The show: Truth Buffalo Grass Mammon Fascist Christ I Hate My Frickin' ISP Unloved Children While My Guitar Gently Weeps Temporary Sanity God Said Liar
Solo Todd:
Band without Todd:
Band and Todd:
I won't bore you with the personal details. Todd looked great, sounded great, and played hard. He still HAS IT. The meet and greet was a lot of fun, esp. meeting fans I have been chatting with for years. The light show is awesome. There was a standing ovation for As My Guitar Gently Weeps, not the only one. He can still wail on foamy folks! The crowd rushed the stage when Todd did the Jetsons Theme Song, Todd wondered if Judy was the code word to rush the stage. His orange pimp suit is the greatest! Dug the pink suits on Kasim and Jesse also. There were 2 encores. This is definitely the return of Todd #1 The Rock Star. He is on track with the lights, sound, costumes, his voice is rich. There was certainly a Love Fest in the air for this band. I haven't seen this much energy come out of a Todd concert for years.
They played 2 hrs 45 mins from 7:30-10:15. It was a long full concert!
For more reviews of this concert, see Comments about Kasim at this concert taken from that site include:
Many thanks to Michele Kotlarsky for all the photos on this page All Rights Reserved |