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KasimInfo Site Blog
Blog 127 (10/19/06 - 10/28/06)
Please note that, as time goes by, some of these external links may no longer work - sorry!
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Saturday 28th October 2006
62 days until The Kasim Sulton Band's Holiday Show in New York City.
Kasim on The New Paul O'Grady Show
14.15 - Click here to see photos and the video of Kasim's appearance with Meat Loaf on The New Paul O'Grady Show which was aired on UK television yesterday and recorded last Tuesday.
This link has been added to the Kasim's 2006 Promo Appearances with Meat Loaf page.

New Cars concerts canceled
10.15 - are now listing both the first New York City and the Buffalo, NY concerts as canceled. The dates were 4/11 and 11/13 respectively and Kasim Sulton was not scheduled to play either of these.
No reason is listed and refunds are available from the point of purchase.
The New Cars Tour page has been updated with this info.
Kasim mention on Red Carpet Weekly
06.30 - Kasim Sulton's gig at The Bitter End in New York City on Friday 29th December receives a mention on the Celine Dion page of RedCarpetWeekly! The item is currently the second listed (just under Celine wanting another baby).
The website picks up the news due to the recent press release about Kasim's gig which starts with the phrase "What do Bon Jovi, Todd Rundgren, Mick Jagger, Meat Loaf, Celine Dion, Joan Jett and Hall & Oates have in common? Singer / songwriter Kasim Sulton has played or recorded with them all!".
Friday 27th October 2006
63 days (9 weeks) until The Kasim Sulton Band's Holiday Show in New York City.
Kasim is live on The Today Show this morning.
Kasim will be on The New Paul O'Grady Show on UK TV this afternoon.
Kasim on The Today Show
16.00 - According to one person who attended the event, at The Today Show in Rockefellar Plaza this morning in New York City they played abbreviated performances of Life Is A Lemon, Paradise By The Dashboard Light, It's All Coming Back To Me Now and Anything For Love. Kasim was dressed in all black and looked bitterly cold! Meat Loaf arrived in a Batmobile (with no seat belt!). has the performances of three of the songs streaming. Click the photo of Meat Loaf on the page and the three follow on from each other. have several photos from the event. (Search on Meat Loaf as one word in today's events.) Kasim can be seen behind Meat Loaf in some of the pictures - the best one of him is below.

Kasim and The New Cars
08.30 - On The New Cars official website there is a nice new photo of the band on the main page which includes Kasim Sulton.
The link to Kasim's bio on the website was added back a month or so ago now - previously it was removed almost as soon as he said that he'd left the band. Unfortuntely the link still goes to a page which doesn't exist!
Kasim on The New Paul O'Grady Show
01.00 - For anyone in UK Kasim Sulton's performance with Meat Loaf on The New Paul O'Grady Show (which he recorded on Tuessday) will be screened on Channel 4 at 5.00pm.
Kasim on The Today Show
00.45 - Early (very early!) this morning Kasim Sulton plays The Today Show with Meat Loaf. Their performance will be live from New York City and will air on MSNBC between 8.00am and 9.00am.
They are expected to perform 3 songs live from outside in the Plaza. Unfortunately the temperature is supposed to be 37 degrees and feeling like only 34! Thankfully it's expected to be dry and sunny.
 Kasim's two mentions on Meat Loaf's It's All Coming Back To Me Now single
Thursday 26th October 2006
64 days until The Kasim Sulton Band's Holiday Show in New York City.
Kasim at #1!
17.15 - Apparently Meat Loaf's single (with Marion Raven) It's All Coming Back To Me Now (on which Kasim plays bass and sings background vocals) is at #1 in the singles charts in Norway!
Kasim's gig at The Bitter End
11.15 - Click here to read a press release about Kasim's gig at The Bitter End on 29th December.
The press release includes the phrases "Kasim plans to play 6-10 gigs this winter" and "He has promised a new solo album for late 2007 or early 2008."!
