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KasimInfo Site Blog
Blog 125 (09/20/06 - 09/29/06)
Please note that, as time goes by, some of these external links may no longer work - sorry!
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Friday 29th September 2006
TONITE Kasim Sulton plays a gig at The Bitter End in New York City, NY!! This afternoon Kasim is in rehearsals with Meat Loaf's band in NYC.
Kasim Sulton's gig at The Bitter End
01.00 - Tonight singer / songwriter Kasim Sulton plays the 12th and final gig of this leg of his own 2006 Tour! (That's counting the two gigs in Schenectady as separate gigs.)
Tonight will be Kasim Sulton's sixth appearance at The Bitter End in his own right and he is expected to play for about an hour from 8.15pm-ish. Kasim is the second act on the bill tonight. The Bitter End is advertised as "New York City's Oldest Rock Club" and has a very prestigious history. Click here to read it all but since 1961 loads of people who are famous names now have played at this venue. Click here to read the list but it includes stars like Woody Allen, Billy Joel, Bob Dylan, Hall & Oates and Stevie Wonder!
One of the defining characteristics of The Bitter End is the brick wall that the stage is set against and the photo above by Jennifer Salyer was taken there at one of the earlier gigs which Kasim Sulton and Doug Kennedy at the venue.
According to one website The Bitter End can hold up to 350 people but it's well arranged so that everyone can see really clearly. There are tables right up to the front of the stage plus booths on the back wall or you can opt to sit at tables to the side area so that you look across the stage. There is also a bar area as soon as you walk into the venue which offers a good view too although you may have to put up with the next band arriving during Kasim's set! This is a venue that offers a good selection of drinks and they are all reasonably priced. If you sit at a table they like you to have a minimum of two drinks but there is no restriction at the bar.
The venue is really easy to find as it's in the center of Greenwich Village. The Bitter End website has a great page of directions which even includes if you're arriving by boat, helicopter or horse! There are also loads of places to park (for cars not helicopters!) in the immediate area too. If you can't find anywhere on the road, in the next block up Bleecker Street there's an underground parking lot which is very reasonably priced.
Kasim and The New Cars
00.45 - According to a post at the end of this thread on, apparently the person who said that Curt Smith was replacing Kasim in the band has admitted that it was all a "joke".
Kasim Sulton 2006 Tour Mileage
00.30 - Tonight is the final gig of this leg of The Kasim Sulton 2006 Tour. More details are above but this gig is in New York City.
This is another local gig for Kasim as (depending on traffic) it should only take him about half an hour by road.
Staten Island to New York City - 16 miles.
Therefore the Total Tour Mileage for Kasim's 2006 Tour is 3,341 miles.
A full analysis of all aspects of the tour will be added next week.

