If It Ain't Broke, Break It Out Of The Frying Pan (And Into The Fire) Life Is A Lemon You Took The Words Right Outta My Mouth DeadRinger For Love In The Land Of Pigs (The Butcher Is King) I'm Gonna Love Her For Both Of Us It's All Coming Back To Me Now Rock 'n' Roll Dreams Paradise By The Dashboard Light Bat Out Of Hell
Anything For Love A friend was too ill to make this concert so thanks to her amazing generosity, she gave me her ticket to the Bat Caves and, better still, it was Bat Cave Left so I could stand right near Kasim’s microphone stand! (Most fans who are there to see Meat Loaf have cottoned onto the fact that the best place to see him there is by the central stage extension so the area in front of Kasim was quite free!) Actually being in the Bat Cave is better than I envisaged as, although Meat Loaf stands with his back to the caves for quite a lot of the concert, you can still see him sideways on. However he didn’t interact all that much with the people there (not £109 worth!). The Bat Cave is a great place to see Kasim from but it does mean that he’s a lot further away from the main audience. Security were VERY strict on stopping people taking photos (even on mobile phones) in the Bat Cave and even came in looking for cameras a couple of times when nobody had even taken photos! However 10 feet away the people in the main audience could take them totally unhindered. The concert was advertised as the support act Pearl Aday at 7.30pm, interval at 7.50pm and then Meat Loaf from 8.10pm until 10.50pm. However at about 7.45pm the recording of Meat Loaf’s voice came on to introduce CC Coletti! She played her set (I stayed out in the main crowd for that so that I could walk around a bit) but it was slightly different to the set she played in Dortmund as she only had Randy with her (on guitar and then keyboards) and she sang 6 songs. Her set was pleasant enough but it’s really not my sort of music and by about her third song people around me were chatting quite loudly which was quite rude. She did receive a good round of applause at the end but that was probably because her final words were that Meat Loaf would be out soon. Kasim was doing his Johnny Cash impersonation tonight as he was dressed all in black (black shirt, black trousers and black boots). Kasim started the set with his brown and white bass and then from In The Land Of The Pigs onwards he switched to his black KSulton Bass. I had thought that his brown and white bass (which isn’t a KSulton Bass) was new but after looking at it close up, it’s obviously a well used guitar. It looks wooden and has a couple of chips out of it. The main difference between the two basses is that the brown and white one has five strings and the black KSulton bass has four. For some reason Kasim hardly ventured across to the right hand side of the stage at all tonight. Meat Loaf was obviously having really great fun throughout all the concert tonight! Even before he started singing he was smiling at loads of the band which was nice to see. It was a fun show all the way and continued until 10.50pm so was well over 2 hours long. They even omitted Gimme Shelter which I assume was due to running late. During Break It, Meat Loaf was playing with his inflatable doll and at the end was almost playing peek-a-boo on either side of it with the audience! Meat Loaf had a long and expletive-filled rant against The Sun newspaper tonight and that became a running theme of the concert. Meat Loaf apparently had decided that no newspaper photographers would be allowed at any of the UK concerts last week. The Manchester Evening News ran this story and then the national newspaper The Independent picked this up. Finally last Thursday or Friday The Sun ran with the story but added the reason that photographers had been banned was because Meat Loaf had “piled on the pounds” as they put it. The Sun is Britain’s biggest selling newspaper (circulation is about 8 million) but it’s also Britain’s most trashiest (it makes The National Enquirer looked sophisticated!) and it’s certainly not known for the accuracy of its reporting but rather what makes a good story. (Reporters from The Sun are known to snoop around a non-music messageboard that I frequent and have reported some rumours from fans as articles in their newspapers as facts!) Tonight Meat Loaf had heard that The Sun had said that he had recently put on 80 pounds (almost 6 stone) but he said that he wore 4 pairs of trousers at the concerts in May and the pair he was wearing tonight was one of them so he could still fit in them okay. (Later when he put on a jacket he also said that was a jacket that he wore in May too.) Meat Loaf then went on to say that he was going to all the UK newspapers with 5 pairs of scales and that if he weighed 22 stone he was going to pay The Sun £1 million but if he didn’t then they would have to pay him £5 million. I didn’t really understand that part as the version of the article I read was that it said that he used to weigh 22 stone (back in the 1970s) and I don’t see The Sun agreeing to that arrangement about the money! On the plus side this has generated more publicity for Meat Loaf’s concerts than any he received back in May. Meat Loaf also said that somebody had apparently posted in a review that he was drinking shots through one of the concerts but he showed us the bottle and said that it was Cod Liver Oil. That used to be my mother’s benchmark that if we were sick enough to agree to be dosed with that then we were sick enough to stay off school so I don’t envy Meat Loaf having to drink that! Out Of The Frying Pan (And Into The Fire) was just brilliant again tonight. They only used the projection of fire on the screens but it’s just such a wonderful song that it probably doesn’t need any more stage presentation. When it came to the part of You Took The Words Right Outta My Mouth when the audience sing, the audience needed no encouragement as they were singing their hearts out right from the first bar! Meat Loaf walked back to the stage and got a stool which he sat on at the end of the centre projection listening to the crowd with a smile on his face! He