Set List:
Buffalo Grass
Fascist Christ
I Hate My Frickin' ISP
While My Guitar Gently Weeps
God Said
Solo Todd:
Beloved Infidel
Lunatic Fringe
Band without Todd:
Green Onions
Band and Todd:
Soul Brother
Love Science
Born To Synthesize
Feel It
For The Want Of A Nail
Hello It's Me
Just One Victory

Comments by SueW
No time to write a full review as 6 concerts in 9 days (plus work) means lack of time! Instead I'll just add a few comments.
- Last night my row D seats were in the 7th row, tonight they were in the 3rd!
- After 3 concerts of not knowing anyone, it made a nice change to meet up with people from the KasimInfo.com messageboard, the BeyondAwizard mailing list and the TRConnection messageboard.
- The merchandise stand said that they couldn't sell Quid Pro Quo there as there was a music store in the complex...unfortunately the music store weren't stocking the album!
- The music store was selling the San Francisco 2000 DVD and were playing it. As they had a tape of Liars playing, it looked like Todd, Kasim and Trey were miming very badly!
- I was almost right in the middle of the row and for me the sound was perfect. However my friend who was on the end of an aisle said that the sound for him was dreadful. The Royal Festival Hall is about to start a multi-million pound refurbishment to improve the acoustics.
- Kasim wore his glasses through the whole show tonight. During the first two songs he wore his hat (for the first time in Europe). In the second half he wore a new suit. He described it as mustard but it looked cream coloured. As it had a waistcoat too, he didn't wear the jacket for too long!
- Todd didn't talk much at all tonight. Nothing in the first half (no intro to IHMFISP) and not as much as normal in the second.
- Kasim played another bass solo (see the video clips) and it was brilliant! Of course, Todd ribbed him a bit afterwards and said that he was only playing it because he wanted to hear what it sounded like in that kind of a hall. He then joked that Kasim had been begging for a bass solo as he'd been playing with Meat Loaf for so long. However during his solo, loads of people were clapping along and when they came on for one of the encores someone called out for another bass solo!
- At the end of Jesse's solo in BTS he broke a string. As Jeff Gauss (Weavil) wasn't around(!), Jesse just stood in his pod and replaced it himself.
- No Temporary Insanity tonight but we did have Love Science. During that song Kasim went and stood in Jesse's pod for a while and shared his microphone.
- For some reason during Prairie's drum solo in Green Onions, Kasim went and stood on the side of the stage.
- Randy came on stage again to mop Todd's brow - "dap, don't smear"!
- The audience stood for the beginning of HIM but then sat again. They got up for JOV and several rows of people stood at the front of the stage. Todd went along the line shaking hands with most people. There was talk afterwards that some over-zealous stewards were getting people to sit during the set!
- It seem such a contrast going from nightclubs to orchestra venues!
- Todd sings an amazing number of words in the show! Considering how much strain there must be on his voice (especially with the song Liars) it sounds very strong still.
- Kasim and Jesse again stayed in their pods during JOV!
- Kasim had some trouble with his guitar strap at one point so a tech had to fix it for him while he continued playing. At one point Todd's computer keyboard fell down and knocked over a bottle of water.
- Someone throw a bunch of flowers on stage for Todd at the end so, as Todd had already walked off stage, Kasim picked them up and said that he would give them to him.
- Bristol still sang the loudest Mother F*****s!
Roll on Glasgow on Saturday....

Kasim and Jesse sharing a microphone in Love Science

Yes, there was more than just Kasim and Todd on stage!

Video Clips
These are all 15 second video clips which will take less than 5 minutes to download each on dial-up:
Kasim's bass solo - the lighting isn't good but the music is brilliant!
More of Kasim's bass solo
More of Kasim's bass solo
More of Kasim's bass solo
More of Kasim's bass solo
More of Kasim's bass solo
Kasim waking up Todd

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