Black and White Black Maria Open My Eyes Trapped I Saw The Light Mad Afraid Mercenary Gun Courage Weakness Strike Pissin Today Bardo Mountaintop Panic Manup
Love Of The Common Man "I was expecting a rough outing, given they were playing in Norway on Saturday and Seattle on Tuesday, but the band was tight (they have some practice with the material, I'm sure that helps)." "Trapped. I'm glad they did this song, because I've always loved Kasim's creamy voice as a contrast to Todd's. I wish he would sing a little more, though I have to admit his backing vocals were spot on, and as usual blended great not only with Todd, but of course Jessie and Rachel. Kasim's keys and guitar were noticeably more present in the music than the last show, where he had just joined the tour." "The other impression I got was that Kasim and Rachel were really pal-ing around. I think they are comfortable with each other's roles, maybe last time they were not. Remember, the old bass player was just stuck into the room, playing some keys and occasional guitar, maybe it felt threatening to Rachel at the time? Whatever, it's all good now! Almost a flirty tension between them, it was fun to watch." "What a great show. I enjoyed it more than the one I went to last July, probably because I was more familiar with the songs on "Arena" and so was the band." "The band seemed to be in a really good mood and the sound was excellent."
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The venue (taken from the Blog that day):
The address of the vneue is 216 Union Street, Seattle, WA, 98101. Click here to view the venue website. Apparently the venue was a 1920s-era vaudeville theater which has been renovated. The concert tonight starts at 8.00pm. The website has stopped selling tickets online as the tickets have nearly sold out! Tickets are $45 and the opening act is Paul Freeman.
Doors for this concert open at 6.00pm and it is "festival style" which means that other people may also be seated at your table. The venue has an extensive menu (it can be viewed at this link) which "embraces the culinary traditions of China and Southeast Asia. We preserve traditional recipes from the East to create dishes rarely found in the West".
Todd Rundgren last played at this venue on 1st October 2008 and before that on 9th July 2008 (without Kasim). A couple of the reviews at the July gig mentioned that the sound wasn't very good but that it was fine at the October gig.
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