Buffalo Grass
I Hate My Frickin' ISP
Black Maria
Fascist Christ
I Saw The Light
Black And White
Lunatic Fringe
No 1 Lowest Common Denominator
Tiny Demons
Mystified / Broke Down And Busted / Mystified
The Walls Came Down
One World
Worldwide Epiphany

Other websites:
TRConnection.com has some reviews and photos of this gig here.
TRick909 has some photos of this gig here.

Comments posted by fans on mailing lists and messageboards include:
"Todd's band was hot with killer drumming throughout by Prairie and heavy work by Kasim."
"The crowd were seated until a few folks decided to move up front and take it to another level. Todd seemed to like it."
"My ears are still ringing. I can't believe they played that hard and that long without anybody taking a break. I kept waiting for the band to leave Todd alone on stage for a little down-time, but it never happened. Jeez, they're in great shape. I wasn't expecting them to be that tight."

The venue (taken from the KasimInfo.com Blog that day):
Tonight Kasim Sulton plays the fifth of six gigs this month in US as part of Todd Rundgren's band. The concert is at The Handlebar in Greenville, South Carolina.
The gig starts at 8.00pm and tickets can be purchased from this link. This is a General Admission gig.
This menu is described as "a relaxed club atmosphere" plus they also describe it in all their literature as "a listening room" as here the emphasis is on the music. There is a bar in the room but they have a non-smoking policy and food is only served in the restaurant.
The HandleBar opened in September 1994. At 304 East Stone Avenue it is located just three blocks off Main Street in Downtown Greenville between Main Street and Interstate 385. This venue was originally located at the historic Mills Centre but in May 2001 The Handlebar re-opened at its new, larger and more polished venue. To quote the venue, "since its inception The Handlebar has presented more than 2,000 concerts featuring a vast array of musicians, from the legendary to the unknown. Many performers are Grammy Award winners, others are popular favorites. The Handlebar has specialized in presenting a wide variety of musical genres — from rock 'n' roll to blues, from Cajun to reggae, from folk to bluegrass, from jazz to World Beat. Many of the musicians featured at The Handlebar had never performed in Greenville before".
The last time that Kasim Sulton played at this venue was on 24th August 2006 when he played a solo gig here.

Many thanks to Mark for all the photos on this page.

Todd Rundgren 2008 Tour
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