All Revved Up (part)
If It Ain't Broke, Break It
Out Of The Frying Pan (And Into The Fire)
Life Is A Lemon
You Took The Words Right Outta My Mouth
In The Land Of Pigs (The Butcher Is King)
Anything For Love
Rock 'n' Roll Dreams
Alive (recorded)
Paradise By The Dashboard Light
Bat Out Of Hell
Black Betty
Mercury Blues
Gimme Shelter

Review by SueW:
Not really a review today as it’s already 2.30am and I have to get up at 6.30am tomorrow for an 8 hour drive.
I’d booked this concert late (only once Kasim’s solo gig last night was booked) so my seat was a fair way back. Thankfully it was totally unrestricted so for once I could see the whole display on stage and the lights are really impressive (although I prefer to be close enough to see the whites of Kasim’s eyes!).
This venue apparently seats 5,000 people and it has a VERY wide stage….probably wider than any I’ve seen in UK at those arenas. Near the start of Frying Pan, Kasim went right along the apron of stage left and there was no chance of him getting back anywhere near his microphone in time for the next line of the song as it was so wide!
Before the concert they announced several times that no photography was allowed so I just snapped a few shots during Gimme Shelter.
Tonight Kasim was bounding all over the stage again, especially at the beginning of the concert! He was even jumping up and down a bit during one song!
Meat Loaf’s voice started out really strong (and I thought slightly deeper than normal) but sadly that didn’t last and he seemed to struggle in songs like Anything For Love and part of Paradise By The Dashboard Light. He seemed to me as though he needed to have really good cough! (I wasn't the only person who said this afterwards too.)
I thought Paradise By The Dashboard Light was to padded again today and I was surprised that they didn’t say anything about Phil Rizzuto (the sports commentator who did the play by play part in the middle of the song) as he died earlier this week.
During Life Is A Lemon CC’s microphone wasn't switched on properly so the “What about sex” and “What about your friends” lines were missing.
Kasim wore that lovely velvety black jacket of his with a black jumper underneath before he switched to his normal (if it can be called normal!) blue and white smock-top for Paradise and then he wore a black shirt for the end of the concert. He wore black trousers throughout. Tonight Kasim seemed to be playing bass tag as I think he switched between his pearl bass and his black KSulton Bass about 4 times!
The singing by the audience during You Took The Words was very bad so Meat Loaf did his walking off stage thing. He then got Kasim to start the singing again (which was brilliant to hear!) and then the audience got lost a bit so Kasim had to sing it again! That made my night!
Meat Loaf is well known for his hand holding his microphone shaking while he’s singing (fans always say that it’s the emotion he puts into the song) but tonight at one point during Paradise By The Dashboard Light when he was just bantering with Aspen, his hand was shaking really badly (which I’ve not seen before) so he switched the microphone to his other hand.
Apart from some people standing at the front, for the majority of the concert the crowd stayed seated. They got up briefly during You Took The Words and then sat until the end of the Bat Out Of Hell and stood for the encore. Four people near me left after Rock ‘n’ Dreams but what was more worrying was that a good 50 people left at the end of Paradise (even before Bat Out Of Hell).
I really enjoyed the concert tonight but I didn’t think that it was one of the best that I’ve seen since on this tour.
Roll on Atlantic City on Saturday!

Other websites:
Meat Loaf's official website has a thread about this concert here.

Meat Loaf Bat Out Of Hell III Tour
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