then called out “Kasim” ! I thought he was going to get him to sing but instead he told Kasim to play bass along with the crowd which was brilliant to hear! He then brought Randy and Mark in too. They’ve worked out a better stage presentation for DeadRinger For Love since Dortmund as tonight CC and Aspen came out with drinks and sat chatting and drinking on the left hand side speaker. Meat Loaf then pointed them out to Paul, Kasim and Randy before they started singing the song. At the end of the song CC starts to come onto Meat Loaf but he walks over to where the girls had left their cups and says that it is beer and that he can get a girl anytime but not free beer! (During the part when Kasim, Randy and Paul all play together and it emphasises Kasim’s bass, they all stood by Kasim’s microphone stand so even then Kasim didn’t move across to the right.) There were a few technical problems with the video screens during In The Land Of The Pigs as at first they only used the two side screens and not the 3 that they had lowered above the backdrop. They then got that sorted out but later in the song all the screens stopped working! When I saw this tour in Dortmund, I was too amazed to hear that they were actually playing I’m Gonna Love Her For Both Of Us to really take much notice of the arrangement but tonight the highlight for me was that Kasim starts the song with several bars of just bass which is wonderful to hear! That’s definitely a highlight of the concert for me! Rock ‘n’ Roll Dreams was brilliant again tonight (as always!). I’ve always liked that song but the live version (especially when they keep on and on playing at the end) is just amazing to watch. A funny part tonight was that Paul was playing at his side of the stage when he realised that it was the part when he and Randy Flowers are supposed to play up the centre projection together so he ran across the stage to get there in time. Meat Loaf then mimicked him by running across to Paul’s side of the stage in a mad dash! Meat Loaf said once on stage in US this summer that when he sings the Paradise By The Dashboard Light part after he’s been chatting that it’s difficult to hit that note (he didn’t on that occasion!) but tonight he hit it perfectly! There was also a part later in Anything For Love when he sang the word “I” a few times and each time he sang it spot-on and his voice sounded really strong. Thankfully Paradise wasn’t too long tonight but the most unsettling part of the song for me was that when Meat Loaf sat on the speaker to chat, I turned around to look at him and his groin was right at my eye level! Bat Out Of Hell was just brilliant as always! They then all bowed and left the stage. It was a slightly longer break than usual but they came back for Anything For Love. That is the one song that Kasim goes along the stage projections (the middle one) but tonight he started to walk along it and stopped and returned to the stage (he’d only gone about a foot) as something was amiss (I wondered if maybe his bass wasn’t switched on). After whistling (very!) loudly to get the guys off-stage attention and they corrected the problem, he then walked back out! After BOOH they sang Mercury Blues which was fun to see. There’s a part in that song that for months Paul has let Aspen to strum his guitar with a pic and tonight Kasim walked across to CC and let her strum his bass too. Also during the song the two girls went and sat on Mark’s piano stool for a while. Another nice part in that song was that someone in the audience gave Meat Loaf some roses and he bowed down to whoever it was! Meat Loaf then said goodbye to the crowd and left the stage leaving the band to play the final few notes. I would imagine the reason they didn’t play Gimme Shelter (and that Meat Loaf didn’t introduce the band) was that the concert was over-running. All in all I thought this was a really great concert and it bodes well for some great concerts in England over the next week or so! I still don’t like the Bat Cave idea (although at double the normal ticket price, it’s obviously very lucrative for Meat Loaf!) but it was interesting having experienced it. I went to a different concert last weekend and, although the band were great, their bass player just stood back at the drums all evening staring at the floor, not making eye contact at all. Although Kasim didn’t move around the stage as much tonight as he usually does, the contrast between the two was amazing! Roll on Newcastle on Tuesday!
Comments from fans on various messageboards and mailing lists include:
Meat Loaf:
Other websites:
The venue (taken from the KasimInfo.com Blog that day):
According to the venue website, doors open at 6.30pm with the support act (Meat Loaf's daughter Pearl AdayMeat Loaf's set is supposed to last from 8.10pm until 10.30pm (15.10 to 17.30 NYC time). Bat Cave tickets were also sold for this concert at £109 (about $200).
This concert is mainly a standing concert (but with seating at the back) and tickets are £37.50 to £45 (about $65 to $85). The website says that the availablity of tickets is "good" which is not good news for ticket sales! Apparently Donny Osmond played here last night and it was sold out (although that may have been a seated concert).
Kasim Sulton has played at this venue lots of times over the past few years (with Meat Loaf). The last time that Kasim was here was on Friday 18th May 2007.
This venue is Scotland's national venue for public events and it has five main exhibition halls of area up to 10,000 m². It is probably best known for hosting its concerts with acts such as The Rolling Stones, U2, Oasis, Genesis, Kylie Minogue, Sting and many others with concerts taking place almost every other night. When it is fully seated it holds 8,200.
The SECC was built in 1985 and has the nickname among locals of "The Big Red Shed", owing to its outward appearance which resembled a giant red painted warehouse. However the nickname has become redundant following the building being repainted grey in recent years!
Click here to view the venue website.
Meat Loaf Bat Out Of Hell III Tour
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