Stop Breakin Down Kiddie Boy Soul Brother Walking Blues Kindhearted Woman Bleeding Black Maria Last Fair Deal Love In Vain Open My Eyes Mystified / Broke Down and Busted / Mystified Red Hot Sweet Home Chicago Unloved Children I Went To The Mirror Come In My Kitchen Hell Hound Born To Synthesize Weakness #1 Lowest Common Denominator Riverside Crossroads
I Saw The Light "The show in Annapolis was great." "I stood up clapping, as I always do, when Prarie, Jessie, Kasim and Todd took the stage." "Todd's in top form and the guitars were blazing." "Always enjoy Todd's banter with the audience. His band is part of the reason I go as well. Jesse Gress is a guitarist extradordinaire; Kasim doing melodic rhythm on bass; and the magnificent Prairie Prince adding flavors to everything." "I love watching this band perform." "I saw one negative review from a person complaining that Todd didn't play any of his hits within the first hour so they left." "After being welcomed, Todd thanked "The Faithful", whom he described as those who come out to see him play no matter what he's currently doing. Of course, it was packed in the Rams Head, and that's no surprise, and when you see the thinning hair, bald heads and plump bellies in attendance, you know that Todd's fans are life-long, with many folks supporting his 40 year tenure as a unique musician." "So, whaddya do with Robert Johnson tunes? Well, you play them, and there was Prarie setting the beat, Jessie keeping jam time with that left leg of his, Kasim plucking away, and Todd singing and soloing with heart. These guys have been together steadily for almost 3 (?) years through Arena, AWATS, and now Johnson, and they have fun with their vocation, and by turn, the audience grins, laughs, and applauds." "There were plenty of goofy moments with Todd mocking his age, and with the band hamming it up on songs. This is what makes seeing Todd such a delight: he's having fun."
Other websites:
Brent has posted photos of Kasim at this gig here and here.
The venue (taken from the Blog that day):
Tonight Kasim Sulton plays the ninth gig of the Todd Rundgren Johnson's Music Tour. The concert tonight is at Rams Head On Stage in Annapolis, MD and starts at 8pm.
Click here to view the venue website and here to purchase tickets for $56.50 each. A few days ago the best seats available were only a couple of tables back from the stage.
The address of the venue is 33 West Street, Annapolis, Maryland 21401. According to its website Rams Head On Stage is "the fastest growing venue of its size and is currently ranked #1 night club with under 500 seats in the world". This is a 21+ venue.
Kasim Sulton last played at this venue (with Todd Rundgren) on Wednesday 21st October 2009 on Todd's Arena Tour.
This venue is another one which mentions Kasim by name currently on its website (see below). It also states that this gig is recommended "for fans of Elton John, Queen and Fleetwood Mac>" All Rights Reserved |