Win VIP Pass to see Kasim on The Today Show
06.15 - Kasim Sulton will be playing live on The Today Show tomorrow morning in New York City and there is a competition for 200 VIP passes to watch the event. Click here for more details (all you have to do is send an e-mail).
More info will be added tomorrow but it seems that they are playing outside in the Plaza and it's expected to be sunny but only 37 degrees and feeling like 34 when they play! Someone has posted to one Meat Loaf mailing list that all the band will be staying at a hotel in the city tonight as they have to be at the Plaza at 6.00am!
Wednesday 25th October 2006
65 days until The Kasim Sulton Band's Holiday Show in New York City.
Posts from Meat Loaf
17.45 - Meat Loaf has made several posts today on his official website regarding all the problems that fans have had purchasing tickets - he seems to have done a lot of work to try to make amends for all the mistakes!
In his post here he says that today he's done 3 hours of press and "now I go to make edits for the today show with the band".
Kasim's gig in Cleveland, Ohio
16.45 - Kasim Sulton's gig at The Beachland Ballroom in Cleveland, Ohio on Friday 26th January is now listed on The Beachland Ballroom website (right at the bottom of the page).
There is also a link from there to purchase tickets online at here. Unfortunately they spell his surname wrong but it does say that doors open at 6.30pm and that under 21s will be omitted with a $2 surcharge.

Meat Loaf Ticket Fiasco
12.30 - Once again there were problems buying tickets through FanFire (the company that runs Meat Loaf's official website - this time for the Meat Loaf concerts in May 2007 which went on sale today.
For The Royal Albert Hall concert last week people couldn't buy seats together using this company so most friends either had to swap tickets or sit apart from the people they went to the concert with. This time people assumed that there wouldn't be the same problem but there was! It was also compounded by the fact that when people put tickets into their shopping basket the software didn't give the exact seat location so fans were buying blind! (There were also reports that lots of people had their cards rejected even when there were funds on the account.)
Tickets went on sale through FanFire at 3.00pm and yet both TicketMaster, TicketLine and the various venues had pre-sales which started at 9.00am this morning. Each of these had good seats available so there was no advantage in waiting for the fan club presale.
Meat Loaf himself has posted here apologising for this and saying that he's been trying to sort it out.
Meanwhile there are already second row seats available for one of the concerts on at way over face value!
Kasim and The New Cars
01.15 - Kasim Sulton has confirmed that he will not be playing The New Cars gig at The NORVA in Norfolk, VA on Sunday 5th November. (Atom Ellis will be playing in his place.) The New Cars 2006 Tour page has been updated with this info.
Although fans in Virginia will be disappointed, it's not surprising that Kasim won't be playing that gig as that week he's playing a TV show and mini-concert in Los Angeles on the Tuesday, a concert in New York City on the Thursday and another concert in Toronto, Canada on the Saturday!
Tuesday 24th October 2006 - This afternoon Kasim Sulton recorded The New Paul O'Grady Show with Meat Loaf in London, England.
66 days until The Kasim Sulton Band's Holiday Show in New York City.
Meat Loaf's 2007 UK Tour
11.15 - Another concert has been added to Meat Loaf's 2007 UK Tour. It's on Thursday 31st May at the Odyssey Arena in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Tickets go on sale tomorrow via
Tickets for all the concerts which have so far been announced (except this concert) in UK go on presale at Meat Loaf's official website tomorrow at 10.00am (3.00pm BST). Tickets for the Dublin concert went on presale today here and it is standing at the front.
Kasim on The New Paul O'Grady Show
04.00 - This afternoon (around 8.00am EST) Kasim Sulton will be recording with Meat Loaf on The New Paul O'Grady Show which is a tea-time entertainment show on Channel 4 (a UK commercial television station that covers the whole country). This show is recorded in London and this episode will be aired on Friday at 5.00pm BST. The Paul O'Grady Show is basically a comedy show with interviews, competitions and musical guests.
