Wasted Youth Speech Do It! Life Is A Lemon Tear Me Down All Revved Up Testify Love You Out Loud Anything For Love Couldn't Have Said It Better You Took The Words Right Outta My Mouth Two Out Of Three Ain't Bad Out Of The Frying Pan (And Into The Fire) Bat Out Of Hell
Mercury Blues ![]()
This was my first show of the “last” world tour, and I was really excited to see the new band members and hear the new songs live. I still haven’t figured out which other show(s) I’m going to get to, but I’m leaning towards a casino show so I can see the special effects I’ve heard so much about during “Do It!”
Anyhow - the day was actually not too hot for July in the Midwest. Elaine and I spent some time sightseeing and grabbed a bite of lunch before heading South to the Fair. But that’s not what most of you want to read about - if you’re really interested in the adventures of Kasim-bear, you can visit bookgirl.net in a few days and I’ll have some of the pictures and captions up…
Once we got to the fair, we spent some time wandering, trying to figure out where to pick up our tickets later, and generally getting our bearings. After a couple of hours, we parked ourselves under a tree and waited for Terry and Jules to come along. I knew what they were wearing (a ML Summer Just Having Fun t-shirt for Terry and a Rock On Fire Ball shirt for Jules), so when they came walking over I was able to wave them over. We sat in the shade for a little longer and got acquainted. After a little while, we moved into the fair to grab some dinner and check out the sound check. That was when we first caught sight of Da Man himself, Kasim Sulton, walking around on stage and checking things out. He was wearing a faded pair of jeans and a short sleeved shirt. Turns out it was light green with maroon stripes, but I couldn’t have told you that at the time.
![]() The roadies continued to adjust mics and equipment. A few minutes later, the ushers cleared everyone out of the stands. They told us that if there was anyone in the seats, contractually the band could walk out and refuse to appear. No one wanted that so we politely walked outside the stands and into the grassy area 5 feet away. That seemed to be fine, so we hung out for a little longer. To our disappointment, several band members came out onto the stage (John, Patti, Paul and Randy) but no one picked up their instruments. The drag races ran late so they couldn’t do a full sound check. This would ultimately keep Kasim from opening as well.
![]() After a few minutes, we sussed out that the band was not coming out to warm up. I looked over to the South (it was backstage to our right, seemed south to me!?) and I said to Terry, “Isn’t that Kasim on that horse?” I pointed in that direction and he said “I don’t know, do you think?” We eventually agreed that it was and I started snapping photos. Only a couple of them turned out and you have to know where to look, but I swear it is Kasim Sulton on a horse… Patti and Renee each took a turn as well. At least I think it was Renee! Didn’t get any photos of them…
![]() A couple of hours later the show was starting. Elaine and I were ensconced in out 19th row seats, while Terry and Jules were in the 5th row or something. I am sure we had very different views of the concert. I was pretty focused stage right (gee, wonder why!) and Elaine was trying to follow Meat Loaf around the stage. She’d traded seats with me so I’d have a better view, bless her heart, and was behind a tall dancing person who kept moving into her line of sight. As you may recall from previous reviews, I don’t do a song by song review really. I’m too busy in the moment enjoying what’s going on to get it right. I’ll just go through what I remember and let you see the concert through my eyes… We watched the band trickle onto the stage and take their positions in the tents on either side of the stage. Kasim was wearing a white shirt, Marc was in white and orange and the rest of the band members were in black (or black and white - Patti)… I’m not a fan of Do It!, but it really does work live. I enjoyed watching Kasim take the stage and move about listening to the levels, motioning for different things to be raised or lowered. There seemed to be something wrong with his black (?) bass as he handed it off to Charlie quite early on and has something to say about what he thought needed to be fixed. Apparently Charlie got it sorted out quickly as Kasim switched guitars more frequently than usual for the first few songs then things settled down. There were obvious moments where the band had to know which version of the song they were playing - I would see Kasim head to the center of the stage in front of John’s drum riser and make a big motion to cut off the chord or hold up so many fingers to let the band know which version to switch to in their heads. As always, it was fascinating to watch him take this crazy thing called a Meat Loaf show and keep it running like clockwork.
![]() Testify is probably my newest favorite song off the new album - seeing it live is really an experience. I could live without the Meat Loaf theatrics, but I know that’s what most people come for. I used the time to watch Kasim and wonder what goes through his head while Meat prattles on. I know sometimes he takes that “down time” sneak off stage for a cigarette! The opening chords to Love You Out Loud were like nothing else - I know why it’s Kasim’s favorite song to play live (according to one of our recent chats with him). The way it all fits together and the harmonies and the beat and the lighting… just everything about it is magical. And the old standards were well received. I never mind singing along to the Paradise or BOOH choruses. My one regret is that they don’t really play anything off Welcome to the Neighborhood - I’ve been on a big WTTN kick lately and can see 45 Seconds or I’d Lie For You being really hot live… At the end of the show a couple of drunk/overly happy fans jumped on the stage. One woman headed for John, and Kasim had to stop playing to drag her off the stage by the arm. He barely missed a beat. A rather obnoxious man took a spot in front of Kasim and Randy and danced around without a shirt. Kasim was visibly upset and motioned strongly to him to get off the stage. Thankfully, he went and there were no further incidents. I was never so embarrassed for the state of Iowa… I’m sure it happens elsewhere but why oh why did it have to happen at “my” show??
![]() Afterwards, Elaine and I waited patiently for Kasim to come say hi. We were so glad he’d had some time to cool off (literally and figuratively) and spent several moments just telling him how much we enjoyed the show and catching up. He was his usual charming self and signed a few things for fans at the fence before whisking us backstage to talk a little more privately. Kasim went to chat with some more fans who had gathered at the fence hoping to see Meat Loaf. John joined him for a while. Elaine and I took that time to say hi to Paul, Randy and Marc. Afterwards, Kasim returned to sign our souvenirs and take a couple of photos. All too soon it was time to go. We thanked Kasim one last time for all his time and said our farewells. He left to get on the bus and we headed back to the motel. It was truly a great evening, made even better by the hug at the end of the evening from Kasim. I’m definitely considering making the trek in September to see them play at the casino in Minnesota… If I make it there, you will be the first to know!
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