in New York City.
Tonight Kasim Sulton plays a New Cars concert at Foxwoods Casino in Mashantucket, CT.
Kasim in Ann Arbor, MI
01.15 - Kasim Sulton is now listed on The Ark website. There's no real details about him yet but it does say that tickets go on sale on 2nd December.

Kasim Sulton at Foxwoods Casino
01.00 - Tonight Kasim Sulton plays his first concert of the winter leg of The New Cars Road Rage Tour. This will be the 4th concert of this leg and will be the first time that Kasim will be playing on both Warm and More in front of an audience!
The concert tonight is at Foxwood's Casino in Mashantucket, CT. Click here for the venue website and here to purchase tickets. This morning maitre'd seating was available at $60.50 and reserved seating is currently available (also at $60.50) in the opera boxes on either side of the stage. However a few weeks ago the only reserved seating was in the 8th row back (behind the maitre'd seating) so it appears that some of the casino high-rollers seats have become available so fans who buy their tickets today will be in front of the fans who bought their seats when they first went on sale! The concert starts at 9.00pm tonight and the capacity of the venue is 4,000.

The Foxwoods Casino is a venue which Kasim has played several times before and was the venue where they rehearsed the Meat Loaf 2002 Winter Tour so Kasim knows it quite well as the band was based there for a few days.
The Foxwoods Casino was opened by The Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation in 1992 on land which they had inhabited since before the Europeans arrived in the 1600s. The website here shows a timeline and their great struggle to regain the land and makes a fascinating read. There is also a museum about it on the Mashantucket Pequot Reservation.
The casino itself looks like an impressive place. It includes three hotels on-site which are all very luxurious. Usually (but not always) musicians who are playing at casinos will stay there too. If that is the case then Kasim has a very extensive room service menu to choose from! However prices are quite steep with bottled water costing $5and just a yogurt costing $5.95 (all prices have in addition a $2.50 order cost plus tax!).
Mashantucket, CT is 150 miles north east of Staten Island and will take about 3 hours to drive there.

Thursday 16th November 2006
43 days until The Kasim Sulton Band's Holiday Show in New York City.
The New Cars Road Rage Tour
18.15 - Only 3 days away and there seems to be some confusion over the gig in Portland, ME which The New Cars (but not Kasim Sulton) are due to play at the Merrill Auditorium on Sunday. The concert is still listed on the band's offiicial website but according to this page on the ticketing website, the concert is canceled with refunds available (less handling fees).
Kasim and The New Cars
18.00 - Kasim Sulton receives a couple of mentions in newspaper reports in regards to The New Cars concerts that he's playing the next couple of days.
The Connecticut Post has an interview with Greg Hawkes as publicity for the gig in Mashantucket, CT tomorrow evening. The Kasim mention is "The pair landed Todd Rundgren to handle the vocals, who brought along his Utopia bassist Kasim Sulton. Drummer Prairie Prince of The Tubes rounds out The New Cars lineup. (Sulton will not play every show on this leg of the tour because of a previous commitment he made to tour with Meat Loaf and Atom Ellis is the fill-in.)".
Meanwhile the has an interview with Todd Rundgren about the concert on Saturday night in Atlantic City. The article incorrectly lists Greg Hawkes as breaking a bones which caused the summer tour to be canceled but the (brief!) Kasim mention is "Then we hired a rhythm section (bassist Kasim Sulton, a veteran of Rundgren's former band, Utopia, and drummer Prairie Prince, formerly of The Tubes) and that went well".
More photos of Kasim on The Today Show
13.30 - The final batch of some great photos of a very cold Kasim Sulton at The Today Show (with Meat Loaf) in New York City last month have been added to the Photos section of the website or click here for the direct link.
Kasim recorded The Today Show on Friday 27th October and was on set from 6.00am! It was outdoors and the temperature was only about 34 degrees!
Many thanks to Gary "Goat" Goveia all the photos on those pages. There's one more photo from that set to be added which will be part of a caption competition next week!
Less New Cars gigs for Kasim
08.15 - Apparently Kasim Sulton is playing less New Cars gigs than originally thought. A couple of months ago Elliot Easton listed 11 that Kasim would be playing but now it appears that he'll only be playing 7. Some of the first gigs of the tour were canceled and others (e.g. the second Los Angeles gig were not put on sale) but now he's not playing the Saint Ignace, MI and Lake Tahoe, NV too.
The New Cars Road Rage Tour page has been updated with this info.
Message from Kasim
05.00 - Kasim has sent a message to his mailing list - click here to read it.
Kasim Sulton in Schenectady, NY
04.45 - Kasim Sulton is now listed on The Van Dyck website for his gig there on Saturday 20th January 2007! Unfortunately (like they did for his September gig there) they spell his name Kasim Sultan!