Kasim Sulton October 2006 Calendar
Click here to download a copy to print
(Larger than calendar above)
Thursday 28th September 2006
ONE DAY until Kasim Sulton's gig at The Bitter End in New York City, NY!! Today Kasim is in rehearsals with Meat Loaf's band in NYC.
Kasim and The New Cars - the plot thickens!
17.15 - Or should that be "the speculation grows"?!
There are now two totally opposing threads on two messageboards about Kasim and his possible replacement in The New Cars!
In this thread on the messageboard attached to, Abner has posted that he has it on good authority that Kasim will still be playing gigs as part of The New Cars and that his (part-time) replacement is a musician with the initials AE.
However in this thread on, some people appear sure that Kasim has totally left the band and his (permanent) replacement will be Curt Smith from Tears For Fears!
Previous suggested replacements for Kasim include Doug Powell and Glen Burtnik.
Kasim and The New Cars
16.00 - According to posts on the messageboard attached to by Abner, Kasim Sulton is reported to be "going to try to play as many shows as possible on The New Cars Winter Tour"!
This has not been officially confirmed but if it is true then it makes the fact that any mention of Kasim has been removed from The New Cars official website seem a very strange action. It would also raise the question why his photo was airbrushed out of the recent official press release photos.
(It will also make it difficult for fans of Kasim to make plans (and buy decent seats) if the dates he is playing aren't announced soon. Also with the past history of Meat Loaf's plans frequently changing (especially during the promotion part of an album release), it seems unlikley that Kasim will play any of the first gigs on The New Cars Tour.)
Kasim's 2006 Tour
02.00 - It seems that the news of Kasim Sulton's 2006 Tour has spread to Japan according to Worzel.Blog. This link has an English translation of the page with the amusing errors that automatic translations generate! One translation calls Kasim "the male of the American music (!) but another part calls him "large"!
Wednesday 27th September 2006
2 days until Kasim Sulton's gig at The Bitter End in New York City, NY!! Today Kasim is in rehearsals with Meat Loaf's band in NYC.
Kasim on TV
17.00 - It's slightly short notice but for anyone in UK, Kasim Sulton will be on television in an hour!
The Biography Channel are showing the episode of Classic Albums which was made in 1999 about Bat Out Of Hell.
Click here for more info about the programme.
Message from Kasim's Mailing List
01.30 - Kasim Sulton has sent a message himself to his mailing list overnight reminding people about his solo gig at The Bitter End on Friday. In the message Kasim says that he expects to start his set sometime between 8.30pm and 9.0pm. (Please note that if you're doing a search for the venue, the correct spelling is Bleecker Street.)
If you're not a member of his mailing list, it can be read at this link. Unfortunately there's no longer a link on to join the mailing list but a link can be found at the bottom of this page.
Kasim and The New Cars
01.15 - Despite Kasim Sulton not playing as part of The New Cars at the moment, he's still appearing in lots of press reports about their outcoming tour! Just in the last two days the following appeared: - it includes the phrase "The New Cars feature original members Elliot Easton and Greg Hawkes, rock veterans Kasim Sulton and Prarie Prince and are fronted by legendary singer/producer/songwriter Todd Rundgren". ("Veteran rocker"???) - contains the phrase "The New Cars are taking their new lineup for a fall spin. Original members Elliot Easton and Greg Hawkes, are joind by touring rock veterans Kasim Sulton and Prarie Prince and are now fronted by Todd Rundgren". (This article also says (incorrectly) "It's been nearly 2 years since any version of the band has toured"!!) - it mentions Kasim by name in the blurb plus this website shows the photo of him in the band leaning against Todd.
Kasim is also mentioned (either by name or included in photos of the band) on some of the venue websites.
Interestingly the Meet and Greet packages that are being offered for this leg of the tour (obviously without including Kasim) have generally been halved in price from an average of $400 to $200!
Tuesday 26th September 2006
3 days until Kasim Sulton's gig at The Bitter End in New York City, NY!! Today Kasim is in rehearsals with Meat Loaf's band in NYC.
LA Promo gig
17.30 - According to this link Meat Loaf (and therefore Kasim Sulton and the rest of the band) will be playing a promo gig on Tuesday 31st October in Los Angeles, California.
It's described as "a Mini-concert" and tickets are free and available from the above link or by ringing 866-JIMMYTIX. It appears that the concert will be recorded.
Many thanks to icwuke for this link.
Kasim's gig at The Bitter End
01.15 - Kasim Sulton's gig this coming Friday at The Bitter End in New York City is now listed on amongst all their listings for this month. It's about a quarter of the way down the page and is reproduced below:

Monday 25th September 2006
4 days until Kasim Sulton's gig at The Bitter End in New York City, NY!! Today Kasim is in rehearsals with Meat Loaf's band in NYC.
Kasim's gig at The Bitter End
17.15 - Just to clarify that Kasim Sulton's gig this Friday evening (29th) starts around 8.00pm and not 9.30pm as it says on some pages of the ticketing link.
It appears that they are inadvertently using some info on some of those pages from his gig at the same venue in July and it has been picked up. Kasim's gig there started at 9.30pm in July but this Friday he is the second act on the bill so will be on stage sometime soon after 8.00pm.
More promo for Kasim with Meat Loaf
01.00 - According to the German Meat Loaf Fan Club website more promo has been booked for Meat Loaf in Germany. None of this has yet been confirmed by Meat Loaf's official website Meat (but very little has been confirmed outside of America by them!) and it's not yet known which appearances will include Kasim Sulton:
Thursday 12th October: TV Total (Cologne) - television appearance which may include Kasim. It's unclear whether this is the recording or airing date or both.
Saturday 14th October: Ball Of The Stars (Mannheim) - click here for more info but apparently this is a gala event in aid of a charity and costs over $200 to get in. Kasim will be playing at this event (apparently their set will last about an hour starting at midnight).
Saturday 25th November: Boxkampf Axel Schulz (Halle) - apparently this is a boxing match at the Gerry Weber Stadion (the venue where the Couldn't Have Said It Better Tour started in 2003). On previous ocassions that Meat Loaf has played during boxing matches, it has only involved himself and possibly his female singer so Kasim is unlikely to be involved.
Many thanks to Eva and other members of the German fan club for this info. Whether Kasim will be included in the TV show and the boxing match will hopefully be clarified nearer the time.
Sunday 24th September 2006
5 days until Kasim Sulton's gig at The Bitter End in New York City, NY!! Today Kasim is in rehearsals with Meat Loaf's band in NYC.
Kasim and The Movin' Out Band
06.30 - This link leads to the program for the gala gig which Kasim Sulton played as part of The Movin' Out Band (along with Dennis DelGaudio) on 22nd June in Morristown, NJ. Apparently they played during and after the dessert.
The program is on page 8 of the link above and Kasim's blurb (shown below), with the rest of the band's, is on page 14.