Paul O'Grady is a 51 year old guy from the north of England (who still retains quite a strong northern accent) who has hosted this show since 2004. Paul originally became famous for his alter ego - the blonde bombsite Lily Savage but now appears to have retired her. In July this year Paul suffered his second heart attack and was told by his doctors to ease his schedule. Consequently this week he will not be appearing on the show and different "celebrities" will be hosting it instead. Today's show will be hosted by the television presenter Alan Titchmarsh who is famous for presenting programmes on gardening since 1996.

Monday 23rd October 2006
67 days until The Kasim Sulton Band's Holiday Show in New York City.
Kasim scores the Bat Out Of Hell hat-trick!!!
12.45 - Today Meat Loaf's third album in the Bat Out Of Hell trilogy was released in UK (released in Germany last Friday). It's called Bat Out Of Hell III: The Monster Is Loose and Kasim Sulton plays bass and sings background vocals on every track. This makes Kasim Sulton the only musician other than Meat Loaf to be on every track of each of the three Bat Out Of Hell albums!!!
Kasim played bass on all the tracks and sung background vocals on one track of Bat Out Of Hell and he sang background vocals on each track of Bat Out Of Hell II: Back Into Hell.
Bat Out Of Hell III: The Monster Is Loose is released in US on 31st October (next Tuesday). Todd Rundgren arranges the background vocals (and sings) on most of the tracks.
Kasim on Norwegian Television
01.00 - Click here for a two minute clip from Norwegian Television about Marion Raven at the Royal Albert Hall. Kasim Sulton is shown very briefly towards the end of it walking off the stage and then along the corridor talking to Aspen Miller (behind Marion) but the best part is when they're singing It's All Coming Back To Me Now on stage as it shows how great the sound was in some areas at the venue.
Many thanks to Jennifer Salyer for finding this clip (and for spotting that I'm shown in the clip of the audience!!)
Sunday 22nd October 2006
68 days until The Kasim Sulton Band's Holiday Show in New York City.
Kasim in the UK singles charts
14.15 - The Meat Loaf (featuring Marion Raven) single It's All Coming Back To Me Now (written by Jim Steinman) is a new entry at #6 in the Official UK Singles Chart this week which was announced today.
Kasim Sulton plays bass and sings background vocals (which were arranged by Todd Rundgren) on this track. The other track(s) on the single is the intro to Warrior (which isn't listed on the liner notes) into Whore. No musicians are listed on this track but it sounds like it may be a live version of the track in which case Kasim plays bass on the track.
Congratulations to Kasim as (I believe) that this is the first time that he's been in the UK charts with the same song by two different artists! (Celine Dion had a #3 hit with the same song and Kasim sang background vocals on that track.)
The last time that Kasim was in the UK Singles Chart was in 2003 with Couldn't Have Said It Better.
Kasim at The Royal Albert Hall
13.30 - As mentioned here on Wednesday, Kasim Sulton receives a (very brief) mention in a critic's review of The Royal Albert Hall concert in The Independent newspaper (which is a UK broadsheet). Click here to read the review again.
There were also critics reviews of the concert (which don't mention Kasim) in The Times here, the Evening Standard here and The Guardian newspapers.
There are threads from fans about the concert on Meat Loaf's official website here and here. Unfortunately though despite there being 283 posts as I write this, none of them mention Kasim! (I'll add my review soon which will even things up a bit!)
There are a few photos of Kasim in those threads. Direct links to the best ones are:
This photo shows Kasim in his baseball top.
Kasim and Randy Flowers.
Just Kasim.
Kasim in action with Paul Crook.
This link is from high up and shows all the band and orchestra on stage.
This photo shows the backdrop and stage nicely.
Kasim with Paul Crook.
Kasim mid-note!
Kasim surrounded by fans after the concert.
Kasim and fan after the show.
Kasim during Bat Out Of Hell.
Kasim on Strictly Come Dancing
07.00 - Click here to view the full performance by Kasim Sulton (with Meat Loaf) on Strictly Come Dancing last night.
Many thanks to Vicki Pearson of for this link.
Saturday 21st October 2006 - Today Kasim Sulton will be performing at the UK TV show Strictly Come Dancing with Meat Loaf which goes out (almost) live.