Wednesday 15th November 2006
44 days until The Kasim Sulton Band's Holiday Show in New York City.
Tonight Kasim Sulton plays a Meat Loaf concert at Arena Monterrey in Monterrey, Mexico.
Kasim on The Today Show
01.15 - Click here for a batch of really great photos of a very cold Kasim Sulton at The Today Show (with Meat Loaf) in New York City last month.
Many thanks to Gary "Goat" Goveia all the photos on that page - another batch will be added tomorrow!
Kasim Sulton at Arena Monterrey, Mexico
01.00 - Tonight Kasim Sulton plays the sixth and final promo concert to promote Meat Loaf's album Bat Out Of Hell 3: The Monster Is Loose which was released on Halloween. The concert tonight is at Arena Monterrey in Monterrey, Mexico - the fifth country of this mini tour! This promo tour is being called The Bases Loaded Tour (the proper tour next year will be called The Seize The Night Tour). Click here to view the venue website (which is all in Spanish).
It appears that the concert tonight starts at 9.00pm and tickets cost up to 1,300 Mexican Peso (about $120). There are various price ranges available and earlier today two seats together (at the most expensive rate) were available in the 7th row of the center block.
Spanish wasn't an option at my school so I'll admit that I struggled to find out much about this venue of Kasim's but it appears that it seats 17,599 fans so is a very large arena.
There's one phrase on the venue website which says "Prohibido portar: Armas, cámaras, grabadoras, drogas, bebidas alcohólicas y/o máscaras". As far as I can make out it's a list of prohibited items. Even I can "translate" that cameras, liquor and guns are not allowed, but the final part of the sentenance has me confused but maybe Kasim shouldn't wear mascara at the concert just in case!!!

Tuesday 14th November 2006
45 days until The Kasim Sulton Band's Holiday Show in New York City.
New Meat Loaf concerts added
17.15 - Five more Meat Loaf concerts have been added for Kasim Sulton in June 2007. They are going on presale to fan club members on tomorrow at 9.00am EST. The concerts are all in Germany and are:
Tuesday 12th June - Color Line Arena, Hamburg
Thursday 14th June - Cologne Arena, Cologne
Sunday 17th June - Olympiahalle, Munich
Tuesday 19th June - Schleyerhalle, Stuttgart
Thursday 21st June - Festhalle, Frankfurt
The Meat Loaf Seize The Night Tour page has been updated with the dates and venue links or click here to view it in calendar format.
Are You Happy Now
15.30 - Already Kasim's latest studio offering Are You Happy Now has had 137 plays! (It's not the track which starts automatically as the page opens so it means that people have clicked to listen to it that number of times.) When I first saw it, just 2 days ago, it had had only 7 plays so it shows how popular it is! Already at least one other person has it on their page too so hopefully the sound of Kasim's music is spreading far and wide!
Kasim Sulton Winter 2006 / 2007 Solo Tour
05.30 - With still one more date to be added, here is the current Tour Map for The Kasim Sulton Winter 2007 Solo Tour:

Currently the tour mileage for the January section (just venue to venue and not taking into account the driving to and from hotels etc.) is 2,287 miles which would take 34 hours in total (assuming there's no snow or ice!). Appart from the Ann Arbor, MI "hiccup"(!), the tour is basically going in a west direction.
I've been told that the tour will now start one day later (on Saturday 20th January) so Schenectady, NY will be the first show(s).
Tickets are currently on sale for the New York City (12/29), Pittsburgh, PA (1/23), Cleveland, OH (1/26) and Valparaiso (1/28) gigs. In the next few weeks on there'll be a mini write-up of each of the venues to help people make up their minds which shows they want to attend.
Monday 13th November 2006
46 days until The Kasim Sulton Band's Holiday Show in New York City.
Kasim in The New York Post
18.00 - Kasim Sulton receives another mention in The New York Post today (in The Starr Report). The good news is that it mentions Kasim's solo gig at The Bitter End on 29th December too!

Another Kasim Sulton Solo Gig!!!
16.30 - Another gig has been added to the Kasim Sulton Winter 2006 / 2007 Tour!
It's on Wednesday 24th January (the day after his Pittsburgh, PA gig) and is at The Ark in Ann Arbor, MI. This will be the first time that Kasim has played solo at both this venue and city. This venue describes itself as "Dedicated to the enrichment of the human spirit since 1965" and "One of the world's finest listening rooms".
Tickets are not on sale yet but will cost $25 for Reserved Seats and $20 for General Admission. Doug Kennedy will also be playing this gig with Kasim.
More dates are still to be added to the tour schedule!

All Mixed Up
12.45 - Click here to view the whole of All Mixed Up from one of The New Cars gigs on Although the photography is a bit shakey (and keeps going off Kasim!), Kasim Sulton's lead vocals are really great in this video!
Many thanks to Teresa Stratton for finding this link.

Kasim at Club Cafe Live
01.15 - Kasim Sulton's gig at Club Cafe Live in Pittsburgh, PA on The Kasim Sulton Winter 2006 / 2007 Tour on Tuesday 23rd January is now listed on the schedule page of the venue website as follows:

Kasim is also currently listed on the scrolling part of the front page of the venue website as follows:

Marshall Crenshaw and Fairport Convention are also playing this venue in the next couple of months!
Kasim's Upcoming Week
01.00 - Kasim Sulton has an interesting week this week as he's playing three concerts with two different bands in two different countries!
Kasim's first concert this week is on Wednesday (15th) and is the final promo concert on the Meat Loaf Bases Are Loaded Tour. This concert is at Arena Monterrey in Monterrey, Mexico and (I believe) is the first time that Kasim has played at both this venue and this city.
On Friday (17th) Kasim plays his first gig on the winter leg of The New Cars Road Rage Tour. The concert is at the Foxwoods Casino in Mashantucket, CT - a venue that he's played several times before.
Kasim's final gig of this week is on Saturday (18th) and is another gig with The New Cars. The concert that evening is back in Atlantic City, NJ (where Kasim played last Friday) but this time at The Borgata.

Kasim Sulton on The Today Show with Meat Loaf - 10/27/06 Photo by Gary "Goat" Goveia (More photos from this set will be added on Wednesday.)
Blog 129 (11/04/06 - 11/12/06)
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