Kasim's gig in Valparaiso, IN
06.15 - For anyone who has been living under the proverbial rock for the past two weeks, Kasim Sulton's gig which he was to have played tonight in Valparaiso, IN has been canceled. Instead it will be played on Sunday 28th January 2007. Only another 18 weeks to wait! (As some of us have been waiting since 2003 for this gig, we're getting quite close now!)
The final gig of this leg of Kasim Sulton's 2006 Tour is on Friday (29th) at The Bitter End in New York City.

Photo of Kasim at The Bitter End in 2002 by Gary "Goat" Goveia
Saturday 23rd September 2006
6 days until Kasim Sulton's gig at The Bitter End in New York City, NY!! Today Kasim is in rehearsals with Meat Loaf's band in NYC.
Banner Retiring
16.30 - As Kasim Sulton is not currently working with The New Cars this banner below is being removed from the front page of (where it's been since June).

Kasim's gig at The Bitter End
10.30 - Advance tickets are now on sale for Kasim Sulton's gig at The Bitter End next Friday evening. Click here to purchase tickets. Tickets in advance are $18 and on the door are $20. All advance tickets purchased means that you can enter the competition to win a KSulton Bass.
The Bitter End website now says that the act before Kasim will start at 7.30pm so presumably Kasim's set will start sometime between 8.00pm and 8.30pm. Doors open at 7.00pm.
 The description from the ticket website has lots of mistakes in it (including Kasim's start time).
Friday 22nd September 2006
1 week until Kasim Sulton's gig at The Bitter End in New York City, NY!! Today Kasim is in rehearsals with Meat Loaf's band in NYC.
Kasim to play Boston next Saturday
18.30 - According to Meat Loaf's official website, he will be playing at MixFest 2006 at the Agganis Arena in Boston, MA next Saturday (30th) at 5.30pm.
This is an annual event organized by the radio station Mix 96.8 and features a number of artists which this year include KT Tunstall, Natasha Bedingfield, Augustana, Rihanna and James Blunt.
Click here for tickets at $40 and $65. It is not known how long Meat Loaf's set will last.
Kasim and Meat Loaf promotion in the United Kingdom
01.30 - According to a post by icwuke on, a number of promotional appearances have already been arranged around the Meat Loaf concert at The Royal Albert Hall in London, England on 16th October.
The full list so far is in the above thread but the appearances which are likely (but not guaranteed) to include Kasim Sulton are:
Wednesday 18th October - Live studio session on Ken Bruce radio show on Radio Two (a UK national radio station which streams on the Internet).
Saturday 21st October - television appearance (expected performance) on Strictly Come Dancing (a primetime TV show).
Wednesday 25th October - television appearance on This Morning (magazine style show on which Kasim has appeared before and which is likely to include a performance).
(Meat Loaf is also appearing on Monday 23rd October on The Paul O'Grady Show but this is expected to only be an interview and no performance so is unlikely to include Kasim).
Wednesday 20th September 2006
9 days until Kasim Sulton's gig at The Bitter End in New York City, NY!! Today Kasim is in rehearsals with Meat Loaf's band in NYC.
Kasim and The Movin' Out Band
02.00 - There's a nice photo of Kasim Sulton and The Movin' Out Band after their benefit concert in Morristown, NJ on 22nd June on (scroll down the page a little way). Dennis DelGaudio is also shown in the photo.
Many thanks to Stephanie Regan for finding this link.

Photo of Kasim Sulton and Patti Russo in Atlantic City in September 2002 by Gary "Goat" Goveia
Blog 124 (09/09/06 - 09/19/06)
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