69 days until The Kasim Sulton Band's Holiday Show in New York City.
Kasim on Strictly Come Dancing
18.00 - Tonight Kasim Sulton appeared live on the UK TV show Strictly Come Dancing and previous to that there was an old clip of him on Top Of The Pops 2.
Click here for photos and videoclips of both shows.

Kasim falling on stage
11.30 - This link leads to an unusual video of Kasim Sulton on
The video shows Kasim Sulton on Todd Rundgren's Power Trio Tour in 2000 singing Couldn't I Just Tell You. There are some great close-up shots of Kasim during the song.
Towards the end of the song when Kasim and Todd do the scissor kicks, it shows Kasim falling over on his bass cord. The clip doesn't say where it was recorded so it may be the Anaheim concert when he broke his foot (as I only remember him falling once on that tour) but he seems to be laughing about it far more than I remembered (or maybe the pain hadn't started yet).
(If you watch the video to the end the fall is shown from a different camera angle and even again in slow motion!)
Many thanks to Hersh Forman for finding this clip.
Kasim Sulton on Strictly Come Dancing
04.00 - Tonight Kasim Sulton appears with Meat Loaf on the primetime British television show Strictly Come Dancing on BBC1. This is Britain's most popular Saturday night show and has a regular audience of 7.3 million which is an audience share of 35%!
From 1949 until 1998 there was a show on British television called Come Dancing which was a competition over several weeks featuring various areas of Britain competing at ballroom dancing (waltzes, quick step, ch-ch-cha etc). More famous than the contestents were all the tafetta, sequins and satin dresses!
A couple of years ago they reinstated the competition but this time called it Strictly Come Dancing and it now features a professional dancer coupled with a "celebrity". Each week there is a telephone vote and one couple are knocked out. This is only the third week in this series so there are 12 couples left. (Probably the most famous person in the series this time is Emma Bunton who was Baby Spice in The Spice Girls.) This link is for the show's official website. There are two parts to this show - the first part shows the dancing demonstrations for this week and the second part shows the results (it's a phone vote) plus is the part that Kasim will be on. This part airs from 9.35pm until 10.05pm (4.35pm to 5.05pm EST). There's also an old appearance by Meat Loaf on the show just before this one on the channel BBC2 from Top Of The Pops which will hopefully also include Kasim!
This show is recorded in London and most people say that the studio is far smaller than it appears on television. As only Kasim Sulton and Mark Alexander (piano) will be playing in the band tonight there is bound to be some (if not all) recorded music used! Apparently tickets for this whole 13 part television series went within 4 hours and there were over 150,000 applications!
Friday 20th October 2006
Another Meat Loaf concert
14.30 - Kasim Sulton will be playing The Point in Dublin, Ireland on Saturday 2nd June with Meat Loaf. Tickets go on sale on Thursday at 9.00am but concerts at this venue are usually General Admission.
Although the tour starts in US in March, typically tickets for European concerts go on sale 6 - 8 months before a concert whereas in US they go on sale closer to the concert hence the reason that the UK and Ireland dates are being announced first.
Meat Loaf 2007 Concerts
08.00 - The first batch of concerts for the first UK leg of the 2007 Meat Loaf Tour have been announced by They are:
Thursday 10th May - Manchester Evening News Arena, Manchester, England
Monday 14th May - NEC Arena, Birmingham, England
Friday 18th May - SECC, Glasgow, Scotland
Sunday 20th May - Newcastle Arena, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, England
Wednesday 23rd May - Wembley Arena, London, England
Sunday 27th May - Sheffield Arena, Sheffield, England
More dates will be added over the next few weeks and tickets go on presale on Wednesday.
Kasim's Solo gig at The Bitter End
02.00 - Tickets for Kasim Sulton's solo gig on Friday 29th December at The Bitter End in New York City, NY are already on sale online. Click here to purchase them. They are $30 in advance or $35 on the door. The link to purchase the tickets calls it the Kasim Sulton Band Holiday Show!
