R.U. Ready 2 Rock Golden Age Of Leather Burnin' For You Shooting Shark Me262 Perfect Water Black Blade Last Days Of May Godzilla (Don't Fear) The Reaper
Summa Cum Laude
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Comments from fans about this gig:
"The Marquee 15 is a really nice place to watch a show. The general admission fans get to stand in front of the dining area. Hahaha, people that paid $65 + an entrée got ripped off!"
"There were two opening acts: Kanaan Road and Souljourners."
"R U Ready 2 Rock: It was fantastic. It's an awesome opener. Something was wrong, though. After a while, Buck's guitar seemed to disappear from his amp onstage. If you listened carefully, you could still hear it in the house, but it was really difficult because of Kasim's thumping bass."
"Golden Age of Leather: Solid version, but I couldn't hear Buck's guitar again. I did get a chance to hear some of Kasim's bass work, though, because it was so loud. This guy is the real deal when it comes to bass players. I get the sense that Rudy Sarzo wasn't the hardest worker in the world when it came to playing every line with perfect accuracy. "
"ME 262: Buck's amp problems have been fixed! Well... temporarily anyway. This was the first song where we had Buck's full crunching guitar lines, and it was glorious. Probably the best version of ME 262 I've ever seen live. "
"Black Blade: Buck's guitar was absent the whole time, but Kasim's fantastic bass work made up for it. I never realized how complex some of those lines are!"
"Godzilla: Andy finally got the amp working (permanently this time) just in time for Kasim's bass solo. As much as I usually lament bass and drum solos, for some reason, I really found myself enjoying these. Jules' solo went on too long, though. "
"Getting autograps: Kasim appeared a few minutes later, hobnobbing with the people that were in my section. I went over there and had a talk with him about how much he's inspired my bass playing. He thanked me and graciously signed my box set."
Videos from this gig:
Shooting Shark
Last Days Of May
Eric Bloom - Guitar / Keyboards and Vocals Buck Dharma - Guitar and Vocals Richie Castellano - Keyboards / Guitar and Vocals Kasim Sulton - Bass and Vocals Jules Radino - Drums
The venue (taken from the KasimInfo.com Blog that day):
Tonight Kasim Sulton will play a gig as part of Blue Öyster Cult at M15 Concert Bar & Grill in Corona, CA.
The venue is located at 9022 Pulsar Ct. Suite H, Corona, CA. The venue has a mixture of seating from the bar area to dinner to VIP booths. Tickets for this gig vary in price from $28.50 to $70.25.
Doors open tonight at 7pm but it is not clear at what time the band will play as there are two opening acts - Souljourners and Kanaan Road.
Kasim Sulton with Blue Öyster Cult 2013 Gigs
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