There's a nice blurb on the ticketing link page too. As the blurb will disappear after the gig, it says:
"What do Bon Jovi, Todd Rundgren, Mick Jagger, Meat Loaf, Celine Dion, Joan Jett and Hall & Oates have in common? Singer / songwriter Kasim Sulton has played or recorded with them all!
As Meat Loaf and The New Cars Road Rage Tours take time off this coming December and January, Kasim has scheduled another series of his own gigs at venues all over the US and on December 29, 2006, he will be opening his 2007 Tour with a very special 90 minute "Holiday Show" at the famed "Bitter End" in New York City. The Bitter End web site is:
Brooklyn-born Sulton started his career playing piano for David Bowie's publicist Cherry Vanilla before joining Todd Rundgren's prog-rock group Utopia in 1976. Kasim played bass and sang vocals in the band for 10 years during which time they released 6 studio albums and Kasim increasingly took on more of the lead vocals. Kasim also wrote their only Top Thirty hit Set Me Free.
Since 1993 Kasim has been with Meat Loaf where he's been his Musical Director since 1998. Kasim also sang or played on both Bat Out Of Hell and Bat Out Of Hell II. The third Bat album "The Monster Is Loose" has just been released and Kasim's bass and distinctive vocals are featured once again in the album's soon to be mega hits: "It's All Coming Back To Me Now", "Alive", "What About Love", "If It Ain't Broke" and "Blind As A Bat".
In recent years Kasim has also been making his name as a producer too having produced the Meat Loaf album StoryTellers in 1999 and Rick Reynolds' album Unstoppable last year. Kasim released his last solo album Quid Pro Quo in 2002 to critical acclaim by both critics and fans alike and in 2003 it won the Viewers Choice Award. He has promised a new solo album for late 2007 or early 2008.
Kasim plans to play 6-10 gigs this winter. He believes that good songs can always be sung with just an acoustic guitar and a voice and he aims to prove that with a selection of his own songs, some from Todd Rundgren and Utopia, plus some he's chosen from The Cars and even Meat Loaf too.
Critics worldwide have heaped praise upon Kasim. Mike O'Cull from, says: "Kasim is a songwriter of uncommon gifts. I cannot recommend this performer highly enough to anyone who is a fan of pop music or singer/songwriters in general. He was simply one of the best I've ever seen". Kasim will be talking on stage about his 31 year career in the music business as well as playing a mixture of his own music, plus songs from his days in Utopia, music from The Cars, Todd Rundgren and even Meat Loaf.
Kasim is thrilled to be able to announce that his good friends, the unique, talented, funny, one of a kind Doug Kennedy ( and Dennis Delguardio will be joining him on stage for this very special night of music, fun, laughter and storytelling.
Show time is promptly at 8:00pm and tickets can be bought at the door for $35 or online for $30."
Thursday 19th October 2006
Kasim Sulton Solo Tour Dates Added!!
17.00 - Two new solo dates have been added for Kasim Sulton in December 2006 and January 2007! They are:
12/29 - The Bitter End, New York City, NY (a Special Holiday Show)
01/26 - The Beachland Ballroom, Cleveland, OH.
More info has been added to the Kasim Sulton 2006 / 2007 Tour page. (A new 2007 page will be added after more dates are announced.)
Meat Loaf 2007 Tour info
09.00 - According to an interview that Meat Loaf did last week in Europe these are his (and therefore Kasim's!) current tour plans for 2007:
March and April - US tour (1st March - tour starts in Florida)
May and June - Europe and UK tour (10th May tour starts in Europe)
July and August - US tour
September and October - Europe and UK tour
Many thanks to RadioMaster for recording this interview.
Kasim at MixFest, Boston
03.45 - The set list and a review of Kasim Sulton's performance with Meat Loaf at MixFest in Boston, MA on 30th September (plus links to reviews and videos) have been added to the Kasim Sulton's 2006 Gigs and Appearances section of the site or click here for the direct link.

Probably the best photo taken all evening of Kasim Sulton at The Royal Albert Hall.
(Photo by Caryl Burton)
Blog 126 (09/30/06 - 10/18